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目的对不同饲料原料中真菌污染状况进行研究。方法从全国不同地区的代表性饲料生产企业采集豆粕、棉籽粕、麦麸和玉米干酒糟及其可溶物(DDGS)4种饲料原料样品,采用平板稀释法接种,对影响真菌分离的关键因素进行筛选,并对各样品的真菌污染状况进行分析。结果含氯霉素0.1 g/L的马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂、10-1稀释度分别为从饲料中分离真菌的最适培养基和稀释度。饲料原料中真菌污染率范围为31%(DDGS)~88%(麦麸);不同地区同种饲料原料、同一地区不同种类的饲料原料样品受真菌污染的程度各异。不同地区、不同种类饲料原料中重要产毒真菌黄曲霉和镰刀菌的污染水平也各不相同,东北地区黄曲霉和镰刀菌的污染水平最高,华南地区最低;麦麸和棉籽粕污染水平最高,DDGS最低;各种饲料中黄曲霉的平均污染水平(25%)高于镰刀菌(11%)。结论我国饲料原料样品受黄曲霉和镰刀菌的污染值得关注,需在饲料生产加工过程中,加强对真菌污染的控制。  相似文献   

坑道通风状况与真菌污染关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:调查坑道不同通风条件下的空气真菌状况,为保障进驻人员身体健康提供依据。方法:用撞击法检测密闭、半密闭和通风式3种类型坑道内空气真菌数,根据真菌菌落形态特征及生长结构进行菌株鉴定。结果:坑道平均气温7.7℃~11.3℃,平均相对湿度33.5%~42.8%。密闭式坑道的房间真菌数高于对照组(P<0.05);半密闭和通风式坑道的通道和房间的真菌数均明显高于对照组(P<0.01);3种类型坑道中以半密闭式真菌数最高,通道和房间分别为7165±2373cfu/m3和12132±7514cfu/m3,且房间真菌数明显高于通道(P<0.01)。鉴定1982株真菌菌株,其中青霉属和曲霉属为优势菌,占59.7%。结论:坑道内的真菌主要来自于外界进入和坑道内部大量腐殖质繁殖,并逐步扩大污染范围。半密闭坑道未形成自然通风,所以真菌数最高。通风式坑道因形成空气对流,真菌孢子依靠气流向周围播散,通道和房间均明显高于对照组。密闭式坑道真菌无外界进入,空气相对稳定,因房间形成死角,房间真菌数高于对照组。  相似文献   

某卷烟厂车间空气中优势真菌污染状况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某卷烟厂卷烟车间进行了真菌污染状况的暴皿调查。结果表明,调查4月、8月及12月三个月各工种真菌总数量相差不大,与大气中真菌随季节消长的特点有所不同。本次调查出现频率高,数量大的真菌有青霉菌属,多色曲霉,黑色根央霉,黑毛菌属及黑曲霉,其次为土曲霉,烟曲霉,着色芽生菌霉,单孢子菌属及分子孢子菌霉,这些真菌在车间内的数量均明显高于市区对照点。  相似文献   

北京市区大气细菌与真菌粒子关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡庆轩  李军保 《卫生研究》1995,24(4):206-211
用ANDERSEN生物粒子采样器在北京西单对大气细菌和真菌粒子的浓度、浓度分布、粒度分布及二者之间的关系进行了一年(1987-11-03~1988-08-01)的观测和研究。结果表明,西单大气细菌粒子年平均浓度为大气真菌粒子年平均浓度的2.6倍,一年中大气细菌粒子浓度与大气真菌粒子浓度的相关系数为0.329,呈正相关关系。大气细菌粒子的浓度和粒度均为正偏态分布,大气真菌粒子的浓度和粒度均为对数正态分布,>8.2μm的粗粒浓度,大气细菌为1633个/m3,大气真菌为179个/m3,大气细菌为大气真菌的9.1倍。大气细菌粒子的四季浓度均大于大气真菌粒子的四季浓度,不同季节的大气细菌和真菌粒子浓度的相关系数为0.956,呈明显的正相关关系。一天内,大气细菌粒子浓度呈双峰变化,大气真菌粒子浓度呈单峰变化,一天中的大气细菌和真菌粒子浓度的相关系数为0.015,相关关系不明显。  相似文献   

某地下医院真菌污染状况调查   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的调查地下医院真菌污染状况及来源。方法用常规方法对某地下医院进行空气和物体表面真菌计数及菌株鉴定。结果主通道空气中真菌数最低 ,平均为 115 5 0cfu·m 3;综合病区盲端空气中真菌数最高 ,平均为 6 72 0 4cfu·m- 3。油漆全部脱落木床架及床垫表面真菌数分别为 4 172 0cfu·m- 2 及 1336 0 0cfu·m- 2 。结论某地下医院环境真菌污染源主要是木床架及复合物制备的床垫。用 1.5 %稳定性过氧化氢溶液对物体表面喷雾消毒可达到良好的杀菌效果  相似文献   

皮毛加工环境空气真菌污染状况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对某皮毛厂作业环境进行了真菌学调查,并对142名皮毛加工工人及332名不接触尘毒的对照工人进行了呼吸系统症状的询问调查及胸部X线检查。结果表明,皮毛加工各工序真菌数量较对照组明显增高,波动在629~3681CFU/mA^3之间。其优势菌种为芽枝霉、交链孢霉。皮毛加工工人呼吸系统症状阳性率明显高于对照组,并有7例X线胸片异常者。  相似文献   

通过对124份使用中消毒剂污染真菌研究表明,在25 ̄28℃,培养1 ̄4周,真菌的检出率为27.42 ̄66.13%,培养4周后分离到的204株真菌共分布于青霉属等15个属科以上,其中,青霉属,曲霉属,根霉属,毛霉属和交链孢属占前五位,分别占20.90%、19.12%、10.29%、6.86%和6.37%。青霉属中包括纯绿青霉素等8个系以上,以纯绿青霉系、园弧青霉系、岛青霉系占前三位,分别占青霉属的2  相似文献   

上海市大气二氧化硫污染与常见呼吸道症状...   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

地下医院真菌污染状况及其成因与危害性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解地下医院真菌污染状况,对其空气真菌及物体表面真菌进行了调查,并对污染成因及危害性进行分析,为特殊情况人员进驻时采取有效措施提供依据。1 材料与方法1.1 对象 医院构筑于地下,有数条通道连接(称连接通道) ,连接通道长数百米,入口处的密闭门均关闭,处于密闭状态。医院使用面积73 4m2 ,综合病区全长40m ,上下两层固定木质床架5 0张,其余病床可临时安置在主通道两侧。床架油漆多数已脱落。床垫以锯末等复合材料制成。1.2 项目与方法1.2 .1 微小气候 应用HT -2 12 6型数字显示温湿度计测定气温气湿。选择主通道、综合病区、外…  相似文献   

目的 以病例交叉的研究方法,估计大气污染急性暴露对上海市居民每日死亡的影响,并探讨该设计用于大气污染急性健康效应研究的可行性。方法 采用病例交叉设计的方法分析上海市2000年6月1日至2001年12月31日大气污染与居民每日总死亡和分疾病别死亡的关系,同时比较双向对照设计和单向回顾性对照设计研究结果的差异。结果 采用不同的对照选择方案,病例交叉设计的研究结果变化较大;采用双向1:6的对照设计,大气可吸入颗粒物(PMl0)、二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)48h平均浓度每增加10μg/m^3,上海市城区居民总死亡发生的相对危险度分别为1.003(95%CI:1.001~1.005)、1.016(95%CI:1.011~1.021)、1.020(95%CI:1.012~1.027)。结论 上海市城区目前的PMl0、SO2、NO2水平对居民死亡确有影响;病例交叉设计是一种研究大气污染急性健康效应的有效工具。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We used Poisson regression methods to examine the relation between temporal changes in the levels of fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) and the risk of mortality among participants of the Harvard Six Cities longitudinal study.

METHODS: Our analyses were based on 1430 deaths that occurred between 1974 and 1991 in a cohort that accumulated 105,714 person-years of follow-up. For each city, indices of PM2.5 were derived using daily samples. Individual level data were collected on several risk factors including: smoking, education, body mass index (BMI), and occupational exposure to dusts. Time-dependent indices of PM2.5 were created across 13 calendar periods (< 1979, 1979, 1980, … , 1989, ≥ 1990) to explore whether recent or chronic exposures were more important predictors of mortality.

RESULTS: The relative risk (RR) of mortality calculated using Poisson regression based on average city-specific exposures that remained constant during follow-up was 1.31 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.12–1.52] per 18.6 μg/m3 of PM2.5. This result was similar to the risk calculated using the Cox model (RR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.08–1.46). The RR of mortality was attenuated when the Poisson regression model included a time-dependent estimate of exposure (RR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.04–1.36). There was little variation in RR across time-dependent indices of PM2.5.

CONCLUSIONS: The attenuated risk of mortality that was observed with a time-dependent index of PM2.5 is due to the combined influence of city-specific variations in mortality rates and decreasing levels of air pollution that occurred during follow-up. The RR of mortality associated with PM2.5 did not depend on when exposure occurred in relation to death, possibly because of little variation between the time-dependent city-specific exposure indices.  相似文献   

目的采用灰色关联分析探索北京市PM_(10)、SO_2和NO_2长期暴露与居民肺癌发病相关性及其在健康结局研究方面的应用。方法收集2004年1月—2010年12月北京市大气PM_(10)、SO_2和NO_2日平均浓度和气象因素日平均值以及北京市肿瘤医院2008—2010年的肺癌患者就诊资料,以北京市肺癌入院人数作为参考数列,以大气污染指标和气象指标作为比较数列,进行大气污染与居民肺癌入院数的灰色关联分析。结果不同污染物与北京市肺癌月均入院数的灰色关联度排序为PM_(10)NO_2SO_2;与累积1~3年污染物滑动平均浓度数列相比,累积4年的污染物滑动平均浓度数列与肺癌入院的关联度最大。结论本研究涉及的三种污染物中,对肺癌入院影响最大的是PM_(10)。灰色关联方法在空气污染与肺癌的相关性方面的应用有待进一步探索,需在进一步研究中补充更为详实和长期的数据。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市宝山区装修致室内空气污染情况,为有关部门开展室内空气污染治理提供参考依据。方法采用问卷调查和现场检测,对宝山区84户居民家庭装修后居室空气污染情况进行调查分析。结果不同房型甲醛超标率存在差异,其中书房较高(26.19%),客厅较低(15.48%)。装修竣工后居民家庭房间甲醛超标率在4~12个月达峰值,超标率为46.15%。多因素条件logistic回归分析结果提示家具材质和检测时室温情况对甲醛超标有影响。苯、甲苯和二甲苯的污染程度相对较轻。结论居民家庭装修后室内空气污染较严重,采用实木家具等措施有利于减少污染。  相似文献   

This study assesses the association between the proximity of residence to cement and fertilizer plants in industrialized districts and respiratory health complaints among children (5-15 years old) in Northern Lebanon. A multi-stage random sample of households was selected from two exposed districts and a third non-industrialized. One child was randomly selected from each household for a total of 486 children. Living within 0-3 km of industries, as compared to living farther away (4-7 km), was associated with a statistically significant increase in the risk for cough with colds (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 3.40), phlegm with colds (OR = 2.14), yearly episodes of cough and phlegm (OR = 4.63), yearly chest colds (OR = 4.12), and wheezing (OR = 2.23). When compared to living in the non-industrialized district, children living within 0-3 km of industries showed a significantly higher risk for yearly chest colds (OR = 2.30). However, living in the 4-7 km region of industries was associated with a lower risk of respiratory complaints, as compared to living in the comparison area. This was attributed to higher altitudes and different meteorological characteristics. A higher risk of respiratory problems was reported among children living close to cement than fertilizer industries. Policy intervention measures are recommended.  相似文献   

Study on ambient air quality in Beijing for the summer 2008 Olympic Games   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With the coming/approaching of the Olympic Games in 2008, air pollution in Beijing attracts the attention of government and people. The objective of this study is to define the air quality during the Olympic Games; we conducted the observation of SO2, NO, CO, NO2, O3, and PM10 from August 7 to September 30 in 2007 in Beijing. The results showed that the average daily concentrations of SO2, NO2, CO, and PM10 during observation were 0.024, 0.072, 2.25, and 0.19 mg m−3, respectively. Compared with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard II, the concentrations of SO2 and CO in the observation were low, the concentration of NO2 basically satisfied the National Ambient Air Quality Standard II, and the concentrations of O3 and PM10 were much higher than the values of the standard. The characteristics of diurnal variation of NO, NO2, CO, and PM10 were similar, and the lower concentrations of these pollutants were observed by day and the higher concentrations at night. The concentration of SO2 in the daytime was a little higher than that at night. The highest 1-h concentration of O3 occurred at 14:00 local time.  相似文献   

目的 分析合肥市区不同区域2012-2014年空气污染状况,为城市规划者和居民出行提供污染控制建议。方法 利用合肥市环境保护局网站数据库中主要空气污染指标的相关数据,应用SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析。描述2012-2014年合肥市区不同区域空气质量指数的时空分布特征,分析合肥市区不同区域空气环境污染的现状及其可能的原因。结果 2012-2014年间,合肥市空气污染状况在平均水平上呈现先增长后减少的趋势。在此期间合肥市区三里街子站、长江中路、庐阳区子站、瑶海区子站以及包河区子站的空气质量指数平均值均高于全市平均水平,并且冬季是合肥市区空气污染最严重的季节。结论 合肥市区空气污染状况与地理区域和季节变化有关。  相似文献   

目的研究上海市大气污染水平与三级医院日医保急诊人次的关系。方法选用广义相加模型(generalized additive model,GAM)分析时间序列资料,并在模型中加入自回归模型AR(P)处理时间序列资料自相关的问题,在控制了与时间有关的中长期趋势、星期效应、节假日效应、非典事件、气象因素等混杂因素的基础上,分析了上海市2002--2004年间3种大气污染物PM10、SO2和NO2日均浓度变化与三级医院日医保急诊人次的关系。结果大气污染物PM10、SO2和NO2日均浓度每增加10μg/m^3,上海市三级医院医保急诊就诊的相对危险度分别为1.0017(95%CI1.0001~1.0034),1.0066(95%CI1.0020~1.0111)和1.0052(95%CI1.0011-1.0094)。结论在上海市目前的大气污染水平下,所研究的3种污染物浓度水平对三级医院医保急诊人次有影响。  相似文献   

[目的]分析上海市卢湾区大气污染急性暴露对居民每日死亡数的影响。[方法]分别采用时间序列的半参数广义相加模型(GAM)和广义线性模型(GLM),在控制死亡的长期趋势、气象因素、“星期几效应”等混杂因素的基础上,分析上海市卢湾区2001年1月1日~2004年12月31日大气污染与居民每日死亡数的关系。[结果]在GAM中大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10),SO2和NO2,48h平均浓度每增加10μg/m3,居民死亡的相对危险度分别为1.0003(95%CI1.0000~1.0007)、1.0009(95%CI0.9998~1.0019)和1.0012(95%CI1.0003~1.0021);在GLM中大气PM10,SO2和NO2,48h平均浓度每增加10μg/m3,居民死亡的相对危险度分别为1.0004(95%CI1.0001~1.0008)、1.0008(95%CI0.9998~1.0019)和1.0012(95%CI1.0002~1.0022)。[结论]GAM、GLM拟和结果相似,上海市卢湾区目前的PM10和NO2水平对居民日死亡数有影响。  相似文献   

In many community time series studies on the effect of particulate air pollution on mortality, particulate air pollution is modeled additively. In this study, we investigated the interaction between daily particulate air pollution and daily mean temperature in Cook County, Illinois and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, using data for the period 1987-1994. This was done through the use of joint particulate air pollution-temperature response surfaces and by stratifying the effect of particulate air pollution on mortality by temperature. Evidence that the effect of particulate air pollution on mortality may depend on temperature is found. However, the results were sensitive to the number of degrees of freedom used in the confounder adjustments, the particulate air pollution exposure measure, and how the effects of temperature on mortality are modeled. The results were less sensitive to the estimation method used--generalized linear models and natural cubic splines or generalized additive models and smoothing splines. The results of this study suggest that in community particulate air pollution mortality time series studies the possibility of an interaction between daily particulate air pollution and daily mean temperature should be considered.  相似文献   

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