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Student professionalism continues to be an elusive goal within colleges and schools of pharmacy. Several reports have described the nature of professionalism and enumerated the characteristic traits of a professional, but educational strategies for inculcating pharmacy students with attitudes of professionalism have not been reliably effective. Some authors have suggested the need for a standard definition. If the goal can be more clearly conceptualized by both faculty members and students, and the moral construct of the fiduciary relationship between pharmacist and patient better understood, the development of professional values and behaviors should be easier to achieve. This paper describes a new approach to defining professionalism that is patterned after Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. It includes the general concept of patient care advocacy as an underlying paradigm for a new pharmacy practice model, and defines 5 behavioral elements within each of the 3 domains of professionalism: competence, connection, and character.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the tobacco use status of 63 subjects seven years after enrollment in a single-intervention smoking cessation study employing smokeless tobacco (SLT) as a nicotine substitute. Information about tobacco use and cessation attempts was obtained in interviews. The duration of follow-up and of smoke-free periods were derived from the date of the subject's enrollment and were expressed as person-years (p-y). Because the study focused on the use of SLT for smoking cessation, subjects who used SLT to quit were invited to return for verification (less than 10 parts per million of carbon monoxide in expired air). Follow-up was completed on 62 of 63 original subjects, classified according to tobacco use status at the end of the initial study. Of the 16 subjects who had quit smoking using SLT at one year, 12 were smoke-free at seven years. For all 16 subjects there was 106 p-y of follow-up, 97 (92%) of which were smoke-free. Of six subjects who had quit smoking at one year by a means other than SLT, four were smoke-free at seven years. This entire group had 42 p-y of follow-up, 34 (81%) of which were smoke-free. Of the 41 subjects who were smoking at one year, 12 had quit smoking by the seven-year mark, three of these subjects by using SLT. Total follow-up for this group was 284 p-y, of which 26 (9%) were smoke-free. Although the study is small, the long-term success rate of this pilot trial compares favorably with other cessation studies.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(13):1717-1727
Background: This study evaluated a decisional balance intervention among heavy drinking undergraduates and compared a nonweighted decisional balance proportion (DBP; Collins, Carey, & Otto, 2009) to a participant-weighted DBP with weights based on relative importance of items. We expected: (1) the intervention to decrease drinking compared to control; (2) the weighted intervention to be more effective compared to the nonweighted or control in reducing drinking; and (3) intervention efficacy to be moderated by initial DBP. Method: Participants (N = 162, Mean age = 24.37, SD = 6.81, 27% male) were randomly assigned to an alcohol intervention wherein they were either asked to assign weights of importance to pros and cons (weighted intervention), or not (nonweighted intervention), or to control. Participants completed web-based questionnaires at baseline and again during a one month follow-up assessment. Results: Consistent with expectations, the nonweighted intervention was associated with reduced follow-up weekly drinking, and the weighted intervention was associated with reductions in drinking frequency. Results further indicated that initial decisional balance did not moderate intervention efficacy. Discussion: Findings suggest that the decisional balance procedure can reduce drinking but there was not compelling evidence for the addition of weights. This study lays the groundwork for enhancing future interventions by increasing empirical knowledge of the role motivation plays in heavy alcohol use.  相似文献   

Objective. To develop and implement a capstone course that would allow students to reflect on their development as a professional, assess and share their achievement of the college’s outcomes, complete a professional portfolio, establish a continuing professional development plan, and prepare to enter the pharmacy profession.Design. Students were required to complete a hybrid course built around 4 online and inclass projects during the final semester of the curriculum.Assessment. Faculty used direct measures of learning, such as reading student portfolios and program outcome reflections, evaluating professional development plans, and directly observing each student in a video presentation. All projects were evaluated using standardized rubrics. Since 2012, all graduating students met the course’s minimum performance requirements.Conclusion. The course provided an opportunity for student-based summative evaluation, direct observation of student skills, and documentation of outcome completion as a means of evaluating readiness to enter the profession.  相似文献   

郭莹  罗静  范宇  陈晓燕 《中国药事》2019,33(12):1406-1410
目的:明确产品生命周期各阶段质量风险管理重点工作及控制措施,为产品全生命周期质量风险管理提供有力保障。方法:以GMP、PIC/s GMP附件20、ICH Q8、ICH Q9、ICH Q10、ICH Q12、WHO质量风险管理指南为基础,运用归纳总结及分析评估方法,对疫苗产品生命周期各阶段的质量风险管理进行研究。结果:通过质量风险管理研究,明确了生命周期不同阶段影响疫苗质量的关键因素,以满足科学和法规符合性为基础,提出具体控制措施,有效防控质量风险。结论:质量风险管理伴随疫苗产品全生命周期,任何一个阶段的质量风险管理工作都需重视并认真执行,采取科学合规的控制措施,可达到有效防控质量风险的目的。  相似文献   

Preclinical Research
Bone is a rigid and dynamic organ that undergoes continuous turnover. Bone homeostasis is maintained by osteoclast‐mediated bone resorption and osteoblast‐mediated bone formation. The interruption of this balance can cause various diseases, including osteoporosis a public health issue due to the rate of hip fracture, the most serious outcome of osteoporosis. The bone loss in osteoporosis results from an increase in bone resorption versus bone formation. Thus, regulation of osteoblast and osteoclast activity is a main focus in the treatment of osteoporosis. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of single stranded noncoding RNAs consisting of 18–22 nucleotides that have an important role in cell differentiation, cell fate, apoptosis, and pathogenesis in various disease states. The potential therapeutic and biomarker function of miRNAs in treating bone disorders is receiving more attention. The current review summarizes the role of miRNAs in bone function at a cellular level in the context of their therapeutic potential. Drug Dev Res 76 : 235‐245, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:为药品检验实验室开展检验质量检查提供方法借鉴。方法:从理论到具体检查工作的实施,详细介绍了以检品生命周期为主线开展质量检查方法。结果:以检品生命周期为主线开展质量检查方法具有系统性和有效性。结论:以检品生命周期为主线开展质量检查,可作为药品检验实验室开展检验质量检查的有效方法予以应用。  相似文献   

目的:本文分析仪器设备全生命周期管理系统,分享仪器设备管理系统基于药监系统日常管理工作的特色选型。方法:围绕设备全生命周期管理的理念,设计实施电子化设备采购管理、设备台账管理、设备维护维修管理等一系列流程。结果与结论:仪器设备全生命周期管理系统实现全资产、全业务和全过程的信息化管理覆盖。具有良好示范作用,可在药检系统推广使用。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(11):1373-1382
Background: Alcohol dependence is a multi-dimensional and chronic disorder which affects the physical, psychological, social, sexual health and thus the quality of life of the individual. Objectives: This research was designed in order to determine the effect of alcohol dependence on the quality of life and sexual life of women. Methods: The research was a cross-sectional and comparative relation study, consisting of a case study group constituted of women who consulted Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Disorders Training and Research Hospital's Alcohol and Substance Research, Treatment, Education Center between July 2009 and July 2010 and who were diagnosed as alcohol addicted and a healthy group, constituted of women who consulted the Gynecology Clinic of the same hospital (alcohol dependent group = 71, healthy group = 183). The data were collected using ‘World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Brief Form’ (WHOQOL-BREF TR), Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, chi-square, student's t-test, and multivariate analysis by use of SPSS 13.0 program. Results: It was determined that the alcohol-dependent women presented lower WHOQOL-BREF-TR sub-dimensions and lower FSFI total scores and sub-dimensions but higher scores in BDI scale in comparison to the healthy group. Conclusions: The alcohol dependence negatively affects the quality of life and sexual life in women.  相似文献   

我院“医院药历管理软件开发系统”的功能介绍   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
目的推广药历计算机管理。方法介绍我院药剂科和信息中心联合研发的“医院药历管理软件开发系统”的主要功能。结果利用医院信息系统,该软件可随时统计、查询住院患者的药历信息。结论计算机管理药历可为合理用药提供及时、有效的数据支持,有利于临床药学工作的开展。  相似文献   

李阳  董朝晖  孙利华 《中国药房》2014,(12):1080-1083
目的:为完善高血压防治策略、提高高血压患者的生命质量提供合理建议和实证参考。方法:使用欧洲生命质量量表(EQ-5D)和调查问卷,对分别使用整群抽样和方便抽样方法从北京和杭州两地社区卫生服务中心抽取的1 006名高血压患者进行入户调查,包括调查对象的基本情况,生活习惯及健康状况,高血压监测、控制状况和治疗状况,高血压患者的疾病经济负担,用药情况和用药依从性等,数据录入后使用描述性分析和多因素回归分析方法进行分析,以研究高血压社区管理对患者生命质量的影响。结果:两地入户调查失访率均低于5%。杭州受访高血压患者EQ-5D生命质量得分为(0.85±0.13)分,显著高于北京受访高血压患者的(0.78±0.19)分(P<0.000);年龄、伴随慢性病数量、用药依从性、每周锻炼频率等对高血压患者生命质量有显著的影响;社会支持得分、患者对高血压相关知识的了解程度、对处方量的满意程度、对高血压的重视程度、精神状态等对高血压患者用药依从性有显著的影响。结论:在经济比较发达的城市,医保待遇、经济条件、文化程度不是影响高血压患者生命质量的重要因素,完善的高血压社区管理是提高患者生命质量的关键。用药依从性是影响高血压患者生命质量的重要因素,也是通过高血压社区管理重点干预的对象;提高患者社会支持程度、加强健康宣教、提供令患者满意的处方量、鼓励患者积极治疗是提高其用药依从性的有效措施。  相似文献   

本文讨论的是人体生命观的问题,从人的本质来看,人体生命与其它生命体有着原则的区别。人体生命是神圣品格、质量品格和价值品格的辩证统一。人体生命三重品格以价值品格为核心,密不可分地联系在一起。片面强调人体生命的质量品格或神圣品格,必然使人们在理论和实践上陷入二难境地。  相似文献   

The biology of ostracod crustaceans suggests that this group could be a useful model for sediment toxicity testing. We examined life history characteristics of the freshwater ostracod Cyprinotus incongruens in the laboratory (25°C), then used length after 10 days as a response variable in a sediment toxicity test. Life history results indicated that both fecundity (0–64 total eggs per female), and egg development time (1->157 days), were highly variable. In contrast, juvenile development time showed less variation (7–16 days), and thus body length after 10 days was chosen as a sublethal bioassay character. A bioassay experiment using sediments isolated from mine-impacted cobble streams indicated that C. incongruens had a higher sensitivity to variation in sediment quality than the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia. Surprisingly, the results indicated no correspondence between concentration of metals and toxicity in either C. incongruens or C. dubia. Overall our results indicate that ostracods are a good candidate taxon for sublethal toxicity tests of contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

放射性核素示踪技术在化学创新药人体物质平衡中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在化学创新药的研发过程中,低能量放射性核素(主要为14C)示踪技术可用于开展人体物质平衡研究,以明确用药后一定时间内药物及其代谢物的主要排泄途径(尿液还是粪便)及排泄回收率(需>90%)。该技术在创新药人体吸收、代谢及排泄研究中仍具有其他技术无法比拟的优势,在日本及欧美制药工业界已被广泛应用多年。本文简述放射性核素示踪的基本原理,回顾2018年以来在美国批准的新分子实体新药中应用该技术的情况,阐述放射性核素示踪技术在人体物质平衡研究中的应用及其在我国创新药研发中的前景。  相似文献   

目的 开展品质管理圈(品管圈)活动,提高医院制剂物料平衡,保证医院制剂质量。方法 按照品管圈十大步骤,通过收集2014年76批次医院制剂物料平衡数据,分析制剂物料平衡低的主要因素,制定相应对策加以实施,并评价对策的有效性。结果 医院制剂物料平衡由开展品管圈活动前的96.52%提升至活动后的99.54%,且圈员解决问题能力、品管圈手法、责任心、凝聚力等无形成果均得到提高。结论 通过品管圈活动的实施,有效提高了医院制剂物料平衡,可提升医院制剂管理水平。  相似文献   

目的探索与制定软膏与乳膏类医院制剂物料平衡的控制参数,提升生产全过程的质控管理水平。方法通过对4个制剂生产中关键环节的物料输出进行记录,采用MicrosoftExcel进行统计与分析,制定每个品种相应环节的物料平衡限度。结果有效建立了制剂配制和分装生产环节的物料平衡参数。结论通过实践性探索,明确了进行物料平衡计算是制剂生产过程质量控制的必要措施。  相似文献   

University-based continuing education (CE) fulfills an important role to support the professional development of pharmacists, advance the practice of pharmacy, and contribute to societal needs for research and healthcare services. Opportunities for pharmacists to engage in new models of patient care are numerous worldwide, particularly as pharmacists' scope of practice has expanded. Approaches to CE have changed to address the changing needs of pharmacists and now include a variety of approaches to support development of knowledge and skills. There is emphasis on the learning process as well as the knowledge, with the introduction of the concept of continuing professional development (CPD).As institutions of research and education, universities are uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between academic and practice environments, providing opportunities for translation of knowledge to practice. The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Alberta is a provider of CE in Alberta, Canada, where an expanded scope of pharmacy practice includes prescribing, administering injections, accessing electronic patient records, and ordering laboratory tests. In this paper, the Faculty offers views about future directions for CE, including the integration of CE with core faculty activities, expanding the audience for CE, areas of focus for learning, and partnerships. Finally, we hope to ignite dialogue with others in the profession about the role and function of university-based CE.  相似文献   

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