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Cysteine-bound hemes are key components of many enzymes and biological sensors. Protonation (deprotonation) of the Cys ligand often accompanies redox transformations of these centers. To characterize these phenomena, we have engineered a series of Thr78Cys/Lys79Gly/Met80X mutants of yeast cytochrome c (cyt c) in which Cys78 becomes one of the axial ligands to the heme. At neutral pH, the protonation state of the coordinated Cys differs for the ferric and ferrous heme species, with Cys binding as a thiolate and a thiol, respectively. Analysis of redox-dependent stability and alkaline transitions of these model proteins, as well as comparisons to Cys binding studies with the minimalist heme peptide microperoxidase-8, demonstrate that the protein scaffold and solvent interactions play important roles in stabilizing a particular Cys–heme coordination. The increased stability of ferric thiolate compared with ferrous thiol arises mainly from entropic factors. This robust cyt c model system provides access to all four forms of Cys-bound heme, including the ferric thiol. Protein motions control the rates of heme redox reactions, and these effects are amplified at low pH, where the proteins are less stable. Thermodynamic signatures and redox reactivity of the model Cys-bound hemes highlight the critical role of the protein scaffold and its dynamics in modulating redox-linked transitions between thiols and thiolates.Iron–cysteine bonds are common in biological systems, especially in heme enzymes and sensors. P450 enzymes, with a negatively charged Cys thiolate coordinated to the heme, catalyze diverse oxidation reactions and are important targets both for therapeutic intervention and industrial catalysis (13). Heme–thiolate nitric oxide synthase (NOS) (4, 5) and cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) (6) are responsible for the formation of the signaling molecule nitric oxide and detoxification of homocysteine, respectively. Two other heme-thiolate enzymes, chloroperoxidase (7) and the SoxAX complex (8) play important roles in the synthesis of halogenated compounds and oxidation of thiosulfate and sulfide, respectively. Thiolate-bound hemes are also found in many sensor proteins (9), including those that regulate circadian rhythms in mammals (10).The protonation state of the coordinated Cys is critical for the catalytic function of these enzymes and ligand lability of the sensors. The deprotonated Cys provides a strong thiolate “push” that enables heterolytic O—O bond cleavage by P450 enzymes (1). Protonation of the native thiolate ligand to a neutral thiol has been suggested as a mechanism of P450 deactivation yielding the infamous P420 species (11). The ferrous thiol is easily displaced by other ligands resulting in functional conformational changes in sensors (9, 12) but also, upon exposure to dioxygen (13), in deleterious effects of Cys oxidation.Protonation (or deprotonation) reactions of a Cys ligand often accompany redox transformations of the Cys-bound hemes. Heme reduction increases the electron density on the iron increasing the effective pKa of the coordinated thiol. Although ferrous thiol coordination is frequently lost, model studies have indicated that neutral Cys is a viable ligand to the ferrous heme (12). For ferric hemes, where the metalloporphyrin dianion unit has a core charge of +1, a thiolate is the preferred ligand. Only a few examples of thiol-ligated ferric hemes are currently known (1416), all with highly electron-rich systems.Understanding redox-dependent stability and protonation of Cys-bound hemes is critical for establishing mechanistic principles of these redox centers. With native systems, their evolved function often limits the number of easily observed species. Small synthetic models (14, 17) are useful for detailed thermodynamic and kinetic investigations but may not capture all of the complexity of the protein framework. Finally, reduction of the heme iron and degradation of the porphyrin by thiyl radicals complicate studies at high concentration of thiols (18, 19).In the present study, we have engineered a series of Thr78Cys/Lys79Gly/Met80X (X = Leu, Ile, or Phe) mutants of yeast cytochrome c (cyt c) in which the original Met80 ligand was mutated to noncoordinating residues and Cys78 becomes one of the axial ligands to the heme (Fig. 1). The strategic placement of a coordinating Cys in the hydrophobic interior of this protein has yielded a robust system for examining redox-dependent stability and interconversions of Cys-bound hemes. This model system allows a detailed thermodynamic characterization of ferric thiolate and ferrous thiol species and also provides access to kinetic intermediates. The results demonstrate the importance of the polypeptide scaffold for redox-dependent stability of Cys-bound heme proteins and highlight the role of protein motions in their redox reactions.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.(A) Structure of yeast iso-1 cyt c (2YCC) (54) showing positions of mutated residues. (B) EPR spectra at 10 K of ferric Thr78Cys/Lys79Gly/Met80X variants of yeast iso-1 cyt c and Met80Cys variant of horse heart cyt c in a 100 mM sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.4.  相似文献   

Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) experiments are extremely useful in studying protein folding but are generally limited to time scales of greater than ≈100 μs and distances greater than ≈2 nm. We used single-molecule fluorescence quenching by photoinduced electron transfer, detecting short-range events, in combination with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (PET-FCS) to investigate folding dynamics of the small binding domain BBL with nanosecond time resolution. The kinetics of folding appeared as a 10-μs decay in the autocorrelation function, resulting from stochastic fluctuations between denatured and native conformations of individual molecules. The observed rate constants were probe independent and in excellent agreement with values derived from conventional temperature-jump (T-jump) measurements. A submicrosecond relaxation was detected in PET-FCS data that reported on the kinetics of intrachain contact formation within the thermally denatured state. We engineered a mutant of BBL that was denatured under the reaction conditions that favored folding of the parent wild type (“Dphys”). Dphys had the same kinetic signature as the thermally denatured state and revealed segmental diffusion with a time constant of intrachain contact formation of 500 ns. This time constant was more than 10 times faster than folding and in the range estimated to be the “speed limit” of folding. Dphys exhibited significant deviations from a random coil. The solvent viscosity and temperature dependence of intrachain diffusion showed that chain motions were slaved by the presence of intramolecular interactions. PET-FCS in combination with protein engineering is a powerful approach to study the early events and mechanism of ultrafast protein folding.  相似文献   

Repeat proteins contain short, tandem arrays of simple structural motifs (20−40 aa). These stack together to form nonglobular structures that are stabilized by short-range interactions from residues close in primary sequence. Unlike globular proteins, they have few, if any, long-range nonlocal stabilizing interactions. One ubiquitous repeat is the tetratricopeptide motif (TPR), a 34-aa helix-turn-helix motif. In this article we describe the folding kinetics of a series of 7 designed TPR proteins that are assembled from arraying identical designed consensus repeats (CTPRan). These range from the smallest 2-repeat protein to a large 10-repeat protein (≈350 aa). In particular, we describe how the energy landscape changes with the addition of repeat units. The data reveal that although the CTPRa proteins have low local frustration, their highly symmetric, modular native structure is reflected in their multistate kinetics of unfolding and folding. Moreover, although the initial folding of all CTPRan proteins involves a nucleus with similar solvent accessibility, their subsequent folding to the native structure depends directly on repeat number. This corresponds to an increasingly complex landscape that culminates in CTPRa10 populating a misfolded, off-pathway intermediate. These results extend our current understanding of the malleable folding pathways of repeat proteins and highlight the consequences of adding identical repeats to the energy landscape.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) family of chaperones bind cognate substrates to perform a variety of different processes that are integral to cellular homeostasis. Although detailed structural information is available on the chaperone, the structural features of folding competent substrates in the bound form have not been well characterized. Here we use paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) NMR spectroscopy to probe the existence of long-range interactions in one such folding competent substrate, human telomere repeat binding factor (hTRF1), which is bound to DnaK in a globally unfolded conformation. We show that DnaK binding modifies the energy landscape of the substrate by removing long-range interactions that are otherwise present in the unbound, unfolded conformation of hTRF1. Because the unfolded state of hTRF1 is only marginally populated and transiently formed, it is inaccessible to standard NMR approaches. We therefore developed a 1H-based CEST experiment that allows measurement of PREs in sparse states, reporting on transiently sampled conformations. Our results suggest that DnaK binding can significantly bias the folding pathway of client substrates such that secondary structure forms first, followed by the development of longer-range contacts between more distal parts of the protein.The 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) chaperone system is an important component of the cellular proteostasis machinery, serving as a central hub to channel client proteins along folding, refolding, maturation, disaggregation, and proteolytic pathways in cooperation with other chaperone assemblies such as Hsp90, Hsp104, and GroEL/ES (13). Central to Hsp70 function is its ATP-dependent interaction with client proteins, facilitated by Hsp40 cochaperones and nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) (4). Hsp70 is a weak ATPase that recognizes and binds substrates at sites containing large aliphatic hydrophobic residues, Ile, Leu, and Val, flanked by positively charged amino acids such as Arg and Lys (5). Initial binding of substrate to the ATP-form of Hsp70 can occur directly, or via Hsp40, with rapid on/off kinetics that give rise to a weak overall affinity for the interaction. Subsequent ATP hydrolysis, stimulated by interactions with Hsp40 and substrate, leads to a large conformational change in the chaperone, locking the substrate in the Hsp70 bound state. The resulting complex is of high affinity with slow substrate on/off rates (2).Escherichia coli DnaK is the best studied of Hsp70 chaperones. It is a 70-kDa protein comprised of an N-terminal ATPase and a C-terminal substrate binding domain that communicate allosterically to couple ATP hydrolysis with substrate binding (3). High-resolution structures of ADP- (6) and ATP-DnaK (7, 8) establish that these two domains dock on to one another in the ATP-DnaK state, but become detached from each other in the ADP-bound form. In contrast to the detailed structural studies characterizing DnaK, little atomic resolution data are available on the conformation of folding-competent client proteins in the DnaK-bound state. It is known that DnaK binds substrates in a globally unfolded conformation with varying degrees of local residual native and nonnative secondary structure (913). However, whether stable or transient long-range interactions are present in DnaK-bound client proteins remains an open question that has relevance for understanding the function of DnaK in substrate refolding and disaggregation. For example, it has been shown that DnaK, in concert with cochaperones DnaJ (Hsp40) and GrpE (NEF), converts misfolded luciferase to a globally unfolded, yet folding-competent, conformation (14). Furthermore, the DnaK chaperone system is thought to “loosen” aggregated proteins for subsequent disaggregation by ClpB or proteolysis by ClpXP (15). Aggregated and misfolded proteins are stabilized by native and nonnative tertiary contacts and characterizing the extent to which these interactions either persist or are modified upon DnaK binding will provide insights into the mechanism by which DnaK carries out its myriad of important functions.Here we probe the existence of (transient) long-range tertiary interactions in a folding competent substrate, the human telomere repeat binding factor (hTRF1), which is globally unfolded when bound to DnaK (13), using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) NMR spectroscopy. To evaluate whether DnaK binding modifies the energy landscape of the substrate in a way that affects long-range interactions in the unfolded state, we have recorded PREs in the unbound, unfolded conformation of hTRF1 under identical conditions to those used for studies of DnaK-bound hTRF1. The unfolded state of hTRF1 in water (referred to in what follows as uw-hTRF1) is only sparsely populated and transiently formed, rendering it invisible to standard NMR studies. However, the signal from the invisible state can be amplified using chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) and read out through the visible, folded hTRF1 state. We thus developed a 1H-based CEST experiment that facilitates measurement of PREs in uw-hTRF1. A comparison of PREs in this state with those in the hTRF1-DnaK bound conformation establishes that the large PREs in uw-hTRF1 are significantly reduced on DnaK binding, and the extent of residual long-range interactions in the DnaK-bound form is similar to hTRF1 denatured in 4 M urea. Taken together, our results suggest that DnaK may be able to modify the folding pathways of protein substrates by significantly influencing their tertiary structural tendencies in the bound conformation.  相似文献   

An invariant substructure that forms two interlocked pairs of neighboring beta-strands occurs in essentially all known sandwich-like proteins. Eight conserved positions in these strands were recently shown to act as structural determinants. To test whether the residues at these invariant positions are conserved for mechanistic (i.e., part of folding nucleus) or energetic (i.e., governing native-state stability) reasons, we characterized the folding behavior of eight point-mutated variants of the sandwich-like protein Pseudomonas aeruginosa apo-azurin. We find a simple relationship among the conserved positions: half of the residues form native-like interactions in the folding transition state, whereas the others do not participate in the folding nucleus but govern high native-state stability. Thus, evolutionary preservation of these specific positions gives both mechanistic and energetic advantages to members of the sandwich-like protein family.  相似文献   

The energy landscape theory provides a general framework for describing protein folding reactions. Because a large number of studies, however, have focused on two-state proteins with single well-defined folding pathways and without detectable intermediates, the extent to which free energy landscapes are shaped up by the native topology at the early stages of the folding process has not been fully characterized experimentally. To this end, we have investigated the folding mechanisms of two homologous three-state proteins, PTP-BL PDZ2 and PSD-95 PDZ3, and compared the early and late transition states on their folding pathways. Through a combination of Φ value analysis and molecular dynamics simulations we obtained atomic-level structures of the transition states of these homologous three-state proteins and found that the late transition states are much more structurally similar than the early ones. Our findings thus reveal that, while the native state topology defines essentially in a unique way the late stages of folding, it leaves significant freedom to the early events, a result that reflects the funneling of the free energy landscape toward the native state.  相似文献   

Several proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space are targeted by internal targeting signals. A class of such proteins with α-helical hairpin structure bridged by two intramolecular disulfides is trapped by a Mia40-dependent oxidative process. Here, we describe the oxidative folding mechanism underpinning this process by an exhaustive structural characterization of the protein in all stages and as a complex with Mia40. Two consecutive induced folding steps are at the basis of the protein-trapping process. In the first one, Mia40 functions as a molecular chaperone assisting α-helical folding of the internal targeting signal of the substrate. Subsequently, in a Mia40-independent manner, folding of the second substrate helix is induced by the folded targeting signal functioning as a folding scaffold. The Mia40-induced folding pathway provides a proof of principle for the general concept that internal targeting signals may operate as a folding nucleus upon compartment-specific activation.  相似文献   

The bacterial twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway facilitates the transport of correctly folded proteins across the tightly sealed cytoplasmic membrane. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of suppressor mutations in the Tat translocase that allow export of misfolded proteins, which form structures that are not normally tolerated by the wild-type translocase. Selection of suppressors was enabled by a genetic assay that effectively linked in vivo folding and stability of a test protein with Tat export efficiency of a selectable marker protein, namely TEM-1 β-lactamase. By using a test protein named α(3)B-a designed three-helix-bundle protein that forms collapsed, stable molten globules but lacks a uniquely folded structure-translocase mutants that rescued export of this protein were readily identified. Each mutant translocase still efficiently exported folded substrate proteins, indicating that the substrate specificity of suppressors was relaxed but not strictly altered. A subset of the suppressors could also export other misfolded proteins, such as the aggregation-prone α(3)A protein and reduced alkaline phosphatase. Importantly, the isolation of genetic suppressors that inactivate the Tat quality-control mechanism provides direct evidence for the participation of the Tat translocase in structural proofreading of substrate proteins and reveals epitopes in the translocase that are important for this process.  相似文献   

The small helical protein BBL has been shown to fold and unfold in the absence of a free energy barrier according to a battery of quantitative criteria in equilibrium experiments, including probe-dependent equilibrium unfolding, complex coupling between denaturing agents, characteristic DSC thermogram, gradual melting of secondary structure, and heterogeneous atom-by-atom unfolding behaviors spanning the entire unfolding process. Here, we present the results of nanosecond T-jump experiments probing backbone structure by IR and end-to-end distance by FRET. The folding dynamics observed with these two probes are both exponential with common relaxation times but have large differences in amplitude following their probe-dependent equilibrium unfolding. The quantitative analysis of amplitude and relaxation time data for both probes shows that BBL folding dynamics are fully consistent with the one-state folding scenario and incompatible with alternative models involving one or several barrier crossing events. At 333 K, the relaxation time for BBL is 1.3 μs, in agreement with previous folding speed limit estimates. However, late folding events at room temperature are an order of magnitude slower (20 μs), indicating a relatively rough underlying energy landscape. Our results in BBL expose the dynamic features of one-state folding and chart the intrinsic time-scales for conformational motions along the folding process. Interestingly, the simple self-averaging folding dynamics of BBL are the exact dynamic properties required in molecular rheostats, thus supporting a biological role for one-state folding.  相似文献   

How do proteins fold, and why do they fold in that way? This Perspective integrates earlier and more recent advances over the 50-y history of the protein folding problem, emphasizing unambiguously clear structural information. Experimental results show that, contrary to prior belief, proteins are multistate rather than two-state objects. They are composed of separately cooperative foldon building blocks that can be seen to repeatedly unfold and refold as units even under native conditions. Similarly, foldons are lost as units when proteins are destabilized to produce partially unfolded equilibrium molten globules. In kinetic folding, the inherently cooperative nature of foldons predisposes the thermally driven amino acid-level search to form an initial foldon and subsequent foldons in later assisted searches. The small size of foldon units, ∼20 residues, resolves the Levinthal time-scale search problem. These microscopic-level search processes can be identified with the disordered multitrack search envisioned in the “new view” model for protein folding. Emergent macroscopic foldon–foldon interactions then collectively provide the structural guidance and free energy bias for the ordered addition of foldons in a stepwise pathway that sequentially builds the native protein. These conclusions reconcile the seemingly opposed new view and defined pathway models; the two models account for different stages of the protein folding process. Additionally, these observations answer the “how” and the “why” questions. The protein folding pathway depends on the same foldon units and foldon–foldon interactions that construct the native structure.  相似文献   

We investigate the folding mechanism of the WW domain Fip35 using a realistic atomistic force field by applying the Dominant Reaction Pathways approach. We find evidence for the existence of two folding pathways, which differ by the order of formation of the two hairpins. This result is consistent with the analysis of the experimental data on the folding kinetics of WW domains and with the results obtained from large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of this system. Free-energy calculations performed in two coarse-grained models support the robustness of our results and suggest that the qualitative structure of the dominant paths are mostly shaped by the native interactions. Computing a folding trajectory in atomistic detail only required about one hour on 48 Central Processing Units. The gain in computational efficiency opens the door to a systematic investigation of the folding pathways of a large number of globular proteins.  相似文献   

Statistical theories of protein folding have long predicted plausible mechanisms for reducing the vast conformational space through distinct ensembles of structures. However, these predictions have remained untested by bulk techniques, because the conformational diversity of folding molecules has been experimentally unapproachable. Owing to recent advances in single molecule force-clamp spectroscopy, we are now able to probe the structure and dynamics of the small protein ubiquitin by measuring its length and mechanical stability during each stage of folding. Here, we discover that upon hydrophobic collapse, the protein rapidly selects a subset of minimum energy structures that are mechanically weak and essential precursors of the native fold. From this much reduced ensemble, the native state is acquired through a barrier-limited transition. Our results support the validity of statistical mechanics models in describing the folding of a small protein on biological timescales.  相似文献   

Recent experimental studies suggest that the mature GFP has an unconventional landscape composed of an early folding event with a typical funneled landscape, followed by a very slow search and rearrangement step into the locked, active chromophore-containing structure. As we have shown previously, the substantial difference in time scales is what generates the observed hysteresis in thermodynamic folding. The interconversion between locked and the soft folding structures at intermediate denaturant concentrations is so slow that it is not observed under the typical experimental observation time. Simulations of a coarse-grained model were used to describe the fast folding event as well as identify native-like intermediates on energy landscapes enroute to the fluorescent native fold. Interestingly, these simulations reveal structural features of the slow dynamic transition to chromophore activation. Experimental evidence presented here shows that the trapped, native-like intermediate has structural heterogeneity in residues previously linked to chromophore formation. We propose that the final step of GFP folding is a “locking” mechanism leading to chromophore formation and high stability. The combination of previous experimental work and current simulation work is explained in the context of a dual-basin folding mechanism described above.  相似文献   

In contrast to classical chemical phenomenology, theory suggests that proteins may undergo downhill folding without an activation barrier under certain thermodynamic conditions. Recently, the BBL protein was proposed to fold by such a downhill scenario, but discrepancies between experimental results found in different groups argue against this. After briefly reviewing the major experimental studies of the BBL folding mechanism, we show that simulations of both coarse-grained and atomistic models can reconcile the seemingly conflicting observations.  相似文献   

Defining the structural features of a transition state is important in understanding a folding reaction. Here, we use Φ-value and double mutant analyses to probe the folding transition state of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. We focus on the final C-terminal helix, helix G, of this seven transmembrane helical protein. Φ-values could be derived for 12 amino acid residues in helix G, most of which have low or intermediate values, suggesting that native structure is disrupted at these amino acid positions in the transition state. Notably, a cluster of residues between E204 and M209 all have Φ-values close to zero. Disruption of helix G is further confirmed by a low Φ-value of 0.2 between residues T170 on helix F and S226 on helix G, suggesting the absence of a native hydrogen bond between helices F and G. Φ-values for paired mutations involved in four interhelical hydrogen bonds revealed that all but one of these bonds is absent in the transition state. The unstructured helix G contrasts with Φ-values along helix B that are generally high, implying native structure in helix B in the transition state. Thus helix B seems to constitute part of a stable folding nucleus while the consolidation of helix G is a relatively late folding event. Polarization of secondary structure correlates with sequence position, with a structured helix B near the N terminus contrasting with an unstructured C-terminal helix G.  相似文献   

Recent experiments claiming that Naf-BBL protein follows a global downhill folding raised an important controversy as to the folding mechanism of fast-folding proteins. Under the global downhill folding scenario, not only do proteins undergo a gradual folding, but folding events along the continuous folding pathway also could be mapped out from the equilibrium denaturation experiment. Based on the exact calculation using a free energy landscape, relaxation eigenmodes from a master equation, and Monte Carlo simulation of an extended Muñoz–Eaton model that incorporates multiscale-heterogeneous pairwise interactions between amino acids, here we show that the very nature of a two-state cooperative transition such as a bimodal distribution from an exact free energy landscape and biphasic relaxation kinetics manifest in the thermodynamics and folding–unfolding kinetics of BBL and peripheral subunit-binding domain homologues. Our results provide an unequivocal resolution to the fundamental controversy related to the global downhill folding scheme, whose applicability to other proteins should be critically reexamined.  相似文献   

Studies of protein folding and the intermediates that are formed along the folding pathway provide valuable insights into the process by which an unfolded ensemble forms a functional native conformation. However, because intermediates on folding pathways can serve as initiation points of aggregation (implicated in a number of diseases), their characterization assumes an even greater importance. Establishing the role of such intermediates in folding, misfolding, and aggregation remains a major challenge due to their often low populations and short lifetimes. We recently used NMR relaxation dispersion methods and computational techniques to determine an atomic resolution structure of the folding intermediate of a small protein module—the FF domain—with an equilibrium population of 2–3% and a millisecond lifetime, 25 °C. Based on this structure a variant FF domain has been designed in which the native state is selectively destabilized by removing the carboxyl-terminal helix in the native structure to produce a highly populated structural mimic of the intermediate state. Here, we show via solution NMR studies of the designed mimic that the mimic forms distinct conformers corresponding to monomeric and dimeric (Kd = 0.2 mM) forms of the protein. The conformers exchange on the seconds timescale with a monomer association rate of 1.1·104 M-1 s-1 and with a region responsible for dimerization localized to the amino-terminal residues of the FF domain. This study establishes the FF domain intermediate as a central player in both folding and misfolding pathways and illustrates how incomplete folding can lead to the formation of higher-order structures.  相似文献   

Calmodulin is the primary calcium binding protein in living cells. Its function and structure depend strongly on calcium concentration. We used single molecule force spectroscopy by optical tweezers to study the folding of calmodulin in the physiologically relevant range. We find that full-length calmodulin switches from a rich and complex folding behavior at high calcium to a simple folding pathway at apo conditions. Using truncation mutants, we studied the individual domains separately. Folding and stability of the individual domains differ significantly at low calcium concentrations. With increasing calcium, the folding rate constants increase while unfolding rate constants decrease. The complete kinetic as well as energetic behavior of both domains could be modeled using a calcium-dependent three-pathway model. We find that the dominant folding pathway at high calcium concentrations proceeds via a transition state capable of binding one calcium ion. The folding of calmodulin seems to be designed to occur fast robustly over a large range of calcium concentrations and hence energetic stabilities.  相似文献   

A very small number of natural proteins have folded configurations in which the polypeptide backbone is knotted. Relatively little is known about the folding energy landscapes of such proteins, or how they have evolved. We explore those questions here by designing a unique knotted protein structure. Biophysical characterization and X-ray crystal structure determination show that the designed protein folds to the intended configuration, tying itself in a knot in the process, and that it folds reversibly. The protein folds to its native, knotted configuration approximately 20 times more slowly than a control protein, which was designed to have a similar tertiary structure but to be unknotted. Preliminary kinetic experiments suggest a complicated folding mechanism, providing opportunities for further characterization. The findings illustrate a situation where a protein is able to successfully traverse a complex folding energy landscape, though the amino acid sequence of the protein has not been subjected to evolutionary pressure for that ability. The success of the design strategy--connecting two monomers of an intertwined homodimer into a single protein chain--supports a model for evolution of knotted structures via gene duplication.  相似文献   

Early hydrogen-bonding events in the folding reaction of ubiquitin.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
The formation of hydrogen-bonded structure in the folding reaction of ubiquitin, a small cytoplasmic protein with an extended beta-sheet and an alpha-helix surrounding a pronounced hydrophobic core, has been investigated by hydrogen-deuterium exchange labeling in conjunction with rapid mixing methods and two-dimensional NMR analysis. The time course of protection from exchange has been measured for 26 back-bone amide protons that form stable hydrogen bonds upon refolding and exchange slowly under native conditions. Amide protons in the beta-sheet and the alpha-helix, as well as protons involved in hydrogen bonds at the helix/sheet interface, become 80% protected in an initial 8-ms folding phase, indicating that the two elements of secondary structure form and associate in a common cooperative folding event. Somewhat slower protection rates for residues 59, 61, and 69 provide evidence for the subsequent stabilization of a surface loop. Most probes also exhibit two minor phases with time constants of about 100 ms and 10 s. Only two of the observed residues, Gln-41 and Arg-42, display significant slow folding phases, with amplitudes of 37% and 22%, respectively, which can be attributed to native-like folding intermediates containing cis peptide bonds for Pro-37 and/or Pro-38. Compared with other proteins studied by pulse labeling, including cytochrome c, ribonuclease, and barnase, the initial formation of hydrogen-bonded structure in ubiquitin occurs at a more rapid rate and slow-folding species are less prominent.  相似文献   

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