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The space radiation environment imposes increased dangers of exposure to ionizing radiation, particularly during a solar particle event (SPE). These events consist primarily of low energy protons that produce a highly inhomogeneous dose distribution. Due to this inherent dose heterogeneity, experiments designed to investigate the radiobiological effects of SPE radiation present difficulties in evaluating and interpreting dose to sensitive organs. To address this challenge, we used the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation framework to develop dosimetry software that uses computed tomography (CT) images and provides radiation transport simulations incorporating all relevant physical interaction processes. We found that this simulation accurately predicts measured data in phantoms and can be applied to model dose in radiobiological experiments with animal models exposed to charged particle (electron and proton) beams. This study clearly demonstrates the value of Monte Carlo radiation transport methods for two critically interrelated uses: (i) determining the overall dose distribution and dose levels to specific organ systems for animal experiments with SPE-like radiation, and (ii) interpreting the effect of random and systematic variations in experimental variables (e.g. animal movement during long exposures) on the dose distributions and consequent biological effects from SPE-like radiation exposure. The software developed and validated in this study represents a critically important new tool that allows integration of computational and biological modeling for evaluating the biological outcomes of exposures to inhomogeneous SPE-like radiation dose distributions, and has potential applications for other environmental and therapeutic exposure simulations.  相似文献   

Boron neutron capture therapy is a cellular-scale heavy-particle therapy. The factor determining the biological effects in the boron neutron capture reaction (BNCR) is the value of , which is the alpha component in the Linear Quadratic (LQ) model. Recently, the factor determining the value of has been revealed to correspond to the structural features of the tumor tissue. However, the relationship and mechanism have yet to be thoroughly studied. In this study, we simulated BNCR in tissues using the Monte Carlo simulation technique and examined the factors that determine the value of . According to this simulation, the nuclear-cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio, nuclear diameter and heterogeneity of the distribution of boron in the tissue have been suggested to determine the value of . Moreover, we proposed Biological Effectivity (BE) as a new dosimetry index based on the surviving fraction (SF), extending the concept of absolute biological effectiveness (ABE) in a previous report.  相似文献   

目的:研究McGill大学开发的蒙特卡罗治疗计划系统MMCTP(McGill Monte Carlo treatment planning system)用于临床剂量学研究的可行性.方法:选取某院2012年6月至2016年12月采用RapidArc加速器治疗的40例患者,按照治疗部位分为头部组、胸部组、腹部组和盆腔组,...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One problem of interpreting population-based biomonitoring data is the reconstruction of corresponding external exposure in cases where no such data are available. OBJECTIVES: We demonstrate the use of a computational framework that integrates physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling, Bayesian inference, and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation to obtain a population estimate of environmental chloroform source concentrations consistent with human biomonitoring data. The biomonitoring data consist of chloroform blood concentrations measured as part of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), and for which no corresponding exposure data were collected. METHODS: We used a combined PBPK and shower exposure model to consider several routes and sources of exposure: ingestion of tap water, inhalation of ambient household air, and inhalation and dermal absorption while showering. We determined posterior distributions for chloroform concentration in tap water and ambient household air using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM) data as prior distributions for the Bayesian analysis. RESULTS: Posterior distributions for exposure indicate that 95% of the population represented by the NHANES III data had likely chloroform exposures < or = 67 microg/L [corrected] in tap water and < or = 0.02 microg/L in ambient household air. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate the application of computer simulation to aid in the interpretation of human biomonitoring data in the context of the exposure-health evaluation-risk assessment continuum. These results should be considered as a demonstration of the method and can be improved with the addition of more detailed data.  相似文献   

目的 评估生物样品照射时,容器中间位置处剂量与容器内溶液总体剂量的差异。方法 利用Geant4程序模拟4种照射模式下,容器内的中心处剂量和容器内溶液总剂量,并计算两者的比值。 结果 容器中心处剂量与溶液总体剂量的比值与射线能量、容器大小以及照射方式紧密相关。 结论 生物样品照射实验时,应该根据现有条件选择合适的容器、射线以及照射模式以便中心剂量与总体剂量近似相等。  相似文献   

Cluster randomized trials (CRTs) are often prone to selection bias despite randomization. Using a simulation study, we investigated the use of propensity score (PS) based methods in estimating treatment effects in CRTs with selection bias when the outcome is quantitative. Of four PS‐based methods (adjustment on PS, inverse weighting, stratification, and optimal full matching method), three successfully corrected the bias, as did an approach using classical multivariable regression. However, they showed poorer statistical efficiency than classical methods, with higher standard error for the treatment effect, and type I error much smaller than the 5% nominal level. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于MonteCarlo方法的放射治疗剂量分布计算方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文应用MonteCarlo方法模拟粒子在生物组织中的输运过程,对肿瘤介入治疗常用源^125I的剂量场分布进行了研究,计算了^125I点源和点源阵列辐射的辐射场分布,对于放射治疗的临床应用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

缺血缺氧性脑病是新生儿期以后造成伤残儿童的主要原因之一。近几年大量生物学研究证实 ,脑缺氧缺血后可激活一系列分子反应 ,目前已知脑缺氧缺血后可引起神经元内多种即刻早基因表达增强 ,诱发或阻止神经元死亡 ;同时也发现神经细胞受损过程有多种细胞因子、神经介质蛋白释放 ,可在早期反映脑操作程度。因此相关生物学研究结果对判断HIE程度与预后 ,以及干预治疗有着十分重要意义。  相似文献   

A synthetic single crystal diamond detector (SCDD) is commercially available and is characterized for radiation dosimetry in various radiation beams in this study. The characteristics of the commercial SCDD model 60019 (PTW) with 6- and 15-MV photon beams, and 208-MeV proton beams, were investigated and compared with the pre-characterized detectors: Semiflex (model 31010) and PinPoint (model 31006) ionization chambers (PTW), the EDGE diode detector (Sun Nuclear Corp) and the SFD Stereotactic Dosimetry Diode Detector (IBA). To evaluate the effects of the pre-irradiation, the diamond detector, which had not been irradiated on the day, was set up in the water tank, and the response to 100 MU was measured every 20 s. The depth–dose and profiles data were collected for various field sizes and depths. For all radiation types and field sizes, the depth–dose data of the diamond chamber showed identical curves to those of the ionization chambers. The profile of the diamond detector was very similar to those of the EDGE and SFD detectors, although the Semiflex and PinPoint chambers showed volume-averaging effects in the penumbrae region. The temperature dependency was within 0.7% in the range of 4–41°C. A dose of 900 cGy and 1200 cGy was needed to stabilize the chamber to the level within 0.5% and 0.2%, respectively. The PTW type 60019 SCDD detector showed suitable characteristics for radiation dosimetry, for relative dose, depth–dose and profile measurements for a wide range of field sizes. However, at least 1000 cGy of pre-irradiation will be needed for accurate measurements.  相似文献   

Pooling of biological specimens has been utilised as a cost-efficient sampling strategy, but cost is not the unique limiting factor in biomarker development and evaluation. We examine the effect of different sampling strategies of biospecimens for exposure assessment that cannot be detected below a detection threshold (DT). The paper compares use of pooled samples to a randomly selected sample from a cohort in order to evaluate the efficiency of parameter estimates.
The proposed approach shows that a pooling design is more efficient than a random sample strategy under certain circumstances. Moreover, because pooling minimises the amount of information lost below the DT, the use of pooled data is preferable (in a context of a parametric estimation) to using all available individual measurements, for certain values of the DT. We propose a combined design, which applies pooled and unpooled biospecimens, in order to capture the strengths of the different sampling strategies and overcome instrument limitations (i.e. DT). Several Monte Carlo simulations and an example based on actual biomarker data illustrate the results of the article.  相似文献   

镉中毒肾损害大鼠尿NAG和GGT及其同功酶的研究陈广湘,王翔朴,李佩珊(湖南医科大学环境医学研究室,长沙410078)以不同浓度镉造成大鼠急性肾损害为模型,观察尿中β2-微球蛋白(β2-MG)、氨基酸、尿蛋白、GFR、N-乙酰-β氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NA...  相似文献   

老年前期知识人群高铅负荷对过氧化代谢的影响及灵芝的保护效应郭维新,陈锦,曾毅丹(福建医学院卫生学教研室,福州350004)为观察高铅负荷对过氧化代谢的影响和灵芝的保护作用,我们检测13名老年前期知识人群的血铅,MDA和SOD水平。观察对象来自科研单位...  相似文献   

CS_2作业工人血清脂质过氧化水平与LDH同功酶谱研究张文昌,连祥霖,张连娜,杨乃富(福建医学院劳动卫生学教研室,福州350004)结果表明,高接触水平组(浓度为10.42~46.54mg/m3或Σmg·年≥50)血清LPO含量与对照比较,显著性增高?..  相似文献   

镍硒对大鼠脂质过氧化作用影响的实验研究苏雅,马明月,李宏革,张玉敏(沈阳医学院毒理学教研室,110031)通过给50只Wistar大鼠雌雄各半皮下注射不同剂量的硫酸镍(分别为0.01mol/L1ml/(kg·d)和0.02mol/L,1ml/(kg·...  相似文献   

模糊数学方法用于职业危害因素的综合评价徐新云(湖南省劳动卫生职业病研究所,长沙410007)用模糊数学方法进行综合评价时,首先要确定评判等级,各评判因素在不同等级中的取值,以及各评判因素的权重系数三方面内容。本文将评判等级定为优、良、一般、差、很差5...  相似文献   

冶金炼铁炉前工人职业性皮损调查研究关虹,王溪鸿,杨玉萍(辽宁省本溪钢铁公司劳动卫生研究所,117021)作者对炼铁炉前工人"熊猫眼"样皮损病因及特异部位皮损进行研究,为改善劳动条件,防治职业性皮肤病提供一些依据。以某炼铁厂5号炉前工人为观察组,以炼钢...  相似文献   

锰电焊工人某些内分泌功能研究崔金山,王薛君,张玉敏,马明月,李宏革,孙玉强,孔庆芝,窦林松,曹昆,裴秋铭,赵艳萍(沈阳医学院毒理教研室,110031)研究对象选自某建筑机械厂结构车间锰电焊作业工人51人(男42人,女9人),年龄范围21~51岁,平均...  相似文献   

铅作业女工脑血流图分析王霞玲,于文华,王铁柱,王全治,孙丽珍,王燕华(内蒙古乌拉特前旗卫生防疫站,014400)对109名接铅女工进行脑血流图检查,主要以本地印刷、铸字、排字女工109名为调查对象,已婚102名,占93.5%,平均年龄32岁(24~4...  相似文献   

低浓度CO对作业工人脂质过氧化作用的研究涂荔卿,张文昌,连祥霖,杨乃富,陈乃庆,刘红,陈湘卿(福建医学院劳动卫生学教研室,350004)应用配对流行病学调查方法,进行了低浓度CO对作业工人脂质过氧化作用的研究,以探索低浓度CO能否致机体脂质过氧化及影...  相似文献   

大连市石棉肺发病动态观察马晓红,杜玉杰,张君,文涛,邵元鹏,王晓辉(大连市劳动卫生研究所,116001)通过对大连市石棉行业1958~1990年发生的石棉肺的动态观察,发现在全市接触石棉粉尘作业工人1519人中,共发生石棉肺253人,患病率为16.7...  相似文献   

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