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Administration of 1/5th dose of Inactivated poliovirus vaccine intradermally (fIPV) provides similar immune response as full-dose intramuscular IPV, however, fIPV administration with BCG needle and syringe (BCG NS) is technically difficult. We compared immune response after one fIPV dose administered with BCG NS to administration with intradermal devices, referred to as Device A and B; and assessed feasibility of conducting a door-to-door vaccination campaign with fIPV. In Phase I, 452 children 6–12 months old from Karachi were randomized to receive one fIPV dose either with BCG NS, Device A or Device B in a health facility. Immune response was defined as seroconversion or fourfold rise in polio neutralizing antibody titer 28 days after fIPV among children whose baseline titer ≤362. In Phase II, fIPV was administered during one-day door-to-door campaign to assess programmatic feasibility by evaluating vaccinators’ experience. For all three poliovirus (PV) serotypes, the immune response after BCG NS and Device A was similar, however it was lower with Device B (34/44 (77%), 31/45 (69%), 16/30 (53%) respectively for PV1; 53/78 (68%), 61/83 (74%), 42/80 (53%) for PV2; and; 58/76 (76%), 56/80 (70%), 43/77 (56%) for PV3; p < 0.05 for all three serotypes). Vaccinators reported problems filling Device B in both Phases; no other operational challenges were reported during Phase II. Use of fIPV offers a dose-saving alternative to full-dose IPV.  相似文献   

Poliomyelitis is nearing universal eradication; in 2011, there were 650 cases reported globally. When wild polio is eradicated, global oral polio vaccine (OPV) cessation followed by use of universal inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is believed to be the safest vaccination strategy as IPV does not mutate or run the risk of vaccine derived outbreaks that OPV does. However, IPV is significantly more expensive than OPV. One strategy to make IPV more affordable is to reduce the dose by adding adjuvants, compounds that augment the immune response to the vaccine. No adjuvants are currently utilized in stand-alone IPV; however, several have been explored over the past six decades. From aluminum, used in many licensed vaccines, to newer and more experimental adjuvants such as synthetic DNA, a diverse group of compounds has been assessed with varying strengths and weaknesses. This review summarizes the studies to date evaluating the efficacy and safety of adjuvants used with IPV.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe polio eradication endgame strategic plan calls for the sequential removal of Sabin poliovirus serotypes from the trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (tOPV), starting with type 2, and the introduction of ≥1 dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), to maintain an immunity base against poliovirus type 2. The global removal of oral poliovirus type 2 was successfully implemented in May 2016. However, IPV supply constraints has prevented introduction in 21 countries and led to complete stock-out in >20 countries.MethodsWe conducted a literature review and contacted corresponding authors of recent studies with fractional-dose IPV (fIPV), one-fifth of intramuscular dose administered intradermally, to conduct additional type 2 immunogenicity analyses of two fIPV doses compared with one full-dose IPV.ResultsFour studies were identified that assessed immunogenicity of two fIPV doses compared to one full-dose IPV. Two fractional doses are more immunogenic than 1 full-dose, with type 2 seroconversion rates improving between absolute 19–42% (median: 37%, p < 0.001) and relative increase of 53–125% (median: 82%), and antibody titer to type 2 increasing by 2–32-fold (median: 10-fold). Early age of administration and shorter intervals between doses were associated with lower immunogenicity.DiscussionOverall, two fIPV doses are more immunogenic than a single full-dose, associated with significantly increased seroconversion rates and antibody titers. Two fIPV doses together use two-fifth of the vaccine compared to one full-dose IPV. In response to the current IPV shortage, a schedule of two fIPV doses at ages 6 and 14 weeks has been endorsed by technical oversight committees and has been introduced in some affected countries.  相似文献   

This literature review identifies the factors that influence the decision to introduce inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in developing countries as opposed to the policy of vaccine cessation. Attenuated viruses in the oral polio vaccine (OPV) can replicate, revert to neurovirulence and become transmissible circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPVs), preventing use of the vaccine in the post-eradication era. This literature review identifies (1) risks of complete cessation of vaccination, (2) barriers and (3) solutions for the introduction of IPV in developing countries. The reviewed literature favours to circumvent the so-called “OPV paradox” by global introduction of IPV.  相似文献   

GMP-batches of Sabin-IPV were characterized for their antigenic and immunogenic properties. Antigenic fingerprints of Sabin-IPV reveal that the D-antigen unit is not a fixed amount of antigen but depends on antibody and assay type. Instead of the D-antigen unit we propose standardization of IPV based on a combination of protein amount for dose and D-antigenicity for quality of the vaccine. Although Sabin-IPV type 2 is less immunogenic than regular wild type IPV type 2, the immunogenicity (virus neutralizing titers) per microgram antigen for Sabin-IPV type 2 is in the same order as for wild type serotypes 1 and 3. The latter observations are in line with data from human trials. This suggests that a higher dose of Sabin-IPV type 2 to compensate for the lower rat immunogenicity may not be necessary.  相似文献   

A hexavalent vaccine containing diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, whole cell pertussis, Haemophilius influenza type B, hepatitis B and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) may: (i) increase the efficiency of vaccination campaigns, (ii) reduce the number of injections thereby reducing needlestick injuries, and (iii) ensure better protection against pertussis as compared to vaccines containing acellular pertussis antigens. An approach to obtain a hexavalent vaccine might be reconstituting lyophilized polio vaccine (IPV-LYO) with liquid pentavalent vaccine just before intramuscular delivery. The potential limitations of this approach were investigated including thermostability of IPV as measured by D-antigen ELISA and rat potency, the compatibility of fluid and lyophilized IPV in combination with thimerosal and thimerosal containing hexavalent vaccine.The rat potency of polio type 3 in IPV-LYO was 2 to 3-fold lower than standardized on the D-antigen content, suggesting an alteration of the polio type 3 D-antigen particle by lyophilization. Type 1 and 2 had unaffected antigenicity/immunogenicity ratios. Alteration of type 3 D-antigen could be detected by showing reduced thermostability at 45 °C compared to type 3 in non-lyophilized liquid controls.Reconstituting IPV-LYO in the presence of thimerosal (TM) resulted in a fast temperature dependent loss of polio type 1-3 D-antigen. The presence of 0.005% TM reduced the D-antigen content by ∼20% (polio type 2/3) and ∼60% (polio type 1) in 6 h at 25 °C, which are WHO open vial policy conditions. At 37 °C, D-antigen was diminished even faster, suggesting that very fast, i.e., immediately after preparation, intramuscular delivery of the conceived hexavalent vaccine would not be a feasible option. Use of the TM-scavenger, l-cysteine, to bind TM (or mercury containing TM degradation products), resulted in a hexavalent vaccine mixture in which polio D-antigen was more stable.  相似文献   

Polio is on the brink of eradication. Improved inactivated polio vaccines (IPV) are needed towards complete eradication and for the use in the period thereafter. Vaccination via mucosal surfaces has important potential advantages over intramuscular injection using conventional needle and syringe, the currently used delivery method for IPV. One of them is the ability to induce both serum and mucosal immune responses: the latter may provide protection at the port of virus entry.The current study evaluated the possibilities of polio vaccination via mucosal surfaces using IPV based on attenuated Sabin strains. Mice received three immunizations with trivalent sIPV via intramuscular injection, or via the intranasal or sublingual route. The need of an adjuvant for the mucosal routes was investigated as well, by testing sIPV in combination with the mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin.Both intranasal and sublingual sIPV immunization induced systemic polio-specific serum IgG in mice that were functional as measured by poliovirus neutralization. Intranasal administration of sIPV plus adjuvant induced significant higher systemic poliovirus type 3 neutralizing antibody titers than sIPV delivered via the intramuscular route. Moreover, mucosal sIPV delivery elicited polio-specific IgA titers at different mucosal sites (IgA in saliva, fecal extracts and intestinal tissue) and IgA-producing B-cells in the spleen, where conventional intramuscular vaccination was unable to do so. However, it is likely that a mucosal adjuvant is required for sublingual vaccination. Further research on polio vaccination via sublingual mucosal route should include the search for safe and effective adjuvants, and the development of novel oral dosage forms that improve antigen uptake by oral mucosa, thereby increasing vaccine immunogenicity. This study indicates that both the intranasal and sublingual routes might be valuable approaches for use in routine vaccination or outbreak control in the period after complete OPV cessation and post-polio eradication.  相似文献   



The introduction of inactivated polio vaccines (IPV) is imminent. In view of the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013–2018, parental acceptance of IPV will be important for achieving universal coverage. In view of the imminent introduction of IPV, it is only reasonable to assess the awareness and acceptance of IPV, so that necessary socio-anthropological measures would be put in place. This study is aimed at determining the level of awareness and acceptance of IPV by parents.


A cross-sectional study involving 408 parents that brought their children for immunization. Structured-questionnaire was to collect data on the parent's demographic characteristics, awareness and acceptance of IPV. The independent factors that may affect parental acceptability of IPV were evaluated using linear regression analysis.


About 53% of the parents had no knowledge of vaccine content and 84.1% had not heard of IPV, and 40.2% were willing to accept IPV. However, with post-intervention (IPV) health education, the level of acceptance of IPV increased to 95.6% and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.0001). 35.3% expressed fear for IPV, and 61.8% cited fear for pain (61.8%). In the rating scale of 1 to 5, doctors (4.7), Nurses (4.0) and staff of the Ministry of Health (4.0) were rated high as reliable media to inform them about a new vaccine. The logistic regression revealed only educational level of mothers (p-value = 0.048) was the only significant factor associated with acceptability of IPV.


The parents’ knowledge on vaccine was poor, as well as IPV acceptability (pre health education). But the acceptability was improved with provision of extra information. Although most still preferred OPV, and with improvement in pain management, acceptability of IPV can be improved further. Clear policies and strategies should be immediately developed and implementation of pre-introduction awareness/sensitization on IPV should be commenced.  相似文献   

Poliovirus transmission is controlled globally through world-wide use of a live attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV). However, the imminence of global poliovirus eradication calls for a switch to the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Given the limited manufacturing capacity and high cost of IPV, this switch is unlikely in most developing and undeveloped countries. Adjuvantation is an effective strategy for antigen sparing. In this study, we evaluated the adjuvanticity of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) for an experimental IPV produced from Sabin strains of poliovirus. Our results showed that CpG-ODN, alone or in combination with alum, can significantly enhance both the humoral and cellular immune responses to IPV in mice, and, consequently, the antigen dose could be reduced substantially. Therefore, our study suggests that the global use of IPV could be facilitated by using CpG-ODN or other feasible adjuvants.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe World Health Organization recommends that, as part of the new polio endgame, a dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) be introduced by the end of 2015 in all countries using only oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). Administration of fractional dose (1/5th of full dose) IPV (fIPV) intradermally may reduce costs, but its administration is cumbersome with BCG needle and syringe. We evaluated performance of two newly developed intradermal-only jet injectors and compared the immune response induced by fIPV with that induced by full-dose IPV.MethodsChildren between 12 and 20 months of age, who had previously received two doses of OPV, were enrolled in Camaguey, Cuba. Subjects received a single dose of IPV (either full-dose IPV intramuscularly with needle and syringe or fIPV intradermally administered with one of two new injectors or with BCG needle or a conventional needle-free injector). Serum was tested for presence of poliovirus neutralizing antibodies on day 0 (pre-IPV) and on days 3, 7 and 21 (post-vaccination).ResultsComplete data were available from 74.2% (728/981) subjects. Baseline median antibody titers were 713, 284, and 113 for poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Seroprevalence at study end were similar across the intervention groups (≥94.8%). The immune response induced with one new injector was similar to BCG needle and to the conventional injector; and superior to the other new injector. fIPV induced significantly lower boosting response compared to full-dose IPV. No safety concerns were identified.InterpretationOne of the two new injectors demonstrated its ability to streamline intradermal fIPV administration, however, further investigations are needed to assess the potential contribution of fIPV in the polio endgame plan.  相似文献   

For global eradication of poliomyelitis, inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) needs to become available in all countries. Using fractional-doses (reduced-doses) may impact affordability and optimize the utilization of the production capacity. Intradermal administration has the potential to lower the dose without reducing immunogenicity. A needle-free jet injector may be a reliable way to administer vaccines intradermally. The primary objective of this randomized controlled trial was to compare the immunogenicity and tolerability of fractional-dose intradermal IPV (Netherlands Vaccine Institute, NVI) booster vaccination administered with a jet injector (PharmaJet) to full-dose and fractional-dose intramuscular vaccination with a needle and syringe. Immunogenicity was assessed by comparing the differences in the post-vaccination log2 geometric mean concentrations of neutralizing antibodies (GMC) between the study groups. A total of 125 Dutch adult volunteers with a well-documented vaccination history were randomized to one of four groups: full-dose intramuscular needle (IM-NS-0.5), full-dose intramuscular jet injector (IM-JI-0.5), 1/5th dose intramuscular needle (IM-NS-0.1), 1/5th dose intradermal jet injector (ID-JI-0.1). Vaccination with the JI was less painful (87% no pain) than vaccination with a NS (60% no pain), but caused more transient erythema (JI 85%, NS 24%) and swelling (JI 50%, NS 5%). Intradermal vaccination caused less vaccination site soreness (ID 16%, IM 52%). At baseline all subjects had seroprotective antibody concentrations. After 28 days, GMC were slightly lower in the ID-JI-0.1 group than in the reference group (IM-NS-0.5). The differences were not statistically significant, but the stringent non-inferiority criterion (i.e. a difference of 1 serum dilution in the microneutralization assay) was not met. After one year, differences in GMC were no longer apparent. In contrast, intramuscular vaccination with a fractional dose administered with a needle (IM-NS-0.1) was statistically inferior to full-dose intramuscular vaccination. This shows that intradermal but not intramuscular delivery of fractional-dose IPV may be sufficient for routine polio vaccination.  相似文献   

There are limited long-term data on seroprevalence of neutralising antibody (nAb) to the three poliovirus serotypes following the switch from oral polio vaccine (OPV) to inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). In Australia, combination vaccines containing IPV replaced OPV in late 2005. Using serum and plasma specimens collected during 2012 and 2013, we compared prevalence of nAb to poliovirus type 1 (PV1), type 2 (PV2) and type 3 (PV3) in birth cohorts with differing IPV and OPV eligibility from an Australian population-based sample. In the total sample of 1673 persons aged 12 months to 99 years, 85% had nAb against PV1, 83% PV2 and 67% PV3. In the cohort 12 to <18 years (eligible for 4 OPV doses, last dose 8–14 years prior), a significantly lower proportion had nAb than in the 7 to <12 year cohort (eligible for 3 OPV doses and an IPV booster, last dose 3–8 years prior) for all poliovirus types: [PV1: 87.1% vs. 95.9% (P = 0.01), PV2: 80.4% vs. 92.9% (P = 0.003) and PV3: 38.1% vs. 84.0% (P < 0.0001)]. These data suggest individual-level immunity may be better maintained when an OPV primary schedule is boosted by IPV, and support inclusion of an IPV booster in travel recommendations for young adults who previously received only OPV.  相似文献   

BackgroundA domestic Sabin strain-based inactivated poliovirus vaccine (Sabin IPV) was approved by China Food and Drug Administration in 2017 as a replacement for the Salk strain-based inactivated poliovirus vaccine (Salk IPV) that has been in use in China for over 10 years. The present post-marketing trial was implemented in China to assess the immunogenicity and safety of replacing the Salk IPV with the Sabin IPV in the last two immunizations of the standard three-dose schedule.MethodsWe conducted a randomized, controlled clinical trial with two groups that received three doses of IPVs at the age of 2, 3, and 4 months: the Salk-Sabin-Sabin group and the Salk-Salk-Salk group. Blood samples were collected before vaccination and 30–40 days after the third dose of vaccination. The seroconversion rates and antibody geometric mean titers (GMTs) were calculated and analyzed to evaluate immunogenicity. The safety of both immunization schedules was also monitored and analyzed.ResultsOf 360 recruited healthy infants, all three IPV doses were administered and blood collection was completed in 330 infants. All participants (100%) in both groups were seropositive for all three poliovirus types after the last vaccination. There were significant differences between the two groups (P < 0.001) in the GMTs for antibodies against poliovirus types 1 and 2, but no significant difference was observed for antibodies against type 3 (P = 0.009). A non-inferiority t-test showed that the post-immunization GMTs for all three types in the Salk-Sabin-Sabin group were not inferior to those in the Salk-Salk-Salk group (P < 0.001). Safety assessment indicated that there was no significant difference in the incidence of all adverse events between the two groups (P = 0.806).ConclusionsThe Salk-Sabin-Sabin IPV immunization schedule is not inferior to the Salk-Salk-Salk IPV schedule in terms of both immunogenicity and safety.Clinical trial number: NCT04051736.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) and Coxsackievirus A16 (CVA16) are the two major causative agents of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), which erupts in the Asia-Pacific regions. A bivalent vaccine against both EV71 and CVA16 is highly desirable. In the present study, on the bases that an experimental bivalent vaccine comprising of inactivated EV71 and CVA16 induces a balanced protective immunity against both EV71 and CVA16, we compare the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of one fourth of a full dose of an intradermal vaccine administered by needle-free liquid jet injector with a full dose of an intramuscular vaccine administered by needle-syringe in monkeys. The results suggest that intradermal injection of a fractional dose of an inactivated HFMD vaccine elicits similar immunogenicity and reactogenicity to intramuscular inoculation of a full dose of an Al(OH)3-adjuvanted vaccine, regardless of whether monovalent or bivalent vaccines were used. Our results support the use of an intradermal bivalent vaccine strategy for HFMD vaccination in order to satisfy the requirements and reduce the costs.  相似文献   

In June 2021, Thailand was hit by the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 resulting in the biggest wave of COVID-19. Due to the widespread delta variant, more than 600 healthcare workers had COVID-19 despite completion of two-dose CoronaVac. The Ministry of Public Health recommended that healthcare workers received a third dose of AZD1222 to increase level of protection against SARS-CoV-2. However, immune response after the AZD1222 booster in individuals who completed the two-dose CoronaVac vaccine are limited. In this study, sera from those who received a booster of AZD1222 in June-July 2021 were tested for SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding-domain (RBD) IgG, anti-RBD total immunoglobulins and anti-spike protein 1 (S1) IgA. The neutralizing activities in a subset of serum samples were tested against the wild type and variants of concern (B.1.1.7, B.1.617.2, and B.1.351) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based surrogate virus neutralization test. Participants who received the booster of AZD1222 possessed higher levels of spike RBD-specific IgG, total immunoglobulins, and anti-S1 IgA than the two-dose vaccinees (p < 0.001). They also elicited higher neutralizing activity against the wild type and all variants of concern than the recipients of the two-dose vaccines. This study demonstrated a high immunogenicity of the AZD1222 booster in individuals who completed the two-dose inactivated vaccines.  相似文献   

Poliovirus and rotavirus share notable similarities. Although rotavirus is not amenable to eradication because of animal reservoirs, live, attenuated oral vaccines have been the bedrock of both prevention and control programs, providing intestinal and humoral immunity. Both programs have also encountered safety concerns and suboptimal immune responses to oral vaccines in low-income settings that have been challenges, prompting the search for alternative solutions. In this paper, we review the progress made by polio prevention and eradication efforts over the past six decades. Specifically, we discuss the roles of the oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in achieving polio eradication, and explore potential application of these lessons to rotavirus. Recent scientific evidence has confirmed that a combined schedule of IPV and OPV adds synergistic value that may give the polio eradication effort the tools to end all poliovirus circulation worldwide. For rotavirus, oral vaccine is the only currently licensed and recommended vaccine for use in all children worldwide, providing heterologous protection against a broad range of strains. However, parenteral rotavirus vaccines are in the pre-clinical and clinical trial stage and insight from polio provides strong justification for accelerating the development of these vaccines. While challenges for parenteral rotavirus vaccines will need to be addressed, such as achieving protection against a broad range of strains, the principle of combined use of oral and parenteral rotavirus vaccines may provide the necessary humoral and intestinal immunity necessary to close the efficacy gaps between developing and developed countries, therefore controlling rotavirus worldwide. This strategy may also potentially reduce risk of intussusception.  相似文献   

BackgroundAfter global oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) cessation, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) currently recommends a two-dose schedule of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) beginning ≥14-weeks of age to achieve at least 90% immune response. We aimed to compare the immunogenicity of three different two-dose IPV schedules started before or at 14-weeks of age.MethodsWe conducted a randomized, controlled, open-label, inequality trial at two sites in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Healthy infants at 6-weeks of age were randomized into one of five arms to receive two-dose IPV schedules at different ages with and without OPV. The three IPV-only arms are presented: Arm C received IPV at 14-weeks and 9-months; Arm D received IPV at 6-weeks and 9-months; and Arm E received IPV at 6 and 14-weeks. The primary outcome was immune response defined as seroconversion from seronegative (<1:8) to seropositive (≥1:8) after vaccination, or a four-fold rise in antibody titers and median reciprocal antibody titers to all three poliovirus types measured at 10-months of age.FindingsOf the 987 children randomized to Arms C, D, and E, 936 were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. At 10-months, participants in Arm C (IPV at 14-weeks and 9-months) had ≥99% cumulative immune response to all three poliovirus types which was significantly higher than the 77–81% observed in Arm E (IPV at 6 and 14-weeks). Participants in Arm D (IPV at 6-weeks and 9-months) had cumulative immune responses of 98–99% which was significantly higher than that of Arm E (p value < 0.0001) but not different from Arm C.InterpretationResults support current SAGE recommendations for IPV following OPV cessation and provide evidence that the schedule of two full IPV doses could begin as early as 6-weeks.  相似文献   

We conducted the first systematic documentation of using oral polio vaccine (OPV) out of the cold chain during national immunization day (NID) campaigns in Mali. Using a crossover intervention design, vaccinators compared the transport of OPV in vaccine carriers with or without ice packs. Vaccine integrity was assured through monitoring vaccine vial monitor (VVM) status. Despite ambient temperatures up to 40 °C, none of the VVMs on any of the vials used (n = 956) reached their discard point. Over 90% of vaccinators and supervisors preferred conducting NIDs without ice packs. In addition, using OPV out of the cold chain reduced vaccine wastage resulting from melting ice packs causing labels to detach from the vial.  相似文献   



Refusal of the oral polio vaccine (OPV) is a difficulty faced by the Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI) in multiple endemic areas, including the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KPP), Pakistan. In 2007, we investigated community perceptions of the OPV and estimated the prevalence of OPV refusal in three districts in Swat Valley, KPP, a polio-endemic area.


Qualitative data concerning community perceptions were collected by focus group discussions among lady health workers (LHWs) and mothers with children <1 year old and by key informant interviews with local health managers and officials. Quantitative data collection followed using a questionnaire survey of 200 LHWs and a cluster sampling survey of 210 mothers (per district) with children <1 year old.


The qualitative assessments identified the grounded theory of OPV refusal involving facts known by the residents that are related to the OPV (too frequent OPV campaigns, an OPV boycott in northern Nigeria in 2003 and that birth control is viewed as is against Islam), the local interpretations of these facts (perceptions that OPV contained birth control or pork, that OPV was a foreign/central plot against Muslims, and that the vaccination was against the Hadith and the fate determined by God) and different manifestations of OPV refusal. Among the three districts studied, the proportion of LHWs who encountered OPV refusal ranged from 0 to 33%, whereas among the districts, the proportions of mothers unwilling to give OPV to their children ranged from 0.5 to 5.7%. Refusal of other injectable vaccines was almost equally prevalent for reasons that were very similar.


The PEI needs to reflect local value system in the path to polio eradication in the studied districts in the Swat Valley. The religious and cultural values as well as the interpretation of the international political situation are of particular importance.  相似文献   

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