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餐厨垃圾资源化技术研究探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了餐厨垃圾传统处理方法的不足,以生物柴油技术、饲料化技术、好氧堆肥技术、厌氧发酵技术等资源化技术为例,探讨目前国内外资源化处理方法的研究进展及各种资源化方式的优缺点.根据目前发展现状,提出了未来餐厨垃圾处理的研究方向  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾的微生物处理技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析餐厨垃圾现有处理技术的基础上,阐述了好氧堆肥和厌氧发酵(产氢和产甲烷)技术在餐厨垃圾处理方面的研究进展及其影响因素,并提出了其在处理餐厨垃圾方面存在的问题和研究方向.  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾资源化技术现状及研究进展   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
介绍了餐厨垃圾的成分、特点,探讨了饲料化技术、堆肥化处理技术、生物厌氧发酵技术以及生物柴油技术等餐厨垃圾的资源化技术,分析了餐厨垃圾资源化技术的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾处理技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了餐厨垃圾的特点及存在的污染问题,探讨了目前常用的餐厨垃圾处理技术如焚烧、卫生填埋、生态饲料、厌氧消化、好氧堆肥和蚯蚓堆肥等的现状和存在问题,分析了餐厨垃圾厌氧消化资源化技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的对北京市城区餐饮服务业餐厨垃圾的产量、处理等进行调查,为制定餐厨垃圾管理措施提供科学依据。方法对北京市某社区街道的218家餐饮单位进行全面调查。结果 218家餐饮服务单位每日餐厨垃圾总产量为14 822.9kg,其产量与餐饮单位的类别、规模、餐次有关,大型餐饮单位餐厨垃圾产量最高,快餐店和小吃店最低;晚餐餐厨垃圾产量最高,早餐最低。一年中餐厨垃圾产量在11月至次年2月较低,6-9月最高。只有42.2%的餐饮单位对餐厨垃圾进行了分类,厨余垃圾与废弃油脂所占比例分别为85.9%和14.1%。无害化处理的餐厨垃圾占总量的54.1%,其中资源化利用的比例为28.7%。结论北京市某城区的餐饮服务业餐厨垃圾产量较高;餐厨垃圾的无害化处理及资源化利用有待进一步发展。建议从宣传、立法、餐饮业的准入和监管等方面加强餐厨垃圾的源头减量化、分类收集和无害化处理以及资源化利用的目标。  相似文献   

通过实地调研收集广州市厨余垃圾和餐饮垃圾产生量、分类及处置方式,采用层次分析法优化餐厨垃圾处置技术。结果表明,广州市主要城区已开展餐厨垃圾分类工作,由具有资质的单位进行收运,初步形成较完善的收运体系。6种餐厨垃圾处置方式按得分排序依次为:厌氧发酵技术、生物柴油、好氧堆肥、饲料化、黑水虻、生化机。其中厌氧发酵为最优餐厨垃圾处理方式,其次是生物柴油和好氧堆肥。研究结果为政府优化决策提供参考,同时为企业实现餐厨垃圾资源化、减量化、无害化处理提供技术参考。  相似文献   

简述了近年中新天津生态城餐厨垃圾产生量及变化趋势;结合生态城实际情况,采取集中处理及分散处理相结合的方式,提出了餐厨垃圾多元化资源利用模式,并分析了餐厨废弃油脂制备生物柴油、餐厨废弃油脂制备皂粉、餐厨垃圾好氧发酵制备植物营养基、餐厨垃圾覆膜堆肥制备土壤调理剂4种工艺及应用情况。  相似文献   

以自制小型餐厨垃圾处理设备的内部环境温度、环境湿度和接种量作为研究对象,利用一级反应动力学,研究3个环境因素对餐厨垃圾好氧堆肥过程中有机质降解及变化速率的影响,得到不同环境条件下的反应速率常数,而且这些环境因素对堆肥反应速率影响的大小为环境温度环境湿度接种量。  相似文献   

北京市餐厨垃圾的处理现状及发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了北京市餐厨垃圾现状,分析了北京市餐厨垃圾处理中存在的主要问题,并阐述餐厨垃圾主要资源化的处理技术及发展前景,旨在为北京市餐厨垃圾管理及资源化提供参考。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾兼具污染属性和资源属性,其高效资源化处理与高值化利用一直是当下餐厨垃圾处理的难题.分析了我国餐厨垃圾的组分特性,阐述了我国餐厨垃圾的处理现状.从提高餐厨垃圾资源利用率和后端产品附加值的角度出发,综述了国内外餐厨垃圾高值化利用的新技术,为我国餐厨垃圾处理工作的开展提供了新思路.  相似文献   

The opium wars revisited as US forces tobacco exports in Asia.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The tobacco industry has lobbied successfully to obtain the support of the United States government for opening Asian Markets to American tobacco products. This paper comments on two issues arising from these efforts: the development of an atmosphere of invasion and resistance to invasion in Asia; and the change in the image of the United States in Asian nations from that of a leader in health to that of an exporter of death. The threat of sanctions and the effects of the open market and United States tobacco company advertising in Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea are noted. Parallels are drawn between the opium wars a century and a half ago in China and the current threat of trade sanctions. Reacting to American policy, an Asia-Pacific Association for Control of Tobacco has been formed and linked with the US Coalition Against Smoking.  相似文献   

We examined how culture influences the persuasive effects of health campaigns that promote early screening for cancers that occur in women. Two message dimensions were included: individualistic vs. collectivistic appeal and gain vs. loss frame. A total of 955 females from three countries-the United States, South Korea, and Japan-participated in the experiment. From the results, we found that message framing alone did not significantly influence the effectiveness of public campaigns for women's cancer prevention; and this tendency was similar across the three countries. Gain-framed messages are likely to be more persuasive when combined with a collectivistic appeal, however, whereas loss-framed messages tend to be more effective when combined with an individualistic appeal in both the United States and South Korea; but this result was not the case for Japan. Based on the findings, we suggested theoretical and managerial implications as well as several directions for future research.  相似文献   

科学合理的辅食喂养不仅可以保证婴幼儿良好的生长发育,而且有利于婴幼儿形成健康的饮食习惯.世界卫生组织在2002年提出了婴幼儿全球喂养策略,建议婴幼儿应纯母乳喂养至6个月,然后继续母乳喂养的同时开始添加辅食.2007年国家卫计委出台的《婴幼儿喂养策略》提出了相同的建议.随着婴幼儿辅食喂养与健康相关研究的不断深入,世界各国婴幼儿辅食喂养指南也在不断完善和更新.该文对欧美、澳大利亚、日本和我国最新发布的婴幼儿辅食喂养指南中辅食添加时间、顺序及种类、铁的补充和食物过敏等热点问题的最新建议与相关研究进行综述,为基层开展婴幼儿辅食喂养指导提供参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the prevalence rates of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition 12-month diagnoses of alcohol use disorders between the United States and South Korea using two large nationally representative surveys. Cross-tabulations were used to derive weighted prevalences of alcohol abuse and dependence, and odds ratio derived from linear logistic regression analyses were used to determine the relationships between alcohol abuse and dependence across sociodemographic characteristics of the general population samples. The prevalence of 12-month alcohol abuse was greater in the United States (5.3%) than Korea (2.0%), whereas the rate of alcohol dependence was greater in Korea (5.1%) compared with the United States (4.4%). The odds of abuse were significantly greater among men, and in the youngest age groups in both countries. There was increased odds of 12-month dependence among men, and those who were employed or never married in each country. Further, the rates of abuse and dependence in the United States and of abuse in Korea decreased as a function of age, a result that did not generalize to dependence among Koreans. The implications of the results of this study are discussed in terms of national differences between the United States and Korea as the result of gender roles and drinking patterns, and the need to understand the potential influence of the cultural applicability and specificity of psychiatric assessment interviews across countries.  相似文献   

  目的  分析中国、韩国、美国和法国四国COVID-19流行特征和发展趋势,对比评价各国经济支持、遏制封锁以及卫生体系相关三类政策措施防控效果。  方法  收集中国大陆、韩国、美国及法国每日报告新增确诊COVID-19病例数、每日综合政策指数及具体措施指标,考虑政策效果的滞后作用,建立泊松回归模型估计每日实时再生数(time-dependent reproduction number, Rt),利用log-log时变系数回归模型对比各国政策措施的防控效果。  结果  遏制封锁和卫生体系相关政策措施与Rt存在负相关,且随滞后时间增大,累计滞后效应减弱,经济支持相关政策仅在美、法两国与Rt存在负相关。美、法两国政策对Rt的效应弱于中、韩两国。  结论  遏制封锁和卫生体系相关政策对降低Rt,控制疫情具有较大效应,疫情初期采取及时有力的综合性阻断措施相比于缓解政策措施具有更好的疫情防控效果。  相似文献   

Public health campaigns in several countries encourage population-wide reduced sodium (salt) intake, but excessive intake remains a major problem. Excessive sodium intake is independently related to adverse blood pressure and is a key factor in the epidemic of prehypertension/hypertension. Identification of food sources of sodium in modern diets is critical to effective reduction of sodium intake worldwide. We used data from the INTERMAP Study to define major food sources of sodium in diverse East Asian and Western population samples. INTERMAP is an international, cross-sectional, epidemiologic study of 4, 680 individuals ages 40 to 59 years from Japan (four samples), People's Republic of China (three rural samples), the United Kingdom (two samples), and the United States (eight samples); four in-depth, multipass 24-hour dietary recalls/person were used to identify foods accounting for most dietary sodium intake. In the People's Republic of China sample, most (76%) dietary sodium was from salt added in home cooking, about 50% less in southern than northern samples. In Japan, most (63%) dietary sodium came from soy sauce (20%), commercially processed fish/seafood (15%), salted soups (15%), and preserved vegetables (13%). Processed foods, including breads/cereals/grains, contributed heavily to sodium intake in the United Kingdom (95%) and the United States (for methodological reasons, underestimated at 71%). To prevent and control prehypertension/hypertension and improve health, efforts to remove excess sodium from diets in rural China should focus on reducing salt in home cooking. To avoid excess sodium intake in Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, salt must be reduced in commercially processed foods.  相似文献   

BackgroundA small number of regenerative medicines (RMs) have received market authorization (MA) worldwide, relative to the large number of clinical trials currently being conducted. Regulatory issues constitute one major challenge for the MA of RMs.ObjectiveThis study aimed to systematically review the regulation of RMs internationally, to identify the regulatory pathways for approved RMs, and to detail expedited programs to stimulate MA process.MethodsOfficial websites of regulatory authorities in 9 countries (United States (US), Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, China, and India) and the European Union (EU) were systematically browsed, and was complemented by a systematic literature review in Medline and Embase database.ResultsSpecific RM legislation/frameworks were available in the EU, US, Japan, South Korea and Australia. A risk-based approach exempting eligible RMs from MA regulations were adopted in the EU and 6 countries. All investigated regions have established accelerated review or approval programs to facilitate the MA of RMs. 55 RMs have received MA in 9 countries and the EU. Twenty-three RMs received Priority Medicine designation, 32 RMs received Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy designation, and 11 RMs received SAKIGAKE (fore-runner initiative) designation.ConclusionRegulators have adopted proactive strategies to facilitate RM approval. However, addressing the discrepancies in regulatory requirements internationally remains challenging.  相似文献   

During December 2003-February 2004, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) among poultry were reported in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. As of February 9, 2004, a total of 23 cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza A (H5N1) virus infections in humans, resulting in 18 deaths, had been reported in Thailand and Vietnam. In addition, approximately 100 suspected cases in humans are under investigation by national health authorities in Thailand and Vietnam. CDC, the World Health Organization (WHO), and national health authorities in Asian countries are working to assess and monitor the situation, provide epidemiologic and laboratory support, and assist with control efforts. This report summarizes information about the human infections and avian outbreaks in Asia and provides recommendations to guide influenza A (H5N1) surveillance, diagnosis, and testing in the United States.  相似文献   

A battalion of United States Marines traveling to South Korea in the spring of 1976 was studied to determine the incidence and etiology of gastroenteritis. During the three weeks they visited South Korea, 21% of 694 marines developed diarrhea. Stool and serum specimens collected before, during, and after their stay were examined for evidence of infection with Salmonella, Shigella, and Vibrio species, enterotoxigenic and invasive Escherichia coli, reovirus-like agent (RVLA), and intestinal ova and parasites. Infections with these agents were uncommon; 91% of 44 closely studied cases of gastorenteritis were unexplained. Five per cent of 169 marines had serologic evidence of recent infection with RVLA, and 3% of 273 marines had serologic evidence of infection with heat-labile enterotoxin producing E. coli over an eight-week period. However, infections with these agents were not associated with most cases of diarrhea in South Korea. It is concluded that infectious agents previously thought responsible for travelers' diarrhea were not responsible for gastroenteritis among United States Marines arriving in a temperate climate.  相似文献   

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