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水溶性止血纺织材料是脱脂纤维素经化学处理而成,具有生物止血活性。作者研究了该类止血材料对血小板粘附及体外血栓形成的影响。止血纺织材料在液体中形成胶体颗粒并吸附激活血小板,参与止血过程,血小板粘附率约50%。体外血栓形成试验表明,在凝血机制发生障碍的情况下,S-99和S-100止血纺织材料仍能形成血栓,明显比海藻类止血材料要好。  相似文献   

一、绪言血小板在材料表面的粘附、聚集是引起血栓形成的主要途径。血小板因粘附于材料表面而被激活,释放ADP和凝血酶、血栓烷A2(TxA_2)等血小板释放物质,这些释放出来的物质进而刺激周围的血小板,使之激活。被激活的血小板表现有与细胞粘附性蛋白的结合活性,在其存在下,形成牢固的粘附和聚集块,导致血栓形成。众所周知,这一粘附初期过程受到吸附蛋白的种类及其形  相似文献   

粘附蛋白包括纤维蛋白原(Fg)、血管性假血友病因子(vWF)、纤维连接蛋白(Fn)和血小板反应素(TSP),分别参与血小板粘附的聚集。血小板被激活时,粘附蛋白从α颗粒释放,与膜表面相应受体结合。血小板膜蛋白有100多种,主要为糖蛋白(GP),构成受体。GPⅡ_b-Ⅲ_a占血小板膜蛋白的主要部分,在血小板激活过程中起着各种粘附蛋白受体的作用。但GPⅠ_b是vWF的受体,参与血小板与内皮下粘附。  相似文献   

壳聚糖的止血机理和应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
壳聚糖在医学领域的应用越来越广泛。本文简述了壳聚糖止血机理研究的进展 ,指出它的止血机理不是常规的依赖于血小板和凝血因子的瀑布机制。壳聚糖止血机制中的重要一环是通过对红细胞作用 ,使红细胞发生粘附聚集从而使血液凝固。另外 ,本文对壳聚糖在止血剂中的应用也作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

甲床裂伤是手外科最常见的指端甲部损伤,伤后创面渗血多,持续时间长。处理不当易出现延迟愈合及感染,轻者指甲畸形、无指甲生长,重者出现手指末节骨外露、骨坏死等并发症,严重影响手指的美观及功能。我科自2009年10月~2011年4月应用清创加S-100可吸收性止血绫(以后简称S-100)[北京某科技发展有限公  相似文献   

背景:目前市场已开发出多种不同组成和不同机制的止血材料,因其不同特性而应用各异。 目的:概述国内外临床常用医用可吸收止血材料,对其组成、止血机制及临床应用进行总结,指导临床医生更加合理有效地应用止血材料。 方法:应用计算机检索CNKI和PubMed数据库中2002-02/2011-05关于止血材料的文章,以“生物材料,止血材料,生物可吸收材料,止血效果,止血机制”或“biomaterial,hemostatic material,bioresorbable material,hemostatic effect,hemostatic mechanism”为中、英文关键词。纳入与生物可吸收止血材料及其应用相关的文章;排除重复研究的内容和与研究目的不相符的文献。 结果与结论:目前国内外主要应用的可吸收止血材料为纤维蛋白胶、氧化纤维素和氧化再生纤维素、α-氰基丙烯酸酯类组织胶、壳聚糖等。壳聚糖的止血性在于壳聚糖带有一定量的电荷,它的分子直接与创面上的红细胞发生交联反应形成血凝块,它的止血过程不依赖于机体凝血因子和血小板。α-氰基丙烯酸酯类黏合剂已应用于血管外科的中小管径血管吻合、神经外科的中硬脑膜修补、各类软组织修补、骨科中骨折的黏合等,并且成为介入栓塞治疗中的首选材料。在骨科领域纤维蛋白胶除了局部止血、防止粘连和渗漏外主要是作为缓释载体,骨材料支架而发挥作用。氧化纤维素和氧化再生纤维素已成功应用于神经外科、耳鼻喉科、肝胆外科等。不同的止血材料其止血机制和止血效果均不同,只有充分了解各种止血材料性能,才能合理、有效应用。   相似文献   

壳聚糖的止血机理和应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
壳聚糖在医学领域的应用越来越广泛。本简述了壳聚糖止血机理研究的进展,指出它的止血机理不是常规的依赖于血小板和凝血因子的瀑布机制。壳聚糖止血机制中的重要一环是对红细胞作用,使红细胞发生粘附聚集从而使血液凝固。另外,中对壳聚糖在止血剂中的应用也作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

水溶性止血纺织材料植入兔肌肉的组织病理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将6种止血纺织材料分别埋植兔脊柱两侧肉内,在埋植后7天、14天、90天进行了组织病理学研究。3种水溶性止血纺织材料在体内降解吸收较快,但有液化腔形成;3种水溶性止血纺织材料在体内降解吸收较慢,但在90天也能被完全降解。S-100系列材料相对反应较轻。  相似文献   

生物材料表面粘附的血小板形态变化及分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过狗的股动静脉短路半体内循环试验,使12种高分子材料与血液接触,然后对材料表面粘附的血小板形态结构进行大量扫描电镜观察,发现材料表面血小板粘附是一个动态过程,而且粘附的血小板并不一定都发生变性(即被激活);在早期粘附的血小板中大多未变性,在血流作用下,其中许多又重新返回血流,并不导致血栓形成。因此目前流行的把粘附血小板数目作为评价血液相容性的指标有一定局限性,会出现假阳性,而应该把变性的血小板数目作为评价指标。作者把血小板形态变化分成五型和十二个亚型,提出了半定量评价变性血小板的方法。  相似文献   

甲壳素/壳聚糖止血机理及应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
甲壳素通过蛋白质介导黏附血小板,形成的甲壳素/血小板复合物加速血纤维蛋白单体的聚合并共同形成凝块;另一方面,甲壳素诱导红细胞聚集,刺激血管收缩,最终形成血栓,封合伤口.壳聚糖的止血机理基本类似于甲壳素,但两者对红细胞的聚集程度和对补体的激活程度存在一定差异.甲壳素独特的三次结晶结构(包括α型和β型)赋予甲壳素优良的止血功能;壳聚糖的止血效果则与它的分子量、脱乙酰度、质子化程度和物理形式等有关.本文综述了甲壳素和壳聚糖的止血机理及应用情况.  相似文献   

S-100 protein, a dimer of S-100α and S-100β subunits (S-100α and S-100β), is widely distributed in human tissue, and several papers describing S-100 protein expression in follicular cells of the thyroid have been published. in the present study, 105 cases of thyroid carcinoma (of which 96 were papillary, four follicular, two undifferentiated, and three meduilary) were analyzed immunohistochemically for the expression of S-100 protein, S-100α, S-100β, and thyroglobulin. in papillary carcinoma, 188 lesions were studled and classified into well differentiated types (56 papillary, 45 follicular) and poorly differentiated types (41 trabecular, four solid, eight squamoid, three tall, and one insular), because the histological structure of each tumor was heterogeneous. The percentage of lesions which expressed positively for 5–100 protein and S-100α, respectively, according to type were: papillary, 96 and 99%; foillcular, 96 and 100%; trabecular, 95 and 100%; solid, 50 and 50%; squamoid, 50 and 757%; and tall, 33 and 100%. The insular type was negative for both. For papillary carcinoma, well differentiated lesions showed stronger S-100α expression than poorly differentiated lesions. S-100α expression was weaker In follicular and undifferentiated carcinoma than in papillary carcinoma. Meduliary carcinoma also expressed S-100α. S-100β was positive in lesions that expressed S-100α strongly. Expression of S-100 protein and S-100α protein correlated with thyroglobulin synthesis in the follicular cells. It was concluded that S-100 protein, mainly S 100α. exists in thyroid follicular cells, that it exists In higher quantity in most of the well differentiated lesions but in lower quantity in poorly differentiated or Undifferentiated lesions, and that 5100 protein, especially S-100α, is a differentiation marker in carcinoma of thyroid follicular cell origin.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,临床上常常采用止血材料进行止血,目前市场已开发出由不同来源和不同止血机制组成的局部止血材料,因其不同特性而应用各异。该文通过查阅文献回顾近几年来临床常用的止血材料,就其种类、组成、止血机制和临床适应症做简要综述,并对未来止血材料进行展望。  相似文献   

S-100 protein is an acidic calcium-binding protein with a molecular weight of 21 kDa consisting of two submits alpha and beta, which are combined to give alphaalpha (S-100a), alphabeta (S-100a) and betabeta (S-100b) dimeric forms. S-100 protein is much more abundant in the brain than in other tissus and is present as a mixture of S-100a and S-100b (named S-100beta). These two isoforms are predominantly synthesized and secreted by glial cells. Structural damage of these cells causes leakage of S-100beta protein into the extracellular compartment and into cerebrospinal fluid, further entering the bloodstream. We provide here an overview of the physicochemical properties of S-100beta protein, of its pathological aspects and of possible interest in measuring this protein in biological fluids during cerebral diseases and brain damage occurring after surgical events.  相似文献   

颅脑损伤患者血清S-100B和神经元特异性烯醇化酶的检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨颅脑损伤患者血清S鄄100B和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)的变化及其临床意义。方法用双抗体夹心ELISA法检测30名健康人和108例颅脑损伤患者血清S鄄100B和NSE水平。结果108例颅脑损伤患者在伤后12h血清S鄄100B水平[(1.24±0.32)滋g/L]较对照组[(0.38±0.12)滋g/L]升高,重型、中型和轻型颅脑外伤患者的血清NSE浓度均明显高于对照组的NSE浓度(P<0.01);而不同组别颅脑外伤患者血清NSE水平差异亦有显著性(P<0.05)。结论血清S鄄100B和NSE检测可作为诊断早期脑损伤的指标之一。  相似文献   

S-100 protein is a group of three closely related isoforms (S-100ao, S-100a, and S-100b). This protein was first described as unique to the nervous system but it has also been identified subsequently in a variety of cell types of neuroectodermal (i. e., melanocytes, glial cells) and non-neuroectodermal origin (i. e., Langerhans cells, adipocytes, chondrocytes). In the present investigation the presence of S-100 protein was studied in human odontoblasts using a specific polyclonal antibody directed against S-100 protein in immunoperoxidase labelling experiments. The S-100 protein was detected in the cytoplasm of odontoblasts. This result suggests that S-100 protein can play a role in odontoblast functions.  相似文献   

S-100 protein positive human T-lymphocyte   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S-100 protein was detected in a small number of human peripheral T-lymphocytes by a direct immunoperoxidase method with the use of monospecific antibody to S-100 protein. Complemented-mediated lysis using monoclonal antibodies revealed that the S-100+ T-lymphocytes bore OKT3, OKT8, and OKT11 antigens but not OKT4, OKM1, HLA-DR, HNK1 (Leu-7) antigens on their surface. Immunoelectron micrography showed that S-100 T-lymphocytes were small lymphocytes with poorly developed cellular organelles. These findings clearly indicated that S-100+ T-lymphocytes belonged to the OKT8+ T-cell subset, the so-called suppressor/cytotoxic T-cell subset. Although the function of the S-100+ T-lymphocytes is unclear, S-100 protein may be a useful cytoplasmic marker for the subdivision of the heterogeneous OKT8+ lymphocyte population.  相似文献   

S-100 protein is a group of three closely related isoforms (S-100ao, S-100a, and S-100b). This protein was first described as unique to the nervous system but it has also been identified subsequently in a variety of cell types of neuroectodermal (i.e., melanocytes, glial cells) and non-neuroectodermal origin (i.e., Langerhans cells, adipocytes, chondrocytes). In the present investigation the presence of S-100 protein was studied in human odontoblasts using a specific polyclonal antibody directed against S-100 protein in immunoperoxidase labelling experiments. The S-100 protein was detected in the cytoplasm of odontoblasts. This result suggests that S-100 protein can play a role in odontoblast functions.  相似文献   

The effects of diethylstilbestrol (DES) treatment and withdrawal on the folliculo-stellate (FS) cells in hyperplastic pituitaries were examined in Fischer 344 (F344) and Wistar Furth (W/F) rats by immunochemistry and electron microscopy. The presence of S-100 protein positive cells was examined by immunostaining in spontaneous and in transplantable rat pituitary tumors. The pituitaries of F344 rats showed a fivefold greater increase in weight in response to 5 weeks of DES treatment compared to pituitaries from W/F rats. S-100 protein (S-100) positive cells were significantly increased in both strains with hyperplastic pituitaries (P less than 0.05) 2 days after DES withdrawal. Ultrastructural studies revealed increased phagocytic activity in FS cells. S-100 positive cells were absent in both MtT/W15 and MtT/F4 transplantable tumors even after treatment with DES. Some spontaneous pituitary tumors in aged female rats had S-100 positive cells within the tumors at the periphery of the tumor nodules (3 of 12 cases), while most of these neoplasms did not contain S-100 positive cells. Incubation of normal dissociated pituitary cells with S-100 protein increased PRL secretion in vitro. The effectiveness of S-100 protein in increasing PRL secretion in vitro was less than thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). These results indicate that S-100 positive cells are present in normal and hyperplastic pituitaries, but not in spontaneous or in transplantable rat pituitary tumors and also suggest that the FS cells may exert a paracrine type regulation on PRL secretion.  相似文献   

目的以胶原和壳聚糖制备复合膜,检验其止血效果,并探讨其止血原因.材料与方法以酸解法从牛腱中提取胶原,用甲壳素制得壳聚糖,以胶原和壳聚糖制成复合膜,通过动物实验测不同配比的复合膜对出血创面的止血时间,并与其它止血材料做对比.结果各种配比的复合膜的止血效果均比明胶等一般止血材料好.结论胶原/壳聚糖复合膜有良好的止血作用,可望在外科手术上得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

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