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Forty-seven mothers of children with Down syndrome were evaluated on their knowledge of genetic facts pertaining to Down syndrome. We found that more knowledge of this disorder was acquired by counselees before counseling than from the counseling. The data show that counseling is most effective in enhancing counselees' knowledge of general genetics, ie, the origin of the extra chromosome in a child with Down syndrome. In contrast, counselees had the most difficulty in learning the recurrence risks for others, including the risks for relatives, siblings, and the population in general. A finding of practical importance is that formal education is inversely related to the amount of information counselees learned from counseling. Mothers with less than a high school education acquired most of their genetic knowledge from counseling, while those with more than a high school education acquired most of this information before counseling.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the reproductive decision after genetic counseling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Here we report a follow-up study involving interviews with 164 couples 2-3 years after genetic counseling to assess the influence of various factors on their reproductive planning. The results show that the desire to have children and the absence of personal experience with the disorder (no close relative being affected) are important single factors for the decision to opt for having children after genetic counseling. The magnitude of the genetic risk is of relative importance in reproductive planning. Seventy percent of the couples with a high genetic risk (greater than 15%) opted for having children. When the disorder was perceived as severe and the risk was interpreted as high, 72% opted for having children. The availability of prenatal diagnosis became important only in combination with a high genetic risk (greater than 15%). Forty-seven percent of the couples with a high genetic risk refrained from having children when prenatal diagnosis was not available. In the absence of prenatal diagnosis, couples who had an affected child were more cautious about trying again than those who did not--50% versus 14% decided to abstain. This study has provided some insight into the complexity of reproductive decision-making after genetic counseling. The findings may help genetic counselors and clinical geneticists understand and support counselees in their decision-making process, which is "multi-factorial."  相似文献   

Model identifying the reproductive decision after genetic counseling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the identifiability of reproductive planning after genetic counseling, a model was designed to study 8 relevant factors influencing reproductive decisions after genetic counseling. Altogether, 164 couples were interviewed at home 2 to 3 years after genetic counseling. The factors were arranged in a flow chart distinguishing 3 groups: reproductive outcome prior to genetic counseling, desire to have children, and interpretation of information gained from genetic counseling. The model based upon these retrospective data showed that reproductive decisions were identified correctly in 91% of the cases. The model consisted of 8 factors and documented the urgency of the desire to have children and the interpretation of the genetic risk. In addition, linear discriminant analysis of the 8 relevant factors enabled identification of the reproductive decision in 96% of the cases. This model may prove helpful to counselors and counselees by showing what other couples have decided in comparable circumstances and for which reasons.  相似文献   



Female breast cancer patients carrying a BRCA1/2-mutation have an increased risk of second primary breast and ovarian tumors. Little is known about the psychological impact and treatment consequences of rapid genetic counseling and testing offered between breast cancer diagnosis and surgery.


Female breast cancer patients, who had received rapid genetic counseling (and optional testing) (RGC(T)) at The Netherlands Cancer Institute between 2004 and 2008, received a questionnaire in 2009.


BRCA-mutations were found in 10 of the 26 participants. Six mutation-carriers (60%) had an immediate bilateral mastectomy, compared with 25% of those without a mutation. Five patients (19%) reported having frequent worries about cancer recurrence; none indicated that such worries impaired daily functioning. Six patients had clinically relevant levels of breast cancer-specific distress at the time of assessment.


These results suggest that RGC(T) in high-risk breast cancer patients may influence surgical treatment, without causing long-term psychosocial distress in the majority.

Practice implications

These results are important, since rapid genetic counseling and testing are expected to be offered to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients with increasing frequency in order to inform these women and their surgeons about the possible familial/hereditary nature of their disease before deciding on treatment.  相似文献   

Personal construct counseling was provided for voluntary AIDS caregivers based in the community, with the goal of reducing their anxiety levels. Seventy-five caregivers participated in the project, 33 of whom received counseling. They were interviewed on three occasions—before, immediately after, and 3 months after counseling. Their responses to an open-ended question were subjected to six subscales of a content analysis scale in order to measure levels of anxiety from six different sources. At time 2, the anxiety of the counseled caregivers was significantly less than that of those not counseled, specifically their anxiety about bodily mutilation and guilt. These differences were not sustained at time 3 because the anxiety of those not counseled dropped. Some criticisms of the project are examined before the meaning of these findings for meeting the mental health needs of AIDS caregivers is discussed.  相似文献   

Weil J 《Clinical genetics》2001,59(3):143-149
The responsibility to provide accessible, useful genetic counseling to individuals from many cultures and ethnicities arises from the increasing ethnocultural diversity of the populations served, coupled with the ethical goal of providing equal access and quality of services for all individuals. The multicultural education, training, and practice of genetic counseling involves three major components: knowledge of relevant ethnocultural groups, ethnocultural self-awareness, and an understanding of institutional and social barriers to services. Despite the diversity of ethnocultural groups served and the critical role of direct experience and training for the genetic counselor, some general guidelines for multicultural genetic counseling can be identified. These include the importance of establishing and maintaining trust, the essential need to respect the counselee's healthcare beliefs and practices, and the necessity of understanding the impact of culture on the process of decision making and on counselee responses to nondirective counseling.  相似文献   

The goals of genetic counseling have differed over the past three decades. Two schools of thought are prominent in reviewing past literature. One upholds the goal of preventing birth defects and genetic disorders while the other promotes a goal of improved psychological well-being in client adaptation to a genetic condition or risk. Both types of goals emphasize that clients should make their own reproductive decisions; however, the former relies on clients making decisions that will reduce the impact of genetic disorders. The differences in the types of goals may be due to the training and orientation of genetics health care providers, socio-cultural views, or priorities of health care settings. Regardless, there are ample reasons to dismiss the prevention of birth defects as a goal. This mini-review recommends use of genetic counseling sub-specialties as a framework for considering different client needs and thus different counseling goals and specific aims in the reproductive, pediatric/adult, and common disease settings. Given the extent of new genetic information, technologies, and the need to evaluate genetic counseling practice, genetics health care providers should work toward arriving at consensus on the goals of genetic counseling, and in doing so, the needs of clients should be considered.  相似文献   

We examined factors and experiences associated with parents' use or non-use of genetic counseling services within 5 years of the diagnosis of a birth defect in their child. Eligible parents were identified using birth defects data for births in 2004 in Victoria, Australia, and invited to complete a written questionnaire and optional telephone interview. Participants were asked about sources of genetic information, experiences and satisfaction with obtaining this information, and impressions of genetic services. Reasons given for not attending genetic counseling services included not knowing the service was available, or not feeling a need to attend. Non-users commonly stated they would not consider termination of pregnancy for the type of birth defect experienced or that they obtained information from other sources, such as pediatricians. This study indicates that parents, whose child has been diagnosed with a birth defect, could benefit from being informed about available genetic counseling services. The results show that some non-users of genetics services may have misconceptions about the purpose of genetic counseling and correcting these may increase utilization. This is important in order to ensure all parents receive sufficient information and support after diagnosis of a birth defect in their child.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Patients seeking genetic testing for inherited breast cancer risk are typically educated by genetic counselors; however, the growing demand for cancer genetic testing will likely exceed the availability of counselors trained in this area. We compared the effectiveness of counseling alone versus counseling preceded by use of a computer-based decision aid among women referred to genetic counseling for a family or personal history of breast cancer. METHODS: We developed and evaluated an interactive computer program that educates women about breast cancer, heredity, and genetic testing. Between May 2000 and September 2002, women at six study sites were randomized into either: Counselor Group (n = 105), who received standard genetic counseling, or Computer Group (n = 106), who used the interactive computer program before counseling. Clients and counselors both evaluated the effectiveness of counseling sessions, and counselors completed additional measures for the Computer Group. Counselors also recorded the duration of each session. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics did not differ significantly between groups. Participants and counselors both rated the counseling sessions as highly effective, whether or not the sessions were preceded by computer use. Computer use resulted in significantly shorter counseling sessions among women at low risk for carrying BRCA1/2 mutations. In approximately half of the sessions preceded by clients' computer use, counselors indicated that clients' use of the computer program affected the way they used the time, shifting the focus away from basic education toward personal risk and decision-making. CONCLUSION: This study shows that the interactive computer program "Breast Cancer Risk and Genetic Testing" is a valuable adjunct to genetic counseling. Its use before counseling can shorten counseling sessions and allow counselors to focus more on the clients' individual risks and specific psychological concerns. As the demand for counseling services increases, a program such as this can play a valuable role in enhancing counseling efficiency.  相似文献   

Mothers coming for genetic counseling because they have an infant with the Down syndrome (DS) vary in their amount of knowledge about the cause, recurrence risk, and options for dealing with the recurrence risk. The purpose of this work has been to determine some predictors of the variability in mothers' knowledge of the DS before coming to genetic counseling. Data were collected before counseling through a detailed interview concerning mothers' knowledge of the DS, their demographic background, fertility plan, and attitude toward family planing. These data were "reduced" by multiple-regression analysis, to 7 variables used in a prediction equation for mothers' level of pre-knowledge attainment. These variables were then used to construct a model which was tested by path analysis. Results of analyses showed that about 2/3 of the variance in mothers' pre-knowledge of the DS could be accounted for by 5 independent variables: 1) time from diagnosis to counseling session, 2) date of counseling session, 3) nonreporting of emotional upset, 4) education-occupational status (EOS), and 5) utilization of birth control methods. These findings led to the conclusion that what occurs before counseling is of importance for the outcome of genetic counseling, as measured by the genetic information acquired by the counselees. Some precounseling precedures are suggested on how genetic counselors might be able to gain more control over the important factors that occur before actual counseling.  相似文献   

This study focuses on counselees' knowledge of the Down syndrome before receiving genetic counseling. Data were collected from 47 mothers of children with the Down syndrome using a structured interview of 13 open-ended questions. This instrument was found to be both internally reliable and consistent. Results of this study document the enormous variation of counselees' knowledge of the Down syndrome before genetic counseling and show that this is positively associated with their educational background. Counselees with more than a high school education knew about 60% of the genetic information pertaining to the diagnosis before genetic counseling, while those with less than a high school education knew only 23% of this information before counseling. These results indicate that the better educated counselees are less apt to need to learn basic genetic information and may seek out genetic counseling services for other reasons. Possible motives are seeking knowledge confirmation, emotional support, and personalization of the information.  相似文献   

It is essential to consider the psychodynamic aspects of genetic counseling to attain the best outcome for the family. Narcissistic injury (reduced selfesteem), excessive defensiveness, and depressive reactions may impede an effective resolution of feelings and preclude the necessary adaptation to genetic diseases and the new realitities that have developed. Most parents of genetically affected children are capable of dealing with these conflicts. However, some individuals need help during the adaptation process by assisting them to grive for their disappointments and to help them develop new goals for themselves and for the baby that was born. This paper describes psychodynamic concepts that might be explored to facilitate conflict-resolution resulting from the occurrence of genetic disease.  相似文献   

ObjectiveGrowing use of clinical exome sequencing (CES) has led to an increased burden of genomic education. Self-guided educational tools can minimize the educational burden for genetic counselors (GCs). The effectiveness of these tools must be evaluated.MethodsParents of patients offered CES were randomized to watch educational videos before their visit or to receive routine care. Parents and GCs were surveyed about their experiences following the sessions. The responses of the video (n = 102) and no-video (n = 105) groups were compared.ResultsGCs reported no significant differences between parents in the video and no-video groups on genetics knowledge or CES knowledge. In contrast, parents’ scores on genetics knowledge questions were lower in the video than no-video group (p = 0.007). Most parents reported the videos were informative, and the groups did not differ in satisfaction with GCs or decisions to have CES.ConclusionGCs and parents perceived the videos to be beneficial. However, lower scores on genetics knowledge questions highlight the need for careful development of educational tools.Practice implicationsEducational tools should be developed and assessed for effectiveness with the input of all stakeholders before widespread implementation. Better measures of the effectiveness of these educational tools are needed.  相似文献   

Mutations may arise throughout an organism's life cycle. Typically, sporadic meiotic mutations give rise to individuals with all their germinal and somatic cells bearing the mutant gene. These mutations may be amorphs (with full penetrance and expressivity) or hypomorphs (with reduced penetrance and expressivity). Mutational mosaicism, however, involves the origin of mutations occurring during mitosis, whether in the parent at some stage prior to reproductive maturity or in the offspring at some time following fertilization. The phenotypic expression and transmission of these new mutations are dependent on the proportion of cells bearing the mutant gene as well as the location of these cells in somatic and/or germinal tissues. Mutational mosaicism was used as a developmental model to analyze 1,500 sporadic and 179 familial cases of retinoblastoma from the world literature. This model provided an interpretation for the origin, onset, and transmissibility of the sporadic unilateral retinoblastoma cases, which represent over 60% of all retinoblastoma patients. The model also permits a reclassification of all transmissible types of retinoblastoma; based on this classification, more accurate risk figures for genetic counseling can be offered. In addition, mutational mosaicism can be extended as a model to other autosomal dominant and X-linked mutations.  相似文献   

This study focuses on counselees' knowledge of the Down syndrome before receiving genetic counseling. Data were collected from 47 mothers of children with the Down syndrome using a structured interview of 13 open-ended questions. This instrument was found to be both internally reliable and consistent. Results of this study document the enormous variation of counselees' knowledge of the Down syndrome before genetic counseling and show that this is positively associated with their educational background. Counselees with more than a high school education knew about 60% of the genetic information pertaining to the diagnosis before genetic counseling, while those with less than a high school education knew only 23% of this information before counseling. These results indicate that the better educated counselees are less apt to need to learn basic genetic information and may seek out genetic counseling services for other reasons. Possible motives are seeking knowledge confirmation, emotional support, and personalization of the information.  相似文献   

Covariate-dependent genetic counseling in Huntington's disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From detailed study of a population-based sample of active cases of Huntington's disease it is known that the age of onset of Huntington's disease is strongly affected by whether Huntington's disease was inherited from mother or father. Standard methods for genetic counseling risk computations use age of unaffected consultant as a covariate affecting the quoted risk, but no other covariates are used in these risk computations. We demonstrate the feasibility of using a proportional hazards approach to computation of the penetrance function which in turn enables a risk to be computed incorporating other covariates besides age of consultant. When there is only one significant covariate other than age, direct estimation of age-of-onset distributions corresponding to various values of the covariate also gives useful results. Our analyses show that genetic counseling risks based on covariates are feasible to compute and offer additional accuracy to the recipient of the information.  相似文献   

Dominantly inherited spinocerebellar ataxia (OPCA 1) poses a particular problem for genetic counseling due to late age of onset. Liability for disease using observed age of onset can be combined with HLA linkage data to provide revised estimates of risk for affection. Where data is informative, certain combinations may yield estimates which improve so rapidly with age that postponement of childbearing may become a strong consideration as an option.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a Genetic Attitude Assessment Tool (GAAT) to measure parental attitudes in contemplating genetic testing for childhood hearing loss, and to examine the differences in assessments made before and after genetic counseling. The GAAT tool was administered to a convenient sample of 119 parents of children with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. The respondents completed the survey either before (n = 77) or after (n = 42) genetic counseling. Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied to identify and quantify the underlying psychosocial structure. Our results showed the validated 54-item GAAT instrument contains six subscales: (1) "test intention," (2) "beliefs in non-genetic causes of hearing loss," (3) "deferral of decision to undergo genetic testing," (4) "appropriate use of genetic testing results," (5) "beliefs in the benefits," and (6) "concerns about stigma." The respondents who answered the survey after genetic counseling had higher "test intention" (P = 0.017) and endorsed to a greater extent "beliefs in the benefits" (P < 0.001). They believed to a lesser extent that childhood hearing loss was due to "non-genetic causes" (P < 0.001) and were less inclined to prefer "decision deferral" (P = 0.031). Respondents who themselves had a hearing loss expressed a significantly weaker belief in "non-genetic causes" of hearing loss (P < 0.0001). In conclusion the validated GAAT instrument is responsive to changes in parental attitudes after genetic counseling. The GAAT may be used to monitor parental attitudes serially, to further understand how parental attitudes change from pre genetic counseling, post genetic counseling, to post test result disclosure.  相似文献   

In this study, we have compared the hemoglobin A2 levels (Hb A2) of alpha-thalassemia carriers (-alpha/-alpha and -alpha/alpha alpha genotypes) with those of double heterozygotes for delta+ and beta thalassemia genes, who were identified by family studies and polymorphic restriction site analysis within the beta-globin gene cluster. We found that double heterozygotes for the delta+ and beta thalassemia have significantly (p less than 0.001) higher Hb A2 levels as compared with carriers of alpha-thalassemia. This finding has practical implications in the genetic counseling of subjects with a thalassemia-like phenotype associated with normal or borderline Hb A2 levels.  相似文献   

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