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胸腺内注射异基因抗原诱导鼠神经移植免疫耐受的实验研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的探讨小鼠胸腺内注射异基因抗原在同种异体异基因坐骨神经移植免疫耐受中的作用。方法自供体小鼠C57BL/6的脾细胞中提取MHC抗原注人受体鼠Balb/c小鼠胸腺内,于2周后移植供体鼠坐骨神经。48只Balb/c小鼠随机分为4组,A组(胸腺内注射组)、B组(自体神经移植组)、C组(冷冻异体神经移植组)、D组(异体神经移植加用免疫抑制剂组)。于3周后进行电生理学、组织学、免疫学检测。结果A组运动神经传导速度(38.23m/s)与D组(36.39m/s)相比无显著性差异(P〉0.05),组织学、电镜、免疫学(混合淋巴细胞培养及迟发性超敏反应)检测结果均证实B组分别优于A组、D组和C组。结论胸腺内注射异基因MHC抗原可诱导大鼠对异体坐骨神经移植的特异性免疫耐受。  相似文献   

大鼠胸腺内注射同种抗原对甲状旁腺移植物存活的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 改善甲状旁腺移植物的存活时间。方法 用SDLewis及DA大鼠进行甲状旁腺移植实验。由供体Lewis大鼠的脾细胞提取抗原。按照不同的抗原注射途径(尾静脉、门静脉及胸腺内),是否合用抗淋巴细胞血清及第3品系大鼠的甲状旁腺移植共分为9组。结果 胸腺内注射抗原结合抗淋巴细胞血清的应用,使甲状旁腺移植物的平均存活期达到(196.00±3.96)d,与其他各组相比差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。结论 大鼠胸腺内注射抗原结合抗淋巴细胞血清的应用成功地诱导受体产生了供体特异性免疫耐受。  相似文献   

为评估胎兔神经同种异体移植修复神经缺损的效果。自体神经移植作为比较、桥接长度分别为缺损神经直径的4倍、8倍和12倍。术后1、2及3个月神经传导速度,单位面积髓鞘数,平均灰度值和面积密度值实验组与对照组显著性差异。结果表明,胎兔神经异体移植与自体神经移植效果相似。  相似文献   

长期以来,周围神经损伤的修复对于骨科医务工作者都是一个难题。临床上,用于治疗周围神经损伤尤其足长段损伤或缺损的方法中,自体神经移植术仍是最可靠的治疗手段,但足供区神经功能损失及可供缝合神经长度及直径有限是不可克服的缺点。硅胶管等各种合成材料和自体骨骼肌、静脉等生物源性材料可引导神经再生,但其结构与神经基底  相似文献   

液态氮冷冻保存对异体神经移植的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

同种异体神经移植的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王旭昇  李宝兴 《实用骨科杂志》2007,13(5):282-284,287
周围神经的损伤缺损十分常见,而修复对医学界来说一直是一个比较棘手的问题。在临床上,自体神经移植是最基本和最可靠的方法。但自体神经移植因其来源有限而无法满足较大神经缺损和广泛神经缺损修复的需要,而且增加手术创伤,造成供区的功能障碍。硅胶管等合成材料和自体骨骼肌、静脉等生物原性材料虽可引导神经再生,但是其结构与神经基底膜不同,轴突再生欠佳,修复神经缺损距离有限,临床应用价值有限。  相似文献   

胸腺内注射异基因脾细胞对移植心存活的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我们进行胸腺内注射脾细胞抗原诱导移植耐受的实验研究,将SD大鼠预注射脾细胞407天后,行异位同种以及移植,术后1周每日腹腔注射环孢素A10mg/kg。胸腺内脾细胞注射联合短期使用CsA组的移植心平均存活勘胶对照组显著延长,且抗原量为2.5×10^7脾细胞来诱导耐受的效果为好。  相似文献   

冷冻异体神经移植应用转化生长因子β1质粒的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨对经反复冻融处理的冷藏异体神经移植,局部使用转化生长因子β1(transforming growth factor β1,TGF-β1)质粒的效果. 方法健康成年不同窝Wistar大鼠40只随机分为两组,每组20只,将坐骨神经在梨状肌孔下5 mm处切除2.0 cm,神经缺损用预制反复冻融于-196℃冷冻的异体神经2.0 cm移植修复.实验组在局部肌肉及神经两断端注射TGF-β1质粒,对照组注射等量生理盐水.分别于6周和12周对每组10只大鼠取材,切片、染色并进行轴索计数和统计学分析. 结果 6周时实验组轴索间基本无水肿,再生神经数量接近正常;对照组神经移植段轴索间有轻度水肿,再生神经较少.12周时实验组整个神经移植段基本被再生轴突充满,有髓纤维排列整齐,轴突和髓鞘发育良好,再生轴突数为98.6±4.8/μm2;对照组神经纤维排列整齐,轴突和髓鞘发育较实验组差,轴突数为75.8± 5.1/μm2,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01). 结论反复冻融冷藏保存的异体神经其抗原性降低,具有修复神经缺损的可能性.局部使用TGF-β1质粒可发挥免疫抑制作用,降低宿主的免疫排斥反应.  相似文献   

同种异体神经移植研究的历史与现状   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
自体神经移植是目前修复周围神经缺损的最基本手术方式 ,自体神经来自腓肠神经、正中神经皮支等 ,增加了手术创伤 ,造成该神经支配区的功能障碍 ,且供体有限 ,常无法满足较大神经缺损或较广泛神经损伤修复的需要。硅胶管等各种合成材料和自体骨骼肌、静脉等生物源性材料 ,可引导神经再生 ,但其结构与神经基底膜不同 ,轴突再生欠佳 ,修复神经缺损的距离有限 ,临床应用价值不大。同种异体神经移植因免疫排斥反应需使用免疫抑制剂 ,经济代价高昂且易造成身体伤害 ,有时也会发生排斥反应而致手术失败。为寻求自体神经移植的替代物 ,国内外学者进…  相似文献   

放射辐照对异体神经移植组织学改变的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探索放射辐照对异体神经移植组织学改变的影响。方法 将18只SD大白鼠随机均分为三组:自体对照组、异体对照组、辐射处理组。应用放射辐照方法处理异体神经后进行移植。术后12周移植神经和胫前肌HE染色,移植神经S-100蛋白及波形蛋白免疫组化和甲苯胺蓝染色,观察其组织学变化和计数单位面积内阳性轴突数和再生的有髓神经纤维数量。结果 放射性照处理后的移植神经,纤维组织增生和炎性细胞浸润较少,胫前肌生长良好,再生有髓神经纤维增多(与异体对照组比较,P〈0.05),单位面积内的阳性轴突数明显增多(P〈0.05)。结论 放射辐照处理可降低异体神经的抗原性。  相似文献   

目的 观察大鼠胸腺内注射异基因抗原在同种异体异基因股静脉移植免疫耐受中的作用.方法 将48只SD大鼠随机分为4组:自体股静脉移植组(A组)、异体股静脉移植组(B组)、异体股静脉移植免疫抑制剂组(C组)、胸腺内注射供体组织相容性(MHC)抗原后移植组(D组).于2周后进行影像学、组织学、免疫学检测.结果 组织学检测结果显示:D组、C组急性排斥反应损伤较轻,B组血管壁的各层结构破坏最重,可见大量炎性细胞浸润.B组受体大鼠血清干扰素(IFN)-γ浓度为(86.707±10.928)ng/L,显著高于A、C、D组[(29.328±4.170)、(69.076±8.059)、(63.355±4.895)ng/L,P<0.05];B组受体大鼠血清白细胞介素(IL)-4浓度为(23.656±3.369)ng/L,显著低于C、D组[(29.425±4.174)、(31.000±4.659)ng/L,P<0.05].结论 胸腺内注射异基因MHC抗原可诱导大鼠对同种异体血管移植的特异性免疫耐受.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   

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