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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the immunoreactivity of selected structural proteins in the preterm and near-term ovine fetal brain and the response to intermittent umbilical cord occlusion as a measure of altered cellular growth. The intermediate filament proteins nestin, vimentin, and glial fibrillary acidic protein was used as markers for astroglial maturation and astrogliosis, and myelin basic protein as a marker for oligodendrocytes and myelin formation. STUDY DESIGN: Fetal sheep (control and experimental groups at 0.75 and 0.90 of gestation) were studied over 4 days; umbilical cord occlusion was performed in the experimental group by complete inflation of an occluder cuff for 90 seconds every 30 minutes for 3 to 5 hours each day. Animals were then killed, and the fetal brain was perfusion fixed and processed for immunohistologic examination of the gray and white matter. Immunoreactivity was quantified with an image analysis system and expressed as the fractional area positive stain for each protein. RESULTS: In both preterm and near-term animal groups, umbilical cord occlusion caused a large decline in arterial Po(2) (to approximately 7 mm Hg), a modest decline in pH (to approximately 7.30), and a modest rise in Pco(2) (to approximately 61 mm Hg; all P <.01), with a return to control values after the occluder release and no cumulative acidosis over each day of study. Vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity showed reciprocal changes, with vimentin decreased and glial fibrillary acidic protein increased in both the gray and white matter of the control group from 0.75 to 0.90 of gestation, which can be attributed to the transition of radial glia into mature astrocytes. Myelin basic protein immunoreactivity increased approximately 3-fold in the white matter of the control group with advancing gestation, which likely reflected active oligodendrocyte differentiation and increased myelination at this time of development. Intermittent umbilical cord occlusion over 4 days resulted in an approximately 60% decrease in nestin, vimentin, and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity, which was qualitatively similar for both the gray and white matter and likely indicative of altered protein synthesis and/or degradation, but only in the preterm group and with no change in myelin basic protein immunoreactivity. CONCLUSION: There is considerable change in the immunoreactivity of structural proteins within the ovine fetal brain over the latter part of gestation and consistent with a high rate of protein turnover, as previously reported. Intermittent umbilical cord occlusion as studied with minimal evidence for necrotic cell injury appears capable of altering selected protein synthesis/degradation, more so in younger animals when protein turnover is higher, which might then impact on the brain's development.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effect of varying degrees of intermittent umbilical cord occlusion (UCO) on arterial elastin composition. Over 4 days, chronically catheterized late gestation fetal sheep received 5 total UCO per day lasting 1 min/h (mild group: n = 6), 2 min/h (moderate group: n = 4), 3 min/h (severe group; n = 6); or no occlusion (control group: n = 7). Each group was evaluated for elastin content of the carotid and superior mesenteric artery (SMA), the arterial pressure response to UCO, and plasma cortisol concentration. Elastin content of the carotid artery was significantly increased by severe UCO (9.5 μg/mg versus 6.4 μg/mg; P < .05) and insignificantly increased in mild and moderate groups, whereas UCO had no effect on elastin content of the SMA. This dose- and site-dependent response of the vasculature appears attributable to the hemodynamic changes that accompany UCO.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to determine the effect of umbilical cord occlusion (UCO) on fetal endocrine responses in the long-term hypoxemic (LTH) ovine fetus. METHODS: Pregnant ewes were maintained at high altitude (3820 m) from day 30 of gestation. Normoxic control and LTH fetuses were catheterized, and an inflatable occluder was placed on the umbilical cord at day 132 of gestation. In the LTH group, maternal oxygen tension was maintained at approximately 60 mmHg by nitrogen infusion through a maternal tracheal catheter. On day 137, two 5-minute UCOs were performed. On day 139, the study was repeated with a 10-minute UCO. RESULTS: Basal adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels and peak responses to the first 5-minute UCO were not different between control and LTH fetuses (17.6 +/- 4.0 to 418.8 +/- 41.3 in controls, 25.7 +/- 4.0 to 530.0 +/- 93.0 pg/mL in LTH fetuses). A similar pattern was observed during the second UCO. Basal cortisol levels were similar in both groups. In response to UCO, a significant increase in cortisol was observed in both groups, but peak concentrations in the LTH group were significantly higher than those in the control group (23.9 +/- 4.8 versus 14.8 +/- 2.9 ng/mL, respectively, P <.05). The second occlusion also increased cortisol concentrations, but no differences were observed between groups. After the 10-minute UCO, the ACTH and cortisol responses were similar to the first 5-minute occlusion, with higher cortisol levels in the LTH fetuses. CONCLUSION: Despite similar ACTH responses to UCO, the cortisol response was greater in the LTH fetuses than in normoxic controls. LTH appears to result in enhanced adrenal sensitivity to a secondary stressor or altered cortisol metabolism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE:To determine whether repeated hypoxic insults with umbilical cord occlusion over 4 days will lead to activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis altered adrenocortical responsiveness in the preterm ovine fetus. METHODS: Umbilical cord occlusions of 90 seconds duration were performed every 30 minutes for 3 to 5 hours each day (experimental group n = 7, control group n = 7; at 112-116 days' gestation, term = 147 days). Arterial blood was sampled at predetermined times for blood gases and pH, plasma ACTH, and cortisol. Pituitary proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA also were localized and quantified by in situ hybridization. RESULTS: During umbilical cord occlusions fetal arterial oxygen pressure (approximately 17 mmHg) and pH (approximately 0.05) decreased, and carbon dioxide pressure increased (approximately 8 mmHg) as measured on days 1 and 4, but with no cumulative blood gas or pH change over successive occlusions for any of the 4 study days. Plasma ACTH increased, as measured after cord occlusion and over the course of successive cord occlusions on days 1 and 4, and returned to control values by the next day. The cumulative increase in ACTH was much less on day 4 than day 1 (15 +/- 3 compared with 101 +/- 25 pg/mL, P <.05). Plasma cortisol increased, as measured after cord occlusion and over the course of successive cord occlusions on day 4 only (2.7 +/- 0.4 to 4. 7 +/- 0.3 ng/mL, P <.05). POMC mRNA increased 2.5-fold in the pars distalis of the pituitaries from cord occlusion compared to control fetuses, but was unchanged in the pars intermedia. GR mRNA, which was detected in the pars distalis only, was unaltered. CONCLUSION: Repetitive umbilical cord occlusion in the preterm ovine fetus resulted in the activation of the HPA axis, with increased adrenocortical responsiveness over time, and involved differential regulation of POMC mRNA expression in the pars distalis and pars intermedia of the pituitary, but with no change in GR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine the extent of necrotic cell death as a measure of neurologic injury in the preterm and near-term ovine fetal brain in response to intermittent umbilical cord occlusion (UCO) with severe, but limited hypoxia and no cumulative acidosis to ensure longer-term survival. STUDY DESIGN: Fetal sheep (control and experimental groups at 0.75 and 0.90 of gestation) were studied over 4 days with UCOs performed in the experimental group animals by complete inflation of an occluder cuff for 90 seconds every 30 minutes for 3 to 5 hours each day. Animals were then euthanized and the fetal brain perfusion-fixed and prepared for subsequent histology and assessment of necrotic cell injury by using standard staining with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and with a novel fluorescent marker, Fluoro-Jade B, that targets degenerating neurons. RESULTS: In both preterm and near-term animal groups, UCO caused a large decline in arterial Po(2) (to approximately 7 mm Hg), a modest decline in pH (to approximately 7.30), and a modest rise in Pco(2) (to approximately 61 mm Hg) (all P<.01), but with a return to control values after the occluder release and no cumulative acidosis over each day of study. Overall, very low levels of H&E-stained necrotic-appearing cells and Fluoro-Jade B-stained positive cells were observed across all brain regions studied with values not significantly different from zero, excepting that for the gray matter of the preterm control (by H&E staining), preterm and near-term cord occlusion (by H&E and Fluoro-Jade B staining), and the thalamus of the near-term cord occlusion (by H&E staining) animals. Although there were no differences in the levels of H&E-stained necrotic-appearing cells and Fluoro-Jade B-stained positive cells between respective control and cord occlusion group animals for most of the brain regions studied, a significant increase in Fluoro-Jade B-stained positive cells was observed in the gray matter of both the preterm and near-term cord occlusion animals (P<.05). CONCLUSION: Intermittent cord occlusion insult with severe but limited fetal hypoxemia and no cumulative acidosis, was generally well tolerated in both the preterm and near-term animal groups as assessed by measures of necrotic cell injury throughout the brain with minimal evidence for such. However, compensatory mechanisms which are protective for the brain may become limited with repetitive hypoxia insult over time as suggested by the low level of Fluoro-Jade B-stained positive cells noted in the gray matter tissues for both occlusion groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects on fetal behavioral state activity of intermittent umbilical cord occlusion resulting in repetitive severe short-term hypoxemia. STUDY DESIGN: Fifteen near-term fetal sheep (experimental group, n = 8; control group, n = 7) were studied during 4 days while behavioral and cardiovascular parameters were monitored. Each day after a 2-hour control period, cord occlusions were performed in the experimental group animals by complete inflation of an occluder cuff (duration, 90 seconds) every 30 minutes for 3 to 5 hours. Results are presented as group mean +/- SEM. RESULTS: During umbilical cord occlusions fetal arterial PO(2) (change of 12 mm Hg), oxygen saturation (change of 40%), and glucose concentration (change of 0.3 mmol/L) fell and PCO(2) (change of 7 mm Hg) rose, but all returned toward control values after release of occlusion. Fetal behavioral state activity was markedly disrupted by 90 seconds of cord occlusion, with animals showing an abrupt flattening of the electrocorticogram. In >90% of instances the first identifiable state after cord release was the high-voltage non-rapid-eye-movement state. There was no apparent change in this response through the 4 days of the study. For experimental group animals the mean percentages of time spent in low-voltage electrocortical state (from 53 +/- 2 to 36 +/- 2), electro-ocular state (from 45 +/- 3 to 28 +/- 3), and fetal breathing activity (22 +/- 4 to 12 +/- 3) were significantly decreased (P <.001) during occlusion hours with respect to nonocclusion hours. CONCLUSION: Intermittent umbilical cord occlusion with severe but limited hypoxemia and no cumulative acidosis in the near-term ovine fetus disrupts behavioral state activity, with a flattening of the electrocortical activity during occlusions and an overall decrease in the prominence of the low-voltage rapid-eye-movement state. If such insults are frequent and severe enough, they might have an effect on growth and development of the brain during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the change in cerebral blood flow and substrate metabolism in relation to electrocortical activity in the near-term ovine fetus with repeated umbilical cord occlusion of a severe degree. STUDY DESIGN: Eight near-term fetal sheep were studied through a 2-hour control period, a 6-hour experimental period with repeated cord occlusion of 4 minutes' duration every 90 minutes, and a 16-hour recovery period. Regional cerebral blood flow was measured with the microsphere technique before, during, and after the first cord occlusion; blood flow in the superior sagittal sinus, the cerebral perfusion pressure, and the electrocortical activity were monitored continuously. Brachiocephalic arterial and sagittal venous blood were sampled at selected time points for blood gas and pH, oxygen content, and glucose and lactate levels. RESULTS: Severe umbilical cord occlusion as studied resulted in profound hypoxemia with modest hypercapnia and acidemia, to a similar degree with each insult, but with a return to preocclusion values after occluder release. Glucose values also fell acutely with each cord occlusion by approximately 30% but showed an overall increase through the experimental period, from 0.80 to 1.44 mmol/L; lactate values showed an increase, from 1.21 to 6.10 mmol/L (both P 1 <.01). Fetal electrocortical activity was disrupted markedly, with an abrupt flattening of the electrocortical amplitude by 1.5 minutes of each cord occlusion on average and with an overall increase in indeterminate state activity during the experimental and through the recovery periods. Cerebral blood flow increased approximately 2.5- and 2.8-fold, as measured at 2 and 3.5 minutes during the first cord occlusion (both P <.01) and with the regional flow increase greater in the subcortex and brainstem. Cerebral extraction of oxygen fell toward zero, as measured at 2 minutes during the second and fourth occlusions (P <.05) with oxygen uptake no longer measurable; glucose extraction was now increased approximately 2-fold (P <.05), which indicates that anaerobic metabolism of glucose must be the predominant source of energy at this time. Superior sagittal sinus blood flow also increased in all animals, approximately 1.4- and 1.6-fold at 2 and 3.5 minutes of the first cord occlusion, but much less than the corresponding increase in arterial inflow; the increase was in response to subsequent occlusions was further reduced. CONCLUSION: Severe umbilical cord occlusion in the near-term ovine fetus results in a rapid decrease in the availability of oxygen to the brain. The low PO (2) gradient from blood to tissue rate limits for oxygen consumption by 2 minutes of insult (despite the marked increase in blood flow) and signals the shift to anaerobic metabolism, the suppression in electrocortical activity, and the probable shutdown of other energy-using processes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether physical stimulation is stressful to the ovine fetus, as judged from physiologic changes that are similar to those reported for other stressors (such as hypoxia); whether any stress response could be blocked by clinically used doses of fentanyl; and whether fentanyl alone had any potentially deleterious physiologic effects in the fetus. STUDY DESIGN: We investigated the effect of fentanyl analgesia on the cardiovascular and endocrine response to cutaneous electrical stimulation in the late gestation (>125 days) ovine fetus (n=7 fetuses). Chronically implanted catheters and blood flow probes were used to measure fetal arterial blood pressure, heart rate, carotid and femoral blood flow, pH, Po(2), Pco(2), lactate, cortisol, and beta-endorphin levels before, during, and for 1 hour after 5 minutes of cutaneous electrical stimulation to the lip, forelimb, and abdomen, in a crossover design. Clinically used 30 or 150 microg doses of fentanyl (which approximated 10 or 50 microg/kg estimated fetal weight) or saline solution were given intravenously to the fetus 2 minutes before stimulation. RESULTS: When compared with the control, stimulation caused a significant rise in fetal heart rate (P=.003; mean maximal rise, 48.6+/-14.0 beats/min, 0-10 minutes after the start of stimulation) but caused no change in any other parameters studied. Neither dose of fentanyl attenuated the changes in heart rate that were observed in response to stimulation alone. Fentanyl alone significantly increased fetal heart rate, carotid blood flow, and lactate and cortisol levels and significantly decreased pH and Po(2). CONCLUSION: Cutaneous electrical stimulation in the fetal sheep causes an increase in heart rate, which fentanyl does not block. Fentanyl itself has significant effects on the cardiovascular and endocrine system, which might adversely affect the fetus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether repetitive umbilical cord occlusion resulting in fetal hypoxemia but not cumulative acidosis also affects fetal glucose levels and the levels of the regulatory hormones insulin and glucagon, by altering glucose delivery and with repetitive insults by inducing fetal glucose production, thus possibly affecting pancreatic development. METHODS: Fifteen chronically catheterized fetal sheep were studied over 21 days. Umbilical cord occlusions (UCOs) (duration 90 seconds) were performed every 30 minutes for 3-4 hours each day. Fetal arterial blood was sampled at predetermined times on days 1, 9, and 18 for blood gases, pH, glucose, lactate, insulin, and glucagon. When animals were sacrificed, fetal pancreatic tissues were collected for insulin immunostaining. RESULTS: Blood glucose decreased acutely with each UCO but showed a cumulative increase of approximately 30% over the course of each sampling day. Although plasma insulin levels also increased over the course of sampling on days 9 and 18, plasma glucagon levels remained unchanged throughout the study. The percentage of pancreatic islet cells immunopositive for insulin, which averaged 67%, was also unchanged in experimental compared with control animals. CONCLUSION: Umbilical cord occlusion during the latter part of pregnancy, which caused severe but limited hypoxemia, also resulted in acute decreases in blood glucose levels because of reduced exogenous glucose delivery and a cumulative increase in glucose in response to repetitive insults, possibly by inducing fetal glucose production, enhancing glucose delivery, or both. However, repetitive UCO as studied had minimal effect on plasma insulin levels and no effect on glucagon levels or on pancreatic immunostaining for insulin, and thus had no evident effect on pancreatic development.  相似文献   

Mild to moderate hypoxemia without major changes in pH and pCO(2) does not reduce fetal renal blood flow and fetal urine production rate. Other factors such as acidemia, hypercapnia or changes in lung liquid production or fetal swallowing are candidates for the reduced amniotic fluid in the growth retarded fetus. Mild hypoxemia influences the fetal brain development in that the migration of PKC immunoreactive cells is delayed after a period of 48 h of hypoxemia. This could be due to the fact that under these circumstances the expected compensatory increase in fetal cerebral blood flow was only significant 1 h after the onset of hypoxemia. Further research on the final position of the hippocampal neurons in term lambs, subjected to fetal mild hypoxemia, can give more information on the effects of hypoxemia on the fetal brain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous studies on the effects of umbilical cord occlusion (UCO) on the fetal brain have focused on short-term alterations, and in most cases have used only subjective techniques to evaluate brain injury. Our aim was to assess quantitatively the persistent consequences of UCO on the developing brain; we also examined the retina. METHODS: We subjected fetal sheep to a single episode of UCO at 126 days of gestation (term approximately 147 days) to induce at least 10 minutes of isoelectric fetal electrocorticogram (ECoG). RESULTS: UCO resulted in fetal asphyxia and transient mild alterations in fetal mean arterial pressure (MAP). UCO did not result in significant injury to the developing brain or retina when assessed 15 days after the insult. There was no change in the endogenous expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein in the hippocampus, nor was there a significant loss of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells. However, this insult did result in subtle neuropathologic alterations in the brain, including a reduction in the weight of the cerebral hemispheres, an increase in the areal density of cerebellar Purkinje cells, and enlarged perivascular spaces around blood vessels and inflammatory cells in the cerebral white matter. UCO did not affect the thickness of the central or peripheral retina or the numbers of retinal dopaminergic, cholinergic, and nitrergic amacrine cells. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, while 10 minutes of UCO did not result in overt injury to the fetal brain or retina, the observed changes in the fetal brain suggest altered growth of neural processes, which may contribute to neurologic deficits postnatally or to increased vulnerability of the brain to later insults during either the remainder of gestation or after birth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to explore the urinary and cardiovascular responses of the near-term ovine fetus to plasma indomethacin levels similar to those in the human neonate undergoing indomethacin therapy. STUDY DESIGN: Chronically catheterized ovine fetuses between 125 and 139 days of gestation were studied. After a 1-hour control period we gave a bolus of 0.35 mg/kg estimated fetal weight of indomethacin into a fetal vein, followed by a 0.017 mg/kg/min continuous infusion for 5 hours (n = 9). Results were compared with a vehicle-infusion-only group (n = 10). RESULTS: During the first 3 hours of indomethacin infusion, fetal urinary output was increased by an average of 84.9% +/- 55.6% (analysis of variance, p less than 0.01). Urinary osmolality and sodium and chloride concentrations underwent sustained increases throughout the infusion period (p less than 0.001). Sodium excretion increased by 212% +/- 111% (p less than 0.05). Fetal arterial and venous pressures increased (p less than 0.001), and the change in urinary flow correlated positively with the change in arterial pressure (R = 0.55, p = 0.014). Fetal heart rate increased by 10% +/- 4% 1 hour after the bolus and remained elevated throughout the remainder of the infusion relative to vehicle-infused animals (p less than 0.001). Vehicle infusion had no effect on any fetal variable. CONCLUSIONS: This study does not support the hypothesis that indomethacin acutely reduces urinary flow rate in the late-gestation ovine fetus. Further, the observed urinary flow increases may be mediated in part by a pressure diuresis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous reports suggested that immature ovine fetuses have a greater erythropoietin response to hemorrhage than those near term. This study tested the hypothesis that immature ovine fetuses would expand their red cell mass more rapidly than near term fetuses after hemorrhage. STUDY DESIGN: Chronically catheterized immature ovine fetuses at 109.5 +/- 0.3 (mean +/- SE) days' gestation (term = 150 days) were studied over a 10-day period. They either underwent hemorrhage of 40% of their measured blood volume on day 3 or were in a time control group monitored without hemorrhage. Red cell mass, hematocrit, blood volume, plasma volume, and plasma erythropoietin concentrations were measured at 24- and 48-hour intervals. Responses in the immature fetuses were compared with responses in near term fetuses. RESULTS: In the control group red cell mass, hematocrit, blood, and plasma volumes increased significantly, whereas plasma erythropoietin concentration decreased significantly with advancing gestational age. In immature fetuses that underwent hemorrhage, the relative changes in red cell mass, hematocrit, and plasma erythropoietin concentration were not significantly different from those seen in the near term fetuses. The only significant posthemorrhage difference was that the increases in blood and plasma volumes were greater in the immature compared with the near term fetuses. CONCLUSION: Immature and mature fetuses have similar erythrocyte and erythropoietin responses to moderately severe hemorrhage. The larger blood and plasma volume responses in the immature fetuses are consistent with the concept that they have a greater extracellular fluid volume.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine if mild hypoxemia (approximately 25% below normal) of at least 5 days' duration alters corticotropin and cortisol responses to corticotropin-releasing factor. STUDY DESIGN: We studied 14 (hypoxemic, n = 5; normoxemic, n = 9) fetuses of 135 +/- 1 (mean +/- SEM) days' gestational age. Fetuses were placed in the experimental group if arterial PO2 was < or = 16 mm Hg for 5 days. In normoxemic animals arterial PO2 was > or = 17 mm Hg. Plasma hormone responses were compared by analysis of variance. RESULTS: Resting corticotropin levels were not different (hypoxemic 26 +/- 5 pg/ml, normoxemic 29 +/- 12 pg/ml), and corticotropin-releasing factor (530 +/- 30 ng/kg) increased (p = 0.01) corticotropin levels similarly in both groups. Basal plasma cortisol levels (hypoxemic 20 +/- 10 ng/ml, normoxemic, 30 +/- 7 ng/ml) were not significantly different. Both groups had similarly increased (p < 0.01) plasma cortisol levels after corticotropin-releasing factor administration. CONCLUSION: Mild hypoxemia lasting 5 days does not significantly alter corticotropin and cortisol responses to corticotropin-releasing factor in the late-gestation ovine fetus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the effectiveness of the pulsatility index for veins of ductus venosus (DV-PIV) and the Tei index in a prospective assessment of fetal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in a near-term ovine fetus model with intermittent umbilical cord occlusion (UCO). METHODS: Twelve fetal sheep were studied with umbilical cord occlusion performed in the experimental group animals by complete inflation of an occluder cuff for 90 s, every 30 min for approximately 2.5 h. Fetal arterial blood was sampled at 5 min before the first umbilical cord occlusions, approximately 60 s of the first umbilical cord occlusions, and 3 min after each occlusion for blood gas, pH, neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S100B. Doppler measurements and Doppler echocardiographic examinations were performed 5 min before the first umbilical cord occlusions and 3 min after each successive occlusion. RESULTS: In experimental group animals, UCO caused a large decline in arterial PaO(2) (to approximately 7.70 mmHg, p < 0.01), a modest decline in pH (to approximately 7.24, p < 0.01), and a modest rise in PaCO(2) (to approximately 53.31 mmHg, p < 0.01), with a return more or less to baseline after occluder release. and there was significant change as compared with the control animals (all p < 0.01) with cumulative changes in responses to repetitive cord occlusions. The DV-PIV waveforms, right ventricle (RV) and LV Tei indices, the serum levels of NSE and S100B increased with cord occlusions (all p < 0.05), and were significantly higher than the control animals (all p < 0.05) with a cumulative changes in responses to repetitive cord occlusions. RV and LV Tei indices were significantly correlated with PaO(2) (r = - 0.684, p < 0.01 and r = - 0.725, p < 0.01), PaCO(2) (r = 0.682, p < 0.01 and r = 0.780, p < 0.01), pH (r = - 0.538, p < 0.01 and r = - 0.681, p < 0.01), NSE (r = 0.653, p < 0.01 and r = 0.687, p < 0.01), and S100B (r = 0.606, p < 0.01 and r = 0.640, p < 0.01). Significant but weaker correlations were also present between DV-PIV and the parameters considered. CONCLUSION: Umbilical cord occlusion during the latter part of the pregnancy, enough to cause significant hypoxemia and acidosis, results in a significant increase of DV-PIV, RV and LV Tei indices, and the serum levels of NSE and S100B. There was a strong correlation between the RV and LV Tei indices and blood gas, pH, and NSE, S100B with hypoxia. Therefore, the Tei index might be an easy and useful quantitative parameter for assessing fetal hypoxic ischemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Anemic ovine fetuses supplemented with intra-amniotic iron undergo rapid expansion of red cell mass. The present study tested the hypothesis that nonanemic fetuses that were supplemented with daily intra-amniotic iron plus intravascular injections of erythropoietin would experience accelerated erythrocyte production. STUDY DESIGN: Nine late gestation ovine fetuses received 100 to 120 units of erythropoietin intravascularly plus 10 mg of iron intra-amniotically daily for 7 days (low erythropoietin dose group). Four additional fetuses received 1000 units of erythropoietin plus 10 mg iron daily for the same period (high erythropoietin dose group). Responses were compared with 9 nonsupplemented time-control fetuses. Statistical testing was by 3-factor repeated measures analysis of variance. RESULTS: Immediately after erythropoietin injection, plasma erythropoietin concentration was elevated approximately 25- and 250-fold in the low and high erythropoietin dose groups, respectively. Erythropoietin returned to basal levels by 24 hours after the injection. Plasma iron concentration increased in the low erythropoietin dose group but not in the control or high erythropoietin dose groups. Reticulocyte index increased in both erythropoietin supplemented groups but not in control fetuses. Hematocrit level increased above control by day 5 in the low erythropoietin dose group and by day 2 in the high erythropoietin dose group. Red cell mass increased significantly on supplement day 7 in the low erythropoietin dose group and on day 5 in the high erythropoietin dose group. Fetal blood gases and pH were unchanged with time in all 3 groups. CONCLUSION: Although daily combined erythropoietin and iron supplements in nonanemic ovine fetuses significantly increased circulating red cell mass in a dose-dependent manner, this increase was small relative to the rapid expansion of red cell mass previously observed after iron supplementation in fetuses with hemorrhage-induced anemia. We speculate that this difference in response may be due to a combination of rapid fetal clearance of erythropoietin plus a relative insensitivity to erythropoietin caused by the absence of other cytokines, which are elevated during fetal anemia.  相似文献   

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