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OBJECTIVE: This paper describes the evaluation of a health promoting schools intervention carried out in the south western region of Sydney, Australia. The evaluation sought to assess the project's impact on structures to support the health promoting school concept and changes in health-related policies and practices within 22 local schools. METHODS: A randomised controlled study was employed. Intervention schools were offered seminars and training in the health promoting schools concept, encouraged to use a resource kit to help them establish their school as health promoting and invited to participate in a support network. Pre- and post measures of awareness, school structures and policies and practices to support the development of a health promoting school were taken and intervention and control schools compared. RESULTS: There was an increased level of awareness of the health promoting school concept among intervention schools. However, there were no significant changes in health-related policies and practices at the school level, among both intervention and control schools. CONCLUSIONS: A longer time frame and more structured support are required to influence school structures to support the development of a health promoting school. IMPLICATIONS: To facilitate organisational change in schools, health promoting school interventions need to provide structured support for schools and recognise that change takes time. A committee to initiate action, a plan to guide work and school support are likely to facilitate the adoption of the health promoting schools approach. Further work to refine the measurement of school-based action and its outcome and the development of indicators for a health promoting school is needed.  相似文献   

Schools that want to implement health promotion (HP) are often confronted with obstacles that they cannot overcome by themselves and therefore need support from their environment. However, the issue of which kind of support is needed for HP implementation is complex. A systems approach suggests that the individual logic of each school be considered and that supporting strategies be flexible to specific needs. This article pursues the question which types of support for health promoting schools are offered on a provincial level in Austria. Using a grounded theory approach, 18 in-depth interviews with representatives of provincial organizations and 26 documents relevant for school HP were analysed. As a result, five different strategies of supporting health promoting schools have been identified in Austria: (i) organize exchange among schools, (ii) establish certification and quality control of school health efforts, (iii) offer consultation and information, (iv) carry out a specific HP programme and (v) coordinate HP actors and information. These strategies are usually combined and rarely occur in their pure form. It was also determined that the coordination of the different strategies and human resources for HP are missing for schools in Austria. It is argued that each of these supporting strategies has benefits and limitations for schools and the providers, and that they all have the potential to respond to the school as a complex social system.  相似文献   

Anecdotally there appeared to be a relationship between OFSTED inspections and mental health morbidity. This study was set up to examine this relationship in one metropolitan local authority. Inspected schools were matched with schools from the same local authority that were not inspected. The rate of sickness absence per 100 whole time equivalent staff in inspected schools was 5.4 as compared with 2.1 in matched schools. The relative risk of a spell of sickness absence due to mental ill-health in an inspected versus an uninspected school was 2.52 (95% confidence interval = 1.19-5.31). The study indicates that there may be a relationship between the OFSTED inspection process and mental health morbidity. Some recommendations are made.  相似文献   

In recent decades, school health promotion programs have been developing into whole-school health approaches. This has been accompanied by a greater understanding among health promoters of the core-business of schools, namely education, and how health promotion objectives can be integrated into this task. Evidence of the positive impact of school health promotion on health risk behavior of students is increasing. This article focuses on the processes and initial results of developing a collaborative model tailored for whole-school health in the Netherlands, named schoolBeat. The Dutch situation is characterized by fragmentation, a variety of health and welfare groups supporting schools, and a lack of sound integrated youth policies. A literature review, observations, and stakeholder consultation provided a clear picture of the current situation in school health promotion, and factors limiting a comprehensive and needs-based approach to school health. This revealed that a health promotion team within a school is fundamental to an effective approach to tailored school health promotion. A respected member of school staff should chair this team. To strengthen the link with the school care team, the school care coordinator should be a member of both teams. To provide coordinated support to all schools in a region, participating organizations decided to share advisory tasks. These tasks are included in the regular health promotion work of their staff. This means working with one advisor representing all school-health organizations per school, and using a comprehensive overview of possible support and projects promoting health. Empowering schools in needs assessments and comprehensive school health promotion is an important element of the developed approach. This article concludes with an examination of emerging issues in evaluating collaborative school health support during the first 18 months of development, and implementation and future perspectives regarding sustainable collaboration and quality improvement.  相似文献   

South African schools were segregated by years of discriminatory practice. Apartheid policies adversely affected the health and social status of children in South Africa. The conceptual framework suggested by the health promoting schools movement was adopted in South Africa to address school health comprehensively. This approach provides a useful framework because it focuses not on the curriculum but on the school environment, community involvement, policy development, and appropriate health and social services. Currently, several initiatives in South Africa focus on developing networks of health promoting schools. Initiatives seen as a mechanism to address the historical inequities among children in South Africa are described.  相似文献   

Schools are identified as a key setting for health promotion in the UK Government's consultation report on the public health strategy for England. The concept of the 'healthy' or 'health promoting school' provides the basis for a broad settings approach to health promotion in schools. The approach extends beyond the formal health education curriculum to include a consideration of the physical and social environment of schools and their links and partnerships with parents and the wider community, in pursuit of better health. There is growing evidence that the health promoting school approach is effective in influencing outcomes related to health and education. Initiatives in the form of projects and schemes are commonly used by Health Promotion Specialist services and health partnerships, to stimulate and support the adoption of the approach by schools. A national healthy school scheme is to be launched alongside these local initiatives in 1999. The paper reviews research and practice in this area and makes recommendations to inform the future development of schools as health promoting organizations.  相似文献   

Achieving system-wide implementation of health promotion programs in schools and sustaining both the program and its health related benefits have proved challenging. This paper reports on a qualitative study examining the implementation of health promoting schools programs in primary schools in Sydney, Australia. It draw upon insights from systems science to examine the relevance and usefulness of the concept of “complex adaptive systems” as a framework to better understand ways in which health promoting school interventions could be introduced and sustained. The primary data for the study were collected by semi-structured interviews with 26 school principals and teachers. Additional information was extracted from publicly available school management plans and annual reports. We examined the data from these sources to determine whether schools exhibit characteristics of complex adaptive systems. The results confirmed that schools do exhibit most, but not all of the characteristics of social complex adaptive systems, and exhibit significant differences with artificial and natural systems. Understanding schools as social complex adaptive systems may help to explain some of the challenges of introducing and sustaining change in schools. These insights may, in turn, lead us to adopt more sophisticated approaches to the diffusion of new programs in school systems that account for the diverse, complex and context specific nature of individual school systems.  相似文献   

School health programs have been part of schooling for most of this century. The health promoting school is a recently developed concept which seeks to provide a multifaceted approach to school health. Will it provide a better frame-work to assist schools address the health issues of their students? This paper examines the development of the health promoting school and identifies its structural components. It reviews the claims and evidence which have emerged from the school health research literature which focus on primary schools. Findings indicate health gains for primary school students are difficult to assess, and will most likely occur if a well-designed program is implemented which links the curriculum with other health promoting school actions, contains substantial professional development for teachers and is underpinned by a theoretical model. The paper concludes by discussing how improvements can be made in more accurately assessing the effectiveness of the health promoting primary school in improving school health.  相似文献   

The concept of 'health promoting schools' has been embraced internationally as an effective way of promoting the health of children, adolescents, and the wider school community. It is only recently that attempts have been made to evaluate health promoting schools. This paper reviews evaluations of health promoting schools and draws useful evaluation methodology lessons. The review is confined to school-based interventions that are founded explicitly on the concept of the health promoting school and employ the concept beyond one school domain. We included nine evaluations in this review. Seven of these were published in the peer reviewed scientific literature. Two were unpublished reports. One study was a randomized controlled trial, while a quasi-experimental research design with comparison schools was used in three studies. With three exceptions, combinations of quantitative and qualitative data were collected. There was evidence that the health promoting school has some influence on various domains of health for the school community. It is also possible to integrate health promotion into the school curriculum and policies successfully. However, the evaluation of health promoting schools is complex. We discuss some of the methodological challenges of evaluating health promoting schools and make suggestions for improving future evaluations.  相似文献   

The concept of student participation is currently a popular notion in health promoting schools as well as in general education. However, phrases such as 'involvement', 'participation', 'co-determination' and 'influence' are frequently used without careful definition. In this article two models, developed in the context of health promoting schools in two different cultures, are presented and discussed. The first model makes a fundamental distinction between token and genuine participation. Token participation in health promotion is characterised by focusing on prescribed knowledge, closed and convergent outcomes and targeting individuals isolated from the surrounding environment. In contrast, genuine participation stresses students' own construction of knowledge, open and divergent outcomes and targeting individuals in their context. Genuine participation is in accordance with a democratic health promoting school aiming at students' empowerment and action competence. The second model clarifies a number of different categories of students' participation in health promotion. The different categories illustrate how the teacher in various ways can play an active role in participatory approaches as a responsible professional. The more the students are involved in health projects, the more important it will be for the teacher to provide support, insight and knowledge to facilitate the learning processes. Furthermore, the different participation categories have to be related to a number of decisions which are normally included in a school health project. The model illustrates that participation should always be viewed in relation to the context and that it makes no sense to establish a single ideal way of working with participation in a health promoting school. The theoretical models are illuminated by concrete examples from health promoting schools. The overall conclusion is that participation is a complex term and rather than providing definitive answers, the models can be used as a framework for discussion among all stakeholders in planning, implementation, evaluation and managing projects involving student participation. Finally, specific implications and challenges for future health promoting schools are outlined. These are as follows: a participatory approach does not imply that health content should be regarded as vague or superfluous; teachers need flexible educational models and resources to manage participatory projects in health promoting schools; schools have to be acknowledged as cultural systems with firmly rooted rules and routines that are often difficult to change; a participatory approach has to influence all aspects of a democratic health promoting school rather than solely the teaching strategies.  相似文献   

This critical commentary examines the differences between health promoting schools as a settings approach and health promotion in schools. The ideological and epistemological positions that these ways of working with or in schools represent have significant consequences in debates about implementation, evaluation, the nature of evidence and the criteria for success. This examination challenges some of the underlying thinking about health promoting schools demonstrated in statements in the Booth and Okely paper.  相似文献   

Health literacy is a concept that can be widely embraced by schools. Schools throughout the world contribute to the achievement of public health goals in conjunction with their educational commitments. In this paper, the interface between a school's core business of education and public health goals is identified, and examples provided in the area of nutrition demonstrating how these links can operate at school level. The structure and function of the health promoting school is described and the author proposes that there is a very close connection between the health promoting school and the enabling factors necessary in achieving health literacy. Major findings in the literature that provide evidence of good practices in school health education and promotion initiatives are described. Also, those factors that make schools effective and which facilitate learning for students are identified. There is a substantial overlap between the successful components of a health promoting school and effective schools. This enables schools to potentially achieve all three levels of health literacy, including level 3-critical health literacy. However, there are three challenges that must be addressed to enable schools to achieve this level: the traditional structure and function of schools, teachers practices and skills, and time and resources. Strategies are proposed to address all three areas and to reduce the impediments to achieving the goals of health literacy and public health using the school as a setting.  相似文献   

In 2007, the World Health Organization, together with UnitedNations and international organization as well as experts, metto draw upon existing evidence and practical experience fromregions, countries and individual schools in promoting healththrough schools. The goal of the meeting was to identify currentand emerging global factors affecting schools, and to help themrespond more effectively to health, education and developmentopportunities. At the meeting, a Statement was developed describingeffective approaches and strategies that can be adopted by schoolsto promote health, education and development. Five key challengeswere identified. These described the need to continue buildingevidence and capturing practical experience in school health;the importance of improving implementation processes to ensureoptimal transfer of evidence into practice; the need to alleviatingsocial and economic disadvantage in access to and successfulcompletion of school education; the opportunity to harness mediainfluences for positive benefit, and the continuing challengeto improve partnerships among different sectors and organizations.The participants also identified a range of actions needed torespond to these challenges, highlighting the need for actionby local school communities, governments and international organizationsto invest in quality education, and to increase participationof children and young people in school education. This paperdescribes the rationale for and process of the meeting and thedevelopment of the Statement and outlines some of the most immediateefforts made to implement the actions identified in the Statement.It also suggests further joint actions required for the implementationof the Statement.  相似文献   

目的 探索实施学校循证心理健康服务的促进与阻碍因素,为推动中国学校循证心理健康服务发展提供实践经验。方法 在为河南省10所小学提供循证心理健康服务后,对4名教育局领导、8名学校管理者、7名任课教师、7名服务实施者进行半结构式访谈。采用主题分析法对访谈资料进行类属分析。结果 实施学校循证心理健康服务面临着宏观层面、学校层面、个体层面多重因素的影响。共提炼出8个促进因素和9个阻碍因素,其中教师职称评价体系“排斥”心理健康服务、服务与学校教学存在时间冲突、心理健康服务污名化、感知到的服务效果与期望不匹配等因素的影响尤为突出。结论 循证心理健康服务在中国学校实施是可行的,实施过程中需要充分考虑宏观、学校、个人多层面的因素,推动中国的循证心理健康服务从理论和数据走向实践。  相似文献   

The health promoting school has emerged as a comprehensive framework to enhance the health status and health potential of school students. It requires teachers to be proactive in a number of areas beyond the formal curriculum. The success of health promoting schools will depend largely on what teachers know about its building blocks and the likelihood that they will be adopted. A number of teachers were interviewed and surveyed in a sequential study to ascertain their understanding of what constitutes a health promoting school. The findings indicate that teachers think mainly about school health in terms of the curriculum; have little understanding of how community partnerships might work; are very supportive of the concept; and have limited preservice and inservice training in health issues. It is argued that the growth of health promoting schools will be dependent on comprehensive professional development programmes; the production of resources which link teachers' perceived core business - teaching the mandated curriculum - to the building blocks of the health promoting school; closer collaboration between the health and education sectors; and a recognition by the community that schools cannot easily address (and solve) society's health concerns.Keywords: health promoting school; school health; teachers understandings   相似文献   

目的:了解缙云县农村学校开展健康教育和健康促进活动的效果,为更好地开展农村学校健康教育和健康促进活动提供科学的依据。方法:按照整群随机抽样的方法,分别抽取大源镇中学初中生6个班256名学生,大源镇小学12个班482名学生作为调查对象,采用自行设计的问卷在干预前后进行调查。结果:中学生干预前为45.8%,干预后为71.4%,干预前后差别有统计学意义;小学生干预前为41.8%,干预后为65.7%;干预前后差别有统计学意义;不同年级学生干预前后差别有统计学意义。结论:学校健康教育和健康促进活动成效显著,高年级学生效果更显著,但健康相关知识知晓率总体偏低,今后必须要加强偏远山区学校的健康教育工作。  相似文献   

Schools provide an important setting for promoting health, as they reach over 1 billion children worldwide and, through them, the school staff, families and the community as a whole. Health promotion messages can be reinforced throughout the most influential stages of children's lives, enabling them to develop lifelong sustainable attitudes and skills. Poor oral health can have a detrimental effect on children's quality of life, their performance at school and their success in later life. This paper examines the global need for promoting oral health through schools. The WHO Global School Health Initiative and the potential for setting up oral health programmes in schools using the health-promoting school framework are discussed. The challenges faced in promoting oral health in schools in both developed and developing countries are highlighted. The importance of using a validated framework and appropriate methodologies for the evaluation of school oral health projects is emphasized.  相似文献   

PROBLEM/CONDITION: School health education (e.g., classroom instruction) is an essential component of school health programs; such education promotes the health of youth and improves overall public health. REPORTING PERIOD: February-May 1998. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The School Health Education Profiles monitor characteristics of health education in middle or junior high schools and senior high schools in the United States. The Profiles are school-based surveys conducted by state and local education agencies. This report summarizes results from 36 state surveys and 10 local surveys conducted among representative samples of school principals and lead health education teachers. The lead health education teacher coordinates health education policies and programs within a middle/junior high school or senior high school. RESULTS: During the study period, most schools in states and cities that conducted Profiles required health education in grades 6-12. Of these, a median of 91.0% of schools in states and 86.2% of schools in cities taught a separate health education course. The median percentage of schools in each state and city that tried to increase student knowledge in selected topics (i.e., prevention of tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, violence, or suicide; dietary behaviors and nutrition; and physical activity and fitness) was >73% for each of these topics. The median percentage of schools with a health education teacher who coordinated health education was 38.7% across states and 37.6% across cities. A median of 41.8% of schools across states and a median of 31.0% of schools across cities had a lead health education teacher with professional preparation in health and physical education, whereas a median of 6.0% of schools across states and a median of 5.5% of schools across cities had a lead health education teacher with professional preparation in health education only. A median of 19.3% of schools across states and 21.2% of schools across cities had a school health advisory council. The median percentage of schools with a written school or school district policy on HIV-infected students or school staff members was 69.7% across states and 84.4% across cities. INTERPRETATION: Many middle/junior high schools and senior high schools require health education to help provide students with knowledge and skills needed for adoption of a healthy lifestyle. However, these schools might not be covering all important topic areas or skills sufficiently. The number of lead health education teachers who are academically prepared in health education and the number of schools with school health advisory councils needs to increase. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: The Profiles data are used by state and local education officials to improve school health education.  相似文献   

This study investigated health promotion efforts at international schools serving the education needs of expatriate communities abroad. Factors supporting the implementation of whole-school approaches to health promotion also were examined. Self-completed questionnaires were distributed by a combination of electronic and conventional mail. International school staff in 93 countries (n = 205) completed an adapted version of an instrument used for evaluating the Western Australian School Health Project (WASHP). This survey demonstrated usefulness of the WASHP instrument cross-culturally in a variety of school settings. The level of whole-school approaches to health promotion in the participating international schools varied but tended to be low. Demographic characteristics of schools were not associated with differences in the level of health promotion, with the exception school size. School organizational factors support implementation of health promotion programs.  相似文献   



This article investigates the associations between different approaches to the implementation of health promotion and existing structures that facilitate long-term implementation.

Subject and Methods

The data was collected in a survey amongst heads of Austrian secondary schools. For analyses, four groups of schools were differentiated: (1) schools that implement health promotion voluntarily with the help of specialised organisations, (2) schools that implement health promotion as part of their obligatory school development programme, (3) schools that use a combined approach, and (4) for comparison schools that use neither of these strategies. The groups are compared according to a number of indicators for a supportive HP programme.


The first three groups show more desirable characteristics in regards to aspects that facilitate the implementation of health promotion (e.g. high teacher support) than the comparison group. The best conditions are found in schools that use a combined approach. Hardly any differences are observed between the groups on the level of the outcomes of health promotion activities.


The findings are discussed in the context of change management and the differences between programmed and participatory strategies of implementation. Some of the presented differences can be explained via this approach and hold valuable conclusions for policy makers and practitioners.

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