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Validity of the 24-hour dietary recall   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The validity of the 24-hour recall was studied with a comparison of recalled and observed food and nutrient intake for 140 subjects, 84 males (60%) and 56 females (40%), 15 to 57 years old. The observation was carried out during 1 day by recording the amounts of foods selected by the subjects at four meals. The following day, 24-hour recalls were obtained. The results showed that some food items eaten were omitted in the recall, the extremes being 4% of times eaten for fish and 50% for cooked vegetables. In addition, some food items not actually eaten were added in the recall, the additions ranging from 2% of times recalled for bread to 29% for sugar. The difference between mean recalled and observed nutrient intake was between -6% and 11%, except for sucrose (-20%) and vitamin C (-16%). The product-moment correlation coefficient between observed and recalled nutrient intake was in the range of 0.58 to 0.74. Women achieved somewhat more accurate results than men, and the recall results in the 35 to 44 age group were the most valid. It was concluded that validity is unsatisfactory on the individual level and satisfactory on the group level.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the dietary intake of University Putra Malaysia students using the weighed record method and the 24 hour-dietary recall method. The validity of the 24-hour recall method was studied by comparing it with the weighed record method. A total of 40 male and 25 female students age between 18-29 years volunteered to participate in this study. All the subjects were required to weigh and record the foods they ate for 1 day. Without prior knowledge of the purpose of the visit , the 24-hour recall was carried out the following day. The nutrients analysed were calorie, carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. Comparisons of the nutrient intake between these two methods were determined. The paired t-test indicated no significant difference in group's mean nutrient intake between the weighed record method for all nutrients. The differences in group mean intake for all nutrients between weighed record and 24-hour recall method ranged from -3% to 3.6%. A total of 4 nutrients were underestimated, namely energy, protein, vitamin C and iron. The correlation coefficients showed a strong positive relationships between the two methods (ranged from r = 0.88-0.98, p < 0.01) for all of the nutrients analysed. In conclusion, the agreement between nutrient values from two different methods indicated that the 24 hour recall is a suitable method for the dietary assessment of university students.  相似文献   

24小时个人膳食询问法在中国营养调查中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1991年中国健康与营养调查中家庭膳食称重法和24h个人膳食询问法结果的准确性,通过对8省的3563户中13606名居民进行连续3天的24h个人膳食询问和家庭称重调查结果比较表明:在用全家称重法所得的食用油和其他调味品修正24h个人膳食询问结果后,两种方法平均每标准人日热能摄入仅相差0.31MJ,相对误差只有1%,蛋白质相对误差较大为5%,脂肪为3%。协方差分析比较除掉混杂因子的影响之后的标准人均每日几种营养素的摄入量,差别最大的是家中有客人的组,脂肪摄入明显较高。本研究说明,用全家称重法调查所得食用油的消耗量,对24h个人询问结果进行修正,调整了两种方法的差异,从而得到较准确的个人膳食及营养素的摄入水平估计。  相似文献   

There is considerable uncertainty regarding the validity of dietary data collected from free-living populations. Nevertheless, few attempts have been made to validate dietary assessment instruments. To address this issue, we compared average daily protein intake estimated from 24-hour dietary recall interviews to protein intake estimated from urinary nitrogen excretion in 24-hour samples. Among 244 community-dwelling adults who volunteered for a hypertension study, men (n = 139) overreported dietary protein intake by 12 to 19%. In contrast, women (n = 105) reported a dietary protein intake almost exactly in agreement with estimates based on urinary nitrogen levels. Thin men reported about one-third more protein intake than was reflected in their urinary nitrogen measurements. Our results suggest that the accuracy of dietary recall estimates may vary across subgroups of the population. Additional information from sufficiently large validation studies would be helpful in determining the role of dietary assessment instruments which are already in wide use in epidemiologic research. Until such information is obtained, doubts will remain regarding the validity of inferences drawn from nutritional epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

The validity of a telephone-administered 24-hour dietary recall methodology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study assesses the operational feasibility and validity of a unique telephone-administered 24-h dietary recall methodology. Dietary interviews were conducted by telephone with 204 low-income elderly subjects. Food portion size estimation was done using a two-dimensional food portion visual aid the that was mailed to respondents' homes. The mean intakes and distributions of nine nutrients among males and females in the research sample were compared with those reported in the 1971 to 1974 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. After correcting for time trends in nutrient intake, the mean intake values found in the survey were very similar to those reported by the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. In testing the frequency distributions of intakes, only two nutrients for women and one for men had statistically significant differences. The telephone-administered dietary methodology thus produced acceptable estimates of the means and distributions of nutrient intakes among groups of individuals and has the potential of markedly reducing the cost, time, logistical, and personnel constraints associated with nutrition surveys.  相似文献   

Twenty-four-hour dietary recalls are used to collect high-quality dietary data. Because they require highly trained interviewers, recalls are expensive and impractical for large-scale nutrition research, leading to the use of food frequency questionnaires. We are developing a computer-based, self-administered 24-hour dietary recall for use by adults. Our goal is an easy-to-use, low-cost, publicly available, Web-enabled instrument that will include elements of the Automated Multiple Pass Method developed by the US Department of Agriculture, which uses five passes to enhance recall. The initial pass is called the "quick list" and allows respondents to report foods consumed the previous day freely, in any order, and without detail. Using a crossover design, we conducted initial formative pilot testing among 18 adults in a self-administered computer environment. We tested two versions of a "quick list" (the first Automated Multiple Pass Method pass) for remembering foods consumed the previous day: "unstructured" and "meal-based." Respondents showed a strong preference for the meal-based version (13 of 18), although positive features of both were identified. Chronological reporting was most common, although many foods were sporadically reported out of order. Versions did not appreciably differ in number of foods reported, moved, or deleted. Usability issues and preferences were also identified. If these developmental efforts prove successful, the use of affordable automated recalls could be valuable in clarifying diet-disease associations in observational epidemiologic studies and measuring dietary compliance in clinical trials. This pilot work illustrates the usefulness of formative cognitive and usability testing for questionnaire and software development.  相似文献   

Validation of the 24-hour dietary recall in preschool children   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The results of the current study indicate that data obtained by the dietary recall correlate highly with the children's weighed food intake if a parent or the primary caretaker providing the child's food responds to the interview. Meredith et al. found parents to be poor reporters of children's consumption outside the home. It is encouraging to note that parents can be reliable reporters of their children's food intake in the home environment. When errors did occur, they were errors in portion size, as 96% of foods eaten by the children were correctly identified by the parents. Parents under-reported only 4% of the time. This slight tendency to under-report is consistent with other reports of the validity of the 24-hour dietary recall. In younger children, parents appear to be reliable reporters of their children's in-home dietary intake. As children become older, they appear to be able to recall their own intake both within and outside the home. There are several possible explanations for these findings. First, several factors could have influenced the accuracy of parental reports of the child's intake during the day that we weighed foods. Because food was weighed in the homes, the parents undoubtedly attended more closely to their child's diet. Additionally, the dietary recalls were collected at the end of the day of observation. This was closer in time than most 24-hour recalls and may have reflected less memory decay than usual. Also, since our sample was primarily middle-class families who were well educated, the correspondence between actual vs. reported dietary intake may have been artificially enhanced.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if 24-hour dietary recall data are influenced by whether data are collected by telephone or face-to-face interviews in telephone and non-telephone households. DESIGN: Dual sampling frame of telephone and non-telephone households. In telephone households, participants completed a 24-hour dietary recall either by face-to-face interview or telephone interview. In non-telephone households, participants completed a 24-hour dietary recall either by face-to-face interview or by using a cellular telephone provided by a field interviewer. SUBJECTS/SETTING: Four hundred nine participants from the rural Delta region of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean energy and protein intakes. STATISTICAL ANALYSES PERFORMED: Comparison of telephone and non-telephone households, controlling for type of interview, and comparison of telephone and face-to-face interviews in each household type using unpaired t tests and linear regression, adjusting for gender, age, and body mass index. RESULTS: Mean differences between telephone and face-to-face interviews for telephone households were -171 kcal (P = 0.1) and -6.9 g protein (P = 0.2), and for non-telephone households -143 kcal (P = 0.6) and 0.4 g protein (P = 1.0). Mean differences between telephone and non-telephone households for telephone interviews were 0 kcal (P = 1.0) and -0.9 g protein (P = 0.9), and for face-to-face interviews 28 kcal (P = 0.9) and 6.4 g protein (P = 0.5). Findings persisted when adjusted for gender, age, and body mass index. No statistically significant differences were detected for mean energy or protein intake between telephone and face-to-face interviews or between telephone and non-telephone households. APPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS: These data provide support that telephone surveys adequately describe energy and protein intakes for a rural, low-income population.  相似文献   



To examine the reproducibility of 24-hour dietary recall for estimating dietary vitamin intakes by middle-aged Japanese men and women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare food group intakes in grams, total energy and energy contribution from macronutrients between two random samples of women, using a standardized computer program (EPIC SOFT) with either a face-to-face or a telephone 24 h recall interview design. METHODS: Two groups of Norwegian women living in Troms? were drawn at random from the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) cohort. The EPIC SOFT computer program was used to conduct single 24 h dietary recalls either by telephone or face to face. For the latter, 160 women were invited, of whom 111 responded positively (crude response rate=69.4%) and 102 were interviewed. For the telephone option, 180 were invited to participate, 109 responded positively (crude response rate=60.6%) and 103 were interviewed. RESULTS: The two groups of women were similar with respect to age, body mass index, basal metabolic rate, smoking, education, physical activity and special diet status. No statistically significant difference in dietary intake was found between interviews conducted by telephone and face-to-face, except for 'egg and egg products' (P<0.01), for which intake was higher in the telephone group. Total energy intake differed, but the difference was attributable to one interviewer. The distribution of energy-contributing nutrients was not significantly different between groups, except for reported energy percentage from protein (P=0.02), which was significantly higher in the face-to-face group. CONCLUSION: The telephone vs face-to-face interview design did not influence recalled diet when using the EPIC SOFT program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a visual aid to improve and increase accuracy of the 24-hour recall method. This aid in the form of a booklet, consists of life-sized photographs of common Malaysian foods, accompanied by the weight of its edible portion and nutrient values. These photographs used together with the recall method were tested against the weighed record method for its validity. For this preliminary test, a total of 23 photographs of food items were tested. Sixty healthy adult volunteers were selected as respondents for the test. These respondents were divided into 2 groups. Each group was given either a simple or complicated menus. The respondents were served 3 test meals: breakfast, lunch and tea. Each food item served and plate waste were weighed and recorded. The 24-hour recall was conducted the day following the weighed record day. The results of the paired t-tests indicated no significant difference in group's mean weights of food intake between the weighed record and recalled method for 13(57%) of the foods tested. The correlation coefficients between the two methods showed a moderate to strong positive relationships for 17 out of the 23 food photographs tested (ranged from r=0.49-0.92, p<0.01). Analysis on the nutrient intake for simple menus showed high correlation coefficients between both methods for all nutrients tested, r=0.62-0.95, p<0.01. For the complicated menus, the correlation coefficients were slightly lower than the simple menus, ranging from r=0.38-0.71, P<0.0l. Except for the fat intake in the complicated menus, all the correlation coefficients between the two methods reached 0.5 and above for both types of menus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare 24-hour dietary recalls collected over the telephone to in-person recalls collected in the 1994-1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII). DESIGN: Trained interviewers collected 24-hour dietary recalls over the telephone using the multiple-pass approach. These results were compared to in-person interviews from a pooled subsample of CSFII respondents. SUBJECTS/SETTING: List-assisted random-digit dialing was used to identify 700 women between the ages of 20 and 49 years. One eligible woman per household was selected to participate. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Approximate t tests to examine differences in average nutrient and energy intakes were conducted on weighted data. RESULTS: The reported intakes of most nutrients in the current 24-hour dietary recalls collected over the telephone were significantly higher than those reported in the 1994 and 1995 CSFII, but there were no significant differences between the telephone survey and 1996 CSFII results. The 24-hour dietary recalls collected over the telephone yielded consistently greater mean nutrient intake per respondent compared with a comparable pooled subsample from the 1994, 1995, and 1996 CSFII. Generally, no significant differences were found in the food group data between the telephone survey and the CSFII survey. Mean dietary intakes reported by the comparable CSFII subsample increased from 1994 to 1996. APPLICATIONS: Collecting 24-hour dietary recalls over the telephone is a practical and valid data collection tool for use in national food consumption surveys.  相似文献   

The objective of this cross-sectional study was to compare dietary reports from a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for US Chinese women with 24-hour recall estimates. The subjects were 56 women recruited through organizations in Philadelphia's Chinese community. Spearman correlations were used to describe FFQ estimates of food servings per month and nutrient intake per day vs estimates from three 24-hour recalls over 1 month. On average, women reported at least weekly consumption of 28 of 96 FFQ food items. The three most frequently consumed were rice (38 times/month), tea (29 times/month), and dark green, leafy vegetables (18 times/month). Comparing reported frequencies of the 28 foods to 24-hour recall estimates, the median Spearman correlation was 0.36. For nutrient estimates, correlations were high (r >0.5) for dietary fiber and calcium; moderate ( r =0.25 to 0.5) for energy, saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, protein, folic acid, and iron; but poor (r <0.25) for total fat, vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotene. These findings provide some assurance of the FFQ's adequacy for describing US Chinese women's intake of commonly consumed foods and selected nutrients. They also provide a basis for further improvements to, and evaluations of, the FFQ.  相似文献   

Objective This study examined the accuracy of a multiplepass, 24 hour dietary recall method for estimating energy intakes of men and women by comparing it with energy intake required for weight maintenance.Design Threeday, multiplepass, 24-hour recalls were obtained on randomly selected days during a selfselected diet period when subjects were preparing their own meals and during a controlled diet period when all meals were provided by the study. During the dietary intervention, weight was maintained; body weight and dietary intake were monitored closely, thereby allowing estimation of the energy intake required for weight maintenance.Subjects/setting Seventyeight men and women (22 to 67 years old) from the Dietary Effects on Lipoprotein and Thrombogenic Activity (DELTA) study participated in this study. All 24-hour recalls were collected using a computerassisted, interactive, multiplepass telephone interview technique. Energy requirements for each individual were determined by the energy content of the DELTA study foods provided to maintain weight.Statistical analysis Paired and independent t tests were conducted to examine differences among study variables. Agreement between recalled energy intake and weight maintenance energy intake was analyzed using the BlandAltman technique.Results Compared with weight maintenance energy intake, during the selfselected diet period men and women underestimated energy intake by 11% and 13%, respectively. During the controlled diet period, men underestimated energy intake by 13%, whereas women overestimated energy by 1.3%.Applications/conclusions Men had a tendency to underestimate energy intake irrespective of the recording period. The accuracy of the recalled energy intake of women may be influenced by recording circumstances. Researchers should examine the factors influencing underreporting and overreporting by individuals and their impact on macronutrient and micronutrient intakes. Also, strategies need to be developed to minimize underreporting and overreporting. J Am Diet Assoc. 2000; 100:303-308,311.  相似文献   

G McAvay  J Rodin 《Appetite》1988,11(2):97-110
While several studies have examined the validity of the 24-hour recall as a method for assessment of dietary intake in older people, none has examined the components of variability of dietary data obtained from the 24-hour recalls of older adults. The ability to detect differences in group means, and estimates of correlation and regression coefficients, are all reduced when intraindividual (within-subject) variability in a measure is large in comparison to interindividual (between-subject) variability. The present study considered the components of variance of four 24-hour diet recalls taken bimonthly, for 220 adults whose mean age was 72 years. Two components of variability were estimated for 23 nutritional variables: an interindividual (between-subjects) variance component and an intraindividual (within-subjects) variance component. The ratio of intraindividual to interindividual variance differed substantially as a function of the nutritional parameter being assessed. Methods are presented for determining the number of dietary recalls needed to keep the attenuation of correlation and regression coefficients within a specified level. Power calculations for the test of equal means in two independent groups are also presented.  相似文献   



The Recaller app was developed to help individuals record their food intakes. This pilot study evaluated the usability of this new food picture application (app), which operates on a smartphone with an embedded camera and Internet capability.


Adults aged 19 to 28 years (23 males and 22 females) were assigned to use the Recaller app on six designated, nonconsecutive days in order to capture an image of each meal and snack before and after eating. The images were automatically time-stamped and uploaded by the app to the Recaller website. A trained nutritionist administered a 24-hour dietary recall interview 1 day after food images were taken. Participants'' opinions of the Recaller app and its usability were determined by a follow-up survey. As an evaluation indicator of usability, the number of images taken was analyzed and multivariate Poisson regression used to model the factors determining the number of images sent.


A total of 3,315 food images were uploaded throughout the study period. The median number of images taken per day was nine for males and 13 for females. The survey showed that the Recaller app was easy to use, and 50% of the participants would consider using the app daily. Predictors of a higher number of images were as follows: greater interval (hours) between the first and last food images sent, weekend, and female.


The results of this pilot study provide valuable information for understanding the usability of the Recaller smartphone food picture app as well as other similarly designed apps. This study provides a model for assisting nutrition educators in their collection of food intake information by using tools available on smartphones. This innovative approach has the potential to improve recall of foods eaten and monitoring of dietary intake in nutritional studies.  相似文献   

In an active population, cars urinary nitrogen output provide a satisfactory basis for estimating protein . intake without preliminary screening to rule out metabolic disease?. A successful demonstration would justify comparing average protein intake for active groups derived from 24-hour recall interviews with that obtained from 24-hour urine specimens. This could then be a practical test of the hypothesis that 24-hour recall data provide valid estimates for groups. Volunteers (45) from a university population limited their diet for four days to a commercially prepared liquid diet and'provided a 24-hour urine specimen beginning on the morning of the fourth day. For men, average daily intake of protein was 112.8 grams and the estimated intake based on urinary nitrogen was 114.5. Corresponding data for women were 84.6 and 83.9. Screening for metabolic disease seems unnecessary but persons restricting their intake to less than their caloric needs will have their protein intake overestimated on the basis of urinary nitrogen measurement.  相似文献   

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