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The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDFs), and 18 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in samples of foodstuffs widely consumed by the population of Catalonia, Spain. The dietary intake of PCDD/PCDFs and dioxin-like (DL)-PCBs was subsequently estimated for the population of this Spanish region. These results were compared with those of a previous survey performed during 2000. For PCDD/PCDFs, the highest WHO-TEQ values corresponded to oils and fats (0.223 ng/kg), followed by fish and seafood (0.131 ng/kg) and dairy products (0.057 ng/kg), while the lowest levels were found in fruits (0.003 ng/kg), as well as in vegetables and milk (0.009 ng/kg). For DL-PCBs the highest WHO-TEQ values corresponded to the groups of fish and seafood (0.761 ng/kg) followed by oils and fats (0.169 ng/kg), and dairy products (0.039 ng/kg), while the lowest values were observed in fruits (0.004 ng/kg), and vegetables (0.005 ng/kg) and tubers (0.006 ng/kg). The current dietary intakes of PCDD/PCDFs, DL-PCBs, and PCDD/PCDFs plus DL-PCBs were estimated to be 25.7, 52.4, and 78.1 pg WHO-TEQ/day vs. 95.4, 150.1, and 245.5 pg WHO-TEQ/day found in our previous survey. It means reductions of 73%, 65%, and 68%, for PCDD/PCDFs, DL-PCBs, and PCDD/PCDFs plus DL-PCBs, respectively. The current estimated intake for an adult male, 1.12 pg WHO-TEQ/kg body weight per day, is lower than most intakes recently reported in a number of countries over the world.  相似文献   

The aim of present study was to develop a database of arsenic (As) in lake water, ground water, sediment, soil, vegetables, grain crops and fish to evaluate the potential human health risks posed by higher level of As, in south east part of Sindh, Pakistan during 2005–2007. The total concentration of As in various samples under study was determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry (ETAAS). The reliability and accuracy of technique was checked by different certified reference materials. The concentration of As in lake and ground water samples exceeded the WHO guideline values. The concentration of As in lake sediment and agricultural soil samples ranged between 11.3–55.8 and 8.7–46.2 mg/kg while acid soluble As (acetic acid 0.11 mol/L) was observed in the range of 1.48–3.54 and 0.34–3.78 mg/kg, respectively. It was observed that the leafy vegetables (spinach, coriander and peppermint) contain higher As levels (0.90–1.20 mg/kg) as compared to ground vegetables (0.048–0.25) and grain crops (0.248–0.367 mg/kg) on dried weight basis. The estimated daily intake of total As in the diet was 9.7–12.2 μg/kg body weight/day.  相似文献   

In two experiments the effects of a range of doses of morphine (1, 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg) on the food and water consumption of rats were studied. The results of the first experiment showed that in 24 h food-deprived rats, morphine reduced levels of food and water intake. The duration of these actions was dependent upon dose, with only the highest dose (30 mg/kg) producing any effect persisting for longer than 4 h. In contrast a second experiment showed that morphine increased levels of food and water intake in non-deprived animals. The effect on food intake was most apparent when measurements were taken at 2 h and 4 h after drug administration, while water intake remained above control levels for over 6 h. This study shows that the actions of morphine on ingestion of food and water are affected by food deprivation, and the results are consistent with the hypothesised role of endogenous opiates in the mediation of such behaviour.  相似文献   

To assess the organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) contamination and their probable hazardous effects on human health; cereal crops (wheat and rice; n = 28) agricultural soil (n = 28) and air (n = 6) samples were collected from Gujranwala division, Punjab Province, Pakistan. ∑OCPs concentration ranged between 123 and 635 pg m−3, 31 and 365 ng g−1 (dw), 2.72 and 36.6 ng g−1 (dw), 0.55 and 15.2 ng g−1 (dw) for air, soil, rice and wheat samples, respectively. DDTs were the predominant over other OCPSs detected from screened samples while the source apportionment analysis suggested the new inputs of DDTs in the study area. EDI (estimated daily intake) of ∑OCPs through rice and wheat was found 39 and 40 ng kg−1 day−1, respectively. Hazard ratios (HRs) on the basis 95th percentile concentrations were exceeding the integrity for most of the investigated OCP in rice and wheat. The results revealed that there is a severe risk to the human population of the study area through consumption of contaminated cereal crops.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to further evaluate the contribution of antimuscarinic activity and hypoglycaemia to the development of scopolamine-induced convulsions in fasted mice after food intake. The effects of anticonvulsant drugs on convulsions were also evaluated. Antimuscarinic drugs atropine (3 mg/kg) and biperiden (10 mg/kg) were given intraperitoneally (i.p) to animals fasted for 48 h. Like scopolamine, both drugs induced convulsions after animals were allowed to eat ad libitum. Another group of animals was given glucose (5%) in drinking water during fasting. These animals, although they had normoglycaemic blood levels after fasting, also developed convulsions after treated with scopolamine i.p. (3 mg/kg), atropine (3 mg/kg) or biperiden (10 mg/kg) and allowed to eat ad libitum. Among the drugs studied, only valproate (340 mg/kg), gabapentin (50 mg/kg) and diazepam (2.5 and 5 mg/kg) markedly reduced the incidence of scopolamine-induced convulsions. The present results indicate that antimuscarinic activity, but not hypoglycaemia, underlies these convulsions which do not respond to most of the conventional anticonvulsant drugs.  相似文献   

The dietary intake of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) by elite sportsmen and sportswomen of Catalonia, Spain, was assessed. In 2000, food samples were randomly acquired in various cities of Catalonia. Analysis of the above pollutants were determined according to the appropriate analytical techniques (ICP-MS, HRGC/HRMS, HPLC). In general terms, elite sportsmen and sportswomen showed a higher intake of Cd, Hg, Pb, HCB, PCNs, PCDD/Fs and PAHs than the general population, while it was lower for PCDEs (both sexes), and PCBs and PBDEs (women). According to the FAO/WHO provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) for metals, the WHO tolerable daily intake (TDI) for HCB, and the US EPA’s reference dose (RfD) for PAHs, the dietary intakes of environmental pollutants should not mean a potential toxic hazard. However, the WHO-TDI for PCDD/Fs and “dioxin-like” PCBs is exceeded in sportsmen. The current results indicate that the consumption of those food groups showing the highest contribution to the intake of these pollutants should be diminished. In relation to this, the reduction of the consumption of dairy products and cereals would be important.  相似文献   

In two adult horses doses of 0.02–0.03 mg/kg diazepam, intravenously, increased 1 hr intake 54–75% above control levels. Intake was stimulated when the diet was a high grain, calorically dense one and also when the diet was a high fiber, calorically dilute one. Two young rapidly growing weanling horses showed an even more pronounced stimulation of intake. Following diazepam 1 hr intake was increased 105–240% above control levels. Promazine at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg also stimulated intake in adult horses, but not as markedly as did diazepam. A tranquilizer and a neuroleptic appear to have a stimulatory effect upon short-term intake in horses.  相似文献   

The effect of tetraethyl lead (TEL) on food and water intake in adult male albino rats was studied. Animals received 1, 4, 7, 10, or 13 mg/kg body weight of TEL in peanut oil, or a peanut oil placebo, via either intragastric (IG) intubation or intraperitoneal (IP) injection. For food intake, route of administration was a significant factor and, compared to baseline levels, food intake was significantly depressed at dosage levels of 7, 10, and 13 mg/kg for both IP and IG administration. Further, the time course of food intake differed significantly across route of administration. Water intake was also significantly depressed at 7, 10, and 13 mg/kg, but route of administration was not a critical factor. Results were discussed in relation to clinical and experimental data on lead intoxication, and were viewed as severely limiting the utility of employing food and/or water as motivational variables in assessment of behavioral effects linked to TEL poisoning.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injections of naloxone hydrochloride (1, 2, 4, and 8 mg/kg) suppressed food intake in both normal and hypothalamic obese rats maintained on a 4-hr per day feeding schedule. The decrease in feeding was more pronounced in the animals with ventromedial hypothalamic lesions. Appetitively motivated feeding, i.e., the consumption of sweetened milk under nondeprived conditions, was also suppressed by naloxone, but there was no reliable difference between groups. It is concluded that opiate receptors located in the ventromedial hypothalamus are not essential for the effects of opiate agonists and antagonists on feeding behavior.  相似文献   

Oral administration of the local anesthetic oxethazaine HCl was used to modify eating and drinking patterns in the rat. The addition of the oxethazaine HCl to the diet (0.5 gm/100 gm diet) markedly reduced food intake. Similarly, administration of the drug by gastric intubation (gavage) also reduced food intake. This reduction was of short duration. The inhibition of water intake associated with administration of the drug was shown to be a secondary effect of reduced food intake, rather than a direct action of the drug. The data indicate that local anesthesia of the gastrointestinal tract results in an inhibition of food intake.  相似文献   

Naloxone, an opiate antagonist, was administered to male and female rats and male mice after periods of food or water deprivation ranging from 12 to 48 hr. Naloxone (0.01-10 mg/kg) reduced postdeprivational water intake in most groups of rats and mice in a dose-related manner. Naloxone suppression of water consumption appeared to be independent of sexual differences in rats, and phase of the diurnal cycle, and length of the deprivation interval in both rats and mice. Postdeprivational food intake in male rats and mice was also reduced by naloxone in a dose-dependent fashion. This naloxone effect was less pronounced than actions observed with water intake, and tended to diminish with lengthening food deprivation periods. In general, mice appeared to be less sensitive than rats to naloxone suppression of food and water intake. Naloxone appears to markedly reduce appetitive behavior, particularly water intake, following deprivation in both rats and mice. The fact that low doses of naloxone can elicit these effects suggests that the drug is acting at specific tissue sites, possibly endorphine recpetors.  相似文献   

Human volunteer subjects of normal weight received oral doses of (+)amphetamine (10 mg) or (±)fenfluramine (30 mg and 60 mg) together with a placebo control according to a within-subjects design. The effects of these treatments were monitored by measuring food intake in a test meal, subjective ratings of hunger motivation and the micro-structure of eating behaviour abstracted from videotaped recordings of the test meal. Various measures of the rate of feeding were computed from these recordings. Amphetamine and fenfluramine (60 mg) showed generally similar effects on food intake and on the subjective experience of hunger, but displayed differing actions on the fine structure of eating. Amphetamine increased latency to initiation of eating and increased the rate of food ingestion, whilst fenfluramine slowed the local rate of eating and eliminated the characteristic decline in the rate of feeding across the course of a meal. These findings display certain resemblance to the results of animal experiments involving similar pharmacological manipulations and emphasise the importance of measuring rate of feeding in animal and human studies. The results of this study suggest that the micro-analysis of feeding behaviour not only provides a tool for understanding systems involved in the modulation of food consumption but also reveals information which may be helpful for the use of drugs in the treatment of obesity.A summary of this work has been previously reported at a scientific meeting of the Association for the Study of Obesity, London, June, 1978  相似文献   

An inverse relationship between brain serotonin and food intake and body weight has been known for more than 30 years. Specifically, augmentation of brain serotonin inhibits food intake, while depletion of brain serotonin promotes hyperphagia and weight gain. Through the decades, serotonin receptors have been identified and their function in the serotonergic regulation of food intake clarified. Recent refined genetic studies now indicate that a primary mechanism through which serotonin influences appetite and body weight is via serotonin 2C receptor (5-HT2CR) and serotonin 1B receptor (5-HT1BR) influencing the activity of endogenous melanocortin receptor agonists and antagonists at the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R). However, other mechanisms are also possible and the challenge of future research is to delineate them in the complete elucidation of the complex neurocircuitry underlying the serotonergic control of appetite and body weight.  相似文献   

The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), as well as those of 18 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including 12-dioxin like (DL)-PCBs, were measured in foodstuffs randomly acquired in Catalonia (Spain) in November–December 2008. A total of 65 composite samples, belonging to various food groups were analyzed by HRGC/HRMS. The dietary intakes of PCDD/Fs and PCBs were subsequently estimated for four age groups of the population of Catalonia: children, teenagers, adults, and seniors, which were in turn divided according to sex. The highest dietary exposure to PCDD/Fs corresponded to fish and seafood (28.0%), dairy products (15.4%), and oils and fats (10.6%), while that of PCBs corresponded to fish and seafood (58.6%), and dairy products (8.9%). In contrast, the lowest contributions of PCDD/Fs and PCBs corresponded to vegetables, fruits and pulses. Concerning the sum of PCDD/Fs plus DL-PCBs, the current total intake expressed in pg WHO-TEQ/kg per day (0.60) showed a notable decreasing trend with respect to those found in previous surveys performed also in Catalonia in 2000 (3.51) and 2006 (1.12 pg/kg per day). The current dietary intake of PCDDs plus DL-PCBs is similar or lower than that recently reported in studies performed in a number of regions and countries.  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is commonly applied to enhance the white colour and brightness of food products. TiO2 is also used as white pigment in other products such as toothpaste. A small fraction of the pigment is known to be present as nanoparticles (NPs). Recent studies with TiO2 NPs indicate that these particles can have toxic effects. In this paper, we aimed to estimate the oral intake of TiO2 and its NPs from food, food supplements and toothpaste in the Dutch population aged 2 to over 70 years by combining data on food consumption and supplement intake with concentrations of Ti and TiO2 NPs in food products and supplements. For children aged 2–6 years, additional intake via ingestion of toothpaste was estimated. The mean long-term intake to TiO2 ranges from 0.06?mg/kg bw/day in elderly (70+), 0.17?mg/kg bw/day for 7–69-year-old people, to 0.67?mg/kg bw/day in children (2–6 year old). The estimated mean intake of TiO2 NPs ranges from 0.19?μg/kg bw/day in elderly, 0.55?μg/kg bw/day for 7–69-year-old people, to 2.16?μg/kg bw/day in young children. Ninety-fifth percentile (P95) values are 0.74, 1.61 and 4.16?μg/kg bw/day, respectively. The products contributing most to the TiO2 intake are toothpaste (in young children only), candy, coffee creamer, fine bakery wares and sauces. In a separate publication, the results are used to evaluate whether the presence of TiO2 NPs in these products can pose a human health risk.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the short-term effects in rats of 3 anorectic drugs (amphetamine, fenfluramine, and phenylpropanolamine) on food intake and responses to obtain brain stimulation and to escape from automatic brain stimulation. At a dose which decreased food intake, amphetamine increased self-stimulation, but not stimulation-escape. Fenfluramine decreased both self-stimulation and stimulation-escape. Phenylpropanolamine, on the other hand, decreased self-stimulation, but not stimulation-escape. Even though all 3 drugs decreased food intake, each of them had different effects on hypothalamic self-stimulation and stimulation-escape. Only the actions of phenylpropanolamine were in agreement with the hypothesis that lateral hypothalamic reward and aversion reflect the animal's tendency to eat, suggesting that other aspects of reinforcement are also involved in lateral hypothalamic stimulation and were affected differently by these drugs.  相似文献   

Female Wistar rats, six to a group, were injected daily for a 23-day period with Δ8-THC (5.0 mg/kg), Δ9-THC (2.5 mg/kg) or vehicle. Body weight, food and water intake were recorded every second day. It was found that Δ8-THC caused a decrease of body weight, to a level maintained throughout the injection period, with only slight signs of recovery. Both drugs caused a marked decrease of water intake. Food intake was not significantly affected by the drugs. Factors in relation to the effects of THC on body weight, food and water intake are discussed.  相似文献   

Lactation provides an excellent model of non-obese hyperphagia. There is accumulating evidence that endogenous opioids play a role in the modulation of the hormonal changes that occur during lactation. Because endogenous opioids appear also to play a role in the regulation of feeding, we studied the effects of the opiate agonist, butorphanol tartrate, and an opiate antagonist, naloxone, on food intake in virgin female rats and in rats during early, mid and late lactation and during post-weaning. It has been reported that female rats are less sensitive to the suppressant effects of nalmefene, an opioid antagonist, than male rats. Therefore, we also examined the effect of naloxone, an opioid antagonist, on spontaneous nocturnal feeding and 24 hour food deprivation-induced food intake in virgin female rats. We found that female rats were relatively insensitive to the food suppressant effects of naloxone following 24 hour food deprivation, while male rats tested under similar conditions had a decreased intake in response to naloxone. Despite the marked hyperphagia that occurred during lactation, there were minimal alterations in the response to opiate agonists and antagonists during this time period. Our data suggest that endogenous opioids may not play a pivotal role in the hyperphagia of lactation.  相似文献   

Effects of dietary acarbose at 0, 5, 15 and 50 mg per 100 g diet on food intake and body weight were studied for two months in female rats. The relationships between diet composition, the drug dose and the type of obesity were examined. In lean rats receiving the drug in a high carbohydrate diet (70 Cal.%), mean food intake was similar to control at 5 and 15 mg dietary levels, but was significantly increased at 50 mg. Body weight was significantly reduced only at the 15 mg level. In VMH obese rats receiving the drug in a high carbohydrate diet, it resulted in significant reductions in food intake at the 15 and 50 mg drug levels and in significant reductions in body weight at all three drug levels. In dietary obese rats receiving the drug in a high carbohydrate diet and also in a 32% sucrose drinking solution, food intake and body weight were significantly reduced at each of the drug levels. In dietary obese rats receiving the drug in a high fat diet (70 Cal.%), acarbose at all levels resulted in only small and usually not significant changes in either food intake or body weight. Weight of fat depots were significantly reduced at the 50 mg dietary level in all instances where a high carbohydrate diet was used while at the 5 mg level, fat depots were reduced only in the VMH obese, with the sucrose obese showing a trend for reduced depots. Acarbose in the high fat diet resulted in no significant changes in weight of fat depots. These data indicate that acarbose in a high carbohydrate diet is effective in reducing weight of rats, and that obese usually show a greater reduction in food intake and body weight than lean rats.  相似文献   

目的了解孕妇膳食摄入情况,并分析其营养状况,以正确进行营养指导和干预。方法以广东省某市400例孕妇为调查对象,调查孕妇的膳食摄入情况,并应用“孕期饮食营养分析指导系统”软件进行营养分析。结果各孕期膳食三大产热营养素的热能供给比例基本合理;中早孕阶段钙、铁、锌和维生素B1、维生素B2的摄入量较低,分别为764.51mg、26.94mg、15.71mg、1.12g、1.13g;各孕期优质蛋白占总摄入蛋白的50.O%以上,平均蛋白质RNI%为48.5%。结论孕妇的膳食结构基本合理,但仍要增加钙、铁、锌及B族维生素等摄入,并加强孕妇的营养指导。  相似文献   

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