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Psychosocial stress is associated with altered immunity, anxiety and depression. Previously we showed that repeated social defeat (RSD) promoted microglia activation and social avoidance behavior that persisted for 24 days after cessation of RSD. The aim of the present study was to determine if imipramine (a tricyclic antidepressant) would reverse RSD-induced social avoidance and ameliorate neuroinflammatory responses. To test this, C57BL/6 mice were divided into treatment groups. One group from RSD and controls received daily injections of imipramine for 24 days, following 6 cycles of RSD. Two other groups were treated with saline. RSD mice spent significantly less time in the interaction zone when an aggressor was present in the cage. Administration of imipramine reversed social avoidance behavior, significantly increasing the interaction time, so that it was similar to that of control mice. Moreover, 24 days of imipramine treatment in RSD mice significantly decreased stress-induced mRNA levels for IL-6 in brain microglia. Following ex vivo LPS stimulation, microglia from mice exposed to RSD, had higher mRNA expression of IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β, and this was reversed by imipramine treatment. In a second experiment, imipramine was added to drinking water confirming the reversal of social avoidant behavior and decrease in mRNA expression of IL-6 in microglia. These data suggest that the antidepressant imipramine may exert its effect, in part, by down-regulating microglial activation.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters, anxiety and benzodiazepines: A behavioral review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possible involvement of serotonin, GABA and opioid peptides in anxiety and in the mechanism of action of benzodiazepine tranquillizers have recently been the subjects of intensive biochemical, neurophysiological and behavioral research. The present review examines the behavioral evidence, viewing anxiety and benzodiazepine action as far as possible separately. Four behavioral paradigms of experimental anxiety or “conflict behaviors” are described and assessed for soundness with some practical considerations. The functional significance and pharmacology of benzodiazepine receptors are discussed, and the cases for a number of putative endogenous ligands are examined. Conflict behavior is attenuated by drugs which reduce functional serotonin activity and enhanced by serotonin agonists, but there is little evidence to implicate serotonin in benzodiazepine action. GABA antagonists both intensify conflict and reduce benzodiazepine effects, but evidence of the reverse effects with GABA agonists is more equivocal. The interpretation of behavioral effects of opiate agonists and antagonists and their interactions with benzodiazepines is hindered by their actions on motivational systems other than anxiety, and evidence for an important role of opioid peptides is only suggestive. Some promising lines for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

Individuals exposed to psychological stressors may experience a long-term resetting of behavioral and neuroendocrine aspects of their “stress response” so that they either hyper or hypo-respond to subsequent stressors. These effects of psychological or traumatic stressors may be mimicked in rats using the resident-intruder model of social defeat.The social defeat model has been characterized to model aspects of the physiology and behavior associated with anxiety and depression. The objective of this study was to determine if behaviors elicited following repeated social defeat can also reflect aspects of ethologically relevant stresses associated with existing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) models. Socially defeated rats displayed weight loss and an enhanced and prolonged response to acoustic startle which was displayed for up to 10 days following repeated social defeat. These data indicate that the severe stress of social defeat can produce physiologic and behavioral outcomes which may reflect aspects of traumatic psychosocial stress.  相似文献   

A link exists between immune function and psychiatric conditions, particularly depressive and anxiety disorders. Psychological stress is a powerful trigger for these disorders and stress influences immune state. However, the nature of peripheral immune changes after stress conflicts across studies, perhaps due to the focus on few measures of pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory processes. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) is critical for emotion, and plays an important role in the effects of stress on anxiety. As such, it may be a primary central nervous system (CNS) mediator for the effects of peripheral immune changes on anxiety after stress. Therefore, this study aimed to delineate the influence of stress on peripheral pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory aspects, BLA immune activation, and its impact on BLA neuronal activity. To produce a more encompassing view of peripheral immune changes, this study used a less restrictive approach to categorize and group peripheral immune changes. We found that repeated social defeat stress in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats increased the frequencies of mature T-cells positive for intracellular type 2-like cytokine and serum pro-inflammatory cytokines. Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering was used to guide grouping of T-cells and cytokines, producing unique profiles. Stress shifted the balance towards a specific set that included mostly type 2-like T-cells and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Within the CNS component, repeated stress caused an increase of activated microglia in the BLA, increased anxiety-like behaviors across several assays, and increased BLA neuronal firing in vivo that was prevented by blockade of microglia activation. Because repeated stress can trigger anxiety states by actions in the BLA, and altered immune function can trigger anxiety, these results suggest that repeated stress may trigger anxiety-like behaviors by inducing a pro-inflammatory state in the periphery and the BLA. These results begin to uncover how stress may recruit the immune system to alter the function of brain regions critical to emotion.  相似文献   

Stressful stimuli evoke neuronal and neuroendocrine responses helping an organism to adapt to changed environmental conditions. Chronic stressors may induce maladaptive responses leading to psychiatric diseases, such as anxiety and major depression. A suitable animal model to unravel mechanisms involved in the control of adaptation to chronic stress is the psychological subordination stress in the male tree shrew. Subordinate male tree shrews exhibit chronic hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) activation as reflected in continuously elevated cortisol secretion, and structural changes in the hippocampal formation. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is the major peptide released upon activation of the HPA axis in response to stress. Recent evidence suggests that besides CRF, urocortin 1 (Ucn1) also plays a role in stress adaptation. We have tested the significance of CRF and Ucn1 in adaptation to chronic psychosocial stress in male tree shrews exposed for 35 days to daily psychosocial conflict, by performing semi-quantitative immunocytochemistry for CRF in the parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (pPVN), extended amygdala, viz. central extended amygdala (CeA) and dorsolateral nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTdl) as well as that for Ucn1 in the non-preganglionic Edinger-Westphal nucleus (npEW). Compared to unstressed animals, psychosocial stress resulted in an immediate and sustained activation of the HPA axis and sympathetic tone as well as reduced testosterone concentration and decreased body and testis weights vs. non-stressed tree shrews. In the pPVN, the number of CRF-immunoreactive neurons and the specific signal density of CRF-immunoreactive fiber terminals in the CeA were strongly reduced (-300 and -40%, respectively; P<0.05), whereas no significant difference in CRF fiber density was found in BNSTdl. The npEW revealed 4 times less Ucn1-immunoreactive neurons (P<0.05). These clear effects on both Ucn1- and CRF-neuropeptide contents may reflect a crucial mechanism enabling the animal to adapt successfully to the stressors, and point to the significance of the pPVN, CeA and npEW in stress-induced brain diseases.  相似文献   

The development of individual behavioural profiles can be powerfully influenced by stressful social experiences. Using a comparative approach, we focus on the role of social stressors for the modulation of behavioural profile during early phases of life and adolescence. For gregarious species, the stability of the social environment in which the pregnant and lactating female lives is of major importance for foetal brain development and the behavioural profile of the offspring in later life. Social instability during these critical periods of development generally brings about a behavioural and neuroendocrine masculinisation in daughters and a less pronounced expression of male-typical traits in sons. Moreover, when mothers live in a socially threatening world during this time, anxiety-like behaviour of their offspring often is elevated in adulthood. These effects of the social environment are likely to be mediated by maternal hormones and/or maternal behaviour. In addition, they can be modulated significantly by offspring genotype. We favour the hypothesis that the behavioural effects of social stress during this phase of life are not necessarily “pathological” (nonadaptive) consequences or constraints of adverse social conditions. Rather, mothers could be adjusting the offspring to their environment in an adaptive way. Adolescence is another period in which behavioural development is particularly susceptible to social influences. There is some evidence that stressful social events experienced at this time alter and canalize behaviour in an adaptive fashion, so that earlier influences on behavioural profile development can be complemented and readjusted, if necessary, to meet current environmental conditions. In terms of underlying neuroendocrine mechanism, a central role for the interaction of testosterone and stress hormones is suggested. In summary, the modulation of behavioural profiles by social stress from the prenatal phase through adolescence appears to represent an effective mechanism for repeated and rapid adaptation.  相似文献   

Considerable data suggest that compared to some European countries, in the U.S. there are more childhood onset bipolar disorders, more adverse courses of illness, and greater treatment resistance. Psychosocial variables related to these findings have not been adequately explored. Therefore we analyzed psychosocial stressors in three time domains: childhood; the year prior to illness Onset; and the Last Episode from questionnaires in 968 outpatients (mean age 41) with bipolar I or II disorder; 676 from four sites in the U.S. and 292 from three in the Netherlands and Germany (abbreviated here as Europe). Compared to the Europeans, those from the U.S. had significantly more stressors in childhood and prior to the last episode. Stressors prior to the last episode were related to: childhood stressors; an earlier age at illness onset; anxiety and substance abuse comorbidity; lower income; both parents having an affective illness; and feeling more stigma. These data suggest a greater prevalence of adverse life events in childhood and over the course of bipolar illness in the U.S. compared to the Netherlands and Germany. Clinical, therapeutic, and public health approaches to these illness-relevant stressors require further exploration.  相似文献   

Reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST) stipulates that individuals have a behavioral activation system (BAS) guiding approach (rewarding) behaviors (Gray, 1971, Gray, 1981), and behavioral inhibition system (BIS) guiding conflict resolution between approach and avoidance (punishment) behaviors (Gray & McNaughton, 2000). Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) severity overall relates to both BIS (e.g., Myers et al., 2012, Pickett et al., 2011) and BAS (Pickett et al., 2011). Using a more refined approach, we assessed specific relations between PTSD's latent factors (Simms, Watson, & Doebbeling, 2002) and observed variables measuring BIS and BAS using 308 adult, trauma-exposed primary care patients. Confirmatory factor analysis and Wald chi-square tests demonstrated a significantly greater association with BIS severity compared to BAS severity for PTSD's dysphoria, avoidance, and re-experiencing factors. Further, PTSD's avoidance factor significantly mediated relations between BIS/BAS severity and PTSD's dysphoria factor.  相似文献   

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