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目的探索创建"粉丝"为基础的家庭医生制服务模式,并对其运行效果进行评价。方法白云街道社区卫生服务中心的4个团队中的18名医生与辖区内居民签订了契约式服务,每名医生约签约50户"粉丝"家庭,共签约"粉丝"家庭925户。责任医生为"粉丝"家庭提供基本医疗、健康教育、生活方式及行为方式指导等服务,由此盘活居民健康档案、实施慢性病管理等各项社区卫生工作。结果以"粉丝"为基础的家庭医生制服务模式的运行,使社区各项公共卫生服务、基本医疗服务明显改善,社区居民的满意度明显提高。结论以"粉丝"为基础的家庭医生制服务模式运行效果良好,能够为我国其他地区开展家庭医生制服务试点工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Steinman MA  Hanlon JT 《JAMA》2010,304(14):1592-1601
Multiple medication use is common in older adults and may ameliorate symptoms, improve and extend quality of life, and occasionally cure disease. Unfortunately, multiple medication use is also a major risk factor for prescribing and adherence problems, adverse drug events, and other adverse health outcomes. Using the case of an older patient taking multiple medications, this article summarizes the evidence-based literature about improving medication use and withdrawing specific drugs and drug classes. It also describes a systematic approach for how health professionals can assess and improve medication regimens to benefit patients and their caregivers and families.  相似文献   

论中医"治未病"在社区卫生服务"六位一体"中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"治未病"是中医学中最具影响的学说之一,代表着中医学的特色和精髓。它包含未病先防、既病防变和瘥后防复三个层面的指导思想和丰富内容。社区卫生服务"六位一体"是指预防、医疗、保健、健康教育、康复、计划生育技术指导六种社区卫生综合服务功能。两者在理论上和具体实施时有着不谋而合的相通点,开发和拓展中医"治未病"在社区卫生服务"六位一体"中的应用,无论是对于人类的健康生存还是社会生产力的发展都具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Assessing risk for pelvic inflammatory disease and its sequelae   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To assess the risk for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a practitioner must evaluate the likelihood that a woman has PID or will be exposed to a sexually transmitted disease causing PID. Successful risk assessment depends on accurate information about variables influencing risk of PID. To determine the current state of knowledge about PID risk variables, we examined data in published reports. Data on each risk variable were scrutinized to discern which link(s) in the PID risk chain it affects (acquisition of a sexually transmitted disease, development of PID, or development of PID sequelae) and whether it is a risk marker or a risk factor. Most PID risk variables, particularly sexual behaviors, are associated with acquisition of a sexually transmitted disease, rather than development of PID itself. With the exception of age, demographic and social indicators of risk appear to be risk markers, while contraceptive practices appear more often to be risk factors than risk markers. Additional data are needed for most PID risk variables confidently to categorize them as risk factors. Enough information is available, however, to begin assessing risk for PID, so that appropriate counseling can ensue and timely diagnosis can be made.  相似文献   

为提高医疗保险管理水平和效率,将病案首页、医嘱系统、费用信息电子化存储和传输,使医疗保险审核人员可以在医疗环节中监督控制。通过扫描身份证、医疗项目标识医疗保险类别、乙类限病种用药作申报处理以及医院系统和医疗保险系统的多平台融合,自动规范了医疗行为。通过及时采集和处理医疗保险数据,简化了医疗保险工作程序。电子病案的应用,达到了全程动态监控,提高了医疗保险管理的效率,促进了和谐社会的发展。  相似文献   

110例“艾十字项目”基线实验观察分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:性病/艾滋病流行日益严峻,已严重威胁到人们的生命和健康。艾滋病和性病的治疗密切相关,对二者的预防不仅要利用最新的治疗方案,还要促进患者相关行为的改变,旨在整合性病/艾滋病的临床治疗及行为干预。方法:收集患者110例尿液(男性)或用宫颈拭子提取宫颈分泌物(女性),用于衣原体和淋病的实验室检查。结果:110例患者8个批次标本中,淋球菌感染23例,占20.91%;沙眼衣原体感染8例,占7.27%;双阳3例,占2.73%。结论:本研究为改善性病/艾滋病提供治疗和预防手段及方案。  相似文献   

本文报告21例人工流产术前、术后血及尿的 hCG 水平变化,观察其变化规律。本文观察到人流术后21天血及尿 hCG 均恢复正常,若持续不降应考虑“不全流产”或“异位妊娠”等疾患。我们认为,人流术后 hCG 变化规律,对临床诊断有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Since January 1990, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients attending two sexually transmitted disease clinics in Baltimore, Md, have been offered T-lymphocyte subset evaluations. From January through September, CD4+ lymphocyte concentrations were measured in 223 newly diagnosed HIV-infected patients; 50% had fewer than 500 CD4+ T cells and 12% had fewer than 200 CD4+ T cells per cubic millimeter. Most patients were asymptomatic, and, even among patients with fewer than 200 CD4+ T cells, 54% had no symptoms or signs suggestive of advanced HIV infection. Homosexually active men had significantly lower mean CD4+ lymphocyte concentrations than intravenous drug users. Given the substantial numbers of patients with CD4+ concentrations that qualified them for zidovudine therapy, we also assessed their mechanisms of paying for health care. Only 24% of HIV-infected patients had private insurance. Seventy-two percent of patients with fewer than 200 CD4+ T cells either had no insurance or relied on public assistance for health care. Thus, although 50% of asymptomatic individuals identified by routine voluntary HIV screening in an inner-city sexually transmitted disease clinic may benefit from therapy for their disease, 75% of those qualifying for presently recommended therapy either depend on publicly funded health care or have no means of payment for care.  相似文献   

This paper addresses ethical concerns emanating from the practice of using patients for health care education. It shows how some of the ways that patients are used in educational strategies to bridge theory-practice gaps can cause harm to patients and patient-practitioner relationships, thus failing to meet acceptable standards of professional practice. This will continue unless there is increased awareness of the need for protection of human rights in teaching situations. Unnecessary exposure of patients, failing to obtain explicit consent, causing harm to vulnerable or disadvantaged groups and inappropriate use of information, though normally regarded as unacceptable professional practices, may go unrecognised in meeting educational needs, widening rather than narrowing theory-practice gaps.  相似文献   

Despite the overall progress in women's health research during the last decade, maternal morbidity and mortality remain understudied. The maternal mortality rate in the United States has not decreased in 20 years, and there is an unacceptable gap in maternal mortality between black and white women. The Safe Motherhood Act for Research and Treatment (SMART Mom Act) was introduced in Congress to address this issue and will focus on research and data collection, safe medications, and education.  相似文献   

As a result of advances in information technology, there is now a new capacity to manage, interpret and apply data for the benefit not only of individual patients but of the population as a whole. Population health information systems are currently inadequate to meet the needs of disease control. In a rapidly changing world, effective public health action requires timely and efficient data about what is happening in the whole population. As the national effort to harness information technology to the needs of individual patient care begins, it is desirable that the electronic patient record also becomes the building block for public health research and monitoring. Individual healthcare and population healthcare should be two sides of the one coin. Ownership, privacy and access to the contents of the electronic health record should now be addressed in the context that disease control in the whole population will increasingly depend upon an efficient "real time" information system.  相似文献   

Three British physicians briefly review the final programs in a BBC series, "Doctors' Dilemmas," each consisting of a case history followed by a discussion involving health professionals, administrators, and lawyers. Taylor, an occupational physician, comments on the episode in which a company doctor is asked by management to disclose confidential information about an employee. Psychiatrist Jerram discusses his reactions to the program presenting the dilemmas of treating a patient with anorexia nervosa against her will. Forsythe, a community physician, reviews the final episode, which dealt with resource allocation, the role of health professionals within the National Health Service, and the potential conflict between the NHS and private practice.  相似文献   

A Reliable RFID Mutual Authentication Scheme for Healthcare Environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Connected health care provides new opportunities for improving financial and clinical performance. Many connected health care applications such as telecare medicine information system, personally controlled health records system, and patient monitoring have been proposed. Correct and quality care is the goal of connected heath care, and user authentication can ensure the legality of patients. After reviewing authentication schemes for connected health care applications, we find that many of them cannot protect patient privacy such that others can trace users/patients by the transmitted data. And the verification tokens used by these authentication schemes to authenticate users or servers are only password, smart card and RFID tag. Actually, these verification tokens are not unique and easy to copy. On the other hand, biometric characteristics, such as iris, face, voiceprint, fingerprint and so on, are unique, easy to be verified, and hard to be copied. In this paper, a biometrics-based user authentication scheme will be proposed to ensure uniqueness and anonymity at the same time. With the proposed scheme, only the legal user/patient himself/herself can access the remote server, and no one can trace him/her according to transmitted data.  相似文献   

This case study demonstrates the use of quality improvement methods to improve asthma care in a busy community practice. The practice used disease-management strategies, such as population identification, self-management education, and performance measurement and feedback. The practice then applied several practice-based quality improvement methods, such as PDSA cycles, to improve care. From 1998 to 2003, process measures, such as staging of asthmatics, use of long-term control medications, use of peak flow meters and spacers, and use of action plans, improved. There was also a substantial decrease in emergency department use and hospitalizations among patients with asthma. Although there have been several studies demonstrating the efficacy of disease management strategies, most lack generalizability to community practices. Often, interventions are so intensive and cumbersome, that they are unlikely to be replicated in primary care setting. Researchers have been unable to determine which components of the interventions are most effective and replicable. Furthermore, many studies of disease management strategies enroll participants who lack the co-morbidities seen in community practice. There are also few studies of disadvantaged populations that face other barriers to care, such as lack of transportation, poor access to specialists, and medical illiteracy. In this case study, there were several unique factors that enabled the practice to improve care for this population. The AccessCare case manager who worked with the practice not only provided data and feedback to the practice team, but also served as an improvement "coach," often pushing the team and facilitating many of the improvement efforts. AccessCare's approach is in contrast to many of the commercial disease management companies' "carve out" models that do not sufficiently involve providers or practices in their interventions. The other necessary ingredient for success in this project was organizational leadership and support. The leaders of the practice saw beyond the usual metrics of patient visit counts and relative value units (RVUs) to embrace the concept of population health: the notion that practices are not only responsible for providing acute, episodic care in the office, but also for improving health outcomes in the community in which they serve. Other important factors included ensuring a basic agreement among providers on the need for improvement and frequent communication about the goals of the project. Although the champions of the project tried to minimize formal meeting time, there was frequent informal communication between team members. In the future, there is a need to develop other approaches to stimulate these endeavors in community practices, such as "pay for performance" programs, continuing education credit, and tying maintenance of board certification to quality improvement initiatives.  相似文献   

Clinical bioinformatics provides biological and medical information to allow for individualized healthcare. In this review, we describe the uses of clinical bioinformatics. After the analysis of the complete human genome sequences, clinical bioinformatics enables researchers to search online biological databases and use the biological information in their medical practices. The data obtained from using microarray is extremely complicated. In clinical bioinformatics, selecting appropriate software to analyze the microarray data for medical decision making is crucial. Proteomics strategy tools usually focus on similarity searches, structure prediction, and protein modeling. In clinical bioinformatics, the proteomic data only have meaning if they are integrated with clinical data. In pharmacogenomics, clinical bioinformatics includes elaborate studies of bioinformatics tools and various facets of proteomics related to drug target identification and clinical validation. Using clinical bioinformatics, researchers apply computational and high-throughput experimental techniques to cancer research and systems biology. Meanwhile, researchers of bioinformatics and medical information have incorporated clinical bioinformatics to improve health care, using biological and medical information. Using the high volume of biological information from clinical bioinformatics will contribute to changes in practice standards in the healthcare system. We believe that clinical bioinformatics provides benefits of improving healthcare, disease prevention and health maintenance as we move toward the era of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

The treatment of psychiatric patients requires different health care from that of patients from other medical specialties. In particular, in the case of Department of Psychiatry from the Zamora Hospital (Spain), the period of time which patients require institutionalized care is a tiny part of their treatment. A large part of health care provided to the patient is aimed at his/her rehabilitation and social integration through day-care centres, supervised flats or activities. Conversely, several reports reveal that approximately 50 % of Internet users use the network as a source of health information, which has led to the emergence of virtual communities where patients, relatives or health professionals share their knowledge concerning an illness, health problem or specific health condition. In this context, we have identified that the relatives have a lack of information regarding the daily activities of patients under psychiatric treatment. The social networks or the virtual communities regarding health problems do not provide a private space where relatives can follow the patient’s progress, despite being in different places. The goal of the study was to use technologies to develop a private social network for being used by severe mental patients (mainly schizophrenic patients). SocialNet is a pioneer social network in the health sector because it provides a social interaction context restricted to persons authorized by the patient or his/her legal guardian in such a way that they can track his/her daily activity. Each patient has a private area only accessible to authorized persons and their caregivers, where they can share pictures, videos or texts regarding his/her progress. A preliminary study of usability of the system has been made for increasing the usefulness and usability of SocialNet. SocialNet is the first system for promoting personal interactions among formal caregivers, family, close friends and patient, promoting the recovery of schizophrenic patients. Future studies should study the network’s potential usefulness for improving the prognosis and recovery of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Wellness programs: a review of the evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To review studies that have examined an association between wellness programs and improvements in quality of life and to assess the strength of the scientific evidence. DATA SOURCES: A MEDLINE search was constructed with the following medical subject headings: "psychoneuroimmunology," "chronic disease" and "health promotion," "chronic disease" and "health behaviour," "relaxation techniques," "music therapy," "laughter," "anger," "mediation" and "behavioural medicine." Searches using the text words "wellness" and "wellness program" were also carried out. References from the primary articles identified in the search and contemporary writing on wellness were also considered. STUDY SELECTION: Selection was limited to randomized controlled trials or prospective studies published in English that involved human subjects and that took place between 1980 and 1996. All studies with an intervention aimed at promoting wellness and measuring outcomes were included, except studies of patients with cancer and HIV and studies of health promotion programs in the workplace. Of the 1082 references initially identified, 11 met the criteria for inclusion in the critical appraisal. DATA EXTRACTION: The following information was extracted from the 11 studies: characteristics of the study population, number of participants (and number followed to completion), length of follow-up, type of intervention, outcome measures and results. All 11 studies were assessed for the quality of their evidence. DATA SYNTHESIS: All studies reported some positive outcomes following the intervention in question, although many had limitations precluding applicability of the results to a wider population. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the suggested benefit associated with wellness programs, the evidence was inconclusive. Whether the composition of the target group or the type of intervention has a role in determining outcomes is unknown. Although trends suggest that wellness programs may be cost-effective, further research is needed for confirmation.  相似文献   

白娟  禄保平 《中医学报》2016,(6):818-821
情志理论是中医药理论的瑰宝之一,以其指导临床,与"治未病"紧密结合,在"未病先防""欲病救萌""已病早治""既病防变"和"病愈防复"各个阶段都能体现出其效力,能够指导治未病理论更好地为健康服务。中医学"治未病"理论以人类身心健康为目标,对个体健康状态全面系统管理,它要求人们在健康和疾病的不同阶段和层次上预先采取有效措施,防止疾病的发生、发展、传变和复发,全方位、全过程维护人的心身健康。概言之,"治未病"就是追求机体趋向于阴平阳秘的健康状态,这种健康状态不止是机体方面,也包括心理方面。  相似文献   

":治未病"是中医学重要的防治思想,它包括"未病先防"和"既病防变"两个方面。肛窦炎是临床常见病、多发病,中医"治未病"的学术思想将其预防医学思想与肛窦炎的防治结合起来具有显著的意义。在防治肛窦炎方面提出"未病先防"应普及肛窦炎的健康教育、采取合理的饮食并进行适当的功能锻炼";既病防变"强调应及时诊治,以防它变。  相似文献   

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