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European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and borderline personality Disorder (BPD) share some similar clinical features...  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, lifelong disorder with childhood-onset, which seriously impairs the affected adults in a variety of daily living functions like educational and occupational functioning, partnership and parenting. ADHD is associated with a high percentage of comorbid psychiatric disorders in every lifespan. In adulthood between 65-89% of all patients with ADHD suffer from one or more additional psychiatric disorders, above all mood and anxiety disorders, substance use disorders and personality disorders, which complicates the clinical picture in terms of diagnostics, treatment and outcome issues. The present overview provides information of comorbid psychiatric disorders in adults with ADHD, underlying associations and clinical implications.  相似文献   

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, lifelong disorder with childhood-onset, which seriously impairs the...  相似文献   

Conduct disorder (CD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence. It is characterized by a variety of chronic antisocial behaviors, a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior that violates the basic rights of others, major age-appropriate societal norms, or both. Aggressive behavior, lying, stealing, fire-setting, and running away from home and school are the most frequent manifestations of CD and are often accompanied by hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, explosiveness, cognitive and learning problems, and poor social skills. The rate of comorbidity is high, with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) being the most common; comorbid anxiety and depressive disorders are also seen, especially in adolescents. The diagnostic process should include the use of structured interviews, and scores from reliable and valid rating scales that cover all psychiatric disorders must be considered in the differential diagnosis, because CD alone is an extreme rarity and multiple disorders are almost always the rule rather than exception. Treatment should include parenting skills training combined with training of the child to improve his or her relationships with peers, academic performance, and compliance with legitimate demands of authority figures. The appropriate use of medications and integration of patient/parent education and support, as well as individual, group, family, residential, and inpatient treatment may be beneficial for patients with CD and ADHD. The article describes a number of psychopharmacological agents that are used in patients with CD with ADHD and other comorbid disorders. Drugs that may be useful include psychostimulants; atomoxetine (Strattera); antidepressants (imipramine [Tofranil], desipramine [Norpramin]); Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs); atypical antipsychotics such as risperidone (Risperdal); or mood regulators including lithium (Eskalith).  相似文献   

Persistence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) into adulthood and male-to-female ratios of this disorder in childhood and adulthood have been controversial issues in the ADHD diagnosis in adults. Research has resolved these controversies and in turn provided support for the validity of the diagnosis in adults. Support for the diagnosis can also be found in data that show the lifetime prevalence rate for comorbid conditions such as antisocial disorders, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance abuse disorders to be consistent across pediatric and adult populations with ADHD. These coexisting conditions add not only to the impairment associated with ADHD in adults but also to the disorder's economic burden, the extent of which is currently unknown. However, adults with the disorder, like children, probably have higher health care use and costs than people without the disorder. Little, too, is known about the social cost of ADHD, but if left untreated, the impact may be substantial. Research to determine the occupational costs associated with ADHD is ongoing, but until that and other cost-of-illness data are available, studies on the economic costs of the comorbid conditions depression, anxiety, and substance abuse and dependence may be used to make suppositions about the economic impact of ADHD in adults. More studies are needed on the outcomes of adults with this disorder, especially cost-of-illness studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This exploratory study aims to compare lifetime psychiatric axis-I-comorbidity and psychosocial functioning in a clinically referred sample of adult patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with a population-based healthy control group and to examine whether patients with ADHD and lifetime comorbid diagnoses differ from patients with pure ADHD in their functional impairment. METHOD: Seventy adult patients with ADHD according to DSM-IV criteria and a gender- as well as age-matched population based control group underwent diagnostic evaluations with clinical interviews for ADHD, DSM-IV disorders and demographic information. RESULTS: The prevalence of psychiatric lifetime comorbidity was 77.1% in patients with ADHD and thus exceeded the rate in the control group, which was 45.7%. Significantly more patients suffered from depressive episodes, substance related disorders and eating disorders. Compared to the control group adults with ADHD were significantly impaired in a variety of psychosocial functions (education, occupational training). Patients with ADHD and lifetime diagnosis of comorbid psychiatric disorders differed from patients with pure ADHD in their psychosocial functioning only in the percentage of unemployed individuals, which was higher in patients with psychiatric comorbidity. CONCLUSION: Adults with ADHD suffer significantly more often from other psychiatric disorders than individuals of the population-based control group and are impaired in several areas of psychosocial functioning. Poor psychosocial outcome is primarily related to ADHD and not to additional psychiatric disorders. Due to the limited number of assessed patients these results need to be confirmed by studies with larger sample size.  相似文献   

Clinicians might minimize the prevalence of behavioral disorders among mentally retarded people. Decreased attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are frequently reported in children with Down syndrome, yet the exact prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has not been clearly estimated in this population. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of ADHD in children with Down syndrome and to emphasize the possible relationship between ADHD symptoms and the level of mental retardation and common medical comorbidity. In this study, the prevalence of ADHD among Down syndrome children was very high, reaching 43.9%. No significant correlation was found between ADHD symptoms and the level of mental retardation, but significant correlation was found with ophthalmologic problems. We conclude that children with Down syndrome are at increased risk for ADHD. When evaluating children with Down syndrome for attention deficits, psychiatric comorbidity as well as medical problems should be carefully taken into consideration.  相似文献   

According to self-report and unsystematic observational data adult patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder suffer from increased vulnerability to daily life stressors. The present study examined psychological and physiological stress responses in adult ADHD subjects in comparison to healthy controls under laboratory conditions. Thirty-six subjects (18 patients with DSM-IV ADHD diagnosis, 18 sex- and age-matched healthy controls) underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST; Kirschbaum, C., Pirke, K.-M., Hellhammer, D.H., 1993. The “Trier Social Stress Test”—a tool for investigating psychobiological stress responses in a laboratory setting. Neuropsychobiology 28, 76–81), a standardized psychosocial stress protocol which contains a stress anticipation phase and a stress phase with a free speech assignment and subsequent performance of a mental arithmetic. Physiological stress measures were salivary cortisol as an indicator of the HPA axis, heart rate (HR), and time- and frequency-domain heart rate variability (HRV) parameters. Subjective stress experience was measured via self-report repeatedly throughout the experimental session. In line with previous theoretical and empirical work in the field of childhood ADHD, it was hypothesized that the ADHD and control group would exhibit comparable baseline levels in all dependent variables. For ADHD subjects, we expected attenuated responses of the physiological parameters during anticipation and presence of the standardized stressor, but elevated subjective stress ratings. Hypotheses were confirmed for the baseline condition. Consistent with our assumptions in regard to the psychological stress response, the ADHD group experienced significantly greater subjective stress. The results for the physiological variables were mixed.

While ADHD subjects revealed an attenuated HR during the stress phase, no significant group differences were found for the other parameters, although a trend was observed for both the low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio of the HRV power spectral analysis and salivary cortisol (the latter possibly indicating generally lower cortisol levels in ADHD subjects). In summary, the present findings are the first to demonstrate a significant alteration of a specific physiological stress measure (HR) and, more clearly, of psychological aspects of the stress response in adults suffering from ADHD. In regard to the physiological stress response, it is recommended that future studies employ larger sample sizes and a more comprehensive range of physiological stress parameters. Additionally, the issue of transferability of laboratory results to real life stressors needs to be addressed.  相似文献   

While stimulant medications are the primary pharmacological treatment for ADHD across the lifespan, a subset of patients with ADHD do not experience significant symptom relief from stimulants or can not tolerate effective stimulant doses. Psychosocial therapies, particularly behavioral modification techniques, should be considered for children with ADHD and oppositional behaviors, while Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may be a helpful adjunct for adolescents and adults with ADHD. Among the nonstimulant medications, atomoxetine (Strattera) is the only the FDA approved option. It has been found to be efficacious for the entire spectrum of ADHD symptoms in both children and adults. However, daily compliance is essential, and it may take several weeks to achieve full therapeutic effect. Other nonstimulants that have been used to treat ADHD include bupropion (Wellbutrin), the alpha-2 agonists guanfacine (Tenex) and clonidine (Catapres) as well as the tricylic antidepressants. Modafinil (Provigil) is actively being studied for the treatment of pediatric ADHD, and there has been some preliminary studies assessing the efficacy of cholinergic agents for ADHD. Recently, there has been increasing interest in combining nonstimulant therapies with stimulants to further enhance treatment effects. However, more controlled data on the safety and efficacy of combining pharmacological therapies are needed.  相似文献   

Compulsory admission to psychiatric inpatient treatment can be experienced as disempowering and stigmatizing by people with serious mental illness. However, quantitative studies of stigma-related emotional and cognitive reactions to involuntary hospitalization and their impact on people with mental illness are scarce. Among 186 individuals with serious mental illness and a history of recent involuntary hospitalization, shame and self-contempt as emotional reactions to involuntary hospitalization, the cognitive appraisal of stigma as a stressor, self-stigma, empowerment as well as quality of life and self-esteem were assessed by self-report. Psychiatric symptoms were rated by the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. In multiple linear regressions, more self-stigma was predicted independently by higher levels of shame, self-contempt and stigma stress. A greater sense of empowerment was related to lower levels of stigma stress and self-contempt. These findings remained significant after controlling for psychiatric symptoms, diagnosis, age, gender and the number of lifetime involuntary hospitalizations. Increased self-stigma and reduced empowerment in turn predicted poorer quality of life and reduced self-esteem. The negative effect of emotional reactions and stigma stress on quality of life and self-esteem was largely mediated by increased self-stigma and reduced empowerment. Shame and self-contempt as reactions to involuntary hospitalization as well as stigma stress may lead to self-stigma, reduced empowerment and poor quality of life. Emotional and cognitive reactions to coercion may determine its impact more than the quantity of coercive experiences. Interventions to reduce the negative effects of compulsory admissions should address emotional reactions and stigma as a stressor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To date, nearly all research of subtype differences in ADHD has been performed in children and only two studies, with conflicting results, have covered this subject in adults with ADHD. OBJECTIVE: This study examined subtype differences in the clinical presentation of ADHD-symptoms, related psychopathological features, psychosocial functioning and comorbid psychiatric disorders in adults with ADHD. METHOD: One hundred and eighteen adults with ADHD, diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria, and a population based control group underwent diagnostic evaluations with clinical interviews for ADHD, DSM-IV disorders and demographic features. Comparisons were made between ADHD combined type (n=64), predominantly inattentive type (n=30) and predominantly inattentive type, anamnestically combined type (n=24), relative to each other and to a community control group (n=70). RESULTS: The four groups did not differ in age and gender composition. All ADHD groups had significantly less education, were significantly more often unemployed and reported significantly more lifetime psychiatric comorbidity than controls. In comparison to each other, the three ADHD groups differed mainly in core symptoms and the pattern of comorbid psychiatric disorders, whereas no prominent differences in associated psychopathological features and most of the assessed psychosocial functions could be found. Patients with ADHD combined type and inattentive, anamnestically combined type both presented with significantly more hyperactive symptoms and also showed more impulsive symptoms than those with the predominantly inattentive type. With a similar overall lifetime psychiatric comorbidity in the three groups, patients with ADHD combined type and inattentive, anamnestically combined type suffered significantly more from lifetime substance use disorders than patients with predominantly inattentive type. CONCLUSION: Our results clearly show impaired psychosocial adjustment and elevated risk for additional psychiatric disorders in adults with all subtypes of ADHD, compared to healthy controls. They provide preliminary evidence that in adult ADHD there might be a subgroup of patients, which is classified as predominantly inattentive subtype according to current diagnostic criteria, but which in its clinical presentation is in between ADHD combined and inattentive type. Further studies are needed to evaluate this finding and to gain a clear picture of its validity.  相似文献   

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience - The diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults is a complex procedure which should include retrospective...  相似文献   

The diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults is a complex procedure which should include retrospective assessment of childhood ADHD symptoms either by patient recall or third party information, diagnostic criteria according to DSM-IV, current adult ADHD psychopathology including symptom severity and pervasiveness, functional impairment, quality of life and comorbidity. In order to obtain a systematic database for the diagnosis and evaluation of the course ADHD rating scales can be very useful. This article reviews rating instruments that have found general acceptance. The Wender-Utah Rating Scale (WURS) and the Childhood Symptoms Scale by Barkley and Murphy try to make a retrospective assessment of childhood ADHD symptoms. The Connors Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS), the Current Symptoms Scales by Barkley and Murphy (CSS), the Adult Self Report Scale (ASRS) by Adler et al. and Kessler et al. or the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder--Self Report Scale (ADHD-SR by R?sler et al.) are self report rating scales focusing mainly on the DSM-IV criteria. The CAARS and the CSS have other report forms too. The Brown ADD Rating Scale (Brown ADD-RS) and the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder--Other Report Scale (ADHD-OR by R?sler et al.) are instruments for use by clinicians or significant others. Both self rating scales and observer report scales quantify the ADHD symptoms by use of a Likert scale mostly ranging from 0 to 3. This makes the instruments useful to follow the course of the disease quantitatively. Comprehensive diagnostic interviews not only evaluate diagnostic criteria, but also assess different psychopathological syndrome scores, functional disability measures, indices of pervasiveness and information about comorbid disorders. The most comprehensive procedures are the Brown ADD Diagnostic Form and the Adult Interview (AI) by Barkley and Murphy. An instrument of particular interest is the Wender Reimherr Interview (WRI) which follows a diagnostic algorithm different from DSM-IV. The interview contains only items delineated from adult psychopathology and not derived from symptoms originally designed for use in children. Other instruments focus on functional impairment, quality of life, comorbid disorders, gender effects and specific psychopathological models.  相似文献   

Background. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is associated with structural and functional brain changes. Recent models and findings refer to alterations of glutamate and total N-acetylaspartate (tNAA) in this condition. Methods. Absolute quantities of tNAA, creatine, glutamate, glutamine, myoinositol and total choline were measured using 3 Tesla magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the left anterior cingulate cortex and the left cerebellum in 14 unmedicated women with BPD and comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 18 healthy women. Both groups were matched with respect to age, education and premorbid intelligence. Results. In the anterior cingulate, we found significantly higher tNAA and glutamate concentrations and a trend for lower glutamine levels in women with BPD and comorbid ADHD as compared to healthy women. There were no significant group differences in cerebellar metabolite concentrations. Conclusions. Glutamatergic changes in the anterior cingulate may be associated with BPD and comorbid ADHD. Increased anterior cingulate tNAA may indicate disturbed energy metabolism or impaired frontal maturation.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2014,125(8):1626-1638
ObjectiveObjective biomarkers for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) could improve diagnostics or treatment monitoring of this psychiatric disorder. The resting electroencephalogram (EEG) provides non-invasive spectral markers of brain function and development. Their accuracy as ADHD markers is increasingly questioned but may improve with pattern classification.MethodsThis study provides an integrated analysis of ADHD and developmental effects in children and adults using regression analysis and support vector machine classification of spectral resting (eyes-closed) EEG biomarkers in order to clarify their diagnostic value.ResultsADHD effects on EEG strongly depend on age and frequency. We observed typical non-linear developmental decreases in delta and theta power for both ADHD and control groups. However, for ADHD adults we found a slowing in alpha frequency combined with a higher power in alpha-1 (8–10 Hz) and beta (13–30 Hz). Support vector machine classification of ADHD adults versus controls yielded a notable cross validated sensitivity of 67% and specificity of 83% using power and central frequency from all frequency bands. ADHD children were not classified convincingly with these markers.ConclusionsResting state electrophysiology is altered in ADHD, and these electrophysiological impairments persist into adulthood.SignificanceSpectral biomarkers may have both diagnostic and prognostic value.  相似文献   

Even though there is an impaired perceptual capacity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients, psychophysiological alterations, such as impaired gating as indexed by prepulse inhibition (PPI) or suppression of P50 auditory event-related potentials, have not been found in patients with ADHD. Hence, potential relationships of psychophysiological measures of gating to psychopathology and cognitive performance remain unclear. The present study investigates two distinct operational measures of gating as well as cognitive performance within adult ADHD patients in order to assess the relationship of these measures to psychopathology. PPI, P50 suppression, cognitive performance, and psychopathologic symptoms were assessed in 26 ADHD patients and 26 healthy control subjects. ADHD patients compared to healthy control subjects exhibited impaired P50 suppression, performed worse in cognitive tasks, and reported more psychopathological symptoms, but were normal in the test of PPI. Thus, P50 gating deficits are not specific to schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. These findings highlight the differences between P50 gating and PPI as measures of the gating construct. In keeping with the lack of correlations between these two putative operational measures of gating seen in both humans and animals, adult ADHD patients exhibit deficient P50 suppression and poor cognitive performance, despite exhibiting normal levels of PPI.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Decreased brain volumes in prefrontal, limbic and parietal areas have been found in women with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Recent models suggest impaired structural and functional connectivity in this condition. To investigate this, we studied the thickness of the corpus callosum, the largest connecting fibre bundle in the human brain. METHODS: We acquired magnetic resonance imaging scans from 20 healthy women and 20 women with BPD and comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. A novel computational mesh-based method was applied to measure callosal thickness at high spatial resolution. RESULTS: Women with BPD had a thinner isthmus of the corpus callosum, compared with healthy women. In the patient group, a history of childhood sexual abuse was associated with a thinner posterior body of the corpus callosum. CONCLUSION: Interhemispheric structural connectivity involving parietal and temporal areas may be impaired in women with BPD and comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.  相似文献   

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