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术中自肠系膜下动脉下方切开乙状结肠系膜,游离Toldts间隙,暴露并保护左侧输尿管及生殖血管。切断肠系膜下动脉根部,清扫253组淋巴结。切开乙状结肠侧腹膜,游离乙状结肠下段。提起肠系膜下动脉血管蒂(已切断),沿Toldts层面分离直肠系膜与骶前间隙,环形完整游离直肠系膜,于肿瘤标记处远端约5cm处以直线切割闭合期切断直肠肠管。肠管断端提出体外,距离肿瘤近端约10cm,切断乙状结肠肠管,并包埋吻合器钉座。行乙状结肠-直肠端端吻合(Dixon手术)  相似文献   

在结肠系膜与后腹膜移行处切开后腹膜,分离系膜至肠系膜下动脉根部,清扫253组淋巴结,在距腹主动脉根部1 cm处夹闭并切断血管,切断肠系膜下静脉。由内侧向外侧分离结肠系膜至结肠旁沟,切开其左侧后腹膜,将降结肠及乙状结肠系膜从后腹壁游离。沿直肠固有筋膜与盆壁筋膜的间隙按照TME原则锐性分离直肠系膜,先游离后壁,再游离两侧壁及前壁,直至盆底。在肿瘤下方2 cm处用阻断夹夹闭肠管,冲洗远端直肠,用切割缝合器切断直肠。取脐部弧形切口。提出近端肠管,于肿瘤近端15 cm处离断肠管。近端置入管型吻合器抵钉座,还纳腹腔,重建气腹。经肛置入管型吻合器,在腹腔镜直视下作乙状结肠-直肠端端吻合,冲洗腹腔,置引流管,手术结束。  相似文献   

五孔法,按TME及神经功能保护原则手术,骶岬前方切开后腹膜,打开血管鞘,分离直肠上动脉、肠系膜上动脉及左结肠动脉,清扫腹主动脉(253)淋巴结,结扎切断肠系膜下动静脉,沿Denonvilliers筋膜分离,注意保护腹下神经丛。游离乙状结肠及降结肠系膜,向下沿盆筋膜脏层和壁层之间游离至肛提肌平面,注意保护盆自主神经。切断直肠侧韧带游离直肠侧方,前方打开腹膜返折部及Denonvilliers筋膜向下游离至肿瘤下方5 cm。切断乙状结肠,3-0抗菌微乔线荷包缝合一圈,切断直肠,经肛门置入吻合器枪身,激发完成吻合。  相似文献   

松解乙状结肠与侧腹膜间的粘连。沿直肠系膜根部内侧打开浆膜,钝、锐性向上分离至肠系膜下动脉根部。分离打开Toldt’s筋膜下间隙,解剖肠系膜下动静脉,清扫血管根部周围的淋巴脂肪组织。提起乙状结肠,向上继续分离Toldt’s间隙至结肠脾曲,向下分离结直肠后间隙至盆腔,进入盆腔脏、壁筋膜间隙直至骶前间隙,离断两侧直肠侧韧带。分离直肠前侧,沿腹膜反折打开,沿直肠系膜间隙分离完整切除直肠系膜(TME)。术中于肿瘤下方约2 cm处离断直肠。取6 cm长左旁正中切口,将游离的直肠移至腹腔外,在肿瘤上方约10 cm处离断,移去标本,残端置入吻合器抵针座后,荷包缝合固定,将肠管回纳腹腔后逐层关腹。经肛门置入28 mm吻合器,行乙状结肠-直肠端端吻合。  相似文献   

中央入路于乙状结肠系膜内侧切开后腹膜,解剖Toldt’s间隙,分别向左、向尾侧、向头侧进一步游离、扩大该间隙,显露并注意保护左侧输尿管、左侧生殖血管。充分游离Toldt’s间隙后,放入小纱布以作标记。提起肠系膜下血管根部系膜组织,彻底分离清扫肠系膜下动脉根部淋巴脂肪组织。夹闭、切断肠系膜下动脉,注意保护生殖神经。向下游离,首先游离后方的直肠后间隙和前方的邓氏间隙,然后离断直肠侧韧带。最后按腹腔镜下全直肠系膜切除法+双吻合器法切除直肠肿瘤及重建肠道。  相似文献   

采用中间路入,用超声刀裸化肠系膜下动静脉并清扫淋巴结,于肠系膜下动静脉根部施夹并切断;游离乙状结肠与左侧腹壁的生理粘连处;按TME原则向下游离直肠达肿瘤远端3~5 cm。肛门采用挂钩牵开器,显露齿状线上2.0 cm,用超声刀环行切开黏膜下向上潜行剥离直肠黏膜长2~4 cm切断直肠,将直肠肿瘤及乙状结肠从肛门拖出体外,距肿瘤约10 cm近心端切断乙状结肠,距齿状线上2 cm处将套入远端结肠浆肌层与直肠肌鞘缝合4针固定,近端结肠全层与齿状线上直肠黏膜及肠黏膜层行间断缝合,取下挂钩肛门牵开器,将吻合口还纳肛门内复位。  相似文献   

5孔法,仰卧,取头低足高30°的右侧倾斜膀胱截石位。1探查腹腔。2内侧入路从乙状结肠系膜与盆底腹膜交界处切开,自内向外分离Toldt's间隙。3距腹主动脉0.5 cm处Hem-o-lock断结扎肠系膜下动脉,在近屈氏韧带下方分离出肠系膜下静脉,切断,保护肠系膜下神经丛。4乙状结肠系膜裁剪及游离。5直肠后间隙分离:保护腹下神经丛。6直肠前壁及侧方分离:腹膜返折上0.5~1.0 cm切开,沿邓氏筋膜前分离直肠前壁,精囊腺底部切开邓氏筋膜,侧方分离全程以盆神经作为指引。7直肠末端系膜分离:将直肠系膜从肛提肌裂孔边缘切断,进入括约肌间隙,顺直肠壁向肛侧分离,距肿瘤2 cm切割闭合直肠。切除近端肠管行直肠乙状结肠端端吻合,回肠末端预防性造口。  相似文献   

直肠癌前切除术中保留左结肠动脉能有效保证吻合口的血供,减少术后吻合口漏发生率。术中于乙状结肠系膜内侧打开浆膜,分离至肾前间隙,向左、向尾侧、向头侧进一步游离、扩大该间隙,显露并注意保护左侧输尿管、左侧生殖血管。充分游离肾前间隙后,放入小纱布以作标记。提起肠系膜下血管根部系膜组织,彻底分离清扫肠系膜下动脉根部淋巴脂肪组织。清晰显露左结肠动脉的走行方向,注意保护之,在其远端夹闭、切断肠系膜下动脉,以保证近端肠管血运。余步骤按腹腔镜下全直肠系膜切除法+双吻合器法切除直肠肿瘤及重建肠道。  相似文献   

采用中间路入,用超声刀裸化肠系膜下动静脉并清扫淋巴结,于肠系膜下动静脉根部施夹并切断;游离乙状结肠与左侧腹壁的生理粘连处;按TME原则向下游离直肠达肿瘤远端3~5 cm。肛门采用挂钩牵开器,显露齿状线上2 cm,用超声刀环行切开黏膜下向上潜行剥离直肠黏膜长2~4 cm切断直肠,将直肠肿瘤及乙状结肠从肛门拖出体外,距肿瘤约10 cm近心端切断乙状结肠,距齿状线上2 cm处将套入远端结肠浆肌层与直肠肌鞘缝合4针固定,近端结肠全层与齿状线上直肠黏膜及肠黏膜层行间断缝合,取下挂钩肛门牵开器,将吻合口还纳肛门内复位。  相似文献   

腹腔镜直肠癌低位前切除术。术中首先经中间入路打开乙状结肠系膜内侧浆膜,循Toldt’s间隙向头侧游离至肠系膜下动脉根部,夹闭离断肠系膜下动脉,并清扫253组淋巴结;继续向外侧、尾侧游离左侧Toldt’s间隙,并向下延续至直肠后间隙,分离过程中注意保护左侧输尿管、左侧生殖血管。沿左结肠旁沟打开结肠系膜与侧腹壁的融合筋膜,向上游离左侧结肠至脾曲。向下继续沿直肠后间隙分离,并向两侧拓展;前方在腹膜返折略上水平打开腹膜,在邓氏筋膜前间隙向下游离,从前、后及两侧交替游离并完整切除直肠系膜;双吻合器法切除直肠肿瘤及重建肠道。  相似文献   

Summary Laparoscopic colon resections have often required an abdominal incision to remove the specimen and perform the anastomosis. Our aim was to mobilize the left colon and rectum using the laparoscope and perform a perineal proctosigmoidectomy with a primary end-to-end anastomosis. In eight pigs we used the operating laparoscope to mobilize the left colon, to ligate the inferior mesenteric artery at its origin, to ligate the inferior mesenteric vein as it crossed the left colic artery, and to fully mobilize the rectum. The rectum and sigmoid colon were then prolapsed through the anal canal, transected, and anastomosis was performed using an EEA stapler. The anastomosis was tested for structural and vascular integrity. Following the procedure, laparotomy was performed to estimate blood loss, to record visceral injury, and to examine the specimen for extent of resection. We were able to perform the resection and anastomosis in all animals with minimal blood loss and with high ligation of the vascular pedicle. There were no major visceral injuries. All anastomoses were perfused, patent, and intact. We concluded that when using the laparoscope in the porcine model, a low anterior resection and anastomosis can be performed safely with an adequate specimen without a laparotomy incision.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that a standardized approach to laparoscopic proctosigmoidectomy in a cadaver model with (1) initial proximal ligation of the inferior mesenteric (IM) vascular pedicle, (2) complete mobilization of the splenic flexure, and (3) intraperitoneal stapled colorectal anastomosis can be accomplished in complete accordance with oncologic surgical principles. Using nine cadavers in the fresh state, six abdominal wall cannulas were placed so as to allow good access to the left colon and rectum. After identifying the left ureter and gonadal vessel, the IM pedicle was divided close to the aorta and the left mesocolon was separated from the retroperitoneal structures. The sigmoid colon was transected at the proximal resection line with an endoscopic stapler; then the splenic flexure and descending colon were completely mobilized. The rectum was freed circumferentially, dissected first posteriorly, laterally, and anteriorly, and then transected in its middle portion with an endoscopic stapler. The specimen was removed through a widened left-lower-quadrant trocar incision and the anvil of a circular endoscopic stapler was placed into the proximal colon extraperitoneally. An intraperitoneal laparoscopic colorectal anastomosis was performed using a double-stapled technique. The median length of specimen was 53 cm (range 45–80 cm) and the median number of removed lymph nodes was 15 (range 11–20). A careful abdominal autopsy was carried out in all cadavers. Length of remaining inferior mesenteric artery was smaller than 1.5 cm in all cases and only one remaining lymph node (3 mm in diameter) was found adjacent to the IMA in one subject. No damage to either ureter occurred. All colorectal anastomoses were patent without signs of air leakage or defects on air insufflation and gross inspection. Using this standardized laparoscopic technique, it is possible to perform a proctosigmoidectomy with stapled intraperitoneal anastomosis according to oncologic surgical principles.  相似文献   

We report a new laparoscopic approach to the resection of the lower rectum which has been successfully used in the treatment of a patient with a small rectal carcinoid tumor. Under general anesthesia a pneumo-peritoneum was established with CO2 gas insufflation and the rectum was mobilized from the sacrum including division of the lateral ligaments under the direct view of the laparoscope. The bowel was divided between the sigmoid colon and the rectum using an endoscopic linear stapler, and the rectum was everted through the anal canal. The lower rectum was transected extracorporeally using a linear stapler and the rectal stump was then returned to the anatomical position. An anvil of a circular stapling device into the oral colon stump through a small skin incision on the left lower abdomen was introduced and the shaft of the device through the rectal stump via anus was inserted. The device was then re-approximated under laparoscopic view and fired. Our procedure described here is applicable to the lower rectal lesion as a minimally invasive, safe, and useful therapeutic tool.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹部无切口经肛门切除标本的腹腔镜低位直肠癌根治套入式吻合术的安全性和可行性及临床疗效。 方法从2010年3月至2017年12月对102例低位直肠癌行腹腔镜下根治经肛门切除行套入式吻合保肛术,男43例,女59例。年龄36~81岁(平均59.6岁)。肿瘤距肛缘5~7 cm 85例,4 cm 17例,术前评估T1N0M0 79例,T2N0M0 23例。采用中间入路用超声刀沿乙状结肠系膜根部游离并裸化肠系膜下动静脉根部后,施夹并切断。按TME原则,游离直肠至肛管直肠环达肿瘤远端3~5 cm。会阴部手术距齿状线上2 cm处环型切开,沿黏膜下锐性向上剥离至提肛肌平面切断直肠,将直肠及远端乙状结肠一并从肛门移出体外切除,行套入式近端结肠全层与直肠黏膜及肠黏膜下吻合。 结果本组102例,手术平均时间为179 min,平均检出淋巴结13枚,术后发生吻合口漏3例(2.9%)行临时结肠造口,3个月后还纳愈合。吻合口狭窄2例(1.9%),经扩张后狭窄解除。术后病理为T1~T2N0M0 49例,T2N1M0 53例。术后12个月肛门功能,Kirwan分级1级占94.1%,肛门功能基本恢复到正常。术后随访6~84月,平均45个月,局部肿瘤复发4例(3.9%),生存满3年以上67例。 结论腹腔镜低位直肠癌根治腹部无切口经肛门切除套入式吻合保肛术,是安全可行,真正达到腹部无手术切口、无瘢痕、美容美观、完全微创的最佳效果,其远期疗效待进一步随访观察。  相似文献   


Background and Objectives:

Bowel anastomosis after anterior resection is one of the most difficult tasks to perform during laparoscopic colorectal surgery. This study aims to evaluate a new feasible and safe intracorporeal anastomosis technique after laparoscopic left-sided colon or rectum resection in a pig model.


The technique was evaluated in 5 pigs. The OrVil device (Covidien, Mansfield, Massachusetts) was inserted into the anus and advanced proximally to the rectum. A 0.5-cm incision was made in the sigmoid colon, and the 2 sutures attached to its delivery tube were cut. After the delivery tube was evacuated through the anus, the tip of the anvil was removed through the perforation. The sigmoid colon was transected just distal to the perforation with an endoscopic linear stapler. The rectosigmoid segment to be resected was removed through the anus with a grasper, and distal transection was performed. A 25-mm circular stapler was inserted and combined with the anvil, and end-to-side intracorporeal anastomosis was then performed.


We performed the technique in 5 pigs. Anastomosis required an average of 12 minutes. We observed that the proximal and distal donuts were completely removed in all pigs. No anastomotic air leakage was observed in any of the animals.


This study shows the efficacy and safety of intracorporeal anastomosis with the OrVil device after laparoscopic anterior resection.  相似文献   

(1)暴露乙状结肠系膜根部与后腹膜粘连形成的黄白线,由此进入Toldt's间隙,拓展间隙至肠系膜下动脉根部,完成D3淋巴结清扫;(2)在直肠固有筋膜和腹下神经前筋膜之间分离,可以完好地保留盆腔自主神经系统从而完成全直肠系膜切除术;(3)完全腹腔镜下乙状结肠-直肠端端吻合;(4)预防性回肠袢式造口,皮内浆肌层连续缝合术在完全腹腔镜下直肠癌根治术中的应用。  相似文献   

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