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Acute immunological rejection events of transplanted allogeneie organs are strongly dependent on T cell reactivity against foreign MHC products. The recognition requirements of alloreactive cytotoxic T cells arc of particular interest for finding approaches to modulating allorcactivity. The role of the allogeneic MHC molecule itself and/or an associated peptide in the interaction with the T cell receptor is still, however, unclear. Our studies have focused on the interactions of papain-digested HLA class I molecules with alloreactivc CD8+ CTL. These polypeptidcs, consisting of the polymorphic α1 and α2 and the monomorphic α3 domains, were used in both soluble and immobilized form to study their functional effects on anti-HLA-A2 reactive CTL. Purified polypeptides were of molecular mass 32–34 kD. HLA-A2 polypcptides (0–55 μg/ml) in soluble form induced half-maximal reduction of CTL cytotoxicity. These concentrations were quantitatively comparable to the effective doses of intact HLA class I molecules, which contain the hydrophobic transmembrane domain and the intracytoplasmic tail. In addition, specific activation requirements of these CTL were investigated in a serine esterasc release assay. Maximal degranulation was observed after 2 h of antigen contact. Purified HLA class I molecules allospccifically activated the anti-HLA-A2 CTL to degranulate serine esterase, when immobilized on plastic microtitre plates. Thus, polypeptidcs containing the polymorphic αl and α2 domains of human class I molecules potentially modulate the cytotoxic T cell response. This might have implications for the reduction or prevention of allograft rejection in recipients of foreign organs.  相似文献   

Activation of human alloreactive cytotoxic precursor T lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The requirements for allogeneic T-cell activation have been studied in experiments with T and/or B cells as stimulator. Although target determinants (TDs, defined by CTL effectors in CML) are present on B and T cells used as target cells, this study indicates that TDs are functionally different when expressed on B and T cells used as stimulator cells, as only B cells can activate CTL precursors. Further, the study confirms that inducing TDs and strong lymphocyte-activating determinants (LADs, defined by proliferation in MLC) can be distinct structures found on two different stimulator B cells. The study suggests that binding of cytotoxic precursor T cells to TDs per se does not allow any detectable activation or start of proliferation and differentiation but requires another function of the stimulator cells in the non-T-cell compartment. The nature of this function is unknown, but it is the background for the first signal received by the TD-specific clones of CTL precursors, resulting in the expression of growth receptors for T-cell growth factor or interleukin 2 which is the second signal necessary for clonal expansion and differentiation.  相似文献   

Anti-reovirus cytotoxic effectors were found to be: (i) H-2 restricted; (ii) virus specific; (iii) non-lytic (in 4 h) for natural killer (NK)-sensitive YAC-1 cells; and (iv) positive for the Thy-1 and Lyt-2 lymphocyte markers. Thus, anti-reovirus cytotoxic effectors have the functional and phenotype characteristics of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL). A significant fraction of anti-viral CTL, as well as alloreactive CTL, were also found to be positive for the asialo GM1 (ASGM1) cell surface antigen, generally considered to be a NK cell marker. ASGM1 expression on these CTL, as determined by sensitivity to antibody plus complement (C), appeared to be highly variable and dependent on two factors-the nature of the antigenic stimulus (viral vs. alloantigen), and the mouse strain from which the CTL originated. Thus, ASGM1 antigen expression on CTL appears to be regulated and may be under the control of lymphokines, development differentiation signals and/or other strain-dependent genetic factors.  相似文献   

The recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) generation of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells was investigated in peripheral blood T lymphocytes (PBT) of 16 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and 32 patients with multiple myeloma (MM). LAK activity was significantly decreased in MM, but not in MGUS patients, and was partially recovered in MM in the remission phase. This finding was unexpected, because CD8+ CD11b+ cells, which contain LAK precursors, are significantly increased in MM. LAK activity was investigated in purified CD8+ CD11b+ lymphocytes to discriminate between an intrinsic defect or a defective regulation by other T cell subsets. These cells were intrinsically unable to generate LAK activity fully following rIL-2 stimulation. MM showed the more pronounced LAK deficiency, while MGUS patients showed intermediate values. Phenotyping revealed significantly increased proportions of Leu7+ and HLA-DR+ cells in MM patients. These data reveal another dysregulation of T cell effector functions in patients with monoclonal gammopathies and offer further evidence of the impairment of their cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Primary one-way mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) of C3H/He responder and DBA/2 stimulator were performed in three-dimensional (3-D) collagen matrices and the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses was compared to those in MLC which were done on usual plastic surfaces or on collagen-coated plastic surfaces. MLC in the 3-D collagen matrices were found to generate strong CTL responses. Flow cytometric analysis of Lyt-2 and L3T4 antigen expressions on the effector cells showed that the Lyt-2/L3T4 ratios were substantially higher in the 3-D collagen matrices, and that a larger proportion of the cells in the 3-D collagen matrices were Lyt-2+ lymphoblasts. These results indicate that the milieu of the 3-D collagen matrices favors the proliferation of Lyt-2+ lymphocytes, and suggests that cell-to-matrix interactions in 3-D collagen matrices may play a regulatory role in the maturation process of alloreactive CTLs.  相似文献   

Murine anti-reovirus cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) were analyzed for H-2 restricted recognition of virus infected target cells and for potential cross-reactivity with cells infected by reovirus serotype 1 (T1; Lang strain) or by serotype 3 (T3; Dearing strain). Anti-reovirus CTL specifically lysed virus infected cells and lysis was shown to be H-2 restricted by the H-2Dd, H-2Ld, H-2Kd, H-2Kb, and H-2Kk antigens. No H-2 antigens were identified which failed to restrict virus recognition by anti-reovirus CTL. Anti-T1 and anti-T3 CTLs were also shown to crossreact completely with cells infected with the opposite virus serotype. Thus, anti-reovirus CTLs are restricted by a broad spectrum of H-2 antigens and they detect common rather than unique structural components of these two viral serotypes.  相似文献   

Recruitment of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes by an antigenic peptide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To investigate the requirements for induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) by peptides we chose the 16-residue nucleoprotein peptide (NPP; 365-380) from the influenza virus A/NT/60/68 as model substrate that is recognized in conjunction with major histocompatibility complex H-2d. Here we present that CTL can be raised from naive animals by repeated in vitro stimulation with high concentrations of peptide. The frequency of this response can be boosted by immunization of the animals with NPP-conjugated to ovalbumin as a carrier. However, in contrast to NPP-specific CTL lines raised from virus-primed animals none of the peptide-induced CTL lines were able to lyse virus-infected targets. Although they did not show an apparent difference in fine specificity of the peptide recognized, their affinity to the target cells was 100-fold lower than that of CTL from virus-primed animals as estimated from the peptide concentration needed to achieve significant lysis. In addition, the activity of peptide-induced CTL was very sensitive to blocking by anti-CD8 antibodies as compared to virus-specific CTL. Furthermore, all peptide-induced CTL showed a high second reactivity for allogeneic H-2k targets. Therefore, it is argued that high epitope density achieved by high peptide concentrations can in vitro recruit lymphocytes of another specificity. For the tested peptide the reactive T lymphocytes showed high alloreactivity.  相似文献   

D Kabelitz  B Zanker  C Zanker  K Heeg    H Wagner 《Immunology》1987,61(1):57-62
A limiting dilution (LD) culture system was used to investigate the effect of cyclosporin A (CsA) on the activation and differentiation of human alloreactive cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursors (CTL-p). CsA reduced in a dose-dependent fashion the frequency of alloantigen-inducible CTL-p. With most normal individuals tested there was a 20- to 50-fold reduction of alloreactive CTL-p frequencies in the presence of 500-1000 ng/ml CsA. Both unseparated T cells and CD8+ T cells were CsA-sensitive under LD culture conditions. Importantly, however, alloreactive CTL-p from two out of 21 normal individuals were found to be largely CsA-resistant. CsA did not affect the growth of MLR-primed CTL in secondary LD culture. Furthermore, CsA slightly inhibited the cytolytic activity of some alloantigen-specific CTL clones. These results are discussed with respect to the clinical use of CsA in transplantation medicine.  相似文献   

We selected three peptides from the germ-line sequence of the Vβ8.2 and Jβ2.3 gene segments of the murine T cell receptor for antigen (TCR) which contained putative Kd- and Ld-restricted epitopes. Immunization of BALB/c (H-2d) mice with the Vβ8.2(67–90) 23-mer peptide 1 as well as the 15-mer Vβ8.2(95–108)-peptide 2 efficiently primed specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in vivo against natural TCR-Vβ8.2 epitopes. Vβ8.2+ T cells were not deleted in TCR peptide-immunized mice because the fractions of Vβ8.2+ CD4+ and Vβ8.2+ CD8+ T cells in spleen and lymph nodes were not altered. The proliferative response of Vβ8.2+ T cells to stimulation by monoclonal antibody F23.2 was selectively suppressed (by 60–80%) in peptide-immunized BALB/c mice, indicating partial anergy of this T subset. Immunization of BALB/c mice with the Jβ2.3-derived peptide 3 stimulated a CD8+ CTL response against a class I-restricted epitope within this Jβ segment that was also generated during natural “endogenous” processing of this self antigen. These data confirm the predictive value of major histocompatibility complex class I allele-specific motifs. The described experiments indicate that TCR peptide-primed CD8+ CTL recognize class I-restricted, natural Vβ/Jβ-TCR epitopes. Such anti-TCR CTL may, thus, operate in Vβ-specific immunoregulation of the T cell system suppressing their functional reactivity without deleting them.  相似文献   

Donor-specific CTL present within the cardiac allograft during a rejection episode are distinct from those that populate the cardiac allograft in the absence of rejection. Whereas the former generally have a high avidity for donor cells, the latter mainly have a low avidity for donor cells. This observation made us reason that high-avidity CTL are implicated in transplant rejection, whereas low-avidity CTL are not. In the present study, we analyse whether both CTL subsets were distinct with respect to their IL-2, IL-4, IL-6 and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) secretion pattern. CTL clones with either a high or a low avidity for donor antigens were stimulated with donor cells, third party cells, or immobilized anti-CD3 MoAb and the amount of cytokine released was measured. High- and low-avidity CTL clones were found to differ with respect to their IFN-γ production profile. Stimulation with donor cells resulted in IFN-γ secretion by high-avidity CTL clones, but not by low-avidity CTL clones. CD3 stimulation, in contrast, led to secretion of equivalent amounts of IFN-γ by both CTL subsets. These observations indicate that low-avidity CTL are fully capable of producing IFN-γ, but, in contrast to high avidity CTL, fail to do so when they encounter donor cells. As IFN-γ favours the occurrence of transplant rejection, this observation emphasizes the relevance of high-avidity CTL in the rejection process. Additionally, the data show that the cytokine production profile of CTL depends on the nature of the stimulus.  相似文献   

The T x B hybrid 174 x CEM.T2 (T2) has been shown to be defective in the processing of proteins for presentation by MHC class I molecules. It continues, however, to express significant quantities of HLA-A2.1, suggesting that this class I molecule is expressed either in a largely peptide-free form or in association with a small subset of peptides. In this paper T2 was used in conjunction with limiting dilution analysis to provide a direct estimate of the fraction of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) that were dependent upon the presence of peptides for their recognition of HLA-A2.1. Alloreactive cytotoxic T cell lines generated by stimulation with HLA-A2.1 expressing peripheral blood lymphocytes recognized T2 poorly. Split-well analysis of 240 clonal limiting dilution cultures demonstrated that this reflected the existence of two subpopulations. An average 85% of HLA-A2.1 specific CTLs recognized HLA-A2.1 on normal cells but not on T2. The remainder recognized HLA-A2.1 on both T2 and normal targets. CTL lines with the latter specificity could be generated by using T2 as a stimulator cell. Using target cells that either expressed a lower density of HLA-A2.1 or that expressed HLA-A2 molecules that had been mutated to affect CD8 binding, no significant differences in avidity between T2-reactive and T2-unreactive CTLs were seen. Thus the failure of the majority of alloreactive CTLs to recognize T2 is not a consequence of the lower level of HLA-A2.1 surface expression on this cell, but is instead due to the absence of appropriate epitopes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

IFN-alpha administration after primary tumour resection improves the survival of melanoma patients at high risk of relapse. To investigate whether this response might be due to stimulation of anti-tumour immunity, the effect of IFN-alpha on anti-melanoma CTL generation in MLTC was measured. IFN-alpha increased both allogeneic and autologous anti-melanoma CTL generation from peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated with irradiated primary melanoma cultures. IFN-alpha up-regulated MHC class I expression on primary melanoma cultures, whereas IFN-gamma up-regulated both MHC class I and II expression. However, the effect of IFN-alpha on anti-melanoma CTL generation was often more potent than that of IFN-gamma, equalling the effect of the optimal combination of IL-2 and IL-12. Pre-treatment of primary melanoma cultures with IFN-gamma was sufficient for CTL generation in MLTC, whereas IFN-alpha needed to be present during the MLTC. While direct anti-proliferative effects of IFN-alpha on some tumour cells have been described, IFN-alpha did not inhibit proliferation of primary melanoma cultures. These results suggest that the clinical effects of IFN-alpha in melanoma patients may be immune-mediated.  相似文献   

The sera of 159 patients with monoclonal gammopathies were examined for the presence of anti-thyroglobulin (Tg) activity. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was employed. Thirty-one (19.5%) sera were found to bind Tg. The activity against Tg was further confirmed by using purified immunoglobulins and employing competition assays. The anti-Tg antibodies were found in the sera of patients with IgG, IgM and IgA gammopathies. Anti-Tg antibodies were more frequent among patients with IgG gammopathy. Autoantibodies to Tg are found in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease and occasionally in patients with thyroid carcinoma. Natural autoantibodies directed against human Tg have been detected, as well, in healthy subjects. None of the patients in the present study whose serum was found to contain high titers of anti-Tg human monoclonal antibodies had any clinical or biochemical evidence of thyroid disease. Our results of a high incidence of anti-Tg activity in the sera of patients with monoclonal gammopathies support previous reports of autoantibody properties characteristic of these immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

The specificity of the cross-killing exerted by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL's) generated against H-2 region products was investigated in a 51Cr release assay on a panel of target cells from a number of different H-2 haplotypes. Their pattern of reaction shows that: (1) The target cells, expressing public specificities (H-2.28, H-2.1, H-2.3 or H-2.8) which should, theoretically, be recognized by the CTL's were killed, while those expressing no public specificities, recognized according to the H-2 chart by the CTL's were not killed. (2) The CTL's generated against the H-2.28 specificity expressed on the D region products cross react with target cells expressing this specificity in their K region products and vice versa. The same phenomenon was observed with the H-2.1 specificity. These results provide evidence that public specificities are targets for CTL's. Antiserum reacting against the public specificity recognized by the CTL's was found to block the cross-killing, however, to the same extent as antisera directed against any specificity (private or public) expressed on the same molecule as the target determinant. Finally both the inhibition studies using anti-H-2 antisera and the direct cytotoxic assays showed that the public specificities of the H-2.28 family carried by the H-2.D and H-2.L molecules were recognized by different subpopulations of CTL's.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated T cells were used to provide a source of Class II antigens to CTL originally stimulated against mononuclear cells expressing both foreign Class I and Class II determinants. Our results indicated that 7-10-day-old activated T antigen-presenting cells, which shared only Class II antigens with the original priming cell, were able to stimulate the differentiation of CTL-recognizing Class II determinants. The use of 14-day-old activated T cells as target cells in the CML assay, compared with 72 h PHA blasts or 7-day-old activated T cells, enabled a more sensitive detection of the anti-Class II CTL.  相似文献   

A line of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (660TIL) specifically lysed the autologous HLA-A2+ melanoma (660MEL) and also most A2+ melanoma cell lines. We immunoprecipitated A2 from a large number (>10(12)) of 660MEL cells, extracted naturally processed peptides, fractionated them by HPLC, screened the fractions for recognition by 660TIL, and found a single predominant and a minor peak of activity. Although too little was recovered of the major 660MEL peptide to establish its sequence, HPLC fingerprinting showed that it did not correspond to any of the known A2-associated melanoma peptides recognized by T cells, including peptides from tyrosinase, MART-1/Melan-A, gp100 and MAGE-3. The major 660MEL antigenic peptide appears to be derived from MART-1/Melan-A but is neither AAGIGILTV nor ILTVILGVL nor any other MART-1/Melan-A peptide containing the A2 consensus motif. The multiplicity of melanoma peptides recognized by CD8+ T cells, most of which are non-mutated (including most likely the present 660MEL peptide), suggests the existence of unknown mechanisms, perhaps similar to those operating in autoimmune disorders, whereby T cells that recognize normal 'self' sequences become activated.   相似文献   

Complement-dependent lymphocytotoxic autoantibodies (CLA) are invariably present in sera of patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This study aimed to test for the influence of such antibodies on the in vitro generation of human alloantigen reactive proliferative and cytotoxic T cell responses. Unsensitized or alloantigen primed memory cells were pre-treated with CLA in the presence or absence of complement. Following stimulation of the remaining cells with allogeneic peripheral blood mononuclears, the proliferative and cytotoxic capacity was evaluated. Results indicated that only pre-treatment with CLA and complement influenced these reactions whereas in the absence of complement antibodies were totally ineffective. Pre-treatment of unsensitized precursor cells reduced and delayed both proliferative and cytotoxic reactivity; in contrast, pre-treatment of memory cells exclusively reduced cellular cytotoxicity. It thus appears that such SLE associated autoantibodies in the presence of complement are capable of modifying the balance between different subsets of alloreactive T cells.  相似文献   

人工合成HLA衍生肽对CTL和NK细胞毒功能的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的探讨合成HLA衍生肽对CTL和NK细胞毒功能的影响.方法人工固相合成2种HLA衍生肽(P1HLA-B*0701.75-84和P2HLA-B*2702.75-84),分别用MTT法和LDH释放法,在体外观察HLA衍生肽对CTL和NK细胞毒功能的影响及其等位基因特异性.结果P2可显著抑制CTL的细胞毒效应(P<0.01),这种抑制作用不具有等位基因特异性,而对NK的细胞毒功能则没有明显影响.结论合成HLA肽对CTL和NK细胞毒功能的影响只与HLA肽的序列有关,P2即HLA-B*2702.75-84,可抑制CTL的细胞毒功能.  相似文献   

Perforin is a potent cytolytic pore-forming protein expressed in cytoplasmic granules of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. A new monoclonal antibody raised against human perforin was used to detect both in vitro and in vivo perforin expression in cytotoxic cells. Immunohistochemical analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultured in recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) showed strong granular cytoplasmic staining of the IL-2 activated cytotoxic cells. Fresh-frozen tissue sections from patients with heart allograft rejection were also stained. Strong granular cytoplasmic staining of the mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate characteristic for perforin in cardiac allograft rejection was observed. The detection and quantitative analysis of perforin-associated cytotoxic cells by the human anti-perforin monoclonal antibody will help to evaluate the significance of these functionally distinct cytotoxic cells in human tissue.  相似文献   

Some targets of cell-mediated cytolysis do not efficiently release 51Cr but manifestly are killed in direct viability assays. We characterize and validate an alternative and non-radioactive (colorimetric) method for measuring killing of adherent targets by monoclonal CTL. The method obviates concerns about the effects of trypsinization, is technically simple, quantitative and in some cases more sensitive than conventional 51Cr assays. Target loss obeyed first-order kinetics with respect both to [CTL] and time. These results are consistent with an exponential (Poisson) model of killing and support the use of a single kinetic parameter to describe the lytic activity of monoclonal CTL on adherent targets. When monoclonal CTL are used at appropriate effector:target ratios (less than or equal to 1:1), the residuals obtained after least squares linear regression are homoscedastic and normally distributed, justifying the use of commonly available statistical calculators or programs for the analysis of CTL data.  相似文献   

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