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Nursing faculty are affected by the paranoia that exists today as health care institutions individually interpret the Privacy Rule contained within the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Because nursing students and faculty have been thrust into this environment, faculty must understand the Privacy Rule to ensure that both they and their students are in compliance. In this article, we provide a framework for faculty as they take a proactive leadership stance in relation to HIPAA. A multifaceted approach is necessary as faculty begin to navigate the challenges imposed by HIPAA. Strategies discussed include informing faculty and educating students, while developing a value system related to confidentiality issues and creating a safe environment for sharing information.  相似文献   

ObjectiveIncrease student knowledge and comfort with caring for a transgender individual and confronting colleagues when exhibiting poor cultural intelligence.BackgroundTransgender patients often experience health care inequities, including heteronormative microaggressions in communication and policies. Simulation has been a successful means of providing students with the education, tools, and experience necessary to combat systemic injustice in health care. Simulation is an interactive pedagogy that allows nursing students to practice assessment, patient care, and difficult conversations in a controlled, risk-free environment.Design/ MethodsPrelicensure nursing students role-played a simulation created as an interactive learning strategy to promote culturally sensitive assessment of a transgender patient and their caregiver, including assessing for pronouns and providing patient-centered care. The simulation included preforming a difficult conversation between nurses to cultivate an environment of being an upstander. The simulation demonstrated holistic methods of assessing and supporting unique patient needs for the patient who is transgender.ResultsNursing students reported they felt that their comfort with advocacy and ability to communicate with transgender patients, as well as with their families, and health care team members was enhanced after completing the simulation.ConclusionSimulation has the ability to reduce discomfort and discrimination in health care for transgender patients by equipping students with culturally sensitive and inclusive communication tools and providing them with risk-free environment where they can learn to provide care for this vulnerable population in preparation for successful future encounters.  相似文献   

Nursing students frequently have difficulty understanding diabetes mellitus and other chronic illnesses. Using the active learning technique of the case study method enables students to understand the difficulty in taking care of clients with chronic illnesses. Three forms of the case study method are shared. The students are enlightened about clients' difficulty in taking care of themselves after the diagnosis of a chronic illness. The case study method is leveled and used to develop critical thinking by focusing on the client's needs and collaborating to solve problems. This enables students to develop a clearer understanding of the disease, how it affects clients and their needs, and responses to studies of the disease.  相似文献   

谈如何发现和培养护理潜人才   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对护理潜人才的内涵和特征进行论述,提出护理潜人才要树立信心,磨练意志,发现自身优势,注意综合素质的自我培养和提高;而医院护理管理人员要善于发现护理潜人才,并针对护理人才成长具有实践性、晚熟性、群体性的特点进行培养,使其早日变成护理显人才,促进医院护理变革。  相似文献   

For nursing to become firmly established as a research-based profession, it is essential that all nurses are equipped with the skills to critique research literature. This demands the integration of research application into nursing curricula at all levels. In order for nursing problems to be effectively illuminated, it is important that a range of quantitative and qualitative approaches are utilised. This necessitates teaching material from across the range of relevant research paradigms. Many students commencing pre-registration courses have a limited knowledge of either nursing or research. Others have had a variety of previous experiences of research as a subject, some of which have generated negative stereotypes and disinterest. This paper will explore the challenges encountered when teaching research to students on a pre-registration advanced diploma course. The authors have developed a range of experiential exercises which attempt to explore research concepts in a meaningful way. The presentation of research principles is followed up by formative work linked to clinical placements. Discussion during feedback sessions allows for sharing of ideas and experiences within the group and facilitates critical reflection. The evaluation from this initiative has been positive and encouraging. A selection of the methods used and evaluation material will be presented.  相似文献   

People over the age of 65 are an increasingly important part of the health care system. Faculty and students of nursing must develop the expertise to work with them if we are to meet the expanding challenges of providing health care to all. Utilizing a gerontological nurse clinician to role model and teach other faculty is one way of developing this expertise and enlarging the cadre of able faculty.  相似文献   

Public health nursing practice is rooted in the core value of social justice. Nursing faculty whose expertise is in public health are often the content experts responsible for teaching this essential, yet potentially controversial, value. Contemporary threats to academic freedom remind us that the disciplinary autonomy and academic duty to teach social justice may be construed as politically ideological. These threats are of particular concern when faculty members guide students through a scientific exploration of sociopolitical factors that lead to health-related social injustices and encourage students to improve and transform injustices in their professional careers. This article (a) reviews recent challenges to academic freedom that influence social justice education, (b) explores academic freedom and duty to teach social justice within the discipline of nursing, and (c) proposes a praxis-based approach to social justice education, which is grounded in transformative pedagogy.  相似文献   

医院护理质量控制方法的探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的:通过改进质量控制措施,使护理质量管理工作更趋科学化、规范化、标准化。方法:采取二级四层护理质控模式,即全院性质控——护理部质控和院级质量控制小组质控、科室质控——护士长质控和科室护理质控小组质控,对全院护理质量进行管理和控制,并建立积极的质量信息反馈制度。结果:通过多层次多方位的质量控制,各部门不断修订完善护理质量标准,真正落实以病人为中心的质量管理,使护理缺陷和事故隐患消灭在萌芽状态,病人得到了高质量、高水平、低价位的护理服务,也为护理队伍储备了优秀管理人才。结论:二级四层质控管理模式是一种有效的护理质量保证体系,对提高护理质量起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

Nurse educators are finding it increasingly more challenging to prepare undergraduate students for the ever-changing and more acute clinical environment. As an answer to this dilemma, the human patient simulator can provide students with the opportunity to enhance knowledge, to facilitate skill acquisition, to decrease anxiety, and to promote clinical judgment in a safe environment. These experiences assist the novice nursing student to progress to the advanced beginner stage of practice. This article describes how faculty used the human patient simulator in creating a case scenario that enhanced critical thinking in senior nursing students.  相似文献   

Socialization, or formation of students to the professional nurse role, is an expectation of nursing education. This process is complex and challenging for students, who continue to experience culture shock moving from academe to practice settings. Viewing formation as enculturation is one way to address culture shock. Nursing faculty are key figures in this process, yet their views are not known. This focused ethnography study explored nursing faculty's perceptions about the culture of nursing and how they bring students into that culture. Data collected at two accredited, undergraduate pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programs were analyzed using Leininger's four phases of data analysis. Four themes emerged: 1. The culture of nursing is multifaceted, multivalent and at times contradictory 2. Many factors interact and have influence on the culture of nursing 3. Navigating the subcultures (academia, service and organizational culture) is challenging for faculty, and 4. Nursing faculty believe that the right conditions facilitate the enculturation of students.Nursing faculty believe nursing has a professional culture and they bring students into that culture. Viewing the faculty role in enculturation to professional nursing as a culture broker can facilitate the process for students and mitigate the culture shock new graduate nurses experience.  相似文献   

Driven by demands for fiscal prudence, new services, and an orderly transition as aging faculty approach retirement, a new model for administrative planning and decision making was tested. In its first year of using an investment model, a private, 600+ student, College of Nursing was able to achieve a labor savings of 10 percent, an enhancement of revenue of 3 percent, and a human capital pool equal to 12 percent of total full-time faculty equivalents. The model, which includes the integration of strategic planning, benchmarking, continuous quality improvement, and management by objectives, was accomplished by taking three investment steps. The steps included goal determination, market understanding, and resource allocation. Investment activity distribution and work determination frameworks were developed as a result of the commitment to the investment process. Suggestions for the future include the need to continue to reorient administrative and faculty thinking as definitions of the educational enterprise evolve.  相似文献   

The McMaster Mohawk Conestoga Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, established in 2000, brought together three nursing programs from one university and two colleges. The existing university curriculum, which used a problem-based, small-group and student-centred approach, was implemented at all three sites. Considerable adjustments were required by faculty as they adapted to a collaborative approach in implementing this nursing curriculum. Q-methodology was used to identify nursing faculty viewpoints about the collaborative program experience. Sixty-one participants from the three sites completed a 50-item Q-sort representing their statements about collaboration. Data were analyzed using PQMethod version 2.11. Six salient viewpoints were identified: Champions of Collaboration, Proponents of Scholarship and Clinical, Critics of Collaboration, Defenders of McMaster Curriculum, Acceptors of Collaboration and Detractors of the Partnership. On the whole, the collaboration has been a success and a spirit of cooperation prevails. However, a number of faculty issues were identified that should be addressed. The results will be of value to other collaborative nursing programs as they work together to foster faculty commitment and collegiality.  相似文献   

The author outlines the relevant aspects of Piaget's theory of cognitive development and argues that, far from being restricted to childhood development, the theory has relevance for adult learners. An attempt is made to demonstrate the importance of practice within the educational framework of the student who is learning to become a nurse. It is argued that emphasis should be placed upon the provision of environments which allow the student to practise the schemas which he already possesses in order to provide opportunities for the elaboration of these schemas. Piaget's view that the existence of 'schema is motivation in itself' and the environment is important insofar as it should be geared to 'match' the classroom experiences of the student with the student's ability to respond to them, is outlined; with the contention that the most important means of growth is through action and through operations that the student himself performs on the environment. The author concludes with a note of caution for curriculum planners in a Project 2000 scenario who may promote theory at the expense of practice.  相似文献   

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