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The hypothesis positing differences between Mexican Americans and whites regarding attitudes and behaviors concerning obesity and other health issues was tested. A random sample of 1171 whites and 155 Mexican Americans aged 18 to 65 was selected. Two analyses were carried out. First, overweight Mexican Americans were compared with overweight whites. Second, overweight individuals were compared with normal weight counterparts within each ethnic group. Differences between overweight Mexican Americans and overweight whites disappeared after adjusting for the effects of sex, income, educational status, and marital status. Among whites, several factors remained significantly different when comparing overweight with normal weight individuals. Among Mexican Americans, however, all but one of the significant differences between overweight and normal weight individuals disappeared after adjusting for other variables. The implications of these results as they relate to the implementation of public health programs to deal with the prevention and treatment of obesity among Mexican Americans are discussed.Hector Balcazar is Assistant Professor of Community and International Nutrition, Department of Family Resources and Human Development, and Jose A. Cobas, Associate Professor of Sociology, at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein a (Lp(a)) is a strongly genetically determined lipoprotein that resembles in density and size a low-density lipoprotein particle (LDL) to which apolipoprotein (a) is bound. There are several isoforms of Lp(a). There is strong evidence that Lp(a) is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Lp(a) is involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and has prothrombotic properties. Differences in isoform size and lack of standardization have complicated measurement of Lp(a). Currently, reliable determination of Lp(a) is possible with isoform-independent assays. At present the only options to lower Lp(a) levels are nicotinic acid and Lp(a) apheresis. New drugs with Lp(a)-lowering potential are being developed. There is no evidence from trials as yet that reducing Lp(a) levels decreases cardiovascular risk. Currently the clinical value of Lp(a) as a cardiovascular risk factor is limited. Lp(a) measurement could be of value in selected patient populations.  相似文献   

Demographic data appear to demonstrate an increase in the number and ratio of elderly world-wide. Authors give a short survey on physiological alterations occurring at older age, on methods suitable for assessing nutritional status and criticism thereof. Nutritional and life style habits are also discussed. Prevalence of obesity and undernutrition and their sequelae are likewise presented. Diagnosis of undernutrition by using questionnaire can significantly improve the efficiency of family doctors' activity. Authors provide recommendations for improving nutrition and life style in healthy persons with optimal body mass, and for obese and undernourished subjects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Low-molecular weight (MW) apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] isoforms are closely associated with an increased incidence of atherothrombotic disease, prevalence of which is higher in obese individuals, particularly in women. The hypothesis of this study was to assess whether there are differences in the distribution of apo(a) phenotypes between obese patients and healthy controls. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: One hundred three obese Italian women (BMI > or = 30.0 kg/m2) were enrolled in the study, and apo(a) phenotyping was performed in all subjects. The prevalence of low-MW apo(a) isoforms, detected in plasma samples of our obese women, was compared with that found in a control group of 84 normal-weight, never-obese (BMI < 25.0 kg/m(2)), age-matched women. RESULTS: The distribution of apo(a) isoforms in the population of obese women was significantly different from that found in normal-weight female subjects. In particular, the percentage of subjects in the obese group with at least one apo(a) isoform of low MW was significantly higher than that in the control group (51.4% vs. 32.1%, p = 0.0079). DISCUSSION: Our results seem to suggest the possibility that small-sized apo(a) isoforms may be used together with other traditional risk factors to better assess the overall predisposition to atherothrombotic disease in obese women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of education, income, food habits and control over life on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in Poland, a former communist country with ongoing transformations of the political and economic system, where cardiovascular disease is an important health problem. METHODS: The data were collected by questionnaire, as part of the CINDI Programme, from 2001 to 2002 in Lodz, an industrial city in Poland. The surveys were directed at random samples of 2000 men and 2000 women; 1847 participants aged 18-64 years responded. As detailed in the ATP III report, participants with three or more of abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridaemia, low high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, high blood pressure or high fasting glucose were defined as having the metabolic syndrome. RESULTS: We have found that education is more strongly associated with the metabolic syndrome. Our study suggests that higher education may be a strong and consistent predictor of good health. Also, low control over life (unfulfilled daily needs, unfulfilling work, little or no reward for effort at work) and lack of physical activity have been shown to be predictors for the metabolic syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that interventions to improve the health of the Polish population need to be specific for the social environment.  相似文献   

儿童孤独症危险因素分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
目的:探讨儿童孤独症的危险因素。方法: 采用自拟调查表对确诊的149例孤独症患儿进行相关因素的回顾性调查。结果: 在149名患儿中, 43 96%的母亲孕期情绪紧张或抑郁, 母亲孕期和患儿出生时有异常情况者分别为24. 83%和33. 56%; 患儿有家族异常史者占22 .82% (以直系亲属中有孤僻、不合群者居首位), 14. 09%的患儿既往有神经系统疾病史;有18 79%的患儿有寄养史, 48. 12%的患儿家庭教育方式不良。结论: 遗传、孕产期异常和脑部器质性改变等因素可能引起孤独症发病, 通过加强孕产期保健工作, 提高医务人员和家长对儿童孤独症的认知水平及帮助父母正确对待孤独症患儿, 可预防孤独症的发生和改善其预后。  相似文献   

A cohort with the general population of 5698 was established to clarify the association between individual life style and health. This study investigated the association between life style and socio-psychological factors by means of a cross-sectional study of 1005 males aged 30 to 59 years. The health practice index consisted of 5 health practices, 1) smoking 2) drinking 3) physical activity 4) Quetelet's index, and 5) sleep. The subjects were divided into two groups, group I (aged 30 to 44 years) and group II (aged 45 to 59 years). Path analysis was used to clarify the relationship between various socio-psychological factors relating to the health practice index. In group I, the health locus of control and perceived daily life stress were directly related to the health practice index. In group II, the only health locus of control was directly related to the health practice index. It was found that the social support network formed the basis of these two factors. These results suggested that it is very important to consider individual socio-psychological factors when promoting good health practice.  相似文献   

李颖  唐玫  唐丽坤  吕莹  罗维  全力 《实用预防医学》2018,25(10):1190-1194
目的 调查桂林地区某医院脑卒中高危人群生活方式和饮食习惯现状并分析其危险因素。 方法 2015年1月-2017年10月期间于桂林市人民医院进行健康检查的体检者中,选取符合脑卒中高危人群判断标准的683例体检者记为高危组,同时选取健康的体检者600例记为对照组,另取该院同期收治的中风患者600例记为中风组。收集并调查三组人员的基本资料、生活方式以及饮食习惯,比较三组人员各项实验室指标水平,并采用多因素非条件logistic回归分析方法分析桂林地区脑卒中高危人群的危险因素。 结果 高危组与中风组男性比例、年龄≥50岁比例明显高于对照组,中风组体质量指数(BMI)高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。高危组与中风组吸烟、饮酒、缺乏体育锻炼人数占比均明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。高危组与中风组口味偏油腻、蔬菜摄入不足、肉类摄入≥3次/周以及口味偏甜的人数占比均明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。高危组与中风组尿酸、空腹血糖、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平均分别明显高于对照组,而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。经多因素logistic回归分析显示:桂林地区脑卒中危险因素包括男性(OR=1.031)、年龄大(OR=1.894)、饮酒(OR=2.495)、缺乏体育锻炼(OR=1.687)、口味偏油腻(OR=1.822)、蔬菜摄入不足(OR=1.673)、肉类摄入过多(OR=1.429)、高尿酸(OR=2.916)、高空腹血糖(OR=2.127)以及高血脂水平(OR=1.709)(均P<0.05)。 结论 多种因素均与桂林地区脑卒中高危人群密切相关,主要有男性、年龄、饮酒、缺乏体育锻炼、口味偏油腻、蔬菜摄入不足、肉类摄入过多、高尿酸、高空腹血糖以及高血脂水平等。因此,在临床工作中应根据上述因素制定有效的干预措施,以达到防治脑卒中的目的。  相似文献   

Many variables are considered risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This study examines the associations among a psychological variable (type A personality measurement), a social variable (Holmes and Rahe Schedule of Recent Events), and physiologic variables (age, blood pressure, smoking, and cholesterol), as measured to fill out a health hazard appraisal. These tests and questionnaires were administered to 572 persons from the San Francisco Bay area when they enrolled in a health promotion program (Common Health Care). Recent life changes and a self-measurement of coronary prone behavior showed no significant correlations to major heart disease risk factors.  相似文献   

脂蛋白(a)与早发脑梗塞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1∶1配比的病例-对照研究方法,探讨脂蛋白(a)与早发脑梗塞的病因学联系。单因素分析结果显示:高脂蛋白(a)(>30mg/dl)者患病危险性为正常者的3.5倍。多元逐步回归分析结果表明,血LP(a)、吸烟年数、平均动脉压、LDL-C、Apo-B是早发脑梗塞的主要危险因素,而Apo-A1则是其保护因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨发生重度宫腔粘连(IUA)的相关危险因素,旨在为优化重度IUA的防治策略提供参考。方法选取2018年1月至2020年1月因IUA在西北妇女儿童医院住院治疗的576名患者,按照美国生育学会(AFS)评分标准将所有患者分为重度组(254例)和轻中度组(322例);收集患者的人口学特征资料、月经史、生育史、剖宫产史、药物流产史、人工流产史、清宫史、诊断性刮宫史、既往盆腔炎症史、既往宫腔镜手术史、生殖器结核病史及其相应发生次数等研究相关变量,运用Logistic回归模型回顾性分析发生重度IUA的相关危险因素。结果单因素分析显示,人工流产次数、稽留流产清宫次数、清宫总次数、黏膜下肌瘤电切术、瘢痕妊娠电切术、IUA电切术、足月分娩次数、宫腔操作总次数、引产次数及孕次与重度IUA的发生有关(OR值分别为1.357、2.013、1.257、0.789、0.786、2.218、0.426、1.561、0.277、1.246,均P<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,足月分娩次数降低了重度IUA的发生风险(OR=0.376,P<0.05);人工流产次数越多、稽留流产次数越多、清宫次数越多的孕妇发生重度IUA的风险越大(OR值分别为2.439、2.234、2.266,均P<0.05)。结论足月分娩次数是发生重度IUA的保护因素;人工流产次数、稽留流产清宫次数及清宫总次数是发生重度IUA的危险因素。  相似文献   

In October 1990, an outbreak of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) was reported in Italy after an absence of approximately one century. Since October 1990, ninety-four outbreaks have occurred in Italy, of which forty-seven were concentrated in three areas of northern Italy (Lombardy region). The disease was eradicated in September 1993. The data used for the analysis were obtained from the epidemiological investigations undertaken during the outbreaks of 1990-1993. The unit of interest for the analysis is the farm. Spatial segregation of infected and uninfected farms within the study area was determined through the Pielou index of segregation. Data from herds within the same set of outbreaks were analysed through logistic regression to identify factors which could be used to discriminate between infected and uninfected herds. The study indicated a clear spatial segregation between infected and uninfected herds. The results of the analysis do not indicate the mode of disease spread. However, the study demonstrated that both aerosol and indirect transmission of the infection could have occurred, as previously documented in Africa. The possibility that indirect transmission played a prominent role in the spread of CBPP in the region of Lombardy is a completely new suggestion. Further studies are required to understand the epidemiology of CBPP in regions with intensive farming and a relatively cold climate. In particular, three aspects require consideration; firstly, animal movement among neighbouring herds could produce a pattern of disease similar to the one produced by indirect transmission (this possibility was excluded in the epidemiological outbreak investigations conducted by field veterinarians). Secondly, the methods of spatial analysis used in this study have not been previously used in the field of veterinary epidemiology. Further validation of the efficacy of these methods is thus required. Thirdly, the epidemiology of CBPP under conditions of high animal density and a relatively cool climate, as encountered in Lombardy, requires further investigation.  相似文献   

对狂犬病认知水平低被认为是影响我国狂犬病流行的重要因素[1-4],但关于我国人群暴露现状及其流行病学特点缺乏连续、全面的科学数据.为了解广东省狂犬病暴露现状,评估狂犬病流行风险,于2005年在全省范围设置犬伤门诊,并以此作为暴露人群监测哨点,按统一的表格对就诊的被动物所伤人员进行登记、调查和报告,进行人群中狂犬病暴露哨点监测工作.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between life style factors and adult disease for Chinese living in Japan. The mortalities of major cancers and other major diseases of Chinese in Japan were compared with those of Japanese by calculating Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMR) for the Chinese using death rates in the Japanese population the standard. The life style data on smoking, drinking and dietary habits for Chinese in Japan were collected by self-administered questionnaire surveys, and age-adjusted proportions were calculated with the truncated world population as the standard. Then the corrected indexes on life style for Chinese in Japan were compared with those of Japanese. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The mortality rates of heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertensive disease, liver cirrhosis, rectum cancer, liver cancer (both sexes), lung cancer (females), breast cancer and cerebrovascular disease (females) for Chinese in Japan were higher than those for Japanese, but the rates of stomach cancer, pancreas cancer (both sexes), uterus cancer (females) and cerebrovascular disease (males) were lower than those for Japanese. 2. The prevalence of current smokers for Chinese males in Japan was lower than that of Japanese, and that of females was higher than that of Japanese. The prevalence of non-smokers for Chinese males was higher than that of Japanese, and that of females was lower than that of Japanese. 3. Although the prevalence of regular drinkers for Chinese of both sexes in Japan were lower than that of Japanese, the prevalence of heavy drinkers who drank over 80 ml of ethanol every day for Chinese males was higher than that of Japanese males. 4. Significant differences were not found in the prevalences of frequent consumers of meat, milk, eggs, fish, other vegetables and food using oil between cooks and non-cooks of Chinese of both sexes in Japan. 5. The age-adjusted prevalences of frequent meat and milk consumers for Chinese in Japan were higher than those of Japanese in both sexes, but those of frequent pickled vegetable and MISO soup consumers were lower than those of Japanese. The dietary pattern of Chinese in Japan was different from that of Japanese with intakes of much fat and less salt. 6. It is assumed that the mortalities due to adult disease for Chinese in Japan are related to their heavy drinking and to their dietary habits.  相似文献   

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