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患者女,19岁。转移性右下腹疼痛24h,伴发热,于2001年8月22日入院。体检:体温37.9℃,脉搏86次/分。急性痛苦面容,心肺正常,腹平坦,右下腹有固定压痛及反跳痛,结肠充气试验阳性,闭孔内肌试验及腰大肌试验(±)。血常规检查:血红蛋白132g/L,白  相似文献   

患者 :男 ,39岁。因持续性右下腹疼痛 2d伴发热 1d入院。 2d前无明显诱因出现右下腹疼痛 ,呈持续性胀痛。无放射痛 ,无恶心、呕吐。伴发热 1d ,体温波动在 38~ 39℃之间。急诊以“急性阑尾炎”收入院。体检 :T 38.5℃ ,急性病容。心、肺正常。腹部平坦 ,肌紧张 (+) ,右下腹压痛 (+) ,反跳痛 (+) ,未扪及明显包块 ,叩诊无浊音 ,肠鸣音略减弱。血常规 :WBC 13.9× 10 9/L ,N0 .89。B型超声示“右下腹索条状物—阑尾炎可能 ,肝、脾、肾结构无异常”。胸片示“右位型心脏”。诊断急性阑尾炎穿孔 ,急行剖腹探查术。术中发现 :腹腔内…  相似文献   

患者 男 ,2 5岁。因转移性右下腹痛 2d入院。体查 :麦氏点压痛 ,无反跳痛 ,结肠充气实验 (+) ,白细胞 1 2 .8× 1 0 9/L ,中性 0 .79。诊断 :急性阑尾炎。术中见一阑尾位于盲肠末端内侧长 7cm ,轻度充血水肿 ;盲肠末端后壁局部水肿 ,于浆膜下可触及质硬条索状物 ,长 4cm。常规切除盲肠内侧阑尾。切开条索状物表面的盲肠浆膜层 ,见有4cm× 0 .3cm× 0 .3cm管状结构 ,水肿明显 ,管腔于盲肠相通 ,分析为盲肠壁内型阑尾 ,予以切除。术后病理诊断 :盲肠壁内管状结构组织为肠黏膜组织。讨论 阑尾畸形中双阑尾畸形多见 ,术前难以确诊…  相似文献   

阑尾重复畸形1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者 男 ,6 5岁。因转移性右下腹痛伴恶心呕吐发热 2d入院。体查 :体温 38℃ ,脉博 88次 min ,腹平 ,右下腹压痛 ,反跳痛 ,局限性肌紧张 ,未触及包块。白细胞 10 6×10 9 L ,中性粒细胞 0 89。诊断 :慢性阑尾炎。患者要求手术治疗。术中见大网膜包裹右下腹 ,回盲部与周围粘连紧密 ,阑尾肿大成团 ,与   收稿日期 :1999 10 19。   作者简介 :董军华 ( 1974 ) ,女 ,河北邢台人 ,河北省刑台市第三人民医院住院医师 ,主要从事病理研究工作。周围粘连 ,遂逆行切除阑尾 ,并送病理检查。病理检查 :阑尾标本长 5 5cm ,直径 1 8~ 2 …  相似文献   

阑尾畸形并粘液性囊腺瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者 男 ,2 8岁。因持续右下腹痛阵发性加剧 8h入院 ,伴畏寒发热及恶心入院。 3~ 4年前曾患“阑尾炎”。体查 :腹平软 ,右下腹压痛及反跳痛明显 ,肠鸣音正常。白细胞 15 7× 10 9 L ,中性 0 75。诊断 :慢性阑尾炎急性发作。行急诊手术 ,术中见阑尾呈“C”环形 ,埋于盲肠浆膜下 ,附近盲肠壁肿胀变硬 ,难以判定阑尾根部 ,拟剥离切除阑尾粘膜 ,术中粘膜破裂 ,随之涌出约 15ml清亮无色的粘液泡沫 ,状似鱼卵 ,无臭 ,盲肠壁随之变软。且发现阑尾上、下两端均与盲肠腔相通 ,靠近回盲部一端的开口略小 ,两开口间距约 2 0cm。阑尾粘膜苍…  相似文献   

患者,女,27岁,以"孕7个月,持续性右上腹疼痛13小时"入院.患者于13小时前无明显诱因出现右上腹疼痛,呈持续性刺痛,无放射,伴恶心、呕吐,无咳嗽、无阴道流血.查体: 一般情况可,头、颈、心、肺正常.腹膨隆,与其妊娠月份相称.上腹部压痛,以右上腹较重,并有反跳痛,Murphy's征阴性,腹肌张力较高.妇科检查: 子宫为正常7个月妊娠大小,其他未见明显异常.WBC 15.7×109/L,N 0.95,L 0.05,RBC 4.25×1012/L.以"妊娠合并急性阑尾炎"急诊在持续硬膜外麻醉下行剖腹探查、阑尾切除术.术中见腹腔内有少量脓性渗出物,盲肠被推向右上腹,位于子宫后方,阑尾为盲肠后位,位置较深.长7.0 cm,直径1.5~1.8 cm,明显充血水肿,表面有脓苔覆盖.逆行切除阑尾,手术顺利.术后病理检查发现阑尾表面覆有薄层脓苔,切面有两个腔,直径分别为0.5 cm和0.2 cm.镜下见阑尾切面两个腔,其内均衬有柱状上皮细胞,腔内有炎性分泌物,周围淋巴组织分布不均,其中一个腔的周围水肿明显,有较多的炎性细胞浸润,两个腔被包裹在同一肌层内呈双筒状,肌层厚薄不均.病理诊断为急性化脓性阑尾炎,并阑尾周围组织炎; 阑尾重复畸形.  相似文献   

双阑尾畸形较罕见,文献报道发生率为0.008%~0.24%[1],我院外科收治1例,报道如下.  相似文献   

盲肠异位双阑尾1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者女,56岁。因右下腹疼痛伴畏寒、发热、尿频2d入院。体查:体温385℃,脉搏100次/min,呼吸25次/min,血压112/68mmHg心肺检查无异常。腹部平坦,右下腹麦氏点压痛及反跳痛+结肠充气试验(+)。白细胞86×109/L,中性0?..  相似文献   

双阑尾畸形三例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我院外科于1991年6月至2004年8月共收治阑尾炎施行阑尾切除2256例,其中双阑尾畸形 3 例,占 0 13%,现报告如下。临床资料例1 女,22 岁。因转移性右下腹痛 2 d入院。检查:T 38 2℃,右下腹麦氏点有明显压痛、反跳痛, Rovsing征阳性,腰大肌试验阳性。血WBC 14 4×109 L,N 0 86  相似文献   

Renal teratoma is a very rare condition. We report a case of mature renal teratoma in a 1-month-old male infant. The patient was admitted with a right-sided abdominal mass. The mass was found to arise from the right kidney. The tumor was removed successfully, and the patient had an uneventful recovery. The tumor mass also had an appendix and cecum within the tumor, along with a normal appendix and cecum with a separate blood supply.  相似文献   

Duplicated appendix has, to date, been classified into 3 types. The authors present a type of duplicated appendix not previously described. Surgical exploration was done in a 14-year-old girl who had an acute abdomen. Surgical exploration showed a duplicated appendix that arose from the normal appendix and ended in a thick-walled, inflamed, perforated muscular pouch. Duplicated appendix is a treatable condition that rarely occurs with colonic duplication and which should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lower abdominal pain.  相似文献   

Pyeloureterostomy with interposition of the appendix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: We describe the successful repair of a 6 cm. ureteral stricture involving the right ureteropelvic junction and proximal ureter using appendix as a ureteral substitute. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 37-year-old man involved in a motorcycle accident presented with a retroperitoneal urinoma and a 6 cm. proximal ureteral stricture. At flank exploration we were unable to perform successfully primary pyeloureterostomy through renal descensus with ureteral mobilization. The appendix was selected to bridge the ureteral defect. The right colon and cecum were mobilized to the area of the diseased ureter and the appendix was transected across the base of the cecum. Ureteral scar tissue was resected and the appendix was interposed in an isoperistaltic orientation from renal pelvis to proximal ureter. RESULTS: Convalescence was unremarkable. Retrograde pyelography and flexible ureteroscopy 2 months postoperatively demonstrated a patent anastomosis and viable appendix. The ureteral stent was removed at that time. Excretory urography 3 months postoperatively revealed prompt enhancement of the 2 kidneys and visualization of the 2 ureters. Mercaptoacetyltriglycine-3 renal scan 5 months postoperatively confirmed no scintigraphic evidence of obstruction. The patient was asymptomatic 6 months postoperatively and renal function tests were normal. CONCLUSIONS: The appendix can be considered for proximal ureteral defects extending to the right renal pelvis.  相似文献   

This is a case report of a tubular duplication with a clinical presentation as pseudoascites. It was treated surgically by stripping its mucosal lining.  相似文献   

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