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Background and Aim: Occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is defined by the detectable serum HBV–DNA in HBV surface antigen‐negative patients. This retrospective study aims to evaluate the therapeutic effects of combined pegylated interferon (PEG–IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) in patients with concurrent occult HBV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) dual infection. Methods: In total, 126 consecutive chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients who received combined PEG–IFN and RBV therapy were included. Patients were divided into the occult HBV/HCV dual infection group or the HCV‐monoinfected group according to whether or not they had the detectable serum HBV–DNA. The biochemical and virological responses to combined therapy were compared between these two groups. Serum HCV‐RNA and HBV–DNA were checked before treatment, at the end of treatment as well as at 6‐ and 12‐months' follow up in the occult HBV/HCV group. Result: Six patients were seropositive for HBV–DNA and were included in the occult HBV/HCV dual infection group. There were no statistical differences in the biochemical and virological responses to combined therapy between these two groups. Undetectable serum HBV–DNA was noted at the end of the treatment and the 6‐ and 12‐months' follow up in patients with occult HBV/HCV dual infection. Conclusion: Occult HBV infection in CHC patients is rare. The biochemical and virological responses to combined PEG–IFN and RBV therapy might be similar in CHC patients with or without occult HBV infection. The serum HBV–DNA level was low in patients with occult HBV/HCV dual infection who responded to combined therapy.  相似文献   

Ribavirin is a purine nucleoside that inhibits the replication of a variety of RNA viruses and was shown to have a transient efficacy in chronic hepatitis C during short-term therapy. We have analysed retrospectively its efficacy in 95 patients with liver biopsy-proven chronic hepatitis C. Patients received oral ribavirin (600–1200mg daily) for a mean duration of 11 months. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels returned to normal values in 38 patients (40%) and decreased by more than 50% in 20 other patients (21%). HCV RNA clearance from serum was observed in seven patients (8%). The biochemical response rate was higher in patients with chronic hepatitis (54%) than in those with cirrhosis (24%) ( P =0.003). Clearance of HCV RNA was observed in 10% of the patients with chronic hepatitis vs 4% of the patients with cirrhosis. In non-responders to interferon (IFN) therapy, ALT levels returned to normal values in 11 (26%) and HCV RNA became negative in one (2%), as compared to 48% and 3%, respectively, in those contraindicated for IFN. In 17 patients in whom paired liver biopsy specimens were available, the histology activity index (HAI) improved in 12. Therapy was generally well tolerated although 11 patients had to stop therapy because of side-effects, which were more common in cirrhotic patients. In conclusion, our results suggest that long-term administration of ribavirin is well tolerated and may be beneficial in controlling the progression of chronic hepatitis C. This may represent an alternative therapy in patients who have contraindications for interferon therapy or as a palliative approach in non-responders to IFN.  相似文献   

Aim:  Nearly 20% of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients with genotype 2 hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are not curable, even by interferon (IFN)–ribavirin combination therapy. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors that determine the efficacy of combination therapy in patients with genotype 2 HCV infection.
Methods:  Fifty patients with CHC who underwent a treatment of 6 MU IFN α-2b with ribavirin for 24 weeks were retrospectively analyzed.
Results:  All the patients showed no serum HCV-RNA within 12 weeks after starting the therapy. Forty-one of the 50 patients (82%) achieved a sustained virological response (SVR). The age, sex, genotype (2a vs. 2b) and grade/stage of the liver by histopathology and pretreatment viral load werenot different between the sustained responders and relapsers. Univariate analysis showed that an earlier viral clearance from blood and a larger number of amino acid substitutions in the interferon sensitivity determining region (ISDR) were predictors of SVR. Multivariate analysis showed that a large number of amino acid substitutions in the ISDR was a predictor of SVR.
Conclusion:  The characterization of the amino acid sequences of ISDR may be helpful for predicting a relapse after combination therapy in patients with genotype 2 HCV infection.  相似文献   

Summary. Coinfection with GBV‐C/HGV in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) may influence clinical course and response rates of antiviral therapy. Aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of GBV‐C/HGV/HCV coinfection and its influence on outcome of interferon/ribavirin combination therapy. Three hundred and four patients with CHC [m/f = 211/93, age: 42 (18–65)] were investigated. HGV RNA detection was performed by polymerase chain reaction prior to and 6 months after the end of antiviral therapy. HGV/HCV coinfection could be identified in 37/304 (12.2%) patients with intravenous drug abuse as the most common source of infection (N = 21, (56.8%)). The predominant HCV genotype in coinfected individuals was HCV‐3a (HCV‐3a: 51.4%, HCV‐1: 37.8%, HCV‐4: 10.8%). HGV coinfection was more prevalent in patients infected with HCV‐3 compared to HCV‐1 or HCV‐4 [19/45 (42.2%) vs 14/185 (7.6%) vs 4/52 (7.7%), P < 0.01]. Patients with HGV/HCV coinfection were younger [35 (18–56) vs 43 (19–65), years; P < 0.01], and advanced fibrosis (F3‐F4) was less frequent (22.2%vs 42.9%, P < 0.05). A sustained virological response was achieved more frequently in HGV/HCV coinfected patients [26/37 (70.3%)] than in monoinfected patients [120/267 (44.9%), P < 0.01]. HGV RNA was undetectable in 65.7% of the coinfected patients at the end of follow‐up. Intravenous drug abuse seems to be a major risk factor for HGV coinfection in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Coinfection with HGV does not worsen the clinical course of chronic hepatitis C or diminish response of HCV to antiviral therapy. Interferon/ribavirin combination therapy also clears HGV infection in a high proportion of cases.  相似文献   

Pegylated interferon α (IFNα) in combination with ribavirin is currently recommended as a standard-of-care treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. This combination therapy has drastically improved the rate of sustained virological response, specifically in difficult-to-treat patients. Recently, individualized treatment, such as response-guided therapy, is being developed based on host-, HCV- and treatment-related factors. Furthermore, modified regimens with currently available medications, ...  相似文献   

In Korea, patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are typically treated with pegylated interferon‐alpha plus ribavirin, but interferons are contraindicated in many patients and are often poorly tolerated, particularly by the elderly and those with advanced liver disease. No interferon‐free treatment regimens are approved in Korea. Sofosbuvir is an oral nucleotide analog inhibitor of the HCV nonstructural 5B RNA polymerase. It is approved in the USA, European Union and Japan for treating a number of HCV genotypes, including genotype 2. Genotype 2 has a seroprevalence of 38–46% in Korea. This single‐arm, phase 3b study (NCT02021643) examined the efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir plus ribavirin (12‐week duration) in chronic genotype 2 HCV‐infected treatment‐naive and treatment‐experienced Korean patients with and without cirrhosis. The proportion of patients with sustained virologic response 12 weeks after treatment discontinuation (SVR12) was 97% (125/129), with 96% (101/105) of treatment‐naive and 100% (24/24) of treatment‐experienced patients achieving SVR12. Two patients experienced virologic failure (n = 1, on‐treatment failure; n = 1, relapse). No patient discontinued study treatment due to an adverse event (AE). The most common treatment‐emergent AEs were headache (18%, 23/129) and pruritus (15%, 19/129). Few patients had grade 3 AEs (5%, 6/129) or grade 3 laboratory abnormalities (12%, 15/129). No grade 4 AE was reported. These data suggest that 12 weeks of treatment with the all‐oral, interferon‐free regimen of sofosbuvir plus ribavirin is effective and well tolerated in Korean patients with chronic genotype 2 HCV infection.  相似文献   

Primary goals of the Hepatitis C Action Plan for Scotland Phase II (May 2008–March 2011) were to increase, among persons chronically infected with the hepatitis C (HCV) virus, attendance at specialist outpatient clinics and initiation on antiviral therapy. We evaluated progress towards these goals by comparing the odds, across time, of (a) first clinic attendance within 12 months of HCV diagnosis (= 9747) and (b) initiation on antiviral treatment within 12 months of first attendance (= 5736). Record linkage between the national HCV diagnosis (1996–2009) and HCV clinical (1996–2010) databases and logistic regression analyses were conducted for both outcomes. For outcome (a), 32% and 45% in the respective pre‐Phase II (before 1 May 2008) and Phase II periods attended a specialist clinic within 12 months of diagnosis; the odds of attendance within 12 months increased over time (OR = 1.05 per year, 95% CI: 1.04–1.07), but was not significantly greater for persons diagnosed with HCV in the Phase II era, compared with the pre‐Phase II era (OR = 1.1, 95% CI: 0.9–1.3), after adjustment for temporal trend. For outcome (b), 13% and 28% were initiated on treatment within 12 months of their first clinic attendance in the pre‐Phase II and Phase II periods, respectively. Higher odds of treatment initiation were associated with first clinic attendance in the Phase II (OR = 1.9, 95% CI: 1.5–2.4), compared with the pre‐Phase II era. Results were consistent with a positive impact of the Hepatitis C Action Plan on the treatment of chronically infected individuals, but further monitoring is required to confirm a sustained effect.  相似文献   

Summary.  Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are treated with interferon α plus ribavirin, but it is unknown how ribavirin works against HCV. Ribavirin is a guanosine analogue that can be a substrate for the viral RNA polymerase. HCV is genetically variable, and this genetic variation could affect the polymerase's use of ribavirin triphosphate. Thirteen patients infected with HCV who failed interferon α monotherapy and were retreated with interferon α plus ribavirin were identified; seven were responders and six were nonresponders to combination therapy. The consensus sequences encoding the 13 polymerases plus seven sequences from treatment-naive controls were determined. The responder sequences were more genetically variable than the nonresponders and controls, the amino acid variations unique to responders had lower BLOSUM90 scores than variations in nonresponders and controls, and the amino acid variations correlated with response to therapy clustered around the RNA-binding channel of the polymerase. These data imply that that the responder enzymes were probably more functionally variable than the nonresponder enzymes. Enzymatic activity was measured for 10 recombinant polymerases; RNA synthesis activity varied by over sevenfold and polymerases from two of the responders used GTP much better than UTP, but technical limitations prevented direct measurement of ribavirin triphosphate use. Because response to combination therapy in these patients was primarily due to addition of ribavirin to the treatment regimen, these data imply that genetic variation in the polymerase may have affected the efficiency of ribavirin incorporation into the viral genome and hence may have modulated ribavirin's efficacy against HCV.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is common in multi-transfused thalassaemic patients, and, in combination with transfusional iron overload, can result in progressive liver disease. Therapy with interferon-alpha causes a sustained loss of HCV in only 15–25% of patients, and there is as yet no established effective therapy for those who fail to respond. We have conducted a pilot study of combination anti-viral therapy for patients who failed to respond, or relapsed after an initial response to single-agent interferon-alpha. Patients were treated for 6 months with interferon-alpha 2b, given subcutaneously three mega units thrice weekly, together with ribavirin, orally 1 g daily. 11 patients were enrolled, their median age was 24.9 years. 8/10 evaluable patients had cirrhosis on biopsy, five were infected with HCV type 1 and all but one had initial HCV RNA titres > 106 genomes/ml. Five patients (45.5%) had a sustained virological response with loss of serum HCV RNA for > 6 months after finishing therapy. There was no clear association between response to therapy and age, histology, HCV genotype, or HCV RNA titre. Transfusion requirements were significantly increased during the treatment phase, probably due to ribavirin-induced haemolysis, and this necessitated intensification of iron chelation therapy. Serum ferritin levels decreased significantly in those who responded. These results suggest that combination therapy is potent in clearing HCV infection, and may provide effective second-line therapy for thalassaemic patients who have failed to respond to interferon-alpha monotherapy.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C is a worldwide problem that frequently results in end-stage liver disease and its complications. Treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been rather ineffective but several recent studies have clarified the role of interferon and ribavirin therapy. In line with therapeutic progress in HIV infection, hepatitis C is now entering the era of multidrug antiviral therapy. Ribavirin is an orally active synthetic guanosine analogue with theoretical antiviral and immunomodulatory actions. In this review we have evaluated the role of interferon and ribavirin in treatment-naive patients, relapsers and non-responders. In naive patients the combination results in improved end-of-treatment and sustained response rates, with an overall 41% sustained virological response rate in patients treated for 48 weeks. Therapeutic benefit also extends to the traditionally difficult to treat patients (genotype 1, high vital load and advanced fibrosis). The addition of ribavirin to interferon has also resulted in an increased toxicity profile, which has made therapy more difficult for both the patient and managing physician. However, the significant improvement in response rates for all patients makes combination therapy the most appropriate choice as the first-line therapy for suitable patients with chronic viral hepatitis C. Appropriate management with interferon and ribavirin includes assessing the patient's HCV genotype to determine the optimal duration of therapy, assessing therapeutic efficacy by measuring HCV-RNA at 24 weeks and monitoring for the additional ribavirin side-effects.  相似文献   

Bacteremia has rarely been reported in patients receiving treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. We describe the features and investigation of four cases of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia occurring between 3 November 2004 and 10 January 2005 in patients on therapy for chronic HCV infection. The unusual occurrence of S. aureus bacteremia in a series of patients led to an epidemiologic investigation and molecular typing methods were employed to assess the relatedness of cases. The mean time of bacteremia onset was week 10 of HCV treatment. No patient had neutropenia previously. The average duration of bacteremia was 2.6 days and complications included acute renal failure (2/4), disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) with sepsis syndrome (1/4), septic arthritis (1/4), spinal epidural abscess (1/4) and endocarditis (1/4). Two patients were in the same weight class for dosing, but no other epidemiologic links were found. One patient admitted to intravenous drug use (IVDU) and a second was suspected of IVDU. The two other patients were cirrhotic, but had no further identifiable risk factors. All bacterial isolates were methicillin-susceptible. By pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, two cases were found to have identical bacterial strains. However, fluorescent-based amplified fragment-length polymorphism analysis demonstrated distinct band patterns in all four cases. The epidemiologic data and molecular analysis of this cluster of S. aureus bacteremia cases among patients receiving combination therapy for treatment of chronic HCV infection suggest that these cases were not related. Additionally, IVDU and cirrhosis, but not neutropenia, are identified as potential risk factors for this uncommon complication of HCV therapy.  相似文献   

Aim:  To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the triple treatment with telaprevir (MP-424), pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin during 12 weeks on-treatment.
Methods:  The triple treatment was given to 20 patients with chronic hepatitis C who had been infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-1b in high viral load (median: 6.8 log IU/mL [range: 5.5–7.2]), with a median age of 54 years (range: 36–65 years). They were followed for early dynamics of HCV RNA in serum during 12 weeks and side-effects.
Results:  HCV RNA levels decreased by 4.8 logs by 7 days and 5.5 logs by 14 days. HCV RNA disappeared in 50% (10/20) at 2 weeks, 79% (15/19) at 4 weeks, 88% (14/16) at 6 weeks, 94% (15/16) at 8 weeks and 100% (13/13) at 12 weeks. HCV RNA disappeared equally frequently in 10 treatment-naive patients, six non-responders to IFN monotherapy and four non-responders to PEG-IFN and ribavirin. It was no different in the patients with and without amino acid substitutions reducing the response to IFN. The treatment was withdrawn in seven (35%) patients, mostly due to reduced hemoglobin of less than 8.5 g/dL, of whom six (86%) remained clear of HCV RNA at 12 weeks.
Conclusion:  HCV RNA was lost from serum rapidly and universally in patients infected with HCV-1b in high viral loads by the triple treatment. Because an early loss of HCV RNA correlates with high rates of sustained virological response (SVR), it would increase SVR substantially, and merit the patients who have not responded to previous therapies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with dual hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection have responded poorly to interferon (IFN) monotherapy. The purpose of the present paper was to assess the effect of combined IFN-alpha and ribavirin therapy in patients infected with both hepatitis B and C. METHODS: Thirty-six patients received 3 or 5 MU IFN-alpha-2b thrice weekly and oral ribavirin (800-1200 mg/day) for 24 weeks. All patients had positive hepatitis B surface antigen, antibody to HCV, and HCV-RNA. Before treatment, one patient had positive hepatitis B e antigen. Eighteen patients had positive HBV-DNA tested by Amplicor (Cobas Amplicor Monitor, Roche Diagnostics, Branchburg, NJ, USA), with a mean HBV-DNA level of 3.1 +/- 0.9 log copies/mL. Another 72 patients with HCV infection alone served as controls. RESULTS: Adverse events led to withdrawal in three patients receiving 5 MU IFN. Based on an intent-to-treat analysis, the biochemical response and serum HCV clearance rate at the end of 48 weeks follow up was similar in patients with dual infection and HCV infection alone (56% vs 72%; and 69% vs 71%, respectively). There was no significant difference in sustained HCV clearance rate between the 3-MU group (n = 13) and the 5-MU group (n = 23; 85% vs 61%). At the end of 48 weeks follow up, two (11%) of 18 pretreatment viremic patients had negative serum HBV-DNA (<200 copies/mL), while eight of those without pretreatment viremia had re-occurrence of HBV-DNA. CONCLUSIONS: Combination therapy with IFN-alpha and ribavirin was effective in achieving sustained HCV clearance in patients with dual HBV and HCV infection, comparable to those with hepatitis C infection alone. Combination therapy using 3 MU IFN-alpha seemed as effective as 5 MU, and was well tolerated in the study population. However, large-scale control trials are necessary to clarify these findings.  相似文献   

Patients with hereditary bleeding disorders who received non-virally inactivated plasma-derived clotting factor concentrates before the mid-1980s invariably became infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Therapy with interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) alone has been disappointing in this group. We conducted an open-label study, using a combination of IFN-alpha2b (3 million units three times per week) and ribavirin 1-1.2 g/d in 28 patients with hereditary bleeding disorders. Twenty-one of the 28 patients had liver biopsy-confirmed chronic hepatitis (median histological activity index 5; range 1-10) and all patients were HCV RNA positive by PCR. Virological response rate to therapy at 3 months was 82% (23 out of 28). Three HIV co-infected patients showed an early virological response with loss of HCV RNA, but two subsequently relapsed after 3 and 6 months of therapy. Four patients stopped treatment early (one at 4, one at 7 and two at 9 months) because of treatment-related side effects, although three of these have maintained a virological response. Seventeen patients completed the 48-week course. Twenty of the 28 (71%) treated have had a durable virological response with a median follow-up of 16 months (range 1-24). Combination therapy represents a significant advance in the treatment of hepatitis C in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders.  相似文献   

Summary.  Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with inherited bleeding disorders. The results of interferon and ribavirin combination therapy have been reported in a limited number of clinical trials on these patients. Peginterferon is a costly treatment. Conventional interferon and ribavirin therapy is still the main available and affordable antiviral therapy in some countries. The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of interferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin in HIV seronegative, non-alcoholic, non-cirrhotic, naïve subjects with congenital coagulopathy. Between May 2003 and August 2007, 103 haemophiliacs were treated consecutively with standard inclusion and exclusion criteria, with interferon alfa-2b (PDferon B®) 3MIU three times a week subcutaneously plus ribavirin, for 24–48 weeks, with appropriate dose adjustments. They were all scheduled to have serial visits and laboratory tests. Among 7(6.8%) female and 96(93.2%) male haemophiliacs, 11(10.68%) cases did not complete the study because of psychological side effects. With intent-to-treat analysis, end-of-treatment response was 63.1%, and sustained virological response (SVR) was 56.3%. There was a significant correlation between SVR and genotype, baseline HCV viral load, rapid virological response, early virological response and BMI. A decrease in the haemoglobin level of two patients required ribavirin dose reduction. One developed thrombocytopenia at the end of treatment, but none had neutropenia. Hypothyroidism was observed in two patients. Interferon plus ribavirin combination therapy in HCV-infected haemophilic patients is well tolerated and treatment outcomes appear to be similar to those seen in the general population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In Japan, patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-associated liver disease are getting older, and thus the number of deaths due to such disease is increasing. The efficacy of combination therapy with ribavirin and interferon for chronic HCV infection in elderly patients has not been fully clarified. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of combination therapy in such patients. METHODS: Two hundred and twenty consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis C were treated with combination therapy. These patients were divided into two groups according to age: patients >or= 60 years (n = 66) and patients < 60 years (n = 154). Clinical characteristics, the sustained virologic response (SVR) rate obtained by intention-to-treat analysis, and the rate of reduction or discontinuation of ribavirin were compared between the two groups. RESULTS: The ribavirin discontinuation rate was significantly higher in the patients aged >or=60 years than in the patients aged <60 years. However, the SVR rates did not differ significantly between patients aged >or=60 years and those aged <60 years (31.8% vs 38.3% by intention-to-treat analysis). According to multivariate analysis, genotype and HCV viral load were significantly associated with SVR while patient age did not affect SVR. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with combination therapy was comparably effective between patients aged >or=60 years and those aged <60 years, although the ribavirin discontinuation rate was higher among the older patients than the younger patients.  相似文献   

Background Recent studies indicate that combination therapy with ribavirin and interferon alfa2b (IFN2b) is effective for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. However, reversible hemolytic anemia is a common side effect of this therapy.Methods We determined those factors that contribute to ribavirin dose reduction due to anemia during this treatment by using multiple logistic regression analysis in Japanese patients. The study included 123 patients with chronic hepatitis C (85 male, 38 female; mean age, 50 years; range, 20–70 years), who received 24-week combination therapy. All patients were treated with IFN2b daily for 2 weeks, followed by three times weekly dosing for 22 weeks, with oral ribavirin twice daily, at a total daily dose of 600 or 800mg.Results Of the 123 patients, 34 patients required dose reduction of ribavirin, and 78 patients required no dose reduction. Overall, 20 patients discontinued. On univariate analysis, reduction of the ribavirin dose correlated significantly with pretreatment hemoglobin (Hb) levels of less than 14g/dl, female sex, and patient age 55 years or older. On multivariate analysis, pretreatment Hb of less than 14g/dl level and age 55 years or older were significantly associated with ribavirin dose reduction. The hazard ratios were 3.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.48–8.53) for pretreatment Hb levels of less than 14g/dl, and 2.50 (95% CI, 1.05–5.94) for age 55 years or more.Conclusions Because patient age of 55 years or more, and Hb levels of less than 14g/dl are significant factors that influence ribavirin-induced hemolytic anemia, more careful monitoring is necessary during combination therapy for patients with these risk factors.  相似文献   

Introduction: Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in chronic viral infections. The role of Tregs in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is unknown. This study examined the distribution and frequency of forkhead box p3+ (Foxp3+) Tregs in the liver tissue and compared the clinicopathological characteristics of CHB and CHC patients. Methods: Liver needle biopsies were obtained from 26 patients who were hepatitis B surface antigen positive and 27 patients who were hepatitis C virus antibody positive. Results: The ratio of Foxp3+ Tregs in CD3+ T cells was similar in HBV and in HCV cases. In HBV cases, the variables that were positively associated with the ratio of Foxp3+ Tregs in CD3+ T cells included the serum alanine aminotransferase level (R=0.402, P=0.025) and the ratio of CD8+ T cell plus CD56+ NK cell against CD4+ T cell (R=0.53, P=0.005). The ratio of Foxp3+ Tregs in CD3+ T cells increased more in the severe activity group than in the mild activity group (P=0.04). In HCV cases, the ratio of Foxp3+ Tregs in CD3+ T cells increased significantly in terms of the genotype2 (P=0.0002) and male gender (P=0.04). In addition, the ratio of Foxp3+ Tregs in CD3+ T cells showed a negative correlation with the ratio of CD8+ T cell plus CD56+ NK cell against CD4+ T cell (R=?0.508, P=0.005) and HCV viral load (R=?0.482, P=0.001). Conclusions: Liver‐targeted regulatory T cells present similarly in CHB and CHC, but their relationship with the effector cell population, the inflammation grade or the viral load is different between CHB and CHC.  相似文献   

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