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The aim of this study was to analyse the various reactions displayedby the oolemma to the penetrating pipette during intracytoplasmicsperm injection (ICSI) and correlate them with clinical factors,oocyte survival and fertilization patterns. Three types of oolemmaresponses were observed: normal breakage, when the injectionneedle created an invagination that ruptured at the approximatecentre of the egg; sudden breakage, when the membrane brokewithout creating a funnel; and difficult breakage, when themembrane did not break or broke after several penetration attempts.A total of 2928 oocytes were analysed with the following observations:73.9% (n = 2164) experienced normal breakage, 11.8% (n =345)sudden breakage, and 14.3% (n = 419) difficult breakage. Thesurvival rate and number of normally fertilized oocytes weresignificantly lower and the incidence of digynic oocytes wassignificantly higher in the sudden breakage group; furthermore,in this group a significantly shorter length of stimulationwas observed along with lower serum oestradiol concentrationswhen compared to oocytes experiencing normal and difficult breakagepatterns. These recorded patterns were predictive of the survivaland fertilization ability of the injected oocytes, as well asthe incidence of digyny. The link between membrane behaviourand various clinical parameters appears to indicate a correlationbetween the modality of stimulation and oolemma characteristics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare pregnancy characteristics and perinatal outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) pregnancies with pregnancies obtained after in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Retrospectively, 145 ICSI pregnancies were matched with 145 IVF pregnancies using the last menstruation data. The main outcome measures were preclinical and clinical abortions, ectopic pregnancies, multiple gestations, prenatal morbidity, prematurity, Caesarean section, birthweight, perinatal mortality and malformations for singletons, twins and triplets. Although patients were significantly younger (P < 0.001) in ICSI (31 years) than in IVF (33 years), their infertility duration (5 years) was similar. The mean number of transferred embryos (2.7 embryos per transfer) was similar in IVF and ICSI. The rates of preclinical (15%) and clinical abortions (11% in ICSI versus 15% in IVF) were not different. Four ectopic pregnancies were observed in the IVF group and none in the ICSI group. In ICSI, two minor malformations were detected and two therapeutic abortions were performed respectively for polymalformations and suspicion of cystic fibrosis. The rate of congenital malformation was 2.8% in ICSI and 2.2% in IVF. In this last group, one therapeutic abortion for malformation of neural tube was performed and two minor malformations were detected. The rate of aborted embryonic sacs before 16 weeks of gestation was not significantly lower in ICSI compared with IVF (13.7% versus 20%). The rate of multiple gestations was similar in both groups (31% in IVF and 35% in ICSI). The number of Caesarean sections was similar in IVF and in ICSI and was twice as frequent for twins versus singletons. The number of singletons born by Caesarean section was 21% after ICSI and 17% after IVF. Mean birthweights and gestational ages at birth for twins were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in ICSI than in IVF (2488 versus 2281 g and 36.5 versus 35.5 weeks). This difference was not observed for singletons. In conclusion, pregnancy characteristics and perinatal outcome after ICSI showed no increase in the number of pathologies in comparison with IVF.   相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an effective treatment modality for male factor infertility, but it could promote the transgenerational transmission of genetic defects causing gametogenic failure. Cytogenetic and molecular techniques permit the diagnosis of some infertility-causing genetic aberrations, but many more probably evade detection with currently available technology. The analysis of the recurrence pattern of infertility in infertile couples' families could define the importance of heritable factors in the pathogenesis of human infertility. We have subjected 621 consecutive infertile couples treated with ICSI in a single institution to a comprehensive genetic workup including documentation of the family history, karyotyping and various DNA tests. In all, 1302 fertile couples served as controls. Of the infertile couples 6.4% were shown to have a fertility problem with a definite genetic basis. Male, but not female fertility problems displayed a distinct pattern of familial aggregation. In addition, the infertile couples had fewer siblings than the fertile controls, a finding compatible with suboptimal fertility already among the infertile couples' parents. In summary, our data indicate that male factor infertility should be considered a potentially heritable condition. The recurrence risk for infertility in the offspring of couples treated with ICSI might be substantial.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several studies have shown an increased frequency of constitutional chromosome aberrations in male and female partners of couples examined prior to ICSI. We conducted a cohort study to determine whether there was an increase in numerical sex chromosome mosaicism among couples undergoing ICSI compared with fertile couples. METHODS: Cytogenetic investigations were performed in 228 females and 208 males seen for ICSI between January 1997 and March 2001. They were matched to control females and males. RESULTS: Sex chromosome loss or gain was observed in at least one cell from 24.1% of ICSI women in comparison with 22% of controls (not significant). A significant difference between these two groups was found when X chromosome loss in at least two cells was considered, 9.6% for ICSI females versus 4.8% for controls (P = 0.01). No significant difference was observed between male groups concerning loss or gain of the X or Y chromosome. CONCLUSION: Our results support previously published studies indicating that the loss of an X chromosome in a single cell in females undergoing ICSI is probably an artefact. However, they suggest that a woman could have true sex chromosome mosaicism when two 45,X0 cells are found.  相似文献   

A total of 392 men referred for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) participated in genetic analysis. The control group consisted of 100 normal fertile males. Chromosome and DNA analyses were performed to investigate the frequency of Y-chromosome microdeletions and CFTR mutations (the controls underwent DNA analysis only). An abnormal karyotype was found in 4.6% of all males, but the frequency among men with azoospermia was higher, at 11.7%. Y-chromosome microdeletions were found only among men with azoospermia (6.5%) and men with extreme oligospermia (2%). Compound heterozygosity for CFTR mutations was found in men with azoospermia (3.9%) and congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD) only. We conclude that all couples referred for ICSI should be offered chromosome analysis. DNA analysis for Y-chromosome microdeletions should be reserved for men with azoospermia or extreme oligospermia (<1 x 106 spermatozoa). Analysis for CFTR mutations should be limited to those with obstructive azoospermia or those with a family history of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether the mode of spermimmobilization prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)influences fertilization by immature spermatozoa. Of the 837ICSI cycles evaluated, 81 were performed with epididymal ortesticular spermatozoa; 35 cycles with epididymal spermatozoaimmobilized in the standard fashion resulted in fertilizationand pregnancy rates of 48.3 and 51.4% respectively. When a moreaggressive sperm immobilization technique (i.e. permanentlycrimping the sperm fiagellum between the midpiece and the restof the tail) was applied in 17 cycles, the resultant fertilizationand pregnancy rates were significantly (P < 0.05) higher:82.0 and 82.4% respectively. Similar increases in fertilizationand ensuing pregnancy rates were also observed in ICSI cycleswith the aggressive immobilization of frozen-thawed epididymalspermatozoa (eight cycles) versus standard immobilization (16cycles). However, the fertilization rates for ICSI using testicularspermatozoa (five cycles) were basically the same, regardlessof the immobilization technique. Furthermore, for ejaculatedspermatozoa (756 cycles), the fertilization rates followingaggressive sperm immobilization were also positively affected(73.4%), although no statistical differences in the clinicalpregnancy rates were found. Because aggressive immobilizationappears to affect sperm membrane pennea-bilization, the enhancedfertilization patterns observed in immature spermatozoa followingaggressive immobilization may suggest a different membrane constitutionin these spermatozoa. These findings indicate that immaturegametes may require additional manipulation to enhance the post-ICSIevents essential for adequate nuclear decon-densation.  相似文献   

The main indications for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are severe male factor and fertilization failure or a low fertilization rate in previous in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. The fertilization and pregnancy rates after ICSI, however, are seldom reported separately for these two different indications. The aim of this study was to compare the treatment outcome and pregnancy rate after ICSI between 65 patients with previous failed fertilization or a low fertilization rate without male factor, and 219 patients with a primary male factor. From the 2726 oocytes collected, 2087 (77%) were micro-injected and 1355 (65%) achieved normal fertilization. The oocyte fertilization rate was similar in the group with previous failed fertilization or a low fertilization rate and the group with a male factor (65 and 65% respectively), as was the cleavage rate of normally fertilized oocytes (92 and 94% respectively). Despite the similar fertilization and cleavage rates and the similar number and morphological quality of embryos transferred in both groups, the pregnancy rate was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the group with previous failed fertilization or a low fertilization rate than in the group with a male factor (19.6 versus 33.5% respectively; 95% confidence intervals for the difference, 2-26%). The implantation rate was also lower (P = 0.01) in patients with previous failed fertilization or a low fertilization rate (9.6%) than in the group with a male factor (19.5%). We conclude that patients with previous failed fertilization or a low fertilization rate in standard IVF without male factor have a significantly smaller chance of becoming pregnant after subsequent ICSI than patients with a primary male factor. This poor outcome probably reflects intrinsic oocyte defects not bypassed by ICSI.   相似文献   

Previously reported better fertilization rate after intra-cytoplasmicsingle sperm injection (ICSI) than after subzonal inseminationof several spermatozoa was confirmed in a controlled comparisonof the two procedures in 11 patients. Intracytoplasmic sperminjection was carried out in 150 consecutive treatment cyclesof 150 infertile couples, who had failed to have fertilizedoocytes after standard in-vitro fertilization (IVF) proceduresor who were not accepted for IVF because not enough motile spermatozoawere present in the ejaculate. A single spermatozoon was injectedinto the ooplasm of 1409 metaphase II oocytes. Only 117 oocytes(8.3%) were damaged by the procedure and 830 oocytes (64.2%of the successfully injected oocytes) had two distinct pronucleithe morning after the injection procedure. The fertilizationrate was not influenced by semen characteristics. After 24 hof further in-vitro culture, 71.2% of these oocytes developedinto embryos, which were transferred or cryopreserved. Only15 patients did not have embryos replaced. Three-quarters ofthe transfers were triple-embryo transfers. High pregnancy rateswere noticed since 67 pregnancies were achieved, of which 53were clinical, i.e. a total and clinical pregnancy rate of 44.7%and 35.3% per started cycle and 49.6% and 39.2% per embryo transfer.A total of 237 supernumerary embryos were cryopreserved in 71treatment cycles.  相似文献   

Since the first reports of successful pregnancies after treatment with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in humans numerous attempts have been made to assess the genetic risks of this highly invasive technique. During the study period (February 1995-November 96), 142 couples were referred to our genetic counselling unit prior to ICSI. In three couples, genetic counselling revealed a high recurrence risk for a monogenic disease (myotonic dystrophy, hereditary ataxia and polycystic kidney disease). In nine out of 128 men (7%) an abnormal karyotype was identified, including three Robertsonian translocations, two reciprocal translocations, three sex chromosome aberrations and one case with centric fission of chromosome no. 7. A total of 14 men refused chromosomal analysis. Only one of the 122 women examined had an abnormal karyotype (47, XXX). Five out of six men with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) had at least one mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Three had mutations in both CFTR alleles, including one case in which the second mutation was the 5T allele. One patient with CBAVD and a single Delta F508 CFTR mutation also had left renal agenesis. In conclusion, we strongly recommend that genetic counselling, chromosomal analysis and, in the case of CBAVD, screening for CFTR mutations should be offered to all couples with a diagnosis of male or idiopathic infertility.   相似文献   

The morphological normality of a spermatozoon is considered to be an important factor in relation to its ability to fertilize an oocyte. We examined the influence of morphology (strict criteria) on the rates of fertilization, pregnancy and spontaneous abortion obtained following conventional in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in our clinical programme. We found our fertilization cut-off values for conventional IVF to be slightly different from those of the Kruger group (10 and 5%, compared to 14 and 5%). We also found the pregnancy rate per transfer to be as good or better in the groups with < 5% normal forms: 36% of these men had a fertilization rate > 50% using conventional IVF, showing that fertilization capacity is not necessarily impaired even in this 'poor prognosis' group. With the exception of the ICSI group with 5-9% normal forms, the rate of spontaneous abortion in this study was similar to or lower than in our IVF/ICSI programme overall. When the 5-9% normal spermatozoa group was divided into those with teratozoospermia as the only factor and those with additional sperm factors, the increased abortion rate was found in the group with multiple sperm factors (67% spontaneous abortions).   相似文献   

In cases requiring microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration(MESA) for congenital absence of the vas deferens (CAVD) orirreparable obstructive azoospermia, often no spermatozoa canbe retrieved from the epididymis, or there may even be no epididymispresent. We wished to see whether testicular biopsy with testicularsperm extraction (TESE) in such cases could yield spermatozoathat would result in successful fertilization and pregnancy(despite the absence of epididymal spermatozoa) using intracytoplasmicsperm injection (ICSI). In the same setting during the same2-week period, 28 patients with CAVD or irreparable obstructionwere treated; 16 consecutive fresh MESA—ICSI cycles and12 cycles which required testicular biopsy with testicular spermextraction (TESE—ICSI) were performed. Normal two-pronuclearfertilization rates were similar in both groups: 45% for epididymalspermatozoa and 46% for testicular biopsy-extracted spermatozoa.Cleavage rates were also similar (68% for epididymal and 65%for testicular spermatozoa). The ongoing pregnancy rates inthis series were 50 and 43% respectively. We conclude that epididymalspermatozoa and testicular spermatozoa yield similar fertilization,cleavage and ongoing pregnancy rates using ICSI. When epididymalspermatozoa cannot be retrieved, a testicular biopsy can beperformed and the few barely motile spermatozoa thus obtainedcan be used for ICSI. It appears that all cases of obstructiveazoospermia can now be successfully treated.  相似文献   

Since the advent of assisted reproductive technology, the concernabout ectopic implantation of embryos has increased dramatically.Simultaneous bilateral tubal pregnancy is the least common typeof ectopic implantation of two embryos. In this report we presentthe first case of simultaneous bilateral tubal pregnancy afterintracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and embryo transfertreatment. The present case had no risk factor for ectopic pregnancy.Therefore, for early diagnosis and management of such cases,close clinical follow-up and routine ultrasonography followingICSI are necessary.  相似文献   

Human oocyte cryopreservation results in poor survival and subsequentfertilization rates. It has been suggested that freeze-thaw-inducedchanges in the zona pellucida may impair sperm penetration orattachment. The aim of this study was to compare fertilizationand cleavage rates in cryopreserved oocytes inseminated by conventionalin-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI). A total of 220 oocytes, obtained from volunteers whohad undergone ovarian stimulation, were cryopreserved usinga slow freeze-rapid thaw protocol with 1.5 M propanediol asthe cryoprotectant. Surviving oocytes (n= 74, 34.4%) were randomlyallocated for fertilization by conventional IVF (group 1) orICSI (group 2) using cryopreserved spermatozoa from a singledonor of proven fertility. Fertilization was achieved in five(13.5%) of the oocytes in group 1 and 17 (45.9%) in group 2(P < 0.005), with only one oocyte in group 1 exhibiting normalfertilization as opposed to 16 (43.2%) in group 2 (P < 0.001).Similarly, one oocyte fertilized by IVF cleaved, while all fertilizedwith ICSI cleaved (P < 0.001). We conclude that althoughthe survival of oocytes is poor following cryopreservation,fertilization and cleavage rates can be enhanced significantlyusing ICSI. These data also suggest that the method of cryopreservationused in this study affected the zona pellucida, such that normalsperm attachment or penetration was impaired.  相似文献   

An auto-controlled study was conducted in couples with tubal infertility and normozoospermic semen. The fertilization rates and embryonic development in sibling oocytes treated, using the same semen sample, either by conventional in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) at the same time were compared. Sibling oocyte-cumulus complexes (OCC) of 56 different couples with tubal infertility and normozoospermic semen were randomly divided in order of retrieval into two groups inseminated either by conventional IVF or by ICSI. Of the retrieved OCC in the same cohort, 53.0 +/- 31.2 and 62.0 +/- 26.6% showed two distinct pronuclei after conventional IVF and ICSI respectively (not significant). Complete fertilization failure occurred after conventional IVF in 12.5% (7/56 couples). After ICSI, the comparable figure was 3.6% (2/56). The number of cases was too small to apply a statistical test to this difference. Total cleavage rates were quite similar: 86.7 +/- 28.0 and 90.1 +/- 21% of the zygotes developed into transferable embryos after IVF and ICSI respectively (not significant). Similarly, no difference in embryo quality was observed. Although injection and insemination of the oocytes were performed at the same time in the two groups, at 42 h post-insemination more embryos were at the four-cell stage after ICSI (P < 0.001) than after conventional IVF, where more embryos were still at the two-cell stage (P < 0.02). Embryo transfer was possible in all 56 couples, resulting in 16 positive serum human chorionic gonadotrophin tests (28.6% per embryo transfer), from which a clinical pregnancy resulted in 15 couples. The best embryos were selected for transfer independently of the insemination procedure, but preferably from the same origin. There appeared to be no difference in implantation potency of the embryos obtained with either technique after the non-randomized transfers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine why oocytes remain unfertilizedor develop three pronuclei after intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI). Unfertilized and abnormally fertilized oocytes werefixed in glutaraldehyde,stained with Hoechst 33342 and examinedby fluorescence microscopy to identify oocyte, sperm and polarbody DNA.One-pronuclear oocytes were considered to be unfertilized.Atotal of 285 unfertilized oocytes were examined (104 ICSI cycles).Overall, 83% of these oocytes were not activated (still at metaphaseII) while 17% had activated and formed a single (female) pronucleus.About 66% of the unfertilized, metaphase II oocytes containeda swollen sperm head, indicating that the oocyte was correctlyinjected but had failed to activate and complete the secondmeiotic division. Premature chromosome condensation of the spermDNA was evident in 6% of these metaphase II oocytes (4% of theunfertilized oocytes). The swollen sperm head was located amongthe oocyte chromosomes in 5%of the metaphase II oocytes. Othercauses of failed fertilization in the metaphase II oocytes werethe failure of sperm head decondensation (11%) and ejectionof the spermatozoon from the oocyte (23%). A similar patternwas observed in one-pronuclear oocytes (52%, swollen sperm head;28%, intact, undecondensed sperm head; 20%, ejection of thespermatozoon), which indicates that asynchronous pronucleardevelopment does not explain the presence of one-pronuclearoocytes. A total of 41 threepronuclear oocytes were examinedand all had a single polar body, which indicates that the retentionof the second polar body leads to the formation of the thirdpronucleus.In conclusion, this study demonstrates that: (i)the major cause of fertilization failure after ICSI is failureof oocyte activation; (ii) ejection of the spermatozoon intothe perivitelline space is not a major cause of fertilizationfailure;and (iii) sperm head decondensation and oocyte activationafter ICSI can occur independently.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the psychological reactions of men undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (n=18) or in- vitro fertilization (IVF) (n=22). Men monitored their psychological reactions daily for one complete treatment cycle from the first day of down-regulation until the outcome of treatment was known (approximately 52 days). The results showed that ICSI patients reported marginally more distress on the days prior to retrieval than the IVF patients. Other than this difference the pattern of results indicated that the psychological reactions of men undergoing ICSI or IVF were similar and that there was no need to manage these patients differently during treatment. However, ICSI patients may benefit from some reassuring comments on the days prior to retrieval when they showed more anticipatory anxiety.   相似文献   

An ultrasonographic evaluation of the endometrium was performedin 158 patients undergoing ovarian stimulation for an in-vitroassisted reproduction programme. Endometrial thickness was evaluatedin 109 patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) forfemale indications and in 49 patients undergoing intracytoplasmicsperm injection (ICSI) for male indications. The maximal endometrialthickness was measured on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin(HCG) administration by longitudinal scanning of the uteruson the frozen image using electronic callipers placed at thejunction of the endometrium-myometrium interface at the levelof the fundus. Cases in which the endometrial thickness was10 mm were included in group A; cases in which the endometrialthickness was <10 mm were assigned to group B. The age ofthe patients, serum 17- oestradiol concentrations on the dayof HCG administration, the length of follicular stimulation,the number of follicles, 17- oestradiol concentrations per follicleon the day of HCG and the number of embryos transferred wereanalysed in each case. When comparing endometrial thicknessand results in IVF and ICSI patients, an endometrium <10mm predominated in IVF patients (27.5%) compared with thoseundergoing ICSI (16.7%) (P=0.05); conversely an endometrium10 mm was more frequent in ICSI than in IVF patients. The incidenceof pregnancy was higher in IVF group A patients (32/79; 41%)than in IVF group B patients (5/30; 17%) (P=0.03), whereas nosignificant difference was found between ICSI group A (13/42;31%) and ICSI group B (3/7; 43%) patients. Thus, a higher percentageof IVF patients had thin endometrium when compared with ICSIpatients; thin endometrium was a prognostic indicator of pregnancyonly in the case of a female indication for infertility (IVF).A thin endometrium in cases of female infertility may reflecta previous or present uterine pathology, whereas in indicationsof male infertility (i.e. cases using ICSI), in the absenceof any associated uterine pathology, the presence of a thinendometrium is not predictive.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic investigations were performed in 781 couples prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) because of severe male infertility or fertilization failures in previous in-vitro fertilization attempts. Out of these 1562 patients, 1012 had a normal karyotype without any aberrations (64.8%), 204 patients had an abnormal karyotypes (13.1%). These chromosome aberrations included constitutional aberrations (4.4%), fragile sites of autosomes (3.0%), low level mosaicism of sex chromosomes (4.0%) and secondary structural chromosome aberrations (4.2%). Combinations of different types of abnormalities were stated. Another 346 patients (22.1%) showed single cell aberrations; the significance of these is unclear at the moment. Constitutional chromosome aberrations were detected in 69 patients. The following chromosome aberrations were observed: 35 sex chromosomal aberrations (comprising hyperploidies of X or Y chromosomes, mosaicisms and derivative X and Y chromosomes), 34 autosomal aberrations including 14 reciprocal translocations, five Robertsonian translocations, six inversions, one marker chromosome, one trisomy 18 mosaicism and seven other structural aberrations. Three autosomal regions showed fragile sites: 6q13 in 2.9% of the patients, 17p12 and 10q24 in 0.05% each. In conclusion, our data show that a high number of infertile couples in an ICSI programme are affected by chromosome aberrations which occur in both sexes. It is suggested that a chromosomal analysis should be performed on both partners before ICSI treatment is initiated.  相似文献   

There are numerous reports of successful pregnancy following liver transplantation. Little information is available regarding the incidence and management of infertility in transplant recipients, particularly the use of artificial reproductive technologies. We present a case of a successful twin pregnancy resulting from in-vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) in a liver transplant recipient, whose partner was a renal transplant recipient with severe oligozoospermia. With careful evaluation and monitoring, and the involvement of appropriate consultants, artificial reproductive technologies can be safely used in transplant recipient couples experiencing infertility.  相似文献   

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