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杨欣燕  李怀宁  杨欢欢 《哈尔滨医药》2014,34(2):87+89-87,89
患者隐私权是患者应当受到保护的一项重要人格权利.随着现代人权理念的不断加强,患者隐私权保护问题得到了世界各国医学界、法学界的普遍关注,我国立法在此问题上也有所规定.本文在分析隐私权与患者隐私权概念、梳理我国患者隐私权立法保护现状的基础上,对法律上应如何认定某一行为是否构成对患者隐私的侵害以及哪些情形下患者隐私权将受到适当限制进行了探讨.  相似文献   

急诊妇产科患者隐私权保护调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张兰琴  金向英 《现代医药卫生》2010,26(20):3146-3147
目的:探讨急诊妇产科患者隐私权保护现状,分析原因,提出改进保护隐私权的措施.方法:自行设计问卷调查表,对600例急诊妇产科患者进行隐私权保护状况的调查.结果:大部分患者认为:在医院隐私权缺乏保护;隐私权缺乏保护的环节主要有:学生带教、询问病史、查房、化验等.结论:护士应提高保护急诊妇产科患者隐私权的意识,并采取一系列措施加以保护.  相似文献   

本文主要围绕护理工作中患者隐私权的问题进行了探讨,包括隐私权的定义,日常护理工作中患者隐私权侵犯的表现形式,侵犯患者隐私权的法律责任以及护理工作中如何保护患者权的思考。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,隐私权问题越来越受到人们关注,国家对于公民隐私权的立法也日趋完善。2010年7月1日起,《侵权责任法》正式施行,第一次以立法的形式明确了隐私权为具体人格权,规范了患者隐私权侵权主体的范围,为患者隐私权的保护提供了有力的法律依据。  相似文献   

随着医患关系越来越受到社会的关注,关于患者隐私权的相关探讨也越来越多,本文也就此问题展开讨论,希望从法律层面加强患者隐私权的保护,促进患者隐私权在医疗行为中的实现。  相似文献   

患者隐私权的法律保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>隐私权是公民享有的人格权,它受保护的程度是社会文明进步程度的标志之一,体现了现代人类自治、自律、维护自我权利的基本要求。近几年来,我国立法、司法等部门从不同的角度对隐私权的保护予以高度重视,但相关纠纷时有发生。现就患者隐私权保护的相关问题进行探讨,以期法律对患者隐私权的保护能日趋完善[1]。  相似文献   

隐私权是与公共利益、群体利益无关的自然人享有的对个人的私人信息、私人活动和私人空间进行支配的具体人格权[1]。随着人们对健康和法律意识的逐步增强,关于隐私的理论也受到广泛的重视和承认,与患者隐私权有关的法律问题已受到普遍关注,侵犯患者隐私权相关的医疗纠纷时有发生。  相似文献   

伴随着医学的飞速发展,人们在享受医学文明带来的各种便利的同时,隐私权却在不断遭受侵犯.对于隐私权的保护并不是一个崭新的话题,但对患者隐私权的保护却是一个需要深入研究的领域.本文的主要内容是对患者这个特定人群隐私权的一些相关问题从法学角度进行一定的阐释和剖析,以期为最终构建和谐的医患关系提供一些理论支持.  相似文献   

杨慧艳 《中国医药指南》2009,7(2):140-141,127
随着我国现代化和民主进程的加深,公民的权利意识进一步增强,人民在关注自己义务的同时,也越来越关注自己的各项权利,包括隐私权。目前,我国侵犯公民隐私权的现象也非常普遍,尤其是发生在医院患者隐私权被侵犯的案件,更是令人担忧。本文就是对一起因侵犯患者隐私权而引起的医疗纠纷案进行分析,并指出引发纠纷的根本原因以防止类似案件再次发生。  相似文献   

崔艳 《哈尔滨医药》2013,(6):423-423,425
随着社会的不断发展进步,公民权利意识的不断增强,人们越来越关注自己的隐私权问题.患者作为社会群体的一部分,对尊重自身隐私的要求也越来越高.但是,目前我国法律并没有对患者的隐私权进行全面系统的立法,因而由患者隐私权引起的医疗纠纷案件逐渐上升.如何保护好患者的隐私,减少医患矛盾,已经成为摆在医务工作者和法律工作者面前的一个课题.  相似文献   

互联网药品交易法律问题刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田侃  吴颖雄 《中国药房》2011,(21):2014-2016
目的:保障公众用药安全,维护消费者合法权益。方法:通过分析互联网药品交易中涉及到的电子合同、隐私权、知情权等法律问题,提出规范我国互联网药品交易的措施。结果与结论:建议建立"电子公证人"系统以解决互联网药品交易中电子合同问题;明确隐私权的法律地位,将隐私权作为一项独立的人格权加以保护,并规范对消费者个人资料的收集;建立完善的在线执业药师咨询制度,强化经营者的信息披露义务,维护消费者的知情权。  相似文献   

随着人类基因组计划的顺利开展,人类基因组研究取得了巨大的成绩,但也带来了许多道德风险,诸如因对基因隐私权的侵犯和倡导基因决定论而导致的基因歧视,基因组研究成果应用的不可预测性等问题,应从道德、法律和技术等方面来解决这些道德风险。  相似文献   

目的确定一次性抑菌隐私帘在临床应用中的效果,以及用一次性抑菌隐私帘替代传统棉质隐私帘的成本。方法选择儿童内科收治同样病种的东西2个病区,分别采用一次性抑菌隐私帘和棉质隐私帘。采集两种隐私帘悬挂后第1周、第1个月末、第2个月末、第3个月末的25个样本,对其菌落数进行检测;两种隐私帘更换前后各采集样本15个,对其菌落数进行检测。比较两种隐私帘不同采样时间的采样结果;隐私帘更换前后菌落数;2018年造价及清洗费成本。结果两种隐私帘上的菌落数均采样200次,结果显示:悬挂隐私帘后第1周、第1个月末、第2个月末、第3个月末,一次性抑菌隐私帘的菌落数均明显低于棉质隐私隔帘,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。更换不同隐私帘前及过程中对空气中浮游病原微生物分别进行15次采样分析。隐私帘更换前,两种隐私帘所在空气中浮游病原微生物菌落数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);隐私帘更换后,一次性抑菌隐私帘所在空气中浮游病原微生物菌落数146 cfu/cm^2少于棉质隐私隔帘的341 cfu/cm^2,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2018年儿童内科病房中,每个棉质隐私帘的造价为98400.0元,每副隐私帘的有效使用期限为10年,因此每年9840.0元,清洗费为1488.0元,更换隐私帘人力费用750.0元,总计12078.0元;一次性抑菌隐私帘的造价为12784.0元,每副隐私帘的有效使用期限为1年,清洗费为0元,更换隐私帘人力费用187.5元,总计12971.5元。结论一次性抑菌隐私帘即使在活跃的临床环境中长期使用,也能有效减少微生物污染,除了能提高患者安全之外,在与更换和清洗隐私帘有关的经济与人力耗损成本上更有优势。  相似文献   

Objective: Multiple surveys show that patients want medical privacy; however, there are costs to maintaining privacy. There are also risks if information is not shared. A review of previous surveys found that most surveys asked questions about patient’s privacy concerns and willingness to share their medical information. We found only one study that asked about sharing medical information for better care and no survey that asked patients about the risk, cost or comparison between medical privacy and privacy in other areas. To fill this gap, we designed a survey to: (1) compare medical privacy preferences to privacy preferences in other areas; (2) measure willingness to pay the cost of additional privacy measures; and (3) measure willingness to accept the risks of not sharing information.

Methods: A total of 834 patients attending physician offices at 14 sites completed all or part of an anonymous questionnaire.

Results: Over 95% of patients were willing to share all their medical information with their treating physicians. There was no difference in willingness to share between primary care and specialty sites including psychiatry and an HIV clinic. In our survey, there was no difference in sharing preference between standard medical information and information with additional legal protections including genetic testing, drug/alcohol treatment and HIV results. Medical privacy was ranked lower than sharing social security and credit card numbers, but was deemed more private than other information including tax returns and handgun purchases. There was no statistical difference for any questions by site except for HIV/AIDS clinic patients ranking privacy of the medical record more important than reducing high medical costs and risk of medical errors (p?Conclusions: Patients were very willing to share medical information with their providers. They were able to see the importance of sharing medical information to provide the best possible care. They were unwilling to hide information from providers if there was increased medical risk. Patients were willing to spend additional time for privacy, but most were unwilling to spend extra money. Sixty-eight percent of patients favored reducing medical costs over privacy.  相似文献   

BackgroundMany pharmacists practise in settings in which protecting privacy can be difficult. To address this, some community pharmacies are rearranging their retail space to provide private areas for clinical consultations. Such facilities are deemed particularly important when dealing with clients who have sensitive medical conditions, such as opioid dependence.ObjectiveTo explore Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) patients’ perceptions of privacy in a community pharmacy setting, with a particular focus on the layout of the community pharmacy.MethodsWe conducted semi-structured interviews with OST clients. Recruitment and the interviews were conducted at state government drug and alcohol clinic. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The data were analysed in NVivo using the framework approach.ResultsWe interviewed fourteen OST clients. Most participants were concerned about privacy and considered that the pharmacy layout could enhance or hinder privacy. However, they disagreed about exactly which pharmacy layout was most privacy-protecting. In addition, a small group of clients interviewed who had a very positive relationship with pharmacists believed that the relationship contributed to their confidence that their privacy was protected.ConclusionsThere is little consensus amongst consumers about how to protect privacy in the community pharmacy. The range of views expressed by clients in this study may reflect the lack of consensus about the nature of privacy in health ethics. Attention to the meaning of and rationales for privacy protections may be helpful when designing pharmacy layouts to meet the needs of a broad range of consumers. An enclosed or screened private area which can be used as a consultation area for all private pharmacy discussions, including for OST dosing, could be a solution to addressing these varying views on privacy in the pharmacy. Further attention to enhancing the pharmacist and client relationship may assist in reducing sensitivity about privacy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To define the issues surrounding patient privacy, examine the political context in which debate is taking place, and present a novel technology model for addressing privacy, confidentiality, and security in 21st century health care. SUMMARY: The discussion of privacy addresses one of the basic issues in health care today--the tension between the needs of the individual patient for privacy and confidentiality and the needs of society to effectively manage health care practices and control health care costs. Patient concerns for privacy, confidentiality, and security are legitimate, and can usually be reduced to issues that potentially affect an individual's employment, ability to get and maintain health coverage, and have control over his or her records and care. These concerns, combined with several precipitating events, are forcing the issue of privacy into the political arena, where new health policy decisions will be made. The debate must be framed within a principle-centered approach that focuses on boundaries, security, consumer control, accountability, and public responsibility. A global, distributed electronic health record management model that provides location-independent, secured, authenticated access to relevant patient care records by qualified health care professionals on a need-to-know basis provides solutions. Information asset considerations should be designed to equitably represent the ownership needs of corporate entities, society, and the individual. CONCLUSION: A secure electronic health record structure that systematically ensures a high level of accountability combined with thoughtful dialogue among key stakeholders in the public policy development process can offer the privacy outcomes we seek.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the preferences of pharmacy customers when choosing a pharmacy and their expectations of the service, and␣comparing these with the opinions of pharmacists. Main outcome measure Opinion and satisfaction of community pharmacy clients in Estonia. Methods A written survey was carried out among pharmacy customers (n=1979) in cities (in 3 community pharmacies), towns (in 2 community pharmacies), and in small towns (in 2 community pharmacies). The survey was also carried out among community pharmacists (n=135) in different regions of Estonia. Results When choosing a pharmacy, its location was considered most important, costs and wide choice are less important. The most important expectations of customers’ included help choosing the right medicine, as well as professional consultation. Preferences and expectations of pharmacy customers depended on their age, gender and income. Parking space, quickness and pleasantness were considered important by men. Costs and wide choice were considered to be more important by women. Pharmacists wish to give patients more information, but they overestimate the importance of quick service. Customers favoured privacy, discretion and confidentiality more. These characteristics were especially important to younger well-paid people living in big cities. Conclusion In contrast to the opinions offered by pharmacists’, a rapid customer service is so not as important as the quality of service in pharmacy according to customers. They also emphasised that pharmacies should highlight the choice of products, quality of service, a professional consultation, as well as ensure privacy.  相似文献   

目的通过对企业医院供需双方反应性水平的测定,改善和提高企业医院服务能力、扩大企业医院服务能量,提高工作人员的服务品质,满足患者多层次、多样化的医疗卫生服务需求。方法采用关键知情人物调查问卷对医务人员和就诊人员248人进行面对面现场调查,并对调查结果进行统计分析。结果该企业医院反应性水平指数为7.198分,医务人员反应性指数为7.135分,就诊人员为6.586分。在反应性8个部分打分中,社会支持网络分值最高,为8.495分,其次为保密性,为7.849分;及时性、自主性、选择性和基础设施质量分值较低,基础设施质量最低,为5.575分。供需双方在自主权、选择性、沟通和基础设施质量方面评价有统计学差异,表明在认识上二者有差异;在保密性、尊严、及时性和社会支持网络方面没有统计学差异。结论在满足基本医疗服务的前提下,企业医院应转变观念,开展人性化服务;努力倡导人文精神,实现医患和谐与理解,使患者得到实实在在的好处,也使医院在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

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