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Knowledge of polyomavirus BK (BKV) genomic diversity has greatly expanded. The implications of BKV DNA sequence variation for the performance of molecular diagnostic assays is not well studied. We analyzed 184 publically available VP-1 sequences encompassing the BKV genomic region targeted by an in-house quantitative hydrolysis probe-based PCR assay. A perfect match with the PCR primers and probe was seen in 81 sequences. One Dun and 13 variant prototype oligonucleotides were synthesized as artificial targets to determine how they affected the performance of PCR. The sensitivity of detection of BKV in the PCR assay was a function of the viral genotype. Prototype 1 (BKV Dun) could be reliably detected at concentrations as low as 10 copies/μl. However, consistent detection of all BKV variants was possible only at concentrations of 10,000 copies/μl or higher. For BKV prototypes with 2 or more mismatches (representing genotype IV, genotype II, and genotype 1c strains), the calculated viral loads were 0.57 to 3.26% of the expected values. In conclusion, variant BKV strains lower the sensitivity of detection and may have a substantial effect on quantitation of the viral load. Physicians need to be cognizant of these effects when interpreting the results of quantitative PCR testing in transplant recipients, particularly if there is a discrepancy between the clinical impression and the measured viral load.  相似文献   

BackgroundReactivation of latent polyomavirus BK is associated with nephropathy (PVAN) after renal transplantation. BK viral load determinations are a highly sensitive and specific method for predicting risk for PVAN.Objectives and study designThe performance of three real-time PCR for BKV DNA quantification (MultiCode®-RTx BK virus ASR [MC-RTx], MGB-Alert BKV ASR [MGB] and a laboratory developed assay [LDA]) were evaluated against a conventional PCR (test of record, TOR) in terms of linearity, dynamic range, and accuracy.ResultsThe LOD (log10 copies/ml) were 2.0, 2.0 and 3.0 for MC-RTx, MGB and LDA, respectively with a commercial plasma panel and 2.0, 2.6 and 3.5 with a urine panel. These assays demonstrated excellent linearity (r2 = 1.0) and reproducibility (CV range = 0.7–20.4%, 0.9–13.2%, and 0.5–13%, respectively). In an analysis of 100 clinical specimens, all 76 samples defined as true positive for BKV DNA (positive by two or more methods or a recent history of positivity) were detected with MC-RTx, while only 64 were detected with MGB and 55 were detected with LDA. BKV DNA was not detected by any method in the true negative specimens. Based on these results, the sensitivities were 100% for MC-RTx, 84% for MGB and 72% for LDA. The greatest linear correlation with the mean concentration was observed with MC-RTx (r2 = 0.96) with two samples (3%) with greater than 0.5 log10 variance in quantification versus seven (11%) with MGB and ten (18%) with LDA.ConclusionsThese real-time assays for BKV load demonstrated excellent performance characteristics, with the MC-RTx demonstrating the greatest sensitivity.  相似文献   

BackgroundPolyomavirus JC (JCPyV) and BK (BKPyV) can cause significant diseases in immunocompromised patients including nephropathy, hemorrhagic cystitis, and leukoencephalopathy. Recently, JCPyV and BKPyV IgG have been explored as risk predictors in multiple sclerosis and transplant patients, but sensitivity, specificity and quantification issues limit current performance.ObjectiveTo improve JCPyV and BKPyV-specific antibody testing.Study designHealthy blood donor sera (N = 400) were tested at dilutions 1:100, 1:200, and 1:400 for JCPyV- and BKPyV-specific IgG using VP1 virus-like particle (VLP)-based ELISAs normalized to a laboratory reference serum. Normalized optical density 492 nm greater or equal 0.1 in all 3 dilutions was regarded as reactive. Sera with discordant reactivity in at least one dilution were retested after VLP preadsorption.ResultsAt dilutions 1:100, 1:200, and 1:400, IgG reactivity was 74%, 60% and 53% for JCPyV, and 93%, 86% and 74% for BKPyV, respectively. At these dilutions, JCPyV-VLP preadsorption identified 56, 4 and 0 false-positives and 0, 4 and 27 false-negatives, respectively. Dilution-dependent sensitivity was 100%, 98%, and 89%, and specificity 65, 98%, and 100%, respectively. For sera diluted 100-, 200-, and 400-fold, BKPyV-VLP preadsorption identified 28, 1 and 0 false-positives, and 0, 0 and 46 false-negatives, and sensitivity was 100%, 100%, 86%, and specificity 50%, 98%, 100%, respectively.ConclusionFor seroepidemiology studies, normalized JCPyV and BKPyV IgG ELISA at 1:200 serum dilution provides optimal sensitivity and specificity with the lowest false-positive and false-negative rate. For individual risk assessment, dilutions of 100, 200, and 400 combined with preadsorption for low-reactive sera may be most appropriate.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the most common cause of acquired, sporadic encephalitis in the United States. PCR identification of HSV in spinal fluid has become the diagnostic gold standard due to its sensitivity and potential for speed, replacing other methods such as culture. We developed a real-time PCR assay to detect HSV, using a new type of hybridization probe, the Eclipse probe. In this study, we ran 323 samples (171 positives and 152 negatives) with the Eclipse real-time PCR assay and compared these results with another PCR assay using gel detection. The real-time assay agreed with our reference method for 319 out of the 323 samples tested (99%). Using two different real-time PCR platforms, we discovered that SNPs within the amplicon's probe binding region that are used to distinguish HSV-1 from HSV-2 can decrease assay sensitivity. This problem is potentially a general one for assays using fluorescent probes to detect target amplification in a real-time format. While real-time PCR can be a powerful tool in the field of infectious disease, careful sequence evaluation and clinical validation are essential in creating an effective assay.  相似文献   

C Elsner  K D?rries 《Virology》1992,191(1):72-80
Infection with the polyomaviruses JC and BK is ubiquitous in the human population and JCV is the only virus associated with the central nervous system disease progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. In the attempt to analyze the pathogenesis of polyomavirus infections we asked whether human polyomaviruses invade the brain during persistence. Brain autopsy material from 67 individuals with disorders other than PML was examined for the presence of polyomavirus DNA. Southern blot analysis demonstrated JCV-specific full-length virus genomes in healthy brain tissue in about 20% of the patients. Type-specific analysis with polymerase chain reaction and sequencing confirmed these data. Additionally, the presence of BKV DNA sequences covering an early gene fragment and the control region with flanking early and late protein coding sequences was detected. Cloning of the complete BKV genome from two cases supported the assumption that not only full-length JCV DNA was present in those tissue specimens but also BKV genomes. The data obtained demonstrate that dual infection of the brain with the polyomaviruses JCV and BKV is a common event and give strong evidence that both viruses frequently establish a latent CNS infection.  相似文献   

We produced capsids of Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) in a baculovirus expression system and developed a virus-like particle (VLP) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). To determine age-specific seroprevalence, serum samples were collected from 947 individuals attending hospital outpatient clinics and ranging in age from 1 to 93 years. To evaluate the association between exposure to MCPyV and Merkel cell cancer (MCC), plasma samples were obtained from 33 MCC patients and 37 controls. MCPyV seroprevalence was 45% in children under 10 years of age, increased to 60% in the next decade of life, and peaked at 81% among those 60 to 69 years of age. Levels of MCPyV capsid antibodies were positively correlated with age (P = 0.007). Virus specificity of MCPyV seroreactivity was supported by competitive inhibition of reactivity by MCPyV VLPs and not by BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) VLPs. MCPyV seroprevalence was greater among MCC patients (91%) than controls (68%; age-adjusted P value, 0.32); the mean level of MCPyV antibodies was also greater (P = 0.04). The age-specific seroprevalence of MCPyV shares with previously known polyomaviruses, BKPyV and JC polyomavirus (JCPyV), evidence of widespread exposure in human populations beginning early in life. MCPyV age-specific seroprevalence also has unique features. Seroprevalence among children is higher than that of JCPyV but lower than that of BKPyV. Among older adults, MCPyV seroprevalence remains high, while that of BKPyV declines and that of JCPyV continues to rise. In agreement with results from other studies, we found an association between MCPyV seropositivity and MCC, and higher levels of serum MCPyV capsid antibodies in MCC patients than in controls.  相似文献   

BK virus (BKV) is the infectious cause of polyomavirus-associated nephropathy. Screening guidelines for renal-transplant recipients define levels of viremia and viruria that are actionable for additional testing or intervention. However, standardized real-time PCR primers, probes, and standards are unavailable, and the extent of agreement among published assays is unknown. We compared seven TaqMan real-time PCR primer/probe sets (three designed at this institution, three described in the literature, and one purchased) in conjunction with two different standards to prospectively measure BKV titers in 251 urine specimens submitted to our clinical laboratory. We observed substantial disagreement among assays attributable both to features of primer and probe design and to choice of reference material. The most significant source of error among individual specimens was primer or probe mismatch due to subtype-associated polymorphisms, primarily among subtype III and IV isolates. In contrast, measurement of the most abundant subtypes (Ia, V, and VI) were typically uniform among all seven assays. Finally, we describe and validate a new clinical assay designed to reliably measure all subtypes encountered in our study population (Ia, Ic, III, IV, and VI). Consideration of available BKV sequence information in conjunction with details of subtype distribution allowed us to develop a redesigned assay with markedly improved performance. These results suggest that both accurate BKV measurement and the uniform application of BKV screening guidelines could be significantly improved by the use of standardized reference materials and PCR primers and probes.  相似文献   

Human polyomaviruses JC and BK may cause several clinical manifestations in immunocompromised hosts, including progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and hemorrhagic cystitis. Molecular detection by PCR is recognized as a sensitive and specific method for detecting human polyomaviruses in clinical samples. In this study, a real-time PCR assay using the LightCycler platform was evaluated and compared to an "in-house" PCR assay using a conventional detection method. A total of 122 urine specimens were tested, and human polyomavirus was detected in 49 specimens (40%) by both conventional PCR and LightCycler PCR. The remaining 73 specimens (60%) were found negative by both assays. For 46 of the 49 positive specimens, LightCycler PCR and conventional PCR identified the same polyomavirus type. These samples included 30 samples with JC virus (JCV), 14 samples with BK virus (BKV), and 2 samples in which both viruses were detected. In the remaining three samples, both JCV and BKV were detected by the conventional assay, but only JCV was detected by the LightCycler assay. The results of this study show that the LightCycler PCR assay displays sensitivity and specificity similar to those of a conventional PCR assay. These data, combined with its rapid turnaround time for results and decreased hands-on time, make the LightCycler PCR assay highly suitable for the rapid detection and differentiation of JCV and BKV in the clinical laboratory.  相似文献   

We have developed a triplex TaqMan-based quantitative PCR assay for the human polyomaviruses JC (JCPyV) and BK (BKPyV). The assay simultaneously detects and quantifies both JCPyV and BKPyV in human clinical samples, and it includes an internal amplification control consisting of murine polyomavirus (MuPyV) plasmid DNA. We developed the assay for the Roche LightCycler 480 platform with the reporter dyes VIC, 6-FAM, and Cy5 for MuPyV, BKPyV, and JCPyV, respectively. The assay had a high specificity for BKPyV and JCPyV when either viral genome was present alone or in mixed samples over a range of 101 to 107 copy numbers per reaction. The analytical sensitivity was 50 copies for BKPyV and 10 copies for JCPyV. The use of the MuPyV internal control ensured monitoring of the quality of the extraction and of PCR inhibition, even in samples such as cerebrospinal fluid and plasma in which controls based on host genes cannot be effectively used. In addition, we developed a similar assay using a different dye configuration (6-FAM, VIC, and NED) that could be used on an ABI 7500 Fast platform. This assay had sensitivities similar to those of the LightCycler 480 configuration for BKPyV and JCPyV when either viral genome was present alone, but the sensitivity of detection of BKPyV was greatly decreased when an excess of JCPyV (>100-fold) was present in the sample. This internally controlled combined assay offers greater convenience and cost-effectiveness compared to separate assays for each virus and can also detect unexpected PyV activations by testing for both viruses in all samples.  相似文献   

The presence of the human polyomaviruses JCV and BKV in immunocompromised patients can lead to lethal diseases and conditions including progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), interstitial nephritis, hemorrhagic cystitis, and kidney allograft rejection. Typically, detection of JCV and BKV in clinical samples has employed standard PCR amplification for viral nucleotide sequences, with subsequent confirmation for viral genome specificity of PCR products by southern blot hybridization. Here, we directly tested a validated PCR-southern protocol with a TaqMan real-time PCR protocol (Applied Biosystems) to assay clinical samples of urine and cerebrospinal fluid. We found equal specificity and sensitivity with both methods. However, real-time allowed for absolute viral-genome quantitation without the use of radionucleotides and was performed more rapidly, in as little as 24 h. Such advantages are important to consider in the effort to establish international standardization of controls for the detection of JCV and BKV, which would aid in screening confidence and the reliable assessment of anti-viral therapies.  相似文献   

Several reports have suggested a role for polyomaviruses in the pathogenesis of human brain tumors. This potential involvement is not conclusively resolved. For the present study, a highly sensitive PCR-assay with fluorescence-labelled primers was developed to search for polyomavirus sequences in human brain tumor and control DNA samples. The assay was shown to detect approximately one viral large T-antigen (TAg) gene per 250 cells. We identified simian virus 40 (SV40)-like sequences in 2/116 medulloblastomas, in 1/131 meningiomas, in 1/25 ependymomas and in 1/2 subependymomas. A single case of ependymoma contained SV40 VP-1 late gene sequences. Moreover, one of the meningioma samples showed JC virus sequences. In contrast, 60 hepatoblastoma samples and 31 brain samples from schizophrenic patients were consistently negative. BK virus sequences were not detectable in any of our samples. Immunohistochemical analysis of two SV40 positive tumor biopsies failed to detect large TAg in the tumor cells. In the JC positive meningioma, immunoreactivity for the viral late gene product (VP-1) was not observed. Our data do not entirely rule out SV40 and JC virus as an initiative agent with a hit-and-run mechanism. However the low frequency of virus sequences and the absence of TAg protein expression argue against a major role of these viruses in the pathogenesis of human medulloblastomas, meningiomas and ependymomas.  相似文献   

多重实时PCR检测三种呼吸道病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立多重实时PCR检测体系可同时快速检测引起人呼吸道感染的甲型流感病毒(IAV)、呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)和SARS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)。方法通过对PCR反应条件的优化,建立了同时检测IAV、RSV和SARS-CoV的多重实时PCR方法。结果经熔解曲线分析,证实了该法可同时或分别检测3种重要呼吸道病毒。检测灵敏度分别为10^0.7 TCID50/ml、1 TCID50/ml和10^-0.5 TCID50/ml。采用相同的反应体系和条件,分别对其他7种呼吸道病毒(包括乙型流感病毒,副流感病毒2型,柯萨奇病毒B3和B5血清型及腺病毒2、3和7血清型)进行扩增,均未检测出扩增产物。此种方法可在4h内完成。结论建立的多重实时PCR检测方法适用于3种重要呼吸道病毒的快速检测。  相似文献   

We have developed a real-time quantitative PCR (rt-QPCR) assay to detect and kinetically monitor BK virus viruria and viremia in renal transplant recipients (RTRs). A total of 607 urine and 223 plasma samples were collected from 203 individuals including those with BK virus-associated nephropathy (BKVAN) (n = 8), those undergoing routine posttransplant surveillance (SV) (n = 155), those with nontransplant chronic kidney disease (NT-CKD) (n = 20), and healthy living kidney donors (LD) (n = 20). The rt-QPCR assay was found to be highly sensitive and specific, with a wide dynamic range (2.4 to 11 log(10) copies/ml) and very good precision (coefficient of variation, approximately 5.9%). There was a significant difference in the prevalences of viruria and viremia between the BKVAN (100% and 100%) and SV (23% and 3.9%) groups (P < 0.001). No viruria or viremia was detected in LD or in NT-CKD patients. The median (range) peak levels of BK virus viruria and viremia, in log(10) copies/ml, were 10.26 (9.04 to 10.83) and 4.83 (3.65 to 5.86) for the BKVAN group versus 0 (0 to 10.83) and 0 (0 to 5.65) for the SV group, respectively (P < 0.001). When the BK virus load in the urine was <7.0 log(10) copies/ml, no BK virus viremia was detected. When the BK virus load in the urine reached 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, and > or =10.0 log(10) copies/ml, the corresponding detection of BK virus viremia increased to 20, 33, 50, and 100%, respectively. We propose monitoring of BK virus viruria in RTRs, with plasma BK virus load testing reserved for those with viruria levels of > or =7.0 log(10) copies/ml.  相似文献   

A real-time PCR targeting the gyrase A subunit gene outside the quinolone resistance-determining region has been developed to detect Arcobacter species. The species identification was done by probe hybridization and melting curve analysis, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology. Discrimination between Arcobacter species was straightforward, as the corresponding melting points showed significant differences with the characteristic melting temperatures of 63.5 degrees C, 58.4 degrees C, 60.6 degrees C, and 51.8 degrees C for the Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter cryaerophilus, Arcobacter cibarius, and Arcobacter nitrofigilis type strains, respectively. The specificity of this assay was confirmed with pure cultures of 106 Arcobacter isolates from human clinical and veterinary specimens identified by phenotypic methods and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The assay was then used to screen 345 clinical stool samples obtained from patients with diarrhea. The assay detected A. butzleri in four of these clinical samples (1.2%). These results were confirmed by a conventional PCR method targeting the 16S rRNA gene with subsequent sequencing of the PCR product. In conclusion, this real-time assay detects and differentiates Arcobacter species in pure culture as well as in the competing microbiota of the stool matrix. The assay is economical since only one biprobe is used and multiple Arcobacter species are identified in a single test.  相似文献   

Early diagnosis of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis is urgently needed to optimize treatment regimens and to prevent the transmission of resistant strains. Real-time PCR assays have been developed to detect drug resistance rapidly, but none of them have been widely applied due to their complexity, high cost, or requirement for advanced instruments. In this study, we developed a real-time PCR method based on melting curve analysis of dually labeled probes. Six probes targeting the rpoB 81-bp core region, katG315, the inhA promoter, the ahpC promoter, and embB306 were designed and validated with clinical isolates. First, 10 multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains with a wide mutation spectrum were used to analyze the melting temperature (T(m)) deviations of different mutations by single real-time PCR. All mutations can be detected by significant T(m) reductions compared to the wild type. Then, three duplex real-time PCRs, with two probes in each, were developed to detect mutations in 158 MDR isolates. Comparison of the results with the sequencing data showed that all mutations covered by the six probes were detected with 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Our method provided a new way to rapidly detect drug-resistant mutations in M. tuberculosis. Compared to other real-time PCR methods, we use fewer probes, which are labeled with the same fluorophore, guaranteeing that this assay can be used for detection in a single fluorescent channel or can be run on single-channel instruments. In conclusion, we have developed a widely applicable real-time PCR assay to detect drug-resistant mutations in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Bacterial culture for diagnosing pertussis infection has high specificity but poor sensitivity and is slow. Highly sensitive real-time PCR assays and single-serum pertussis serology have been developed to overcome these limitations, but there are few data available on the relative sensitivities and specificities of such assays for pertussis diagnosis. Using data on 195 participants (>or=7 years old) from an epidemiological study, we assessed the sensitivity, specificity, and performance (Youden index) for pertussis diagnosis of the pertussis toxin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (using single and paired serology) and of real-time PCR assays (using the IS481 and ptxA-Pr targets). All available diagnostic information (clinical and laboratory) was pooled to serve as the gold standard. Single serology was the most efficient diagnostic test (Youden index, 0.57 to 0.58), with relatively high sensitivity (>64%) and high specificity (>90%), independent of the cutoff level. IS481 PCR performance was superior to that of ptxA-Pr PCR, and it was the second-most-efficient tool (Youden index, 0.30). Performing both ptxA-Pr and IS481 PCRs did not improve diagnostic performance. The greatest test efficiency (Youden index, 0.69 to 0.74) was achieved when single-serum serology was used in combination with IS481 or ptxA-Pr PCR or paired serology. Combining single serology with one PCR or paired serology increased the sensitivity with an associated limited decrease in specificity. The most specific tests for diagnosis of pertussis were single serology and ptxA-Pr PCR, and the most sensitive diagnostic tool was the combination of IS481 PCR with single serology.  相似文献   

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