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Recent findings from our laboratory suggest that a major factor distinguishing dominant from nondominant arm performance is the ability by which the effects of intersegmental dynamics are controlled by the CNS. These studies indicated that the dominant arm reliably used more torque-efficient patterns for movements made with similar speeds and accuracy than nondominant arm movements. Whereas, nondominant hand-path curvatures systematically varied with the amplitude of the interaction torques transferred between the segments of the moving limb, dominant hand-path curvatures did not. However, our previous studies did not distinguish whether dominant arm coordination advantages emerged from more effective control of dynamic factors or were simply a secondary effect of planning different kinematics. The purpose of this study was to further investigate interlimb differences in coordination through analysis of inverse dynamics and electromyography recorded during the performance of reaching movements. By controlling the amplitude of intersegmental dynamics in the current study, we were able to assess whether systematic differences in torque-efficiency exist, even when differences in hand-path shape were minimal. Subject's arms were supported in the horizontal plane by a frictionless air-jet system and were constrained to movements about the shoulder and elbow joints. Two targets were designed, such that the interaction torques elicited at the elbow were either large or small. Our results showed that the former produced large differences in hand-path curvature, whereas the latter did not. Additionally, the movements with small differences in hand-path kinematics showed substantial differences in torque patterns and corresponding EMG profiles which implied a more torque-efficient strategy for the dominant arm. In view of these findings we propose that distinct neural control mechanisms are employed for dominant and nondominant arm movements.  相似文献   

People tend to make straight and smooth hand movements when reaching for an object. These trajectory features are resistant to perturbation, and both proprioceptive as well as visual feedback may guide the adaptive updating of motor commands enforcing this regularity. How is information from the two senses combined to generate a coherent internal representation of how the arm moves? Here we show that eliminating visual feedback of hand-path deviations from the straight-line reach (constraining visual feedback of motion within a virtual, "visual channel") prevents compensation of initial direction errors induced by perturbations. Because adaptive reduction in direction errors occurred with proprioception alone, proprioceptive and visual information are not combined in this reaching task using a fixed, linear weighting scheme as reported for static tasks not requiring arm motion. A computer model can explain these findings, assuming that proprioceptive estimates of initial limb posture are used to select motor commands for a desired reach and visual feedback of hand-path errors brings proprioceptive estimates into registration with a visuocentric representation of limb position relative to its target. Simulations demonstrate that initial configuration estimation errors lead to movement direction errors as observed experimentally. Registration improves movement accuracy when veridical visual feedback is provided but is not invoked when hand-path errors are eliminated. However, the visual channel did not exclude adjustment of terminal movement features maximizing hand-path smoothness. Thus visual and proprioceptive feedback may be combined in fundamentally different ways during trajectory control and final position regulation of reaching movements.  相似文献   

When submitted to a visuomotor rotation, subjects show rapid adaptation of visually guided arm reaching movements, indicated by a progressive reduction in reaching errors. In this study, we wanted to make a step forward by investigating to what extent this adaptation also implies changes into the motor plan. Up to now, classical visuomotor rotation paradigms have been performed on the horizontal plane, where the reaching motor plan in general requires the same kinematics (i.e., straight path and symmetric velocity profile). To overcome this limitation, we considered vertical and horizontal movement directions requiring specific velocity profiles. This way, a change in the motor plan due to the visuomotor conflict would be measurable in terms of a modification in the velocity profile of the reaching movement. Ten subjects performed horizontal and vertical reaching movements while observing a rotated visual feedback of their motion. We found that adaptation to a visuomotor rotation produces a significant change in the motor plan, i.e., changes to the symmetry of velocity profiles. This suggests that the central nervous system takes into account the visual information to plan a future motion, even if this causes the adoption of nonoptimal motor plans in terms of energy consumption. However, the influence of vision on arm movement planning is not fixed, but rather changes as a function of the visual orientation of the movement. Indeed, a clear influence on motion planning can be observed only when the movement is visually presented as oriented along the vertical direction. Thus vision contributes differently to the planning of arm pointing movements depending on motion orientation in space.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the spatial path of the hand is an important controlled feature of normal human arm movements and that the desired path is a straight line through external space. Recent experiments have suggested that distortions in visual perception of external space may lead to errors in its representation and thus influence the curvature of movements. The movements of blind and normal blind-folded subjects were therefore compared in a task requiring point-to-point hand movements in six directions across a horizontal worktop. Movement curvature varied with direction in both groups but was significantly higher for the blindfolded control subjects. Thus, the normals' distorted visual experience of straight lines in some orientations may lead them to make curved movement paths. The perception of curvature was also tested in the two groups in a task in which they traced the curved edge of a ruler. The blind group were slightly better at this task, although the difference was not significant. We conclude that visual experience influences point-to-point hand movements, leading to higher curvature for movements made in the fronto-parallel plane by sighted subjects due to visual distortions. These data therefore support the hypothesis that the spatial path followed by the hand is influenced by sensory inputs and is a controlled feature of human reaching movements. The data argue against the hypothesis that movement curvature is a result of optimising only the dynamics of the limb control.  相似文献   

Subjects who are in an enclosed chamber rotating at constant velocity feel physically stationary but make errors when pointing to targets. Reaching paths and endpoints are deviated in the direction of the transient inertial Coriolis forces generated by their arm movements. By contrast, reaching movements made during natural, voluntary torso rotation seem to be accurate, and subjects are unaware of the Coriolis forces generated by their movements. This pattern suggests that the motor plan for reaching movements uses a representation of body motion to prepare compensations for impending self-generated accelerative loads on the arm. If so, stationary subjects who are experiencing illusory self-rotation should make reaching errors when pointing to a target. These errors should be in the direction opposite the Coriolis accelerations their arm movements would generate if they were actually rotating. To determine whether such compensations exist, we had subjects in four experiments make visually open-loop reaches to targets while they were experiencing compelling illusory self-rotation and displacement induced by rotation of a complex, natural visual scene. The paths and endpoints of their initial reaching movements were significantly displaced leftward during counterclockwise illusory rotary displacement and rightward during clockwise illusory self-displacement. Subjects reached in a curvilinear path to the wrong place. These reaching errors were opposite in direction to the Coriolis forces that would have been generated by their arm movements during actual torso rotation. The magnitude of path curvature and endpoint errors increased as the speed of illusory self-rotation increased. In successive reaches, movement paths became straighter and endpoints more accurate despite the absence of visual error feedback or tactile feedback about target location. When subjects were again presented a stationary scene, their initial reaches were indistinguishable from pre-exposure baseline, indicating a total absence of aftereffects. These experiments demonstrate that the nervous system automatically compensates in a context-specific fashion for the Coriolis forces associated with reaching movements.  相似文献   

Reaching movements made to visual targets in a rotating room are initially deviated in path and endpoint in the direction of transient Coriolis forces generated by the motion of the arm relative to the rotating environment. With additional reaches, movements become progressively straighter and more accurate. Such adaptation can occur even in the absence of visual feedback about movement progression or terminus. Here we examined whether congenitally blind and sighted subjects without visual feedback would demonstrate adaptation to Coriolis forces when they pointed to a haptically specified target location. Subjects were tested pre-, per-, and postrotation at 10 rpm counterclockwise. Reaching to straight ahead targets prerotation, both groups exhibited slightly curved paths. Per-rotation, both groups showed large initial deviations of movement path and curvature but within 12 reaches on average had returned to prerotation curvature levels and endpoints. Postrotation, both groups showed mirror image patterns of curvature and endpoint to the per-rotation pattern. The groups did not differ significantly on any of the performance measures. These results provide compelling evidence that motor adaptation to Coriolis perturbations can be achieved on the basis of proprioceptive, somatosensory, and motor information in the complete absence of visual experience.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we provided evidence for a directional distortion of the endpoints of movements to memorized target locations. This distortion was similar to a perceptual distortion in direction discrimination known as the oblique effect so we named it the “motor oblique effect”. In this report we analyzed the directional errors during the evolution of the movement trajectory in memory guided and visually guided pointing movements and compared them with directional errors in a perceptual experiment of arrow pointing. We observed that the motor oblique effect was present in the evolving trajectory of both memory and visually guided reaching movements. In memory guided pointing the motor oblique effect did not disappear during trajectory evolution while in visually guided pointing the motor oblique effect disappeared with decreasing distance from the target and was smaller in magnitude compared to the perceptual oblique effect and the memory motor oblique effect early on after movement initiation. The motor oblique effect in visually guided pointing increased when reaction time was small and disappeared with larger reaction times. The results are best explained using the hypothesis that a low level oblique effect is present for visually guided pointing movements and this effect is corrected by a mechanism that does not depend on visual feedback from the trajectory evolution and might even be completed during movement planning. A second cognitive oblique effect is added in the perceptual estimation of direction and affects the memory guided pointing movements. It is finally argued that the motor oblique effect can be a useful probe for the study of perception–action interaction.  相似文献   

Anticipatory smooth eye movements precede expected changes in target motion. It has been questioned whether anticipatory smooth eye movements are a component of the smooth pursuit system. Five subjects with unilateral brain lesions and five control subjects were tested with predictable double-ramp stimuli to determine whether these lesions have a similar effect on horizontal, visually guided smooth pursuit, anticipatory smooth eye movements, and the predictive component of smooth pursuit. All four subjects with a brain lesion involving the parietal or parietal-frontal lobe had parallel velocity asymmetries in all three forms of smooth eye movements, with lowest velocities toward the side of the lesion. A similar uniformity and magnitude of smooth eye movement directional asymmetries were not found in control subjects. Unidirectional attenuation of these three forms of smooth eye movements provides evidence that they are part of a unified smooth eye movement system.  相似文献   

The present study identifies the mechanics of planar reaching movements performed by monkeys (Macaca mulatta) wearing a robotic exoskeleton. This device maintained the limb in the horizontal plane such that hand motion was generated only by flexor and extensor motions at the shoulder and elbow. The study describes the kinematic and kinetic features of the shoulder, elbow, and hand during reaching movements from a central target to peripheral targets located on the circumference of a circle: the center-out task. While subjects made reaching movements with relatively straight smooth hand paths and little variation in peak hand velocity, there were large variations in joint motion, torque, and power for movements in different spatial directions. Unlike single-joint movements, joint kinematics and kinetics were not tightly coupled for these multijoint movements. For most movements, power generation was predominantly generated at only one of the two joints. The present analysis illustrates the complexities inherent in multijoint movements and forms the basis for understanding strategies used by the motor system to control reaching movements and for interpreting the response of neurons in different brain regions during this task.  相似文献   

During multijoint limb movements such as reaching, rotational forces arise at one joint due to the motions of limb segments about other joints. We report the results of three experiments in which we assessed the extent to which control signals to muscles are adjusted to counteract these "interaction torques." Human subjects performed single- and multijoint pointing movements involving shoulder and elbow motion, and movement parameters related to the magnitude and direction of interaction torques were manipulated systematically. We examined electromyographic (EMG) activity of shoulder and elbow muscles and, specifically, the relationship between EMG activity and joint interaction torque. A first set of experiments examined single-joint movements. During both single-joint elbow (experiment 1) and shoulder (experiment 2) movements, phasic EMG activity was observed in muscles spanning the stationary joint (shoulder muscles in experiment 1 and elbow muscles in experiment 2). This muscle activity preceded movement and varied in amplitude with the magnitude of upcoming interaction torque (the load resulting from motion of the nonstationary limb segment). In a third experiment, subjects performed multijoint movements involving simultaneous motion at the shoulder and elbow. Movement amplitude and velocity at one joint were held constant, while the direction of movement about the other joint was varied. When the direction of elbow motion was varied (flexion vs. extension) and shoulder kinematics were held constant, EMG activity in shoulder muscles varied depending on the direction of elbow motion (and hence the sign of the interaction torque arising at the shoulder). Similarly, EMG activity in elbow muscles varied depending on the direction of shoulder motion for movements in which elbow kinematics were held constant. The results from all three experiments support the idea that central control signals to muscles are adjusted, in a predictive manner, to compensate for interaction torques-loads arising at one joint that depend on motion about other joints.  相似文献   

This study compares the coordination patterns employed for the left and right arms during rapid targeted reaching movements. Six right-handed subjects reached to each of three targets, designed to elicit progressively greater amplitude interaction torques at the elbow joint. All targets required the same elbow excursion (20 degrees ), but different shoulder excursions (5, 10, and 15 degrees, respectively). Movements were restricted to the shoulder and elbow and supported on a horizontal plane by a frictionless air-jet system. Subjects received visual feedback only of the final hand position with respect to the start and target locations. For motivation, points were awarded based on final position accuracy for movements completed within an interval of 400-600 ms. For all subjects, the right and left hands showed a similar time course of improvement in final position accuracy over repeated trials. After task adaptation, final position accuracy was similar for both hands; however, the hand trajectories and joint coordination patterns during the movements were systematically different. Right hand paths showed medial to lateral curvatures that were consistent in magnitude for all target directions, whereas the left hand paths had lateral to medial curvatures that increased in magnitude across the three target directions. Inverse dynamic analysis revealed substantial differences in the coordination of muscle and intersegmental torques for the left and right arms. Although left elbow muscle torque contributed largely to elbow acceleration, right arm coordination was characterized by a proximal control strategy, in which movement of both joints was primarily driven by the effects of shoulder muscles. In addition, right hand path direction changes were independent of elbow interaction torque impulse, indicating skillful coordination of muscle actions with intersegmental dynamics. In contrast, left hand path direction changes varied directly with elbow interaction torque impulse. These findings strongly suggest that distinct neural control mechanisms are employed for dominant and non dominant arm movements. However, whether interlimb differences in neural strategies are a consequence of asymmetric use of the two arms, or vice versa, is not yet understood. The implications for neural organization of voluntary movement control are discussed.  相似文献   

The preceding study demonstrated that normal subjects compensate for the additional interaction torques generated when a reaching movement is made during voluntary trunk rotation. The present paper assesses the influence of trunk rotation on finger trajectories and on interjoint coordination and determines whether simultaneous turn-and-reach movements are most simply described relative to a trunk-based or an external reference frame. Subjects reached to targets requiring different extents of arm joint and trunk rotation at a natural pace and quickly in normal lighting and in total darkness. We first examined whether the larger interaction torques generated during rapid turn-and-reach movements perturb finger trajectories and interjoint coordination and whether visual feedback plays a role in compensating for these torques. These issues were addressed using generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA), which attempts to overlap a group of configurations (e.g., joint trajectories) through translations and rotations in multi-dimensional space. We first used GPA to identify the mean intrinsic patterns of finger and joint trajectories (i.e., their average shape irrespective of location and orientation variability in the external and joint workspaces) from turn-and-reach movements performed in each experimental condition and then calculated their curvatures. We then quantified the discrepancy between each finger or joint trajectory and the intrinsic pattern both after GPA was applied individually to trajectories from a pair of experimental conditions and after GPA was applied to the same trajectories pooled together. For several subjects, joint trajectories but not finger trajectories were more curved in fast than slow movements. The curvature of both joint and finger trajectories of turn-and-reach movements was relatively unaffected by the vision conditions. Pooling across speed conditions significantly increased the discrepancy between joint but not finger trajectories for most subjects, indicating that subjects used different patterns of interjoint coordination in slow and fast movements while nevertheless preserving the shape of their finger trajectory. Higher movement speeds did not disrupt the arm joint rotations despite the larger interaction torques generated. Rather, subjects used the redundant degrees of freedom of the arm/trunk system to achieve similar finger trajectories with differing joint configurations. We examined finger movement patterns and velocity profiles to determine the frame of reference in which turn-and-reach movements could be most simply described. Finger trajectories of turn-and-reach movements had much larger curvatures and their velocity profiles were less smooth and less bell-like in trunk-based coordinates than in external coordinates. Taken together, these results support the conclusion that turn-and-reach movements are controlled in an external frame of reference.  相似文献   

Movement of the body, head, or eyes with respect to the world creates one of the most common yet complex situations in which the visuomotor system must localize objects. In this situation, vestibular, proprioceptive, and extra-retinal information contribute to accurate visuomotor control. The utility of retinal motion information, on the other hand, is questionable, since a single pattern of retinal motion can be produced by any number of head or eye movements. Here we investigated whether retinal motion during a smooth pursuit eye movement contributes to visuomotor control. When subjects pursued a moving object with their eyes and reached to the remembered location of a separate stationary target, the presence of a moving background significantly altered the endpoints of their reaching movements. A background that moved with the pursuit, creating a retinally stationary image (no retinal slip), caused the endpoints of the reaching movements to deviate in the direction of pursuit, overshooting the target. A physically stationary background pattern, however, producing retinal image motion opposite to the direction of pursuit, caused reaching movements to become more accurate. The results indicate that background retinal motion is used by the visuomotor system in the control of visually guided action.  相似文献   

The production of visually guided reaching movements relies on a large neural network. Based on indirect experimental evidence, it has been suggested that the superior colliculus, a subcortical centre known for its key role in controlling rapid orienting gaze shifts, also belongs to this network. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of the cat superior colliculus (SC) in the control of visually guided reaching movements. To address this issue, we studied the effect of SC electrical stimulation on forelimb reaching movements in two cats trained to catch a piece of food. Electrical stimulation delivered just after the movement onset yielded a consistent perturbation of the movement trajectory of the forelimb extremity. This perturbation followed stimulation onset by 56 ± 11 ms on average, and consisted of a deviation of the spatial path and a deceleration of the movement. The forelimb perturbation was elicited in the absence of concomitant gaze or head displacement in 52% of the stimulation trials. Forelimb perturbations were followed by in-flight adjustments so that reaching movements reliably ended on the target. The present results constitute the first behavioural evidence for a contribution of the cat SC to the control of visually guided forelimb movements.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether normal subjects with one eye covered and patients in whom one eye had been enucleated generate more head movements than subjects using binocular vision during the performance of a visually guided grasping movement. In experiment 1, 14 right-handed normal subjects were tested binocularly and monocularly in a task in which they were required to reach out and grasp oblong blocks of different sizes at different distances. Although the typical binocular advantage in reaching and grasping was observed, the overall head movement scores did not differ between these testing conditions. In experiment 2, seven right-handed enucleated patients were compared to seven age and sex-matched control subjects (tested under binocular and monocular viewing conditions), on the same task as used in experiment 1. While no differences were found in the kinematics of reaches produced by the enucleated patients and the control subjects, the patients did produce larger and faster resultant head movements, composed mainly of lateral and vertical movements. This suggests that enucleated patients may be generating more head movements in order to better utilize retinal motion cues to aid in manual prehension.  相似文献   

Human arm movements towards visual targets are remarkably reproducible in several tasks and conditions. Various authors have reported that trajectories of unconstrained point-to-point movements are slightly curved, smooth and have bell-shaped velocity profiles. The hand paths of such movements show small - but significant – curvatures throughout the workspace. The cause of these curvatures is still obscure. Traditionally this curvature is explained as the result of an optimisation process or is ascribed to mechanical or dynamic properties of the effector system. Recently, however, it has been suggested that these curvatures are due at least partly, to the visual misperception of straight lines. To evaluate the latter hypothesis, we compared unconstrained, self-paced point-to-point movements that subjects made with their right and left hand. We assume that the visual misperception may depend on the position in the workspace, subject, etc. but not on the hand used to make the movement. Therefore we argue that if curvature is caused by a visual misperception of straight lines, curvatures should be the same for movements made with the left and right hand. Our experiments cast strong doubt on the hypothesis that curvatures are the result of a visual distortion, because curvatures of the left hand trajectories, mirrored in the mid-sagittal plane, are found to be accurately described by trajectories of the right hand. Estimates of the effect of visual distortion on movement curvature show that, if present, this effect is very small compared with other sources that contribute to movement curvature. We found that curvatures depend strongly on the subject and on the direction and distance of the movement. Curvatures do not seem to be caused purely by the dynamic properties of the arm, since curvatures do not change significantly with increasing movement velocity. Therefore, we conclude that curvatures reflect an inherent property of the control of multi-joint arm movements. Reveived: 29 October 1996 / Accepted: 1 October 1997  相似文献   

Good balance, an important ability in controlling body movement, declines with age. Also, balance appears to decrease when visual input is restricted, while this has been poorly investigated among visually impaired very old adults. The objective of this study is thus to explore whether the balance control of the very old differs with varying degrees of visual impairment. This cross-sectional study was conducted in community centers and residential care homes. Thirty-three visually impaired (17 = low vision; 16 = blind) and 15 sighted elderly aged ≥70 years participated in the study. All participants were assessed: (1) concentric isokinetic strength of the knee extensors and flexors; (2) a sensory organization test to measure their ability to use somatosensory, visual, and vestibular information to control standing balance; (3) a perturbed double-leg stance test to assess the ability of the automatic motor system to quickly recover following an unexpected external disturbance; (4) the five times sit-to-stand test. Compared with low-vision subjects, the sighted elderly achieved higher peak torque-to-body weight ratios in concentric knee extension. The sighted elderly showed less body sway than the low vision and blind subjects in sensory conditions where they benefited from visual inputs to help them maintain standing balance. The sighted and low-vision subjects achieved smaller average body sway angles during forward and backward platform translations compared to the blind subjects. Low vision and blindness decrease balance control in elderly.  相似文献   

When reaching movements are made during passive constant velocity body rotation, inertial Coriolis accelerations are generated that displace both movement paths and endpoints in their direction. These findings directly contradict equilibrium point theories of movement control. However, it has been argued that these movement errors relate to subjects sensing their body rotation through continuing vestibular activity and making corrective movements. In the present study, we evaluated the reaching movements of five labyrinthine-defective subjects (lacking both semicircular canal and otolith function) who cannot sense passive body rotation in the dark and five age-matched, normal control subjects. Each pointed 40 times in complete darkness to the location of a just extinguished visual target before, during, and after constant velocity rotation at 10 rpm in the center of a fully enclosed slow rotation room. All subjects, including the normal controls, always felt completely stationary when making their movements. During rotation, both groups initially showed large deviations of their movement paths and endpoints in the direction of the transient Coriolis forces generated by their movements. With additional per-rotation movements, both groups showed complete adaptation of movement curvature (restoration of straight-line reaches) during rotation. The labyrinthine-defective subjects, however, failed to regain fully accurate movement endpoints after 40 reaches, unlike the control subjects who did so within 11 reaches. Postrotation, both groups' movements initially had mirror image curvatures to their initial per-rotation reaches; the endpoint aftereffects were significantly different from prerotation baseline for the control subjects but not for the labyrinthine-defective subjects reflecting the smaller amount of endpoint adaptation they achieved during rotation. The labyrinthine-defective subjects' movements had significantly lower peak velocity, higher peak elevation, lower terminal velocity, and a more vertical touchdown than those of the control subjects. Thus the way their reaches terminated denied them the somatosensory contact cues necessary for full endpoint adaptation. These findings fully contradict equilibrium point theories of movement control. They emphasize the importance of contact cues in adaptive movement control and indicate that movement errors generated by Coriolis perturbations of limb movements reveal characteristics of motor planning and adaptation in both healthy and clinical populations.  相似文献   

Kinematic abnormalities of fast multijoint movements in cerebellar ataxia include abnormally increased curvature of hand trajectories and an increased hand path and are thought to originate from an impairment in generating appropriate levels of muscle torques to support normal coordination between shoulder and elbow joints. Such a mechanism predicts that kinematic abnormalities are pronounced when fast movements are performed and large muscular torques are required. Experimental evidence that systematically explores the effects of increasing movement velocities on movement kinematics in cerebellar multijoint movements is limited and to some extent contradictory. We, therefore, investigated angular and hand kinematics of natural multijoint pointing movements in patients with cerebellar degenerative disorders and healthy controls. Subjects performed self-paced vertical pointing movements with their right arms at three different target velocities. Limb movements were recorded in three-dimensional space using a two-camera infrared tracking system. Differences between patients and healthy subjects were most prominent when the subjects performed fast movements. Peak hand acceleration and deceleration were similar to normals during slow and moderate velocity movements but were smaller for fast movements. While altering movement velocities had little or no effect on the length of the hand path and angular motion of elbow and shoulder joints in normal subjects, the patients exhibited overshooting motions (hypermetria) of the hand and at both joints as movement velocity increased. Hypermetria at one joint always accompanied hypermetria at the neighboring joint. Peak elbow angular deceleration was markedly delayed in patients compared with normals. Other temporal movement variables such as the relative timing of shoulder and elbow joint motion onsets were normal in patients. Kinematic abnormalities of multijoint arm movements in cerebellar ataxia include hypermetria at both the elbow and the shoulder joint and, as a consequence, irregular and enlarged paths of the hand, and they are marked with fast but not with slow movements. Our findings suggest that kinematic movement abnormalities that characterize cerebellar limb ataxia are related to an impairment in scaling movement variables such as joint acceleration and deceleration normally with movement speed. Most likely, increased hand paths and decomposition of movement during slow movements, as described earlier, result from compensatory mechanisms the patients may employ if maximum movement accuracy is required.  相似文献   

To execute visually guided reaching movements, the central nervous system (CNS) must transform a desired hand trajectory (kinematics) into appropriate muscle-related commands (dynamics). It has been suggested that the CNS might face this challenging computation by using internal forward models for the dynamics. Previous work in humans found that new internal models can be acquired through experience. In a series of studies in monkeys, we investigated how neurons in the motor areas of the frontal lobe reflect the movement dynamics and how their activity changes when monkeys learn a new internal model. Here we describe the results for the supplementary motor area (SMA-proper, or SMA). In the experiments, monkeys executed visually guided reaching movements and adapted to an external perturbing force field. The experimental design allowed dissociating the neuronal activity related to movement dynamics from that related to movement kinematics. It also allowed dissociating the changes related to motor learning from the activity related to motor performance (kinematics and dynamics). We show that neurons in SMA reflect the movement dynamics individually and as a population, and that their activity undergoes a variety of plastic changes when monkeys adapt to a new dynamic environment.  相似文献   

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