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Foreign bodies of upper aerodigestive tract are common otorhinolarygological emergencies. The foreign bodies of mobile tongue are however very rare and there are only limited case reports in literature. The case of a young female with an autologous foreign body mobile tongue with unusual presentation is presented. Key message Foreign bodies embedded in mobile tongue form an important differential diagnosis in the cases presenting with atypical pain or lump and swelling of tongue.  相似文献   

Foreign bodies within the tongue are a rare finding. The history is often not helpful as it is usually remote. Presented is a case of an unusual foreign body in the tongue which masqueraded as a malignancy. The differential diagnosis of an asymptomatic tongue swelling or tongue pain should include foreign body.  相似文献   

Juvenile intervertebral disc calcification (JIDC) of the cervical spine is an uncommon, self-limited condition. Though usually asymptomatic, JIDC can cause fevers, malaise, neck pain, and stiffness, raising concern for more common and dangerous pediatric diagnoses including retropharyngeal infection or esophageal foreign body. Prompt identification of JIDC is critical to avoid inappropriate surgical intervention. We present a case of a six-year-old male with a retropharyngeal phlegmon and cervical spine calcification raising suspicion for an embedded retropharyngeal foreign body. A literature review of pediatric retropharyngeal foreign bodies and JIDC is discussed to promote recognition of each of these rare and distinct conditions.  相似文献   

Fish bones are one of the most common foreign bodies in the upper aero-digestive tract. The use of plain X-ray in identifying fish bones has questionable value. We believe that the knowledge of the type of the fish ingested improves the diagnostic value of the neck X-rays. This study was designed to evaluate the relative radio-densities of the bones of commonly eaten fish in the UK. Twenty-three species of fish were studied and their bones were grouped into three depending upon their ratio-densities. This information is expected to be useful in identifying fish bones while reading plain radiography.  相似文献   

A rare case of long-standing tracheal foreign body, a coin retained in the trachea for over 30 years, is presented. A 35-year-old female patient came to the hospital complaining of recurring cough and sensation of a lump in the throat since childhood. A round radiopaque shadow between the clavicles was found in routine chest X-ray film. She recalled swallowing a coin at about the age of five. Reviewing an old film taken for her cough problem at another hospital 11 years previously, we noted the same shadow at the same level. A rusty coin was removed through a ventilating bronchoscope from the trachea, where a narrow sulcus and some granulation tissue were found. Her complaints disappeared thereafter.  相似文献   

患儿男,7岁。因左耳道钮扣电池异物3天,伴有耳漏、疼痛,于2008年12月就诊。在异物掉入耳道的第2天,患儿因耳痛告知家长,遂被带到当地县医院就诊,在门诊试图取出未能成功。在第3天时耳痛明显加重并有分泌物流出.耳阻塞感明显,转来我院治疗。查体:患儿痛苦貌,体温37.6℃,左耳廓无红肿,耳道口有铁锈色血水样分泌物流出,  相似文献   

The impaction of a cannabis-filled condom in the upper oesophagus of a 28-year-old prisoner is reported. The history was deceptive and smoking and drug abuse denied. The ENT surgeon being unaware of the identity of the drug faced tackling a possibly lethal foreign body, technically difficult to remove by the usual forceps method. (The Dormier basket is recommended for this task but we were unable to try it). Passage of the condom into the stomach occurred during attempted removal and its further progress was uneventful, indicating that gastroscopic removal of cannabis is unnecessary unless obstructive symptoms occur.  相似文献   

A case report is presented of a man who had a foreign body in his oesophagus complicated by the fact that he also had a large cyst of a lingual thyroid. The problems encountered and his subsequent management are discussed. The possibility that a cyst of the tongue base may contain the only functioning thyroid tissue and the dangers of haemorrhage at its removal are emphasized.  相似文献   

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