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C Whelan 《Chest》2012,142(3):808

A place for TACE   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
van Deventer SJ 《Gut》2002,51(1):5-6

A longstanding question in centromere biology has been the organization of CENP-A–containing chromatin and its implications for kinetochore assembly. Here, we have combined genetic manipulations with deconvolution and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy for a detailed structural analysis of chicken kinetochores. Using fluorescence microscopy with subdiffraction spatial resolution and single molecule sensitivity to map protein localization in kinetochore chromatin unfolded by exposure to a low salt buffer, we observed robust amounts of H3K9me3, but only low levels of H3K4me2, between CENP-A subdomains in unfolded interphase prekinetochores. Constitutive centromere-associated network proteins CENP-C and CENP-H localize within CENP-A–rich subdomains (presumably on H3-containing nucleosomes) whereas CENP-T localizes in interspersed H3-rich blocks. Although interphase prekinetochores are relatively more resistant to unfolding than sur-rounding pericentromeric heterochromatin, mitotic kinetochores are significantly more stable, reflecting mitotic kinetochore maturation. Loss of CENP-H, CENP-N, or CENP-W had little or no effect on the unfolding of mitotic kinetochores. However, loss of CENP-C caused mitotic kinetochores to unfold to the same extent as their interphase counterparts. Based on our results we propose a new model for inner centromeric chromatin architecture in which chromatin is folded as a layered boustrophedon, with planar sinusoids containing interspersed CENP-A–rich and H3-rich subdomains oriented toward the outer kinetochore. In mitosis, a CENP-C–dependent mechanism crosslinks CENP-A blocks of different layers together, conferring extra stability to the kinetochore.  相似文献   

We herein report a detailed physical map of the horse Y chromosome. The euchromatic region of the chromosome comprises approximately 15 megabases (Mb) of the total 45- to 50-Mb size and lies in the distal one-third of the long arm, where the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) is located terminally. The rest of the chromosome is predominantly heterochromatic. Because of the unusual organization of the chromosome (common to all mammalian Y chromosomes), a number of approaches were used to crossvalidate the results. Analysis of the 5,000-rad horse x hamster radiation hybrid panel produced a map spanning 88 centirays with 8 genes and 15 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers. The map was verified by several fluorescence in situ hybridization approaches. Isolation of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones for the radiation hybrid-mapped markers, end sequencing of the BACs, STS development, and bidirectional chromosome walking yielded 109 markers (100 STS and 9 genes) contained in 73 BACs. STS content mapping grouped the BACs into seven physically ordered contigs (of which one is predominantly ampliconic) that were verified by metaphase-, interphase-, and fiber-fluorescence in situ hybridization and also BAC fingerprinting. The map spans almost the entire euchromatic region of the chromosome, of which 20-25% (approximately 4 Mb) is covered by isolated BACs. The map is presently the most informative among Y chromosome maps in domesticated species, third only to the human and mouse maps. The foundation laid through the map will be critical in obtaining complete sequence of the euchromatic region of the horse Y chromosome, with an aim to identify Y specific factors governing male infertility and phenotypic sex variation.  相似文献   

A physical map of the Myxococcus xanthus chromosome.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A physical map of the 9.2-Mbp Myxococcus xanthus DK1622 chromosome at a resolution of 25 kbp was constructed by using a strategy that is applicable to virtually all microorganisms. Segments of the chromosome were used as hybridization probes to subdivide a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library into groups of linked clones. The clones were aligned by comparing their EcoRI restriction patterns. The groups of YAC clones ("contigs") were oriented and aligned with the genomic restriction map by means of common genetic and physical markers such as rare restriction sites and transposon insertions. Over 95% of the genome is represented by cloned DNA. Sixty genetic loci including > 100 genes, many of which play a role in fruiting body development, have been mapped in this way. Additional genes can now be located on the chromosome map by hybridization of their sequences to the ordered set of YAC chromosomes. The mapped genetic loci account for approximately 2% of the genome.  相似文献   

Summary Partial colectomy and proctectomy with transverse colostomy has a place in the surgical management of patients with ulcerative colitis who need operation but who would be unable to care for an ileostomy because of both another disability and the lack of adequate assistance. Dr. Wilson died October 30, 1972.  相似文献   

Two genetic maps with additive distances contribute information about recombination patterns, recombinogenic sequences, and discovery of genes affecting a particular phenotype. Recombination is measured in morgans (w) over a single generation in a linkage map but may cover thousands of generations in a linkage disequilibrium (LD) map measured in LD units (LDU). We used a subset of single nucleotide polymorphisms from the HapMap Project to create a genome-wide map in LDU. Recombination accounts for 96.8% of the LDU variance in chromosome arms and 92.4% in their deciles. However, deeper analysis shows that LDU/w, an estimate of the effective bottleneck time (t), is significantly variable among chromosome arms because (i) the linkage map is approximated from the Haldane function, then adjusted toward the Kosambi function that is more accurate but still exaggerates w for all chromosomes, especially shorter ones; (ii) the non-pseudoautosomal region of the X chromosome is subject to hemizygous selection; and (iii) at resolution less than approximately 40,000 markers per w, there are indeterminacies (holes) in the LD map reflecting intervals of very high recombination. Selection and stochastic variation in small regions must have effects, which remain to be investigated by comparisons among populations. These considerations suggest an optimal strategy to eliminate holes quickly, greatly enhance the resolution of sex-specific linkage maps, and maximize the gain in association mapping by using LD maps.  相似文献   

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