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A method was developed for coupling carboxylic acid-containing oligosaccharides (OS) to proteins. An OS was isolated from Neisseria meningitidis group A strain A1 lipooligosaccharide (LOS). This LOS has no human glycolipid-like lacto-N-neotetraose structure and contains multiple immunotypes, including L8, found in group B and C strains. The carboxylic acid at 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid of the OS was linked through adipic acid dihydrazide to tetanus toxoid. The molar ratio of the OS to tetanus toxoid in three conjugates ranged from 11:1 to 19:1. The antigenicity of the OS was conserved in these conjugates, as measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an inhibition ELISA with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to A1 LOS. These conjugates induced immunoglobulin G antibodies to A1 LOS in mice and rabbits. The immunogenicity of the conjugates in rabbits was enhanced by use of monophosphoryl lipid A plus trehalose dimycolate as an adjuvant. The resulting rabbit antisera cross-reacted with most of 12 prototype LOSs and with LOSs from two group B disease strains, 44/76 and BB431, in an ELISA and in Western blotting (immunoblotting), which revealed a 3.6-kDa reactive band in these LOSs. The rabbit antisera showed bactericidal activity against homologous strain A1 and heterologous strains 44/76 and BB431. These results indicate that conjugates derived from A1 LOS can induce antibodies against many LOS immunotypes from different organism serogroups, including group B. OS-protein conjugates derived from meningococcal LOSs may therefore be candidate vaccines to prevent meningitis caused by meningococci.  相似文献   

The 12 types of meningococcal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (immunotypes) contain immunotype-specific and cross-reactive epitopes situated on the oligosaccharide part of the LPS molecules. To identify useful cross-reactive epitopes and to determine minimal oligosaccharide structures required for the induction of an immune response against the most prevalent immunotypes, L1, L2, and L3,7,9, synthetic as well as native LPS-derived oligosaccharides were conjugated with tetanus toxoid. L3,7,9 phosphoethanolamine (PEA) group-containing oligosaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugates evoked high immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody levels in rabbits which were detected by an L2-, L3,7,9-, and, depending on the antiserum, L1-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Inhibition studies revealed that an identical antibody population was detected by L1 and L3,7,9 ELISA, indicating a similar tertiary structure of the inner core oligosaccharide of these two immunotypes. These antibodies recognize PEA group-containing epitopes present on the L1 and L3,7,9 LPS. An L2 PEA group-containing oligosaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate elicited L2- and L3,7,9-specific IgG antibodies, but in contrast with the L3,7,9 conjugates, no L1-specific IgG antibodies were evoked. These results indicate that L1 and L2 LPS do not contain cross-reactive epitopes, whereas both L2 and L3,7,9 LPS and L1 and L3,7,9 LPS possess common determinants. Three linear oligosaccharides and one branched oligosaccharide, representing partial structures of the inner core oligosacchardes of meningococcal LPS, were synthesized. Only the branched synthetic oligosaccharide-containing conjugate was able to induce and L1- and L3,7,9-specific immune response, whereas the linear oligosaccharide-protein conjugates evoked L2-specific immune responses. The branched oligosaccharide (beta-D-Glcp(1----4)-[L-alpha-D-Hepp(1----3)]-L-alpha-D-Hepp ) is therefore considered a minimal structure required for the induction of an immune response against L1 and L3,7,9 LPS and part of a cross-reactive epitope between these two immunotypes. For L2-specific immune responses, oligosaccharide structures terminating in beta-D-Glcp(1----4), alpha-D-GlcNAcp(1----2), or L-alpha-D-Hepp(1----5) are needed. The results suggest that it is possible to prepare an oligosaccharide structure with the ability to evoke an immune response against L1, L2, and L3,7,9 LPS. A feasible structure for such a "hybrid" oligosaccharide is discussed.  相似文献   

Epidemic and endemic meningitis caused by group A Neisseria meningitidis remains a problem in sub-Saharan Africa. Although group A meningococcal capsular polysaccharide (GAMP) vaccine confers immunity at all ages, the improved immunogenicity of a conjugate and its compatibility with the World Health Organization's Extended Program on Immunization offers advantages over GAMP alone. Conjugates of GAMP bound to bovine serum albumin (BSA) were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for their immunogenicities in mice. Two methods, involving adipic acid dihydrazide (ADH) as a linker, were used. First, ADH was bound to GAMP activated with cyanogen bromide (CNBr) or with 1-cyano-4(dimethylamino)-pyridinium tetrafluoroborate (CDAP) to form GAMP(CNBr)AH and GAMP(CDAP)AH. These derivatives were bound to BSA by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) to form GAMP(CNBr)AH-BSA and GAMP(CDAP)AH-BSA. Second, ADH was bound to BSA with EDC to form AHBSA. AHBSA was bound to activated GAMP to form GAMP(CNBr)-AHBSA and GAMP(CDAP)-AHBSA. The yield of GAMP(CDAP)-AHBSA (35 to 40%) was higher than those of the other conjugates (5 to 20%). GAMP conjugates elicited immunoglobulin G (IgG) anti-GAMP in all mice after three injections of 2.5 or 5.0 microg of GAMP: the geometric mean (GM) was highest in recipients of GAMP(CDAP)-AHBSA (11.40 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay units). Although the difference was not statistically significant, the 5.0- microg dose elicited a higher GM IgG anti-GAMP than the 2.5- microg dose. Low levels of anti-GAMP were elicited by GAMP alone. GAMP(CDAP)-AHBSA elicited bactericidal activity roughly proportional to the level of IgG anti-GAMP.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterize the properties of nine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize meningococcal lipopolysaccharides (LPS). The following three specific MAbs that had not been described previously were elicited in BALB/c mice by using an immunotype L3,7,9 oligosaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate in combination with Quil A: 4D1-B3, 3A12-E1, and 4A8-B2. These MAbs reacted with L3,7,9 LPS on immunoblots and in the LPS enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and recognised strains containing L3, L3,7, L8 (except 3A12-E1), or L9 LPS in the whole-cell ELISA. The six other MAbs have been described in previous studies (K. Saukkonen, M. Leinonen, H. Abdillahi, and J.T. Poolman, Vaccine 7:325-328, 1989; R.J.P.M. Scholten, B. Kuipers, H.A. Valkenburg, J. Danjert, W.D. Zollinger, and J.T. Poolman, J. Med. Microbiol., in press) and were obtained after immunization with outer membrane protein complexes containing LPS: MN15A11, MN15A8-1, MN15A17-1, MN11A11G, MN14F20-11, and MN14F21-11. MN15A11 was specific for L3,7,9 LPS and displayed properties similar to those of 3A12-E1. MN15A17-1, MN14F20-1, and MN11A11G were cross-reactive, and MN14F21-11 was specific for the L1,8 immunotype. Epitope specificities of MAbs reacting with L3,7,(8),9 strains were analyzed. MAbs 4D1-B3, 3A12-E1, and 4A8-B2 recognized phosphoethanolamine group-containing oligosaccharide-specific epitopes. MN15A11 and MN15A17-1 were probably directed against a conformational epitope, although for MN5A11 recognition of an unknown L3,7,9-specific epitope in the 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid (KDO)-lipid A region cannot be excluded. MN15A8-1, a strongly cross-reactive MAb, recognized a determinant which included the KDO-lipid A region and the more terminal saccharides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Seven polymeric forms and conjugates of purified principal postsynaptic neurotoxins of Naja naja siamensis (NNS), Ophiophagus hannah (OH) and Bangarus fasciatus (BF) have been synthesized by controlled polymerization in which only 29-60% of the toxins were allowed to react. A carbodiimide (ECDI) and glutaraldehyde (GA) were used as coupling agents while BSA and tetanus toxoid (TT) were used as carriers. The antigenic mosaic of these immunogens was: NNS-ECDI, NNS-BF-OH-ECDI, NNS-BSA-ECDI, NNS-TT-ECDI, NNS-BF-OH-TT-ECDI, NNS-GA and NNS-BF-OH-GA. By using SDS-PAGE and radioactive toxin, each immunogen preparation was characterized in terms of molecular size and abundance of protein components, percent toxin reacted and toxin density. The relative immunogenicities of the immunogens along with those of NNS venom and pure NNS neurotoxin were evaluated in groups of eight rats. The levels of specific antibody against each of the neurotoxins were determined by ELISAs. Multiple comparisons between antibody responses to these immunogens were made. All the chemically modified immunogens were at least as immunogenic as NNS venom. NNS-TT-ECDI gave the highest antibody response (2.7-6.2-fold higher than that induced by NNS venom). All three multispecific immunogens induced comparable specific antibodies to BF, OH and NNS neurotoxins. The results showed that the presence of TT carrier and the relative degree of toxin density affected the immunogenicities. Some of the immunogens reported here should be useful for the production of potent, polyvalent antivenoms against elapid snakes.  相似文献   

A series of repeating unit oligomers $$\begin{gathered} \alpha - GlcUA \hfill \\ 1 \downarrow 3 \hfill \\ [ \to 4) - \beta - Man - (1 \to 4) - \alpha - Glc - (1 \to 3) - \beta - Glc - (1 \to ]_n , 1 \leqslant n \leqslant 7 , \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ was prepared by depolymerization ofKlebsiella pneumoniae B5055 (01∶K2) capsular polysaccharide (K2-PS) as catalyzed by a bacteriophage-associated glycanase. The monomeric repeating unit [tetrasaccharide, (TS)] and its di- and trimer [octa- and dodecasaccharide (OS and DS)] were conjugated to edestin via reductive aminophenylation and azo coupling at the reducing sugar end group. Rabbit anti-conjugate and anti-bacterial antibodies raised in rabbits were compared with respect to specificity and crossreactivity towards the oligomers of the various molecular sizes, towards parent PS, and towards whole bacteria. Antibodies able to bind specifically to the PS and the bacteria were elicited by all three conjugates. However, the anti-TS conjugate antibodies, in contrast to those obtained with OS and DS conjugate, proved to be practically unable to effect bacterial agglutination. Correspondingly, the TS played an exceptional role in binding to anti-bacterial antibodies. In contrast to the OS and DS it could not fully inhibit precipitation of these antibodies with the bacterial PS. Moreover, the inhibition of the binding of the PS to antibacterial antibodies produced by TS was about 50-fold weaker than that produced by OS, DS, and higher members of the series, all of which were about equally potent inhibitors (on a molar basis). The results show that two repeating units are the minimum requirement for a substantial representation of the PS's serologic specificity. The exceptional behavior of the TS correlates with its lack of theβ-Glc-(1–4)-Man linkage present in all higher members of the series.  相似文献   

There is still no general vaccine for prevention of disease caused by group-B meningococcal strains. Meningococcal lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) have received attention as potential vaccine candidates, but concerns regarding their safety have been raised. Peptide mimics of LPS epitopes may represent safe alternatives to immunization with LPS. The monoclonal antibody (MoAb) 9-2-L3,7,9 specific for Neisseria meningitidis LPS immunotype L3,7,9 is bactericidal and does not cross-react with human tissue. To explore the possibility of isolating peptide mimics of the epitope recognized by MoAb 9-2-L3,7,9, we have constructed two phage display libraries of six and nine random amino acids flanked by cysteines. Furthermore, we developed a system for the easy exchange of peptide-encoding sequences from the phage-display system to a hepatitis B core (HBc) expression system. Cyclic peptides that specifically bound MoAb 9-2-L3,7,9 at a site overlapping with the LPS-binding site were selected from both libraries. Three out of four tested peptides which reacted with MoAb 9-2-L3,7,9 were successfully presented as fusions to the immunodominant loop of HBc particles expressed in Escherichia coli. However, both peptide conjugates to keyhole limpet haemocyanin and HBc particle fusions failed to give an anti-LPS response in mice.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharide subunits fromKlebsiella pneumoniae B5055 capsular polysaccharide, covalently linked to protein carriers, the native polysaccharide, and killed whole bacteria, were compared with respect to their immunogenicity in mice and their capacity to protect mice against bacterial infection. The protection was studied (a) by active immunization and (b) by passive administration of antisera raised in rabbits using the different immunogens. The results were as follows: in the active protection experiments the octa- and dodecasaccharide conjugates were as effective as the polysaccharide in increasing the LD50 by a factor of 105 as compared to nonimmunized animals. Thus, these antigens were only slightly less effective than killed bacteria. In contrast the tetrasaccharide conjugate was at least 1000-fold less effective than all other antigens used. In the passive protection experiments these results were paralleled in that the antiserum against the tetrasaccharide conjugate also showed the lowest degree of protection, though, for methodical reasons, the differences in the LD50s were less pronounced.The drastically lower efficiency of the tetrasaccharide in comparison to its higher oligomers is in agreement with serological findings previously published (see first communication), which showed that two repeating units are the minimum requirement for a substantial representation of polysaccharide serological specificity.This publication is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. med. h.c. Otto Westphal on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

A high-molecular-weight, immunogenic form of the lipopolysaccharide O side chain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Fisher immunotype 4 (type 4, International Antigenic Typing System 1, Lanyi O:6) was isolated and characterized. Analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed the structural similarity of this high-molecular-weight polysaccharide and the type 4 O side chain. The polysaccharide was immunogenic in rabbits and mice, eliciting opsonophagocytic killing antibodies. Immunization with the polysaccharide produced significant protection against homologous challenge in both burned and granulocytopenic mice. Naturally acquired opsonic killing antibodies to type 4 polysaccharide were present in sera from unimmunized normal adults at levels comparable to postimmunization levels achieved after immunization with other type-specific polysaccharides. The specificity of the naturally occurring antibodies for the O side chain was documented by immunoblot analysis and inhibition studies. Naturally occurring polysaccharide-specific antibodies were comparable in their protective activity against live challenge in neutropenic animals to immunization-induced murine antibodies with similar specificity. These data suggest that naturally occurring serum antibody to P. aeruginosa type 4 lipopolysaccharide O side chains in most adults is not distinguishable in quantity or quality from immunization-induced antibodies in mice; evaluation of type 4-specific vaccines in humans may be complicated by this finding.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis group C polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugates have been prepared by using high-molecular-weight polysaccharide and purified tetanus toxoid and 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide as a coupling reagent. The influence of three conditions of preparation was studied. Biochemical assays, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and isopycnic CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation have been used to characterize the conjugates. The polysaccharide-to-protein ratios of the various conjugate preparations showed differences. The ability of the group C polysaccharide component to react with specific antibodies was reduced, whereas most of the tetanus toxoid seemed to be hidden by the polysaccharide. The composition of the conjugate was not homogeneous, and at least 10% of free polysaccharide was present. Thermostability in lyophilized condition in the presence of lactose was excellent.  相似文献   

A series of novel fluorine-containing aromatic homopolyazomethines and copolyazomethines were synthesized by solution polycondensation of perfluoroisopropylidene (perfluoropropane-2,2-diyl) group-containing aromatic diamines, 2,2-bis[4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl]-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (4,4′-[1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane-2,2-diylbis(1,4-phenyleneoxy)]dianiline ( 1a )) and 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (4,4′-(1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane-2,2-diyl)dianiline ( 1b )), and/or the corresponding analogous isopropylidene group-containing aromatic diamines, 2,2-bis[4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl]propane (4,4′-[isopropylidenebis(1,4-phenyleneoxy)]dianiline ( 1c )) and 2,2-bis(4-aminophenyl)propane (4,4′-isopropylidenedianiline ( 1d )), with terephthalaldehyde ( 2a ) and isophthaladehyde ( 2b ). The effect of fluorine substitution on the synthesis and properties of these polymers was investigated by comparison with those of the corresponding homopolyazomethines but without fluorine. Film-forming fluorine-containing polyazomethines with reduced viscosities up to ηred = 0,44 dL · g?1 were obtained in high yields by using m-cresol as reaction medium. Incorporation of perfluoroisopropylidene groups in the polyazomethine backbone greatly enhanced the solubility of the polymers in various organic solvents including chloroform and tetrahydrofuran. Their thermal stability was also successfully improved by the introduction of fluorine, and both the temperatures of 5% and 10% weight loss in air increased monotonically with the increase of the fluorine content. The surface properties of the films or the contact angles formed by water and diiodomethane were, however, scarcely affected by fluorine substitution. The mechanical properties of the films, such as tensile strength and initial modulus, fairly decreased by the modification.  相似文献   

The background for developing conjugate vaccines for shigellosis composed of the O-specific polysaccharide (O-SP) bound to a protein is described elsewhere (C. Y. Chu, R. Schneerson, and J. B. Robbins, submitted for publication). Briefly, there is direct evidence for type (lipopolysaccharide [LPS])-specific protection after infection with the wild type or with attenuated strains of shigellae. Prospective studies of Israeli armed forces recruits show a correlation between preexisting serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) LPS antibodies and resistance to shigellosis (D. Cohen, M. S. Green, C. Block, R. Slephon, and I. Ofek, J. Clin. Microbiol. 29:386-389, 1991). In order to elicit IgG LPS-specific antibodies to Shigella dysenteriae type 1, the O-SP of this pathogen was purified and bound to tetanus toxoid (TT) by three schemes. The most immunogenic used a modification of a published method (C. Y. Chu, R. Schneerson, J. B. Robbins, and S. C. Rastogi, Infect. Immun. 40:245-256, 1983). The resultant O-SP-TT conjugates were stable and elicited high levels of IgG O-SP antibodies and booster responses in young mice when injected subcutaneously in saline at 1/10 the proposed human dose. Adsorption onto alum or concurrent administration with monophosphoryl lipid A enhanced both the IgG and IgM antibody responses to the O-SP of the conjugate; both the nonadsorbed and adsorbed conjugates elicited higher rises of IgG than of IgM antibodies. Clinical evaluations of S. dysenteriae type 1 O-SP-TT conjugates are planned.  相似文献   

Methods were developed to label antibodies with copper-67, a potentially useful medical radioisotope, using the porphyrin chelating agent N-benzyl-5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl) porphine. The porphyrin was activated for coupling using either (1) 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide HCl and N-hydroxysuccinimide or (2) 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole. The coupling reactions were optimized as a function of activation time, coupling time, coupling pH, and reagent concentrations to achieve maximum coupling to IgG monomer. Sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to determine coupling yields. After purification by gel filtration, the antibody-porphyrin conjugates were labeled with copper-67 in aqueous solution. The coupling protocols were used to label antibodies from several species, demonstrating the general utility of these methods. Characterization of the conjugates indicated that the porphyrin label was attached randomly to the IgG molecule. Antigen binding capacities after conjugation were unaltered or slightly lowered as determined by a competitive ELISA.  相似文献   

Conjugate vaccines were prepared in an attempt to protect pigs against swine pleuropneumonia induced by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (SPAP). Two subunit conjugates were prepared by coupling the A. pleuropneumoniae 4074 serotype 1 capsular polysaccharide (CP) to the hemolysin protein (HP) and the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to the HP. Adipic acid dihydrazide was used as a spacer to facilitate the conjugation in a carbodiimide-mediated reaction. The CP and the LPS were found to be covalently coupled to the HP in the conjugates as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and detergent gel chromatography analyses. Following a booster vaccination, pigs exhibited significantly high (P less than 0.05) immunoglobulin G antibodies against CP, LPS, and HP. The anti-CP and anti-LPS immunoglobulin G antibodies were found to function as opsonins in the phagocytosis of A. pleuropneumoniae by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, whereas antibodies to the HP neutralized the cytotoxic effect of the HP on polymorphonuclear leukocytes. No killing of A. pleuropneumoniae was observed when the effects of the antibodies were tested in the presence of complement. Thus, polysaccharide-protein A. pleuropneumoniae conjugates elicit significant antibody responses against each component of each conjugate, which could be instrumental in protecting swine against SPAP.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide-protein conjugates as vaccines have proven to be very effective in preventing Haemophilus influenzae type b infections in industrialized countries. However, cost-effective technologies need to be developed for increasing the availability of anti-H. influenzae type b vaccines in countries from the developing world. Consequently, vaccine production with partially synthetic antigens is a desirable goal for many reasons. They may be rigidly controlled for purity and effectiveness while at the same time being cheap enough that they may be made universally available. We describe here the antigenicity and immunogenicity of several H. influenzae type b synthetic oligosaccharide-protein conjugates in laboratory animals. The serum of H. influenzae type b-immunized animals recognized our synthetic H. influenzae type b antigens to the same extent as the native bacterial capsular polysaccharide. Compared to the anti-H. influenzae type b vaccine employed, these synthetic versions induced similar antibody response patterns in terms of titer, specificity, and functional capacity. The further development of synthetic vaccines will meet urgent needs in the less prosperous parts of the world and remains our major goal.  相似文献   

Fluorescein thiocarbamyl-insulin conjugates were prepared, partly for the immunofluorescent technique, partly to study the labelling process. The quality of the raw materials and the characteristics of the FITC-insulin reaction were investigated. Labelling was carried out with a calculated amount of FITC. This technique enabled us to control the labelling process and to obtain conjugates with most favourable characteristics.  相似文献   

A method is suggested for the chemical characterization of fluorescein thiocarbamyl conjugates used for the demonstration of antibodies in patients treated with insulin of animal origin.In order to determine accurately the amount of dye bound to insulin, the photometric characteristics of fluorescein, fluorescein isothiocyanate and fluorescein thiocarbamyl radical were studied and equations were derived for the calculation of dye content, dye protein ratio and fading of the dye during labelling. Protein determination was also modified because of the effect of light absorption of the fluorescein thiocarbamyl radical on the estimation.The method can be applied to the chemical characterization of any conjugate with appropriate modification.  相似文献   

目的:通过大黄素-BSA包被膜片的免疫原性及特异性研究,探讨半抗原-载体包被膜片人工抗原制备法的可行性。方法:先将BSA包被于PVDF膜片,再与大黄素-偶联剂衍生物偶联,制备大黄素-BSA包被膜片,经膜片皮下包埋法免疫大鼠,用大黄素或大黄酚、大黄素甲醚包被CA膜片免疫分析法检测免疫原性和特异性。结果:大黄素-BSA包被膜片的免疫原性高于或等于液相抗原;其抗血清对三种蒽醌类化合物反应的特异性基本一致(P0.05)。结论:大黄素-BSA包被膜片抗原,具有良好免疫原性和特异性,提示用半抗原-载体包被膜片法制备人工抗原可行。  相似文献   

A high-molecular-weight polysaccharide (PS) was isolated from the culture supernatant of a Fisher immunotype 3 (IT-3) strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Consistent with previously reported findings for IT-1 and IT-2 PS, the preparation of IT-3 PS was found to be an immunogenic, nontoxic form of the O polysaccharide side chain on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The IT-3 PS was mainly carbohydrate in composition. It was serologically and chemically identical to LPS O side chain, but distinct from that structure in molecular size and immunogenicity. The IT-3 PS was nontoxic in mice and guinea pigs, nonpyrogenic in rabbits, and greater than 1,000-fold less reactive than IT-3 LPS in gelation of the Limulus amoebocyte lysate. Preliminary analyses by gas-liquid chromatography and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance have established the structural identity of IT-3 high-molecular-weight PS and the IT-3 O side chain. IT-3 PS was immunogenic in rabbits and mice. After active immunization, mice were protected against P. aeruginosa IT-3 intraperitoneal infection and burn wound sepsis. IT-3 PS also elicited protection against challenge with an IT-5 strain of P. aeruginosa, indicating that low-level contamination of the IT-3 PS with IT-3 LPS was not responsible for the immunogenic activity. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of preparing nontoxic immunogenic IT-3 PS capable of eliciting serotype-specific protective antibodies, employing methods similar to those previously described for the isolation of PS from other P. aeruginosa immunotypes.  相似文献   

A meningococcal vaccine containing group A and C polysaccharides conjugated to CRM197 was evaluated in 50 adults. Vaccinees were entered into one of five groups: 30 adults received a single dose of either 22, 11, or 5.5 micrograms of the conjugated A-C vaccine; 10 received an approved meningococcal vaccine; and 10 received saline injections. Local and systemic reactions to vaccines were recorded, and immune responses were determined. The experimental meningococcal vaccine was well tolerated, with the most frequent reaction being pain at the injection site. Both A and C polysaccharide components of the experimental vaccine were highly immunogenic, and total antibody concentrations 1 month postvaccination were not significantly different from the mean antibody concentrations among adults given the approved meningococcal vaccine. In addition, significant rises in immunoglobulin G, A, and M antibodies to both A and C polysaccharides occurred. Antibody concentrations measured at 6 and 12 months postvaccination had declined but remained significantly higher than prevaccination concentrations. Postvaccination meningococcal group C functional antibody activity increased more than 600-fold for both the polysaccharide and the conjugate vaccines. Further studies of this conjugated meningococcal vaccine are indicated for young children and infants.  相似文献   

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