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西洋参胶囊的致畸变试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨西洋参胶囊对大鼠的致畸作用。方法:将Wister孕鼠随机分为5组,每组12只,设0.3g·kg^-1阿司匹林阳性对照组、阴性对照组(给予蒸馏水)和西洋参胶囊0.9,1.8,5.6g·kg^-1剂量组,分别于犬鼠受孕第7~16d连续灌胃给药,第20d解剖取出胎鼠,观察不同西洋参胶囊剂量组与对照组的差别。结果:西洋参胶囊各剂量组在孕鼠增重、子宫连胎重、窝平均活胎数、胎鼠身长、体重方面与阴性对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),而且各剂量组和阴性对照组胎鼠外观、脏器及骨骼检查均未见明显异常和畸形。结论:西洋参胶囊对大鼠无致畸作用。  相似文献   

人参和西洋参抗衰老药理作用的对比研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的:研究人参和西洋参粉剂在抗脂质过氧化、抗缺氧、抗疲劳、抗低温应激反应及调节免疫方面的异同。方法:采用20g·L-1乙醇提取制成的人参和西洋参粉剂。结果:西洋参在抗脂质过氧化、抗缺氧、抗低温应激反应方面强于或优于人参;人参在抗疲劳及对正常免疫功能的影响方面强于西洋参;而对糖皮质激素造成的低下的免疫功能的调节作用,二药的作用差异不显著。结论:西洋参抗衰老药理作用基本强于人参,但二药作用特点有所不同。  相似文献   


Much of the discussion about coal tar concentrates on the toxicological properties and safety limits of benzo(a)pyrene (BP). This chemical has been studied in depth by research scientists and a great deal of relevant data has been published.

In addition to BP there are many more polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) present in coal tar and of these, some of the commonest are benzo(a)anthracene (BA), benzo(b)fluoranthene (BbF), benzo(k)-fluoranthene (BkF), and dibenz(a,h)anthracene (DBA).

The purpose of this review is to survey the published data relating to the toxicity and safety of each of these chemicals. Although the review will be examining the safety profile of the individual chemicals, there is evidence to show that when PAH are in combination, as in the case of a complex mixture such as coal tar, their individual biological activity can be modified. This will be discussed in more detail.

Much of the reported data regarding the safety of these chemicals ha /e been related to their ingestion or inhalation, especially in animals. Very few data could be found regarding the safety of the chemicals and their absorption and metabolism after topical application. This report will concentrate on dermal application.

Where the effects of PAH in humans have been described, these generally have been through extrapolation of data obtained from studies with coal tar or coal tar products.  相似文献   

目的 通过测定人参、红参、生晒参与五灵脂以不同比例配伍后人参皂苷的含量,探讨\  相似文献   

Abstract: Synchronous fluorescence spetrophotometry for benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide (BPDE)-DNA adducts was used to study the activation pathway of benzo(a)pyrene in C57BL/6 mice. Benzo(a)pyrene but not benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-diol activation by 3-methylcholanthrene-induced mouse liver microsomes was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody (Mab 1–7–1) against CYP1A1/2 suggesting that 1A1 probably takes part in the first P450 reaction. However, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity, a classical measure of benzo(a)pyrene metabolism, was not inhibited by the same concentration of Mab 1–7–1. None of the other antibodies used, detecting 2A, 2B, 2C or 2E subfamilies, inhibited the adduct formation. Troleandomycin and gestodene, chemical inhibitors of human 3A4, inhibited benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-diol activation by 3-methylcholanthrene-induced microsomes to some extent only in high concentrations. Although liver microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-induced mice catalyzed the formation of BPDE-DNA in vitro clearly more than uninduced microsomes, 3-methylcholanthrene pretreatment in vivo decreased the adduct formation in benzo(a)pyrene-treated mice. These results emphasize the significance of detoxicating and DNA-repairing pathways in vivo. Finally, synchronous fluorescence spectrophotometry for BPDE-DNA measures the end-point of the three-step activation pathway while aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase measures a one-step hydroxylation. Thus, these methods should be used rather as corroborative than mutually exclusive assays.  相似文献   

A lot of ginseng embryoids were produced by culturing on high concentrations of sugar media from the embryogenic tissues obtained by moderately high temperature treatment. When the sucrose concentration was 100 g/l, the number of embryoids produced were over 100 pieces per g of inoculum weight. It was about ten times of that produced by culturing on 30 g/l of sucrose. Glucose showed an effect similar to sucrose on the basis of weight percentage. However, mannitol did not show this effect. The embryoids obtained by these processes redifferentiated to normal plantlets on culturing on the medium containing 30 g/l of sucrose. The saponin components of the tissue containing embryoids showed a similar pattern to those of natural GINSENG by HPLC.  相似文献   

Ethanol extract of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer, which has been used for centuries as a tonic in Asian countries, exhibited a selective induction of epoxide hydratase and cytosolic glutathione transferase activity without the concurrent induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity. Thus, Panax ginseng appears to have the potential to alter the metabolic patterns of benzo(a)pyrene and its reactive metabolites.  相似文献   

The dried roots of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) and Sanchi (Panax notoginseng) have been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation as well as various other bodily functions. Here we investigated the effects of a mixture of aqueous extracts of Danshen and Sanchi, named PASEL, on blood pressure and vascular contractility in rats. Orally administered PASEL (62.5 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg, for 5 weeks) lowered the blood pressure of spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) but this was not observed in normal Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKR). We then investigated the effects of PASEL on the arterial contraction of the small branches of cerebral arteries (CAs) and large conduit femoral arteries (FAs) in rats. PASEL did not affect high-K (KCl 60 mM)- or phenyleprine (PhE)-induced contracture of FAs. The myogenic response, a reactive arterial constriction in response to increased luminal pressure, of small CA was dose-dependently suppressed by PASEL in SHR as well as control rats. Interestingly, the KCl-induced contraction of small CAs was slowly reversed by PASEL, and this effect was more prominent in SHR than control WKR. PASEL did not inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. These results demonstrated that the antihypertensive effect of PASEL might be primarily mediated by altering the arterial MR, not by direct inhibition of L-type Ca2+ channels or by ACE inhibition.  相似文献   

目的 优选从人参叶提取纯化人参叶提取物的工艺条件及参数. 方法 采用正交实验法确定人参叶的提取工艺,运用静态吸附法优选树脂. 同时用动态吸附法考察样品液浓度、流速、吸附容量等因素对树脂动态吸附性能的影响,并对D101大孔吸附树脂脱附性能进行考察. 用高效液相色谱法测定人参皂苷Re的含量、用质量法计算人参皂苷得率. 结果提取工艺:取人参叶粗段,加入12倍原药材量的50%乙醇,采用热回流法提取2次,每次提取2 h. 纯化工艺:选择D101大孔吸附树脂(4 cm×16 cm,柱体积140 mL,死体积30 mL)进行树脂动态吸附性能考察,上样浓度为相当于原药材0.4 g•mL-1,最大上样量为160 mL,吸附流速为1.5 BV•h-1,上样吸附后,分别用6 BV的水、40%乙醇、95%乙醇洗脱,40%乙醇的洗脱部位合并,减压浓缩、干燥,即得提取物. 结论 该提取工艺简便易行,可用于人参叶中人参皂苷的提取纯化.  相似文献   

人参体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较不同外植体、植物生长调节物质种类及配比对人参体细胞胚发生的影响,建立了人参胚状体培养方法并获得再生植株;结果表明诱导愈伤组织的培养基MS 2,4-D 4.0 mg/L BA 0.2 mg/L;在MS 2,4-D 1.0 mg/L KT 0.2mg/L培养基上继代培养,转变为胚性愈伤组织;在去掉2,4-D的培养基上进行胚状体的诱导,转入无任何激素的MS培养基上使胚状体快速生长,之后在1/2MS培养基上进一步生长获得再生植株.  相似文献   

人参促智作用机理研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从人参对中枢神经递质、脑核酸和蛋白质的合成、谷氨酸能神经系统以及脑第二信使系统、神经细胞内钙超负荷等方面,阐述了人参促智作用的机理.  相似文献   

目的:考察金银花提取物及其主要成分绿原酸、咖啡酸和芦丁对CYP3A4活性的抑制作用.方法:采用重组人CYP3A4孵育法,以咪达唑仑作为该酶的活性探针药物,采用液相色谱-质谱联用法(LC-MS/MS)测定代谢产物1′-羟基咪达唑仑的浓度,计算代谢产物的初始生成速度,比较加入待测药物和空白对照时代谢产物的初始生成速度.结果:金银花提取物、绿原酸、芦丁对该酶有抑制作用,IC50值分别为2.13 mg/mL、28.8 μmol/L和17.6 μmol/L,且金银花提取物和绿原酸对该酶的抑制作用不可逆,咖啡酸的抑制作用很弱,几乎不会导致药物相互作用.结论:金银花可能影响联合使用的CYP3A4的底物药物的代谢.  相似文献   

Ginsan, a Panax ginseng polysaccharide that contains glucopyranoside and fructofuranoside, has immunomodulatory effects. Although several biologic studies of ginsan have been performed, its effects on dendritic cells (DCs), which are antigen-presenting cells of the immune system, have not been studied. We investigated the immunomodulatory effects of ginsan on DCs. Ginsan had little effect on DC viability, even when used at high concentrations. Ginsan markedly increased the levels of production by DCs of IL-12 and TNF-α, as measured by ELISA. To examine the maturation-inducing activity of ginsan, we measured the surface expression levels of the maturation markers MHC class II and CD86 (B7.2) on DCs. It is interesting that ginsan profoundly enhanced the expression of CD86 on DC surfaces, whereas it increased that of MHC class II only marginally. In 3H-thymidine incorporation assays, ginsan-treated DCs stimulated significantly higher proliferation of allogeneic CD4+ T lymphocytes than did medium-treated DCs. Taken together, our data demonstrate that ginsan stimulates DCs by inducing maturation. Because DCs are critical antigen-presenting cells in immune responses, this study provides valuable information on the activities of ginsan.  相似文献   

Abstract Clophen A50 is shown to enhance the O–demethylation of p–nitroanisole to p–nitrophenol and to elevate the cytochrome P–450–content of the rainbow trout liver. Three days after feeding, the O–demethylating activity had increased about 4–fold while the cytochrome P–450–concentration was unchanged. This suggests that the process is divided into two or more steps, with an initial lag in the cytochrome P–450 formation. From 7 days and throughout the experiment a concomitant increase in the O–demethylating activity and the cytochrome P–450–content can be observed. The increased activity can not, however, be solely correlated to the increase in cytochrome P–450 content.  相似文献   

三七总皂苷对烫伤后核因子—κB及肿瘤坏死因子的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
王勇  黄文华  彭代智 《医药导报》2001,20(5):279-281
目的观察不同剂量的三七总皂苷对严重烫伤小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞内核因子-κB(NF-κB)活性及肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)mRNA的影响,阐明三七总皂苷对巨噬细胞分泌TNF-α影响的机制,探索体外运用该药的最佳剂量。方法以15%体表面积Ⅲ度烫伤小鼠为模型,收集腹腔巨噬细胞,电泳迁移率改变分析法测NF-κB的活性,反转录PCR测TNF-αmRNA的表达。结果烫伤后巨噬细胞内NF-κB活性与TNF-αmRNA的表达均显著升高,三七总皂苷在一定的浓度范围内呈剂量依赖性的抑制NF-κB活性与TNF-αmRNA的表达,以0.8mg*mL-1的剂量最明显,两者变化趋势相类似。结论三七总皂苷可能通过抑制NF-κB活性而降低TNF-αmRNA的表达。  相似文献   

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