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手术学是联系基础医学与临床医学的重要桥梁课,手术学教学主要是培养医学生的无菌观念和手术基本操作技能,是实践性和操作性很强的学科。如何改革手术学教学方法,使学生更熟练地掌握无菌技术和各项基本操作技能,是外科手术学教学的一个重大课题。近年来,我们对手术学教学进行了一系列改革,取得了良好的教学效果,现总结报告如下。  相似文献   

生理学教学改革的探索与实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
生理学作为一门医学基础课,是联系基础与临床之间的桥梁,但随着医学科学及医学教育的发展,为适应当前教学发展的需要,改革生理学旧的传统模式的教学方法已是势在必行。  相似文献   

高职教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,承担着培养数以万计的高素质的高等技术应用性专门人才的根本任务.生理学是一门非常重要的医学基础学科,是众多医学基础课程和临床学科的基础和桥梁.为了适应高职教育和医学教育培养人才的需要,近年来,对生理学教学改革进行了探索和实践,并取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

人体解剖学教学改革的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高等医学院校招生规模的不断扩大,多类型、多形式、多层次和多样化的教学体系逐渐形成,而人体解剖学是诸多层次及专业的重要基础主干课程,如何根据各个专业的实际情况改进教学模式及方法,提高教学质量,是摆在解剖学教师面前一项艰巨而又急迫的任务。我室自2002年开始对人体解剖学的课程内容、教学方法、教学手段和评价体系进行了改革,同时加快了教材和实验室建设,配合多媒体教学软件的开发和应用,减少了教学时数,增加了学生动手操作的机会,培养了学生主动学习的能力和基本技能的训练,从而提高了学习效果。1课程建设在教学体系形成过程中…  相似文献   

解剖实践教学改革的探索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王效杰  王正东  颜南 《解剖科学进展》2011,17(6):618-618,620
<正>现在我国医学院校的教学不但采用传统教学模式,更注重采用新的教学模式。如现在国际上流行的几种发展学生自主性、个性化学习的教学方法:个案学习(Case study)、以问题为基础的学习  相似文献   

<正>人体解剖学作为药学专业的必修课,是药学专业学生学习其课程的基础。但长期以来,药学专业人体解剖学教学中存在以下问题:(1)课时相对较少,无法面面俱到讲解人体各个系统的解剖结构;(2)由于没有专门针对药学专业的解剖学教材,多采用临床医学专业的教材,缺乏专业特色;(3)解剖学教师一般是医学专业出身,对药学专业特点了解不深,造成课程内容和设置与专业需求脱节;(4)教学手段单一,学生对课程的重要性认  相似文献   

为适应药学专业特色,对我校药学专业本科人体解剖学的教学进行改革。对教学内容进行整合和精选,丰富理论教学手段,采用以互动式教学和人体科学教育中心开放相结合的实验教学组织形式,提高了学生的学习积极性,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

网络课程是基于现代多媒体、网络教学环境的教学资源。为提高教学质量,设计和开发了生理学互动型学习网站。内容包括:网络课堂、学习园地、在线测试和网络资源库等。教学实践显示,利用网站组织教学,具有课程内容丰富、重点突出、图文并茂,并具有较好的交互性等优点。  相似文献   

病理生理学PBL教学改革的探索和实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文介绍了我系自2004年起开展以心力衰竭为专题的PBL教学改革。学生根据病例自学心力衰竭的病理生理知识,各小组推荐发言人对所学知识进行总结陈述,并写出相关的读书报告。在PBL教学工作中,编写病例和小组讨论十分重要,同时要注重教师角色的转换以及与其他学科的配合。  相似文献   

微生物学与免疫学是药学专业的一门专业基础课,该学科广泛渗透到药学、化学及生命科学的各个领域。高等职业教育是以培养具有一定理论知识和实践能力,面向第一线职业技术岗位的实用型、技能型专门人才为目的的职业技术教育,有别于本科教  相似文献   

<正>为了顺应医学教育的全球化和国际化办学大形势,近年安徽医科大学启动了医学外科学本科(bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery,MBBS)留学生招生项目,招收留学生来自以南亚和非洲国家为主的不同国家和地区,实行全英文授课。和国内本科生教育相比,MBBS留学生除了存在较大的语言文化等差异,基础水平也参差不齐,课堂纪律较为散漫,小班制的实验教学相比于大班理论课教学对他们更有吸引力~([1])。注重发  相似文献   

Structural learning suggests that the human nervous system learns general rules that can be applied when controlling actions involving similar structures (e.g. using a variety of bicycles when learning to ride). These general rules can then facilitate skill acquisition in novel but related situations (e.g. a new bicycle). We tested this concept by investigating whether learned asymmetries in handwriting (greater ease in moving the hand rightwards and downwards within Western-educated populations) are present in the non-preferred hand as predicted by structural learning. We found these asymmetries in both hands of a right-handed population when tracing abstract shapes. We then ruled out biomechanical explanations by finding the same results with a left-handed population. These findings provide support for structural learning and explain: (1) the rapidity with which individuals can learn to write with their non-preferred hand; (2) the presence of a higher abstract (effector independent) level within voluntary motor control organisation.  相似文献   

Evidence-based learning for general practice.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

There is currently limited research on student peer leadership in the social-emotional literature. This paper used exploratory methods of social network analysis to understand the structure of school peer relationships, peer leadership, and school climate. Self-report measures of perceptions of peer leadership and climate were given to students during the 2016–2017 school year. Data collected from a peer leadership survey were used to calculate closeness and indegree centrality values. The results showed that student Ambassadors have higher peer nominated leadership scores compared to non-Ambassador controls and the rest of the school. Additionally, Ambassadors did not demonstrate a change in centrality scores, non-Ambassador students increased in centrality scores, and school climate was not correlated with the leadership centrality score. Results suggest that influence spreads, and that good leadership may be emulated among students, leading to a diffusion effect. This supports the need for good leaders in schools. Additionally, climate may not be associated with leadership centrality scores due to the length of the intervention. Future studies should look toward behavioral data to unravel what comprises positive and negative influences in Social-Emotional and Character Development interventions.  相似文献   



Traditionally, radiographers and radiation therapists function in a workplace environment that is protocol-driven with limited functional autonomy. The workplace promotes a culture of conformity and discourages practitioners from reflective and critical thinking, essential attributes for continuing learning and advancing workplace practices. As part of the first author’s doctoral study, a continuing professional development (CPD) educational framework was used to design and implement an online module for radiation therapists’ CPD activities. The study aimed to determine if it is possible to enhance healthcare practitioners’ reflective practice via online learning and to establish the impact of reflective learning on clinical practice.

Materials and methods

The objectives of the online module were to increase radiation therapists’ knowledge in planning for radiation therapy for the breast by assisting them engage in reflective practice. The cyclical process of action research was used to pilot the module twice with two groups of volunteer radiation therapists (twenty-six participants) from Australia, New Zealand and Canada.


The online module was evaluated using Kirkpatrick’s four-level evaluation model. Evidence indicated that participants were empowered as a result of participation in the module. They began reflecting in the workplace while assuming a more proactive role and increased clinical responsibilities, engaged colleagues in collaborative reflections and adopted evidence-based approaches in advancing clinical practices.


The study shows that it is possible to assist practitioners engage in reflective practice using an online CPD educational framework. Participants were able to apply the reflective learning they had developed in their workplace. As a result of their learning, they felt empowered to continue to effect changes in their workplace beyond the cessation of the online module.  相似文献   

Measuring learning by trainees in general practice   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Twenty simulated consultations with patients having a respiratory illness were carried out by 20 trainees at the start and finish of a training year in general practice, using the same method as used in a previous study of principals in general practice.

During the course of the year, the trainees as a group closely approached the behaviour—in the defined terms of the study—of principals as a group. The trend was more marked for doctors on a three-year training programme than for those on a one-year programme.

In 11 cases direct comparison between trainee and trainer was possible. It was difficult to identify changes in behaviour as being due to either group influences or individual trainer influences, but it appeared that atypical trainers do not necessarily produce atypical trainees and typical trainers do not prevent the development of individuality in trainees.

The technique of simulated consultation may assist the difficult task of evaluating training for general practice.


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