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Electroporation-based mono-gene therapy has received great interest in recent years but coadministration of different therapeutic genes for treatment of tumors has not been well explored. We hypothesize that electroporation is capable of delivering multiple genes that induce an additive or synergistic antitumor effect. To test this hypothesis, we used mice that were bearing SCCVII or TRAMP tumors. Established tumors with a diameter of 4-5 mm were injected with control plasmid DNA or plasmid DNA encoding B7.1, IL-12 or both via electroporation. Tumor regression, CTL activity and the level of B7.1, IL-12 and Stat1 expression were determined in both wild-type mice and in mice with a knock-out of the Stat1 gene. Remarkably, a single coadministration of the plasmids that encoded IL-12 and B7.1 eradicated tumors in 80% of mice. The therapeutic effect was associated with high levels of endogenous B7.1 expression, activity of cytotoxic lymphocytes, and activation of Stat1. Both exogenous B7.1 and IL-12 were required for inducing a high level of Stat1 activation in tumors, which occurred through a mechanism that was independent of the host Stat1. Both stimulators were also required for inducing the strong cytotoxic lymphocyte activity and for increasing the level and extending the duration of endogenous B7.1 expression. We therefore propose a 2-signal stimulation model to explain the synergistic effect of the coadministration of IL-12 and B7.1 on the regression of the tumors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate antitumour activity of cisplatin, dacarbasine, cyclophosphamide and a new compound from the nitrosourea group - acetamido-CNU ((2-chloroethyl)-1-nitroso-3-(methylenecarboxamido)-urea) - applied with or without local hyperthermia (43.5°C/60 min). The tumour model for the investigation of antitumour activity was a mouse melanoma B16 transplanted into the footpad. Dacarbasine, cyclophosphamide and acetamido-CNU applied as a single treatment had statistically significant antitumour activity, while cisplatin applied as a single agent had no effect. Local hyperthermia alone had statistically significant antitumour activity. The best therapeutic effect (synergistic) was obtained when combined treatment (cytotoxins plus local hyperthermia) was used. Synergistic therapeutic results were achieved even when cisplatin and hyperthermia were combined, although cisplatin was ineffective when given as a single agent. Therapeutic results achieved with acetamido-CNU (newly synthesized compound) applied alone were similar to the therapeutic results achieved with dacarbasine or cyclophosphamide. In combined therapy (acetamido-CNU + HT), achieved therapeutic results were significantly better ( p <0.05) than results achieved by combining cisplatin and hyperthermia or dacarbasine and hyperthermia.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to use a non-viral gene transfer system, in vivo electroporation, in oral cancer cell B88 xenografts. To evaluate this in vivo gene transfer method, the GFP gene was transfected into xenografts by electroporation. Then, the efficiency of transfection of exogenous p27Kip1 gene by electroporation was confirmed by Western blot analysis. Next, to estimate the reduction of oral cancer xenografts by this method, we measured the size of B88 xenografts in nude mice after electroporation with the wild- or mutant-type p27Kip1 gene. The growth of tumors was markedly suppressed by mutant-type p27Kip1 gene transfection by electroporation compared with transfection of wild-type p27Kip1 gene or empty vector only. Moreover, histological specimens revealed apoptotic cell death was increased in mutant-type p27Kip1-transfected tumors compared to wild-type or empty vector only. These results suggest that it is possible to transfer mutant-type p27Kip1 into oral cancer xenografts using electroporation and to suppress the growth of tumors, furthermore, it is suggested that this system might be used for oral cancer.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate antitumour activity of cisplatin, dacarbasine, cyclophosphamide and a new compound from the nitrosourea group--acetamido-CNU ((2-chloroethyl)-1-nitroso-3-(methylenecarboxamido)-urea)--applied with or without local hyperthermia (43.5 degrees C/60 min). The tumour model for the investigation of antitumour activity was a mouse melanoma B16 transplanted into the footpad. Dacarbasine, cyclophosphamide and acetamido-CNU applied as a single treatment had statistically significant antitumour activity, while cisplatin applied as a single agent had no effect. Local hyperthermia alone had statistically significant antitumour activity. The best therapeutic effect (synergistic) was obtained when combined treatment (cytotoxins plus local hyperthermia) was used. Synergistic therapeutic results were achieved even when cisplatin and hyperthermia were combined, although cisplatin was ineffective when given as a single agent. Therapeutic results achieved with acetamido-CNU (newly synthesized compound) applied alone were similar to the therapeutic results achieved with dacarbasine or cyclophosphamide. In combined therapy (acetamido-CNU + HT), achieved therapeutic results were significantly better (p < 0.05) than results achieved by combining cisplatin and hyperthermia or dacarbasine and hyperthermia.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The coagulation trigger tissue factor has been implicated in tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis. In this study, we explore the effects of ex vivo and in vivo delivery of short interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting tissue factor on B16 melanoma colonization of the lung in a murine model for metastasis. The purposes of this work are to establish a noncytotoxic in vivo model for investigation of tissue factor function and provide preclinical assessment of the therapeutic potential of tissue factor siRNA for prevention of metastasis. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND RESULTS: C57BL/6 mice were evaluated for pulmonary metastases following tail vein injection of B16 cells transfected with either active or inactive siRNA. Mice receiving cells transfected with active siRNA had significantly lower numbers of pulmonary tumors compared with mice injected with control cells (transfected with inactive siRNA). The average time point at which the mice started to exhibit tumor-associated stress was also increased significantly from 22 days for the control group to 27 days for the experimental group (P = 0.01). In a therapeutically more relevant model, where the siRNA was delivered i.p. and the cells (untransfected) by tail vein injection, an inhibitory effect on metastasis was observed when the siRNA treatment was initiated either before or at the time of cell injection. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that tissue factor has a crucial function in promoting lung tumor metastasis of blood-borne tumor cells in the early stages of the tumor take process and further suggest that treatment with tissue factor siRNA may become a viable clinical strategy for prevention of tumor metastasis.  相似文献   

Dietary glycine inhibited hepatocyte proliferation in response to the carcinogen WY-14,643. Since increased cell replication is associated with hepatic cancer caused by WY-14,643, glycine may have anti-cancer properties. Therefore, these experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that dietary glycine would inhibit the growth of tumors arising from B16 melanoma cells implanted subcutaneously in mice. C57BL/6 mice were fed diet supplemented with 5% glycine and 15% casein or control diet (20% casein) for 3 days prior to subcutaneous implantation of B16 tumor cells. Tumor volume was estimated from tumor diameter for 14 days. Tumors were excised, weighed and sectioned for histology post-mortem. B16 cells and endothelial cells were cultured in vitro to assess effects of glycine on cell growth. Statistical tests were two-sided and a P-value of 0.05 was defined as a significant difference between groups. Weight gain did not differ between mice fed control and glycine-containing diets. B16 tumors grew rapidly in mice fed control diet; however, in mice fed glycine diet, tumor size was 50-75% less. At the time of death, tumors from glycine-fed mice weighed nearly 65% less than tumors from mice fed control diet (P < 0.05). Glycine (0.01-10 mM) did not effect growth rates of B16 cells in vitro. Moreover, tumor volume and mitotic index of B16 tumors in vivo did not differ 2 days after implantation when tumors were small enough to be independent of vascularization. After 14 days, tumors from mice fed dietary glycine had 70% fewer arteries (P < 0.05). Furthermore, glycine (0.01-10 mM) inhibited the growth of endothelial cells in vitro in a dose-dependent manner (P < 0.05; IC50 = 0.05 mM). These data support the hypothesis that dietary glycine prevents tumor growth in vivo by inhibiting angiogenesis through mechanisms involving inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The effects of DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, on the growth of experimental mouse B16-F10 melanoma cells were investigated. DFMO (3%) in drinking water was administered to B16-F10 melanoma-bearing mice. At 24 days, B16-F10 melanomas in DFMO-fed mice weighed 75% less than those in control mice (p less than 0.001). DFMO reduced putrescine and spermidine levels in B16-F10 melanoma by 98% and 84%, respectively, and prolonged the mean survival time from 25.9 +/- 1.2 to 35.7 +/- 2.2 days (p less than 0.001). The effects of DFMO on experimental metastasis were also investigated. DFMO treatment resulted in a significant decrease in pulmonary metastasis induced by i.v. injection of B16-F10 melanoma cells.  相似文献   

Selective delivery of cytotoxic anti-neoplastic drugs can diminish the severe side-effects associated with these drugs. Many malignant tumours express high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors on their membranes. Therefore, LDL may be used as a carrier to obtain selective delivery of anti-neoplastic drugs to tumours. The present study was performed to investigate the feasibility of the murine B16 tumour/mouse model for the evaluation of LDL-mediated tumour therapy. LDL binds with high affinity to LDL receptors on cultured B16 cells (Kd, 5.9 +/- 2.3 micrograms ml-1; Bmax 206 +/- 23 ng LDL mg-1 cell protein). After binding and internalisation, LDL was very efficiently degraded: 724 +/- 19 ng LDL mg-1 cell protein h-1. Chloroquine and ammonium chloride completely inhibited the degradation of LDL by the B16 cells, indicating involvement of lysosomes. LDL receptors were down-regulated by 70% after preincubation of B16 cells with 300 micrograms ml-1 LDL, indicating that their expression is regulated by intracellular cholesterol. To evaluate the uptake of LDL by the B16 tumour in vivo, tissue distribution studies were performed in C57/B1 mice inoculated with B16 tumours. For these experiments, LDL was radiolabelled with tyramine cellobiose, a non-degradable label, which is retained in cells after uptake. At 24 h after injection of LDL, the liver, adrenals and the spleen were found to be the major organs involved in LDL uptake, with tissue-serum (T/S) ratios of 0.82 +/- 0.08, 1.17 +/- 0.20 and 0.69 +/- 0.08 respectively. Of all the other tissues, the tumour showed the highest uptake of LDL (T/S ratio of 0.40 +/- 0.07). A large part of the LDL uptake was receptor mediated, as the uptake of methylated LDL was much lower. Although the LDL uptake by the liver, spleen and adrenals is higher than that by the tumour, the LDL receptor-mediated uptake by these organs may be selectively down-regulated by methods that do not affect the expression of LDL receptors on tumour cells. It is concluded that the B16 tumour-bearing mouse constitutes a good model to evaluate the effectiveness of LDL-mediated delivery of cytotoxic (pro)drugs to tumours in vivo.  相似文献   

Purpose: To test the utility of [19F]-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for studying the kinetics of local drug disposition after interstitial application in vivo. Methods: Floxuridine at 30 μmol (2.5% of the reported i.p. 50% lethal dose, LD50) was injected into rats either intratumorally (Morris hepatoma M3924A) or s.c. [19F]-NMR spectra were obtained at the site of administration for up to 5 h after injection using a 2-cm diameter surface coil at 2.0 T. Signal-time data obtained for floxuridine and the metabolite 5-fluorouracil were analyzed using linear compartment models. Results: The lower limit for the quantitation of drug remaining at the site of administration was 1 μmol for tumors and 0.2 μmol for the s.c. injection site. Local drug disposition was biexponential in four of six tumors where the half-lives of the fast and slow components of disposition ranged from 4 to 26 and from 33 to 289 min, respectively. It was monoexponential in the remaining two tumors (half-lives 49 and 128 min) and in the s.c. injection experiments (n = 4, half-life 6–9 min). 5-Fluorouracil could be quantitated in three of six tumors; the estimated fraction of floxuridine converted intratumorally into 5-fluorouracil was 11–23%. α-Fluoro-β-alanine was detected in the sum spectra of three of the six tumours. Conclusions: Local drug-disposition kinetics after interstitial application can be monitored noninvasively by in vivo [19F]-NMR spectroscopy. Disposition kinetics after local injection is highly variable and has a slow component in this tumor, whereas it is much less variable and relatively fast in subcutaneous tissue. The results suggest that NMR spectroscopy may be useful for in vivo studies of drug release from depot preparations designed for interstitial application. Received: 7 August 1998 / Accepted: 17 December 1998  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of theophylline on neovascularization and tumor regression in murine B16F10 melanoma. Theophylline had no direct toxicity to host and significantly reduced (p < 0.001) tumor volume and neovascularization in B16F10 melanoma implanted murine model. The effect of theophylline on neovascularization was observed distinctly in histologic analysis. This effect is mediated, in part by blocking endothelial cell proliferation, thereby preventing neovascularization of the tumor. Further investigations with theophylline can elucidate the exact mechanism of action which characterize neovascularization activity.  相似文献   

Groups of mice were pretreated with varying dosages of BCG, then injected with B16 melanoma cells. In mice pretreated with high-dose (0.5 mg) BCG, the tumor grew at an accelerated rate, whereas with low-dose (0.005 mg) BCG, the tumor grew at a reduced rate when compared to growth in control mice. These data show that BCG could, depending upon dosage, either facilitate or inhibit tumor growth in vivo. Furthermore, lymphoid cells from high-dose BCG-treated tumor-bearing mice were stimulatory to target B16 melanoma cells in vitro if the ratio of lymphoid cells to target tumor cells was sufficiently low (25:1-200:1), but were inhibitory when the ratio was high (400:1-1,000:1).  相似文献   

Despite the well-demonstrated involvement of both interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interleukin 12 (IL-12) in the activation of host anti-cancer response, the knowledge of IL-2-IL-12 interactions has still to be better investigated. This study was performed to evaluate the effects of subcutaneous (s.c.) low-dose IL-2 on IL-12 secretion in metastatic cancer patients. The study included 19 evaluable metastatic renal cell cancer patients, who received s.c. low-dose IL-2 (6 MIU day(-1) for 6 days per week for 4 weeks) as a first-line immunotherapy of their metastatic disease. Serum levels of IL-12 were measured using an enzyme immunoassay on venous blood samples collected before the immunotherapy and at 1-week intervals. The clinical response consisted of partial response (PR) in four and stable disease (SD) in eight patients, whereas the other seven patients progressed. Mean serum levels of IL-12 observed in the overall patients significantly increased in response to IL-2 injection. Moreover, by evaluating IL-12 variations in relation to the clinical response, a marked significant increase in IL-12 mean values occurred in patients with response or SD, whereas the progressing patients showed a significant decline in IL-12 levels during IL-2 administration. Finally, IL-12 mean pretreatment values observed in patients who progressed were significantly higher than those seen in non-progressing patients. This study shows that low-dose IL-2 immunotherapy of cancer may stimulate the in vivo release of IL-12, and it would suggest that IL-2-induced IL-12 enhancement is associated with a favourable prognosis.  相似文献   

Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional cytokine important in the inflammatory response. Its potential role as an antitumor agent has been suggested by its demonstrated activity in a variety of tumor models. The mechanism of antitumor activity has been proposed to be its enhancement of cytotoxic T-cell function. In the current work we demonstrate clear antitumor activity for this cytokine in a nonimmunogenic tumor system. B16 melanoma cells transfected with the human IL-6 complementary DNA demonstrated slower tumor growth in vivo. Tumors that developed from these cells had a prominent stromal matrix, an easily recognized infiltration of inflammatory cells, fewer mitotic figures, and fewer blood vessels. These in vivo findings corresponded with a greater adhesion of the IL-6-transfected B16 cells to stromal matrix proteins (laminin, fibronectin, and vitronectin) and a less prominent vascular response in an intradermal angiogenesis assay. Therefore, we propose that with weakly antigenic tumors, such as B16 melanoma, IL-6 may mediate important antitumor responses by nonspecific proinflammatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Melanoma is an increasingly common fatal skin cancer. Many groups are carrying out research on potential treatments for melanoma. One of these approaches has shown that lowering tyrosine can inhibit the growth of melanoma in cell cultures and of B16BL6 melanoma in mice. However, humans cannot tolerate tyrosine-restricted diets for lowering tyrosine because of nausea, vomiting and weight loss. We report here our preparation and characterization of a novel soluble polyhaemoglobin-tyrosinase complex. This preparation prevents native tyrosinase from having adverse effects and from rapid removal after injection. The preparation inhibited murine B16F10 melanoma cell growth in culture and delayed its growth in a mice model. Intravenous injection of the preparation lowers the systemic tyrosine level without causing adverse effects such as vomiting and weight loss in mice. It is therefore possible that this complex could be useful in the treatment of human melanoma.  相似文献   

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor signaling participates in different processes in solid tumors, including autocrine stimulation of tumor cell growth, recruitment of tumor stroma fibroblasts, and stimulation of tumor angiogenesis. In the present study, the B16 mouse melanoma tumor model was used to investigate the functional consequences of paracrine PDGF stimulation of host-derived cells. Production of PDGF-BB or PDGF-DD by tumor cells was associated with an increased tumor growth rate. Characterization of tumors revealed an increase in pericyte abundance in tumors derived from B16 cells producing PDGF-BB or PDGF-DD. The increased tumor growth rate associated with PDGF-DD production was not seen in mice expressing an attenuated PDGF beta-receptor and was thus dependent on host PDGF beta-receptor signaling. The increased pericyte abundance was not associated with an increased tumor vessel density. However, tumor cell apoptosis, but not proliferation, was reduced in tumors displaying PDGF-induced increased pericyte coverage. Our findings thus demonstrate that paracrine PDGF production stimulates pericyte recruitment to tumor vessels and suggest that pericyte abundance influences tumor cell apoptosis and tumor growth.  相似文献   

The arrest of B16 melanoma cells and the subsequent development of tumors have been studied following left intraventricular injections (LVI) into mice of radiolabelled and unlabelled cells respectively; the proportions of cardiac output going to different target organs were also determined by LVI of radiolabelled microspheres. B16 cell arrest in the various target organs was as predicted by relative arterial blood supply, except in the lungs and liver where more radioactive counts were detected than could be accounted for in terms of initial arterial dissemination alone; and the numbers of counts remaining in all organs after 24 h were related to the numbers of counts initially obtained. When the incidence of tumor-bearing organs was related to the cell arrest patterns, the organs could be divided into two major distinct groups. Within both of these groups, the patterns of tumor incidence were correlated with cancer cell delivery. These results on a model system suggest that the two major hypotheses used to account for metastatic patterns are not mutually exclusive: the “soil” effect divides the target organs into the two major groups; however, within these groups the incidence of tumors is explicable in terms of the “mechanical” hypothesis.  相似文献   

Adriamycin (ADR)-resistant sublines of B16-BL6 mouse melanoma selected by exposure to increasing concentrations of ADR were characterized in vitro for growth properties and in vivo for tumorigenicity and pulmonary metastases. The progressively resistant sublines adapted to grow in the presence of 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.25 microgram/ml ADR in monolayer culture were found to be 5-, 10-, 20-, and 40-fold ADR-resistant, respectively, compared to the parental sensitive cells, using a soft-agar colony assay and continuous ADR treatment for 7 days. The doubling time in monolayer culture of the parent sensitive and progressively ADR-resistant sublines of B16-BL6 melanoma cells was approximately 16-18 h. Although the colony-forming efficiency in soft agar of parental sensitive cells was only 0.5-4%, the 5-, 10-, 20-, and 40-fold ADR-resistant sublines had colony-forming efficiencies of 15, 20, 30, and 77%, respectively. Tumorigenicity in C57BL/6 mice of progressively ADR-resistant sublines was similar to parental sensitive cells following s.c. and i.p. implantation of 10(5)-10(6) tumor cells. Experimental pulmonary metastases were significantly lower in ADR-resistant sublines with progressive resistance. Additionally, unlike the parental sensitive and 5-fold ADR-resistant B16-BL6 cells, the 10-, 20-, and 40-fold ADR-resistant sublines were spontaneously nonmetastatic. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunochemical detection of P-glycoprotein revealed the presence of a Mr 170,000 plasma membrane glycoprotein in the 40-fold ADR-resistant subline and its counterpart maintained for 1 year in ADR-free medium. Results from this study suggest that progressively ADR-resistant B16-BL6 mouse melanoma cells selected in vitro demonstrate a marked increase in colony formation in soft agar and a decrease in the ability to produce pulmonary metastases, without alterations in tumorigenicity.  相似文献   

Flunarizine, a calcium antagonist commonly employed in therapy for vascular diseases, enhances the in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of vincristine on B16 melanoma cells. In the presence of flunarizine higher intracellular levels of vincristine were observed in vitro and for a longer time. B16 melanoma bearing mice treated with both the drugs presented a median survival time that was significantly longer than that of the controls. The possible mechanism of the enhancement is herein discussed.  相似文献   

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