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Adjuvant is a substance added to vaccine to improve the immunogenicity of antigens, and it can induce stronger immune responses and reduce the dosage and production cost of vaccine in populations responding poorly to vaccination. Adjuvants in development or in use mainly include aluminum salts, oil emulsions, saponins, immune-stimulating complexes, liposomes, microparticles, nonionic block copolymers, polysaccharides, cytokines and bacterial derivatives. Polysaccharide adjuvants have attracted much attention in the preparation of nano vaccines and nano drugs because natural polysaccharides have the characteristics of intrinsic immunomodulating, biocompatibility, biodegradability, low toxicity and safety. Moreover, it has been proved that a variety of natural polysaccharides possess better immune promoting effects, and they can enhance the effects of humoral, cellular and mucosal immunities. In the present study, we systematically reviewed the recent studies on polysaccharides with vaccine adjuvant activities, including chitosan-based nanoparticles (NPs), glucan, mannose, inulin polysaccharide and Chinese medicinal herb polysaccharide. The application and future perspectives of polysaccharides as adjuvants were also discussed. These findings lay a foundation for the further development of polysaccharide adjuvants. Collectively, more and more polysaccharide adjuvants will be developed and widely used in clinical practice with more in-depth investigations of polysaccharide adjuvants.  相似文献   

Ticks are a threat to human and animal health worldwide. Ticks are considered to be second worldwide to mosquitoes as vectors of human diseases, the most important vectors of diseases that affect cattle industry worldwide and important vectors of diseases affecting pets. Tick vaccines are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to protect against tick-borne diseases through the control of vector infestations and reducing pathogen infection and transmission. These premises stress the need for developing improved tick vaccines in a more efficient way. In this context, development of improved vaccines for tick-borne diseases will be greatly enhanced by vaccinomics approaches starting from the study of tick–host–pathogen molecular interactions and ending in the characterization and validation of vaccine formulations. The discovery of new candidate vaccine antigens for the control of tick infestations and pathogen infection and transmission requires the development of effective screening platforms and algorithms that allow the analysis and validation of data produced by systems biology approaches to tick research. Tick vaccines that affect both tick infestations and pathogen transmission could be used to vaccinate human and animal populations at risk and reservoir species to reduce host exposure to ticks while reducing the number of infected ticks and their vectorial capacity for pathogens that affect human and animal health worldwide.  相似文献   

Questions have been recently raised regarding the safety of vaccine adjuvants, particularly in relation to autoimmunity or autoimmune disease(s)/disorder(s) (AID). The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) formed a scientific committee and convened a 2-day workshop, consisting of technical experts from around the world representing academia, government regulatory agencies, and industry, to investigate and openly discuss the issues around adjuvant safety in vaccines. The types of adjuvants considered included oil-in-water emulsions and toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists. The state of science around the use of animal models and biomarkers for the evaluation and prediction of AID were also discussed. Following extensive literature reviews by the HESI committee, and presentations by experts at the workshop, several key points were identified, including the value of animal models used to study autoimmunity and AID toward studying novel vaccine adjuvants; whether there is scientific evidence indicating an intrinsic risk of autoimmunity and AID with adjuvants, or a higher risk resulting from the mechanism of action; and if there is compelling clinical data linking adjuvants and AID. The tripartite group of experts concluded that there is no compelling evidence supporting the association of vaccine adjuvants with autoimmunity signals. Additionally, it is recommended that future research on the potential effects of vaccine adjuvants on AID should consider carefully the experimental design in animal models particularly if they are to be used in any risk assessment, as an improper design and model could result in misleading information. Finally, studies on the mechanistic aspects and potential biomarkers related to adjuvants and autoimmunity phenomena could be developed.  相似文献   

Vaccines often contain adjuvants to strengthen the response to the vaccine antigen. However, their modes of action at the site of injection (SOI) are poorly understood. Therefore, we assessed the local effects of adjuvant on the innate immune system in mice. We investigated the safe, widely used adjuvants MF59 and aluminum hydroxide (alum), as well as trehalose-6,6′-dibehenate (TDB), Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) and the Toll-Like-Receptor-ligands lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Pam3CysSerLys4 (Pam3CSK4). We assessed muscle immune cell infiltration after adjuvant injection and observed 16 h post immunization (hpi) an increased influx with CFA, MF59 and TDB, but not with alum, LPS or Pam3CSK4. An elevated influx with the latter three became visible only 72 hpi. Contribution of granulocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells to the influx differed per adjuvant and in time. Adjuvants generally induced a local pro-inflammatory micro-milieu that was transient except for CFA and TDB. The gene expression of CXCL-1, CCL-2 and CCL-5, involved in recruitment of immune cells, varied per adjuvant and corresponded grossly with the observed influx of granulocytes and monocytes/macrophages. Muscles injected with CFA or MF59 (when co-injected with peptide) resulted in APC ex vivo capable to induce proliferation of peptide-specific T-cells. By adding in vitro an excess of peptide to the APC/T cell co-cultures, we observed an adjuvant-enhanced co-stimulation or antigen presentation by APC after CFA- but not MF59-injection. After TDB-injection this effect was observed only at 72 hpi, but not 24 hpi. Thus the cellular influx profile and the local cytokine and chemokine micro-milieu in the muscle were strongly influenced by the type of adjuvant. Additionally, the capacity of muscle APC to load and present antigen was affected by the adjuvant. These findings may assist the development of novel adjuvanted vaccines in a more rational manner.  相似文献   

This review deals with mechanisms of actions (MOA) and adjuvant effects of various types of adjuvants for swine vaccines. A number of different types of adjuvants have been tested with swine vaccines, including oil emulsion, particulate antigen (Ag) carrier, cytokines, pathogen-associated molecular patterns and immune ligands, saponins, and bacterial cells and toxins. In addition, there are a number of chemicals and natural products that possess adjuvant activities when tested with swine vaccines, and are grouped as miscellaneous in this review. The MOA of adjuvants can be generally divided into two categories: delivery vehicles and immunostimulants. Adjuvants serving as delivery vehicle can act as a depot, help deliver Ag to the draining lymph nodes, promote Ag uptake by antigen-presenting cells (APCs), and protect Ag from harsh conditions. Adjuvants possessing immunostimulatory activities may help recruit and activate APCs and T cells, enhance APC functions, and direct T cell differentiation and immunoglobulin isotype switching. Success of adjuvant use on improving immunogenicity and protective efficacy of swine vaccines depends on several factors, including type and stability of vaccine Ag, dose and schedule of vaccination, MOA of adjuvant, route, dose and schedule of adjuvant administration, type of immune response required, and safety from adverse reactions. In addition to the above mentioned factors, cost effectiveness is of concern. Further studies of swine vaccine adjuvants may need to focus on characterization of their MOA and search for more potential adjuvant candidates that can induce mucosal immune response.  相似文献   

O'Hagan DT  Ott GS  De Gregorio E  Seubert A 《Vaccine》2012,30(29):4341-4348
MF59 is a safe and effective vaccine adjuvant which was originally approved to be included in a licensed influenza vaccine to be used in the elderly in Europe in 1997. The MF59 adjuvanted influenza vaccine (Fluad™) is now licensed in more than 20 countries worldwide and more than 85 million doses have been administered. More recently the vaccine adjuvant has also been shown to be safe and effective in young children and resulted in a significant increase in influenza vaccine efficacy in a controlled clinical trial in Europe. Since the early days of its discovery we have explored the mechanism of action of MF59, using a variety of available techniques. In recent years we have explored more thoroughly the mechanism of action using new and more sophisticated techniques. It is remarkable how consistent the data has been, using a variety of different approaches both in several small animal models and also using human immune cells in vitro. Here we present a summary of all the work performed to date on the mechanism of action of MF59 and we present a unified theory based on the accumulated data of how it exerts its adjuvant effects. A key element of the mechanism of action appears to be the creation of a transient ‘immunocompetent’ local environment at the injection site, resulting in the recruitment of key immune cells, which are able to take up antigen and adjuvant and transport them to the local lymph nodes, where the immune response is induced. This recruitment appears to be triggered by the induction of a chemokine driven gradient by the impact of MF59 on local cells, which are activated to secrete further chemokines, which are recruitment factors for more immune cells.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) uses vaccination data from electronic health records (EHR) at eight integrated health systems to monitor vaccine safety. Accurate capture of data from vaccines administered outside of the health system is critical for vaccine safety research, especially for COVID-19 vaccines, where many are administered in non-traditional settings. However, timely access and inclusion of data from Immunization Information Systems (IIS) into VSD safety assessments is not well understood.MethodsWe surveyed the eight data-contributing VSD sites to assess: 1) status of sending data to IIS; 2) status of receiving data from IIS; and 3) integration of IIS data into the site EHR. Sites reported separately for COVID-19 vaccination to capture any differences in capacity to receive and integrate data on COVID-19 vaccines versus other vaccines.ResultsAll VSD sites send data to and receive data from their state IIS. All eight sites (100%) routinely integrate IIS data for COVID-19 vaccines into VSD research studies. Six sites (75%) also routinely integrate all other vaccination data; two sites integrate data from IIS following a reconciliation process, which can result in delays to integration into VSD datasets.ConclusionsCOVID-19 vaccines are being administered in a variety of non-traditional settings, where IIS are commonly used as centralized reporting systems. All eight VSD sites receive and integrate COVID-19 vaccine data from IIS, which positions the VSD well for conducting quality assessments of vaccine safety. Efforts to improve the timely receipt of all vaccination data will improve capacity to conduct vaccine safety assessments within the VSD.  相似文献   

Vaccines have drastically reduced the mortality and morbidity of many diseases. However, vaccines have historically been developed empirically, and recent development of vaccines against current pandemics such as HIV and malaria has been met with difficulty. The advent of high-throughput technologies, coupled with systems biological methods of data analysis, has enabled researchers to interrogate the entire complement of a variety of molecular components within cells, and characterize the myriad interactions among them in order to model and understand the behavior of the system as a whole. In the context of vaccinology, these tools permit exploration of the molecular mechanisms by which vaccines induce protective immune responses. Here we review the recent advances, challenges, and potential of systems biological approaches in vaccinology. If the challenges facing this developing field can be overcome, systems vaccinology promises to empower the identification of early predictive signatures of vaccine response, as well as novel and robust correlates of protection from infection. Such discoveries, along with the improved understanding of immune responses to vaccination they impart, will play an instrumental role in development of the next generation of rationally designed vaccines.  相似文献   

The aim of research on infectious diseases is their prevention, and brucellosis and salmonellosis as such are classic examples of worldwide zoonoses for application of a systems biology approach for enhanced rational vaccine development. When used optimally, vaccines prevent disease manifestations, reduce transmission of disease, decrease the need for pharmaceutical intervention, and improve the health and welfare of animals, as well as indirectly protecting against zoonotic diseases of people. Advances in the last decade or so using comprehensive systems biology approaches linking genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and biotechnology with immunology, pathogenesis and vaccine formulation and delivery are expected to enable enhanced approaches to vaccine development. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the role of computational systems biology analysis of host:pathogen interactions (the interactome) as a tool for enhanced rational design of vaccines. Systems biology is bringing a new, more robust approach to veterinary vaccine design based upon a deeper understanding of the host-pathogen interactions and its impact on the host's molecular network of the immune system. A computational systems biology method was utilized to create interactome models of the host responses to Brucella melitensis (BMEL), Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP), Salmonella enterica Typhimurium (STM), and a Salmonella mutant (isogenic ΔsipA, sopABDE2) and linked to the basis for rational development of vaccines for brucellosis and salmonellosis as reviewed by Adams et al. and Ficht et al. [1] and [2]. A bovine ligated ileal loop biological model was established to capture the host gene expression response at multiple time points post infection. New methods based on Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) machine learning were employed to conduct a comparative pathogenicity analysis of 219 signaling and metabolic pathways and 1620 gene ontology (GO) categories that defined the host's biosignatures to each infectious condition. Through this DBN computational approach, the method identified significantly perturbed pathways and GO category groups of genes that define the pathogenicity signatures of the infectious agent. Our preliminary results provide deeper understanding of the overall complexity of host innate immune response as well as the identification of host gene perturbations that defines a unique host temporal biosignature response to each pathogen. The application of advanced computational methods for developing interactome models based on DBNs has proven to be instrumental in elucidating novel host responses and improved functional biological insight into the host defensive mechanisms. Evaluating the unique differences in pathway and GO perturbations across pathogen conditions allowed the identification of plausible host-pathogen interaction mechanisms. Accordingly, a systems biology approach to study molecular pathway gene expression profiles of host cellular responses to microbial pathogens holds great promise as a methodology to identify, model and predict the overall dynamics of the host-pathogen interactome. Thus, we propose that such an approach has immediate application to the rational design of brucellosis and salmonellosis vaccines.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate fatty acid sulphate esters (CFASEs) formulated in a squalane-in-water emulsion are effective adjuvants for humoral responses to a wide range of antigens in various animal species but rise in body temperature and local reactions albeit mild or minimal hampers application in humans. In rabbits, body temperature increased 1 °C one day after intramuscular (IM) injection, which returned to normal during the next day. The effect increased with increasing dose of CFASE but not with the number of injections (up to 5). Antigen enhanced the rise in body temperature after booster immunization (P < 0.01) but not after priming. Synthetic CFASEs are mixtures of derivatives containing no sulphate, one or multiple sulphate groups and the monosulphate derivatives (CMS) were isolated, incorporated in a squalane in-water emulsion and investigated. In contrast to CFASE, CMS adjuvant did not generate rise in body temperature or local reactions in rabbits immunized with a purified, recombinant malaria chimeric antigen R0.10C. In comparison to alum, CMS adjuvant revealed approximately 30-fold higher antibody titres after the first and >100-fold after the second immunization. In ferrets immunized with 7.5 μg of inactivated influenza virus A/H7N9, CMS adjuvant gave 100-fold increase in HAI antibody titres after the first and 25-fold after the second immunisation, which were 10–20-fold higher than with the MF59-like AddaVax adjuvant. In both models, a single immunisation with CMS adjuvant revealed similar or higher titres than two immunisations with either benchmark, without detectable systemic and local adverse effects. Despite striking chemical similarities with monophospholipid A (MPL), CMS adjuvant did not activate human TLR4 expressed on HEK cells. We concluded that the synthetic CMS adjuvant is a promising candidate for poor immunogens and single-shot vaccines and that rise in body temperature, local reactions or activation of TLR4 is not a pre-requisite for high adjuvanticity.  相似文献   

Vaccine adjuvants: A priority for vaccine research   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The workshop on vaccine adjuvants was held in July of 2009 at the European Commission in Brussels, with the goal of identifying key scientific priorities as they pertain to the development of effective vaccines against life-threatening diseases especially those associated with poverty, including HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis as well as neglected infectious diseases. On the basis of new advances in adjuvant research and related technology as well as potential challenges and roadblocks, six priorities were identified to accelerate development of improved or novel vaccine adjuvants for human use.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is a major pathogen affecting cattle causing bronchopneumonia, mastitis, and other disorders. Only autogenous vaccines made specifically for individual farms are available in parts of Europe and the United States. A novel experimental vaccine composed of a field M. bovis isolate combined with saponin and Emulsigen® adjuvants was evaluated. Eighteen 3–4 week old calves were placed in three equal groups: vaccinated (Vac), positive control (PC) and negative control (NC). The Vac calves were subcutaneously injected with 8 ml of the vaccine; the PC and NC calves received phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Three weeks later the Vac and PC calves were challenged with a virulent M. bovis strain, the NC group received PBS. Throughout the study clinical observations, microbiology and immunological tests were carried out. Three weeks post challenge two calves from each group were euthanased for necropsy and histopathological examination. The vaccine effectively stimulated the humoral immune response, with high titres of anti-M. bovis specific antibodies and total Ig concentration. This vaccine also intensified the IgA response. A clinically protective effect of the vaccine was demonstrated as it also reduced the gross pathological lung lesions and nasal shedding of M. bovis.  相似文献   

Vaccination is one of the most powerful strategies for the preventive and therapeutic control of infectious diseases and other diseases such as cancer. To maximize the effectiveness of vaccines, it is necessary to modify the immune responses by means of adjuvants. The gut environment, including commensal bacteria and dietary components, has been proven to be able to mediate host immunity. An understanding of gut microbiota–related regulation of immune responses has revealed the potential adjuvanticity of particular microbiota-derived compounds, driving exploration into their development as vaccine adjuvants. In this review, we discuss how commensal bacteria and compounds derived from them regulate host immune responses, and we propose the potential application of these compounds as vaccine adjuvants.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellins are potent inducers of innate immune responses in the mouse lung because they bind to TLR5 expressed on the apical surfaces of airway epithelial cells. TLR engagement leads to the initiation of a signaling cascade that results in a pro-inflammatory response with subsequent up-regulation of several cytokines and leads to adaptive immune responses. We examined the ability of two soluble flagellins, a monomeric flagellin expressed in Escherichia coli and a highly purified polymeric flagellin directly isolated from Salmonella, to enhance the efficacy of influenza vaccines in mice. Here we demonstrate that both flagellins co-administered intranasally with inactivated A/PR/8/34 (PR8) virus induced robust increases of systemic influenza-specific IgA and IgG titers and resulted in a more comprehensive humoral response as indicated by the increase of IgG2a and IgG2b subclass responses. Groups immunized with the adjuvanted vaccines were fully protected against high dose lethal challenge by homologous virus whereas inactivated PR8 alone conferred only partial protection. Finally we show that shortly after immunization the adjuvanted vaccines induced a dramatic increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lung, resulting in extensive lung infiltration by granulocytes and monocytes/macrophages. Our results reveal a promising perspective for the use of both soluble monomeric and polymeric flagellin as mucosal vaccine adjuvants to improve protection against influenza epidemics as well as a range of other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Esposito S  Principi N 《Vaccine》2011,29(43):7535-7541
Pediatric influenza is a very common disease: attack rates range from 23% to 48% during interpandemic years and are significantly higher during pandemics. Influenza-related complications seem to be more common in children at risk because of an underlying chronic severe disease, but recently collected data clearly demonstrate that otherwise healthy children can also suffer from severe influenza and that the annual number of deaths is no different between the two groups. The aim of this review is to discuss the characteristics of all influenza vaccines in order to evaluate the real likelihood of prevention, as well as the safety and tolerability of the different formulations and adjuvants. The data indicate that further studies collecting efficacy and effectiveness data and evaluating the immunogenicity and safety of the different formulations and adjuvants should lead to the identification of more ideal influenza vaccines that could be used with significant advantage in the entire pediatric population.  相似文献   

Development of nasal immunization for human use is hindered by the lack of acceptable adjuvants. Although CT is an effective adjuvant, its toxicity will likely prevent its use in nasal vaccines. This study compared non-toxin adjuvants to CT for their ability to induce protective antibody responses with nasal immunization. C3H/HeN and C57BL/6 mice were immunized with rPA formulated with the following adjuvants: CT, IL-1α, LPS, CpG, Pam3CSK4, 3M-019, resiquimod/R848 or c48/80. Serum and nasal wash cytokine concentrations were monitored 6 h post-vaccination as biomarkers for acute activation of the innate immune system. Not all of the adjuvants induced significant changes in innate serum or nasal wash cytokines, but when changes were observed, the cytokine signatures were unique for each adjuvant. All adjuvants except Pam3CSK4 induced significantly increased anti-rPA serum IgG titers in both strains of mice, while only IL-1α, c48/80 and CpG enhanced mucosal anti-rPA IgA. Pam3CSK4 was the only adjuvant unable to enhance the induction of serum LeTx-neutralizing antibodies in C3H/HeN mice while c48/80 was the only adjuvant to induce increased serum LeTx-neutralizing antibodies in C57BL/6 mice. Only CT enhanced total serum IgE in C3H/HeN mice while IL-1α enhanced total serum IgE in C57BL/6 mice. The adjuvant influenced antigen-specific serum IgG subclass and T cell cytokine profiles, but these responses did not correlate with the induction of LeTx-neutralizing activity. Our results demonstrate the induction of diverse innate and adaptive immune responses by non-toxin nasal vaccine adjuvants that lead to protective humoral immunity comparable to CT and that these responses may be influenced by the host strain.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a global zoonosis causing significant economic losses for cattle production. Current cattle vaccines against leptospirosis need improvement to provide efficacy against multiple serovars, reduce shedding in urine, and to induce earlier and more robust immune responses. In this study, Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo strain 203 antigen was combined with novel adjuvants (a biodegradable polyanhydride compressed rod implant (VPEAR), poly(diaminosulfide) microparticles, a water-oil-water emulsion adjuvant, and aluminum hydroxide) to develop novel vaccines. Cattle were immunized twice, at a 4 week interval, with inoculums containing adjuvants alone or leptospira antigens and immune responses were compared to responses of cattle receiving a commercial monovalent leptospirosis vaccine (Spirovac). All animals were inoculated with a single dose of Spirovac at 20 weeks to assess antigen recall responses. Serum antibody responses were increased (P > 0.05) at 8 and 20 weeks after vaccination in cattle receiving inoculums containing leptospira antigens combined with water-oil-emulsion, poly(diaminosulfide) microparticles (PNSN-MP), or aluminum hydroxide and in cattle vaccinated with Spirovac. Humoral responses were predominantly IgG1 isotypes. Antigen-specific proliferative responses were detected after initial vaccination in cattle vaccinated with Spirovac, PNSN-MP and water-oil-water treatments. Most proliferative responses occurring within CD4+ and gamma delta T cell populations expressing CD45RO and CD25 markers, a response consistent with an effector memory phenotype. Antigen-specific immune responses were not detected in cattle vaccinated with VPEAR after initial inoculation, but were detected in the antigen recall responses. PBMCs from cattle vaccinated with Spirovac, oil-water-oil, or PNSN-MP treatments had increased (P < 0.05) IL-17A release after in vitro stimulation with leptospirosis antigens, whereas all groups produced IFN-γ and IL-17A after in vitro stimulation during the antigen recall response. Our data demonstrates that combining leptospirosis antigens with these adjuvants enhances immunogenicity in cattle.Interpretative Summary: Vaccination of livestock is a key mechanism for minimizing transmission of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease. Leptospirosis vaccines for cattle need to be improved to provide greater levels of protection from kidney colonization, better immune responses, and protection against multiple serovars. This could be accomplished using new vaccine adjuvants. In this study, several novel adjuvants were evaluated for their ability to induce effective immune responses in cattle to leptospira antigens as compared to currently available vaccines. Data suggested that vaccines containing biodegradable polymer microparticles and oil-emulsion adjuvants induced similar or greater immune responses as compared to a commercial vaccine. Our data suggest these new vaccine formulations warrant further investigation as new vaccine formulations for cattle and other livestock.  相似文献   

Ljutic B  Ochs M  Messham B  Ming M  Dookie A  Harper K  Ausar SF 《Vaccine》2012,30(19):2981-2988
We investigated the immunogenicity, stability and adsorption properties of an experimental pneumococcal vaccine composed of three protein vaccine antigens; Pneumococcal histidine triad protein D, (PhtD), Pneumococcal choline-binding protein A (PcpA) and genetically detoxified pneumolysin D1 (PlyD1) formulated with aluminum salt adjuvants. Immunogenicity studies conducted in BALB/c mice showed that antibody responses to each antigen adjuvanted with aluminum hydroxide (AH) were significantly higher than when adjuvanted with aluminum phosphate (AP) or formulated without adjuvant. Lower microenvironment pH and decreased strength of antigen adsorption significantly improved the stability of antigens. The stability of PcpA and PlyD1 assessed by RP-HPLC correlated well with the immunogenicity of these antigens in mice and showed that pretreatment of the aluminum hydroxide adjuvant with phosphate ions improved their stability. Adjuvant dose-ranging studies showed that 28 μg Al/dose to be the concentration of adjuvant resulting in optimal immunogenicity of the trivalent vaccine formulation. Taken together, the results of theses studies suggest that the type of aluminum salt, strength of adsorption and microenvironment pH have a significant impact on the immunogenicity and chemical stability of an experimental vaccine composed of the three pneumococcal protein antigens, PhtD, PcpA, and PlyD1.  相似文献   

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