A 29-year-old man with end-stage renal failure secondary toautosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease underwent preemptivecadaveric renal transplantation from a 21-year-old male donor.His past medical history was unremarkable, except for mild hypertensioncontrolled with a combination of atenolol and nifedipine, butwith no history of diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infectionor analgesic abuse. Cold ischaemia time was 14 h and re-warmtime was 58 min. The renal graft had two arteries which wereeach sewn to the external iliac artery in a end-to-side fashion.The surgical procedure was complicated by an 800 ml haemorrhagewith transient systemic haemodynamic collapse, immediately afterarterial declampage, due  相似文献   

Renal cortical and renal medullary necrosis in the first 3 months of life     
Gary R. Lerner  Ruben Kurnetz  Jay Bernstein  Chung-Ho Chang  Larry E. Fleischmann  Alan B. Gruskin 《Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)》1992,6(6):516-518
Renal cortical necrosis, renal medullary necrosis, and combined renal cortical-medullary necrosis result from renal ischemia without vascular occlusion. Renal hypoperfusion and ischemic injury in infants have been ascribed to massive blood loss, hemolytic disease, septicemia, and severe hypoxemia. In a postmortem study we identified 82 cases among 1,638 autopsies during the 20 years between 1970 and 1989 in infants 3 months old or less at the time of death. The frequency of renal necrosis in autopsy cases increased significantly during the last 6 years of the study. The distribution of the renal lesion was cortical in 28, medullary in 23, and combined in 31. Forty infants carried diagnoses of congenital heart disease, 17 of asphysial shock, 9 of sepsis, 3 of infectious myocarditis, 9 of major malformations, 4 of anemic shock, 1 of vascular malformation, and 1 of gastroenteritis and dehydration. A significantly higher proportion of babies with congenital heart disease had cortical involvement. Comparison of clinical characteristics revealed a significantly higher frequency of prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, bleeding diathesis, and possibly sepsis in the children with congenital heart disease, suggesting that these factors are important in the pathogenesis of the renal lesion. Fourteen infants underwent cardiac catheterization; there was no demonstrable association between the renal lesions and the use of radiographic contrast medium. We conclude that severe congenital heart disease itself is a risk factor for life-threatening renal cortical and medullary necrosis.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure following poisonous snakebite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K S Chugh  Y Pal  R N Chakravarty  B N Datta  R Mehta  V Sakhuja  A K Mandal  S C Sommers 《American journal of kidney diseases》1984,4(1):30-38
This study describes acute renal failure (ARF) following snakebite in humans and the effects of viperide venoms on the renal structure and function in subhuman primates. ARF developed in 45 of 157 patients with a history of snakebite admitted to the hospitals of the Postgraduate Medical Institute, Chandigarh, India. They were studied clinically, hematologically, and in 35 cases, for renal histopathology. All 45 were treated with antibiotics, and 8 received anti-snake venom. Ten cases had bilateral renal cortical necrosis (BRCN), eight of whom died; less severe acute tubular lesions (ATL) occurred in 23 patients, four of whom died (P less than .001). Sepsis was significantly more common with BRCN than ATL (P less than .05). No statistical difference was found between these groups in bleeding incidence, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), hemolysis, or hypotension. Monkeys given lethal doses of viperide venom developed hypotensive shock, DIC, and hemolysis, with significantly reduced serum complement, and died within 24 hours. However, no renal functional changes or lesions were found. Monkeys given sublethal doses of viperide venom showed a significant increase in serum creatinine levels after 48 hours, and renal lesions were observed in a majority of animals. In conclusion, ARF in snakebite victims appears to be multifactorial in origin. Although hypotension, hemolysis, and DIC are likely to be important pathogenetic factors, a direct cytotoxic effect of the venom on the kidney in producing ARF cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

《Renal failure》2013,35(5):653-655
Despite its frequent use in industry, acute poisoning by chromic acid has very rarely been reported. We report a patient who developed massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage, acute renal failure, and hepatic injury following chromic acid ingestion, and subsequently died. Postmortem liver and kidney biopsies revealed centrilobular necrosis and severe acute tubular necrosis, respectively.  相似文献   

Secondary hyperparathyroidism and acute tubular necrosis following renal transplantation   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Traindl  O.; Langle  F.; Reading  S.; Franz  M.; Watschinger  B.; Klauser  R.; Woloszczuk  W.; Kovarik  J. 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》1993,8(2):173-176
In the present study we investigated the relationship betweensecondary hyperparathyroidism in renal graft recipients andpost-transplantation acute tubular necrosis (ATN). Patientswere divided into two groups according to graft function: groupA consisted of 28 patients who had an uneventful postoperativeperiod and did not require haemodialysis. Group B comprised26 patients with primary non-function of the graft due to biopsy-provenATN who required continued haemodialysis for the first postoperativeweek or longer (mean 14.2 ±8.7 days). Both groups hadcomparable donor characteristics, HLA-matching and ischaemiatimes. All patients were given cyclospo-rin and low-dose prednisolonefor immunosuppression. Pretransplant levels of intact PTH weresignificantly greater in group B than in group A (203.5 ±193.1pg/ml versus 81.7±45.2 pg/ml, P<0.01). Group B patientshad more transplant biopsies (50 versus 7) and a longer hospitalizationtime (33.4 ± 10.9 days versus 21.9 ± 11.9 days,P<0.01), although serum creatinine on the day of dischargewas higher in group B (1.77 ± 0.51 mg/dl versus 1.5±0.45mg/dl, P<0.05). We conclude that patients with secondaryhyperparathyroidism as assessed by measuring circulating levelsof intact PTH have an increased incidence of ATN.  相似文献   

Acute Renal Failure in Pregnancy in a Developing Country: Twenty Years of Experience     
Jai Prakash  Hemant Kumar  D.K. Sinha  P.G. Kedalaya  L.K. Pandey  P.K. Srivastava 《Renal failure》2013,35(4):309-313
Acute renal failure (ARF) has become a rare complication of pregnancy in developed countries. The aim of this study was to describe changing trends in pregnancy-related acute renal failure (PR-ARF) in two successive periods; 1982–1991 and 1992–2002. From July1982 to December 2002, 190 cases of PR-ARF were observed in Eastern India (11.6% of total number of ARF needing dialysis). Obstetrical complications were causative factors for ARF in 15% (65/426) and 10% (125/1201) of patients in the two periods, respectively. The incidence of PR-ARF fell from 15% in 1982–1991 to 10% in 1992–2002, with respect to the total number of acute renal failure cases. Post-abortal ARF showed a declining trend, 9% in the 1980s to 7% in the 2000s, of the total number of ARF cases. Preeclampsia-eclampsia was the cause of obstetrical ARF in 23% (1982–1991) and 14.4% (1992–2002) of cases in these two periods. The percentage of total ARF due to eclampsia declined from 3.5% during the period 1982–1991 to 1.4% in 1992–2002. Puerperal sepsis contributed to 0.8% of total ARF in recent years, compared to 2.4% in the earlier period. The incidence of cortical necrosis decreased significantly (p < 0.001) from 17% in 1982–1991 to 2.4% in the 2000s. The maternal mortality reduced to 6.4% in 1992–2002 from initial high mortality of 20% in the period of 1982–1991. Conclusion. PR-ARF which remained high in the initial period has decreased in recent years. This is associated with a declining trend in post‐abortal ARF and a reduction in maternal mortality as well. We noted a significant decrease (p < 0.001) in the incidence of cortical necrosis in PR-ARF. The reasons for this favorable outcome in obstetrical ARF seem to be due to improved medical care, decrease in the number of septic abortions, effective care of obstetrical complications, and legalization of abortion.  相似文献   

  Nephrologists commonly see acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in thepost-operative setting. We report a case of ATN complicatinglumbar laminectomy surgery, which is unique because the aetiologyof the ATN was later discovered when the patient presented withhigh-output congestive heart failure. An arteriovenous fistulabetween the iliac artery and iliac vein explained both the patient’sacute presentation and subsequent high output heart failure.   A 36-year-old previously healthy female underwent elective lumbarlaminectomy at an outside hospital for a documented disc herniationat the L4–L5 vertebral level sustained at work. The patienthad no significant past medical history and was taking onlyan oral contraceptive. Her social and family histories wereunremarkable. The patient had a stormy post-operative course, which was markedinitially by persistent tachycardia and nausea. A pulmonary  相似文献   

Acute renal cortical necrosis due to acquired antiprotein S antibodies     
Larakeb AS  Evrard S  Louillet F  Kwon T  Djaffar H  Llanas B  Deschênes G  Hurtaud-Roux MF  Baudouin V 《Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)》2009,24(1):207-209
Although varicella is a common disease of childhood, renal complications are quite rare. We report here the interesting case of a-22 month-old boy exhibiting renal cortical necrosis related to an acquired protein S deficiency following varicella. Ten days after the vesicle eruption appearance, he presented with ecchymosed heels, oligoanuric kidney failure, anemia [hemoglobin (Hb) 78 g/L], schizocytosis (2.5%), but normal platelet count. Kidney sonography and magnetic resonance imaging evoked renal cortical necrosis. All together, these features suggested acquired protein S deficiency secondary to varicella. Strikingly, it was confirmed by a dramatic decrease in protein S plasma activity and a huge increase in immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibodies against protein S in the plasma. Anticoagulation therapy in addition with plasmapheresis and steroid pulses allowed a dramatic decrease in the antibodies against protein S and recovery of normal protein S activity. Undelayed diagnosis and treatment did not avoid kidney insufficiency but prevented life-threatening complications. In the light of this case report, protein S deficiency due to antibody inhibition should be carefully monitored anytime in the context of varicella when kidney insufficiency or necrosis occurs.  相似文献   

Renal recovery from acute tubular necrosis requiring renal replacement therapy: a prospective study in critically ill patients.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Helmut Schiffl 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2006,21(5):1248-1252
BACKGROUND: Data on the incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) resulting from irreversible acute tubular necrosis (ATN) are controversial. This prospective cohort study was designed to assess the need for short- and long-term dialysis in critically ill patients with severe ATN and to define risk factors for lack of renal recovery. METHODS: 433 consecutive patients with clinically diagnosed severe ATN necessitating renal replacement therapy were enrolled. Eight patients were excluded because renal biopsy revealed another cause of acute renal failure. None of the remaining 425 patients had pre-existing chronic renal insufficiency. Primary outcome criteria were recovery of renal function at discharge and ESRD status at 1 year follow-up. RESULTS: The overall in-hospital mortality of the cohort was 47%. At discharge, 57% of the 226 surviving patients had normal renal function, 33% had mild to moderate renal failure (serum creatinine: 1.3-3 mg/dl) and 10% had severe renal failure (serum creatinine: 3-6 mg/dl). Multivariate analysis showed that neither patient characteristics (age, gender, comorbid conditions), severity of illness (APACHE III, number of failed organs) nor mode and duration of renal replacement therapy were related to recovery of renal function. After 1 year, 76 of the surviving patients had died and in one patient chronic renal failure had progressed to ESRD. CONCLUSIONS: If critically ill patients with normal renal function prior to the renal insults survive the precipitating cause of ATN, the overwhelming majority will recover sufficient renal function.  相似文献   

Renal allograft rupture is associated with rejection or acute tubular necrosis, but not with renal vein thrombosis.     
B W Hochleitner  R Kafka  B Spechtenhauser  C B?smüller  W Steurer  A K?nigsrainer  R Margreiter 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2001,16(1):124-127
BACKGROUND: Whereas rejection was reported to be the most common cause of renal allograft rupture (RAR) in the pre-cyclosporin era, renal vein thrombosis (RVT) is purported to be the main cause of RAR in patients taking cyclosporin. The extremely low incidence of RVT in our series (0.11%) prompted us to analyse our collective with regard to RAR. METHOD: Between 1974 and 1999, 1811 renal transplants were performed. Patients with RAR, defined as a tear of the renal capsule and parenchyma, were identified and possible underlying factors studied. RESULTS: RAR was diagnosed in nine male and five female recipients (0.8%) with a median age of 36 years. Immunosuppression consisted of azathioprine and prednisolone in seven patients and of cyclosporin-based therapy in the seven others. At exploration five grafts were removed immediately: three because of irreversible rejection, one because of deep wound infection, and one with a twisted renal vein. Six of the nine salvaged kidneys have been functioning after a mean observation time of 45 months. In the pre-cyclosporin era RAR was associated with acute rejection in five out of seven cases as compared with only three of the seven on cyclosporin treatment. Core biopsies might have been the cause in three cases. CONCLUSION: RAR is a rare complication after renal transplantation. Acute rejection still represents the most frequent cause of RAR in the cyclosporin era.  相似文献   

Acute renal failure in a patient suffering from chronic alcoholism.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Brian Camilleri  Judy Wyatt  Chas Newstead 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2003,18(4):840-842
Introduction Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in adults and areknown to cause deterioration in renal function in patients withchronic renal impairment, solitary kidneys and renal transplants.Acute non-obstructive pyelonephritis is rarely considered inthe differential diagnosis of acute renal failure (ARF), especiallyin patients with little or no evidence of previous kidney disease.Diagnosis is particularly difficult if the infection is asymptomatic.Chronic alcohol abuse increases the risk of ARF in unobstructedacute pyelonephritis [1] and is a rare cause of renal papillarynecrosis [2,3]. We present an unusual case of asymptomatic acute pyelonephritisin combination with renal papillary necrosis in an otherwisewell individual with a history of substantial alcohol abuse. Case A 62-year-old man was admitted to another hospital with an 8week history of increasing dyspnoea and lower limb oedema. Hehad no  相似文献   

Acute renal failure prior to the onset of hepatic encephalopathy in fulminant hepatitis     
Kohei  URIU  Kazo  KAIZU  Norio  MATUO  Masanori  SOEJIMA  Osamu  HASHIMOTO  Norikuni  KOMINE  Masanori  IKEDA  Tetumi  IWASAKI  Makoto  OTUKI  Sinwa  YAMADA  Sumiya  ETO Atuo  SUGITA 《Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)》1996,2(4):257-261
Summary: We investigated the clinical characteristics of eight patients with fulminant hepatitis who developed acute renal failure (ARF). They were divided into two groups according to the time point when ARF occurred in the course of the disease: (i) group 1 ( n =4), ARF occurred prior to the onset of hepatic encephalopathy; and (ii) group 2 ( n =4), ARF occurred after the onset of hepatic encephalopathy. All cases in group 1 had an acute type of fulminant hepatitis, whereas a subacute type was present in the patients in group 2. All cases in group 1 and two cases in group 2 were given non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs before the onset of ARF. Urinary findings and/or renal biopsy findings suggested that acute tubular necrosis was the cause of ARF in group 1. Three patients in group 1 and none in group 2 recovered from both ARF and fulminant hepatitis. Although it is well-known that a patient with fulminant hepatic failure complicated by ARF has a poor prognosis, our findings suggest that ARF that occurs prior to the onset of hepatic encephalopathy in acute type of viral fulminant hepatitis is not a determinant of the poor prognosis, and that the prognosis will be improved by intensive care.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin enhances recovery after cisplatin-induced acute renal failure in the rat.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
C Bagnis  H Beaufils  C Jacquiaud  Y Adabra  C Jouanneau  G Le Nahour  M C Jaudon  R Bourbouze  C Jacobs  G Deray 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2001,16(5):932-938
BACKGROUND: Erythropoietin (Epo) is a growth factor whose synthesis mainly takes place in the kidney. Epo has been shown to support the growth not only of erythroid progenitor cells but also of certain other cell types. We attempted to establish whether Epo enhances the recovery from acute renal failure induced by cisplatin. METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into three groups. In the cisplatin group, animals received one intraperitoneal injection of cisplatin (6 mg/kg) and a daily injection of placebo for 9 days. In the cisplatin+Epo group, animals received intrapertoneal cisplatin and a daily injection of Epo (100 IU/kg) for 9 days. In the control group, animals received both placebo preparations alone. Para-aminohippuric acid and inulin clearances were determined after 4 and 9 days to evaluate renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. In addition, light microscopy and immunohistochemistry examinations were performed, and in situ proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) staining was done to estimate the degree of renal tubular cell regenerative activity. The potential role of epithelial growth factor (EGF) was evaluated by semi-quantitative assessment of EGF immunostaining. RESULTS: Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate decreased significantly in cisplatin and cisplatin+Epo groups versus control group at day 4. However, at day 9, they both were significantly greater in cisplatin+Epo-treated animals than in rats that had received cisplatin alone. Tubular cell regeneration was significantly enhanced at day 4 in cisplatin+Epo group, compared with cisplatin and control groups respectively. EGF immunostaining was not significantly different between the three groups. CONCLUSION: Epo significantly enhanced the rate of recovery from acute renal failure induced by cisplatin. PCNA staining indicated that Epo might act directly via stimulation of tubular cell regeneration.  相似文献   

Renal cortical necrosis is a disappearing entity in obstetric acute kidney injury in developing countries: our three decade of experience from India     
《Renal failure》2013,35(7):1185-1189

Rational: Obstetrical complications are the commonest causes of Renal Cortical Necrosis (RCN). However, the overall incidence of RCN in obstetric acute kidney injury in developing countries has been decreasing in recent years. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the changing profile of RCN in obstetric AKI over the last three decades. Methods: This single center study included patients with biopsy proven renal cortical necrosis over a period of 32 years from 1982 to 2014. The diagnosis of RCN was suspected in patients with prolonged AKI (>4 weeks) with absolute anuria in the setting of hemorrhage, hypotension and sepsis; and was confirmed by renal biopsy. The changing pattern in the incidence, etiology and outcome of RCN in patients with obstetric AKI was compared in the three study periods, namely 1982–1991, 1992–2002 and 2003–2014. Results: Over a period of 32 years, RCN was diagnosed in 15/259(5.8%) cases of obstetric AKI. Diffuse and patchy cortical necrosis were noted in 8(53.3%) and 7(46.7%) patients, respectively. RCN occurred in 17%(11/65), 2.4%(3/125) and 1.44%(1/69) patients in 1982–1991, 1992–2002 and 2003–2014, respectively. Septic abortion was commonest cause of RCN in the first two study periods but no case was observed in last decade. The decrease in incidence of RCN over the three decades was statistically significant (p-value?<?0.001). Maternal mortality decreased to zero in 2003–2014 from 72.7% in 1982–1991. Conclusions: The incidence of RCN in obstetric AKI in developing countries has declined low enough to label it as a disappearing entity.  相似文献   

L-carnitine ameliorates gentamicin-induced renal injury in rats.     
Joel D Kopple  Hu Ding  Annamaria Letoha  Bela Ivanyi  David Pei-Yuan Qing  Lázló Dux  Hui-Yuan Wang  Sandor Sonkodi 《Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation》2002,17(12):2122-2131
BACKGROUND: This study examined whether administration of L-carnitine ameliorates gentamicin-induced renal injury in rats. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to one of seven treatment groups: group A (control) rats were given normal saline injections daily for 8 consecutive days; group B, C and D rats were given gentamicin injections, 50 mg/kg body weight/day daily for 8 consecutive days; and group E, F and G rats were given gentamicin injections, 80 mg/kg/day daily for 8 consecutive days. Starting 4 days before these injections, all groups were given additional injections, for 12 consecutive days, of normal saline (groups A, B and E) or L-carnitine at 40 mg/kg (groups C and F) or 200 mg/kg (groups D and G). Histological scoring of renal cortical pathology was performed after day 12. RESULTS: Among rats injected with gentamicin 50 mg/kg/day, those given either 40 or 200 mg/kg/day of L-carnitine had higher creatinine clearances at day 12 than the rats not given carnitine. In the rats given 80 mg/kg gentamicin and no carnitine, renal function tended to be lower than in controls. At day 12, the rats given gentamicin 80 mg/kg and L-carnitine 200 mg/kg/day, compared with rats given gentamicin 80 mg/kg and no carnitine, displayed lower serum urea and probably creatinine concentrations, and higher creatinine clearances, and their serum urea was not different from control (group A) rats. Both doses of gentamicin induced renal cortical histopathology. Changes were milder with gentamicin 50 mg/kg/day, and L-carnitine, particularly at 200 mg/kg/day, ameliorated the severity of renal pathology induced by both gentamicin doses. In rats given gentamicin 80 mg/kg/day, the animals treated with carnitine 200 mg/kg/day had significantly less severe proximal tubular necrosis and significantly greater mild proximal tubular necrosis compared with rats receiving L-carnitine 40 mg/kg/day or no carnitine. CONCLUSIONS: In rats receiving gentamicin, daily L-carnitine injections, particularly at 200 mg/kg/day, ameliorate the severity of renal cortical proximal tubular necrosis and maintain greater renal function.  相似文献   

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Renal cortical necrosis (RCN) represents a rare cause of acute renal failure that is characterized by necrosis of the renal cortex with sparing of the medulla. Most previous RCN cases reported have been bilateral and have occurred in pregnancy. Unilateral RCN is a quite rare disorder. Here, we report a case of unilateral RCN with contralateral hydronephrosis after surgery for uterus carcinoma. In this patient it seems that hydronephrosis had been present before RCN occurrence. It is suggested that ureteric obstruction protects against RCN development. Received: July 7, 2002 / Accepted: November 8, 2002 Present address: NIH/NIDDK, Bldg. 10, Room 4D51, 10 Center Drive-MSC 1370, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA Tel. +1-301-435-6582; Fax +1-301-435-6587 e-mail: Seijih@intra.niddk.nih.gov Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of Tianxin Yang, MD, PhD, Jurgen Schnermann, MD (Laboratory for Renal Function and Development, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA) and Josie Briggs, MD (Director, DKUHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA). Correspondence to:S. Hashimoto  相似文献   

Obstetric cortical renal necrosis is a serious complication that can lead to chronic renal failure and the need for chronic dialysis. The aim of renal cortical necrosis therapy is to restore hemodynamic stability, institute early dialytic therapy, and treat the underlying cause of the disease. Most cases of renal cortical necrosis do not recover a normal renal function despite intensive care. We describe the course of a patient who was diagnosed with acute renal cortical necrosis in pregnancy treated with hemodialysis for three years but then she recovered her renal function.  相似文献   

Postpartum acute kidney injury (PPAKI) constitutes an important cause of obstetric AKI. It is associated with high maternal and fetal mortality in developing nations. The aim of this study is to survey the etiology and outcomes of PPAKI in a tertiary care Indian hospital. Ninety-nine patients, without prior comorbidities, treated for PPAKI, between 2005–2014 at M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, were included for analysis in this retrospective, observational study. AKI was analyzed in terms of maximal stage of renal injury attained as per RIFLE criteria. Outcomes included requirement for renal replacement therapy (RRT), maternal and fetal outcomes. PPAKI constituted 60% of all obstetric AKI cases. Median maternal age was 23 years and 52% of patients were primigravidas. Mean serum creatinine was 4.1?mg/dL. Failure (33%) and injury (31%) were the major categories as per RIFLE criteria. Thirty-nine percent of cases required RRT. Sepsis, particularly puerperal sepsis, was the leading causes of PPAKI (75% of cases) and maternal mortality (94% of deaths). Maternal and fetal mortality were 19% and 22% respectively. The incidence of cortical necrosis was 10.3%. Three patients required long-term RRT. In conclusion, consistent with other Indian literature, we report a high incidence of PPAKI. We found incremental mortality on moving from “Risk” to “Failure” category of RIFLE. PPAKI was associated with high maternal and fetal mortality with sepsis being the leading cause. Our study highlights the need for provision of better quality of maternal care and fetal monitoring to decrease mortality associated with PPAKI in developing countries.  相似文献   

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