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目的:为阐明药物转运体在布洛芬(IB)葡萄糖醛酸结合物(IBG)胆排泄中的作用,对IB和IBG在先天性高胆红素血症大鼠(EHBR)和正常SD大鼠(SDR)的胆排泄和血药浓度差异进行了研究。方法:按20 mg/kg剂量静脉注射IB消旋体后,以HPLC法测定了血和胆汁中IB与IBG的浓度。结果:结果表明IBG的胆排泄在EHBR受到了明显抑制,其S-型和R-型IBG的6小时胆排泄量分别为给药量的1.7 %±1.0 %和0.6 %±0.9 %,而在SDR,该值分别为18.4 %±4.0 %和3.0 %±2.4 %。这些结果同时显示了S-型IBG在两种大鼠的胆排泄量均较R-型IBG大,说明该过程存在明显的立体选择性。由于IBG在EHBR的胆排泄受到抑制,其血中的浓度较高。结论:EHBR是一种先天性多药耐药相关蛋白(Mrp2)缺失的大鼠,可以推测布洛芬葡萄糖醛酸结合物的胆排泄过程主要是由Mrp2介导。但由于IBG在EHBR仍有少量胆排泄,故不排除其它转运体参与该过程的可能性。  相似文献   

Objective Cefditoren,a third-generation cephalosporin antibiotics,has been used in clinic extensively.Whether Mrp2 or other canalicular transporters such as Bcrp and P-gp are involved in the biliary excretion of cefditoren is unknown.This study is performed to investigate the role of the canalicular transporters in the biliary excretion of cefditoren and the effect of cefditoren on expression levels of some hepatic transporters.Methods We examined the hepatobiliary disposition of cefditoren using probenecid,novobiocin and verapamil as the inhibitors of Mrp2,Bcrp and P-gp respectively in perfused rat livers.The concentration of cefditoren in the perfusate and bile were determined by RP-HPLC with ultraviolet detection at 295nm using a mobile phase composed of 0.1% ammonium acetate-methanol(65∶35).We also investigated the effects of cefditoren on expression of hepatic transporters.The change in mRNA of main canalicular transporters was investigated by RT-PCR and Western blot after administration of cefditoren.Results The values for the hepatic extraction ratio did not change,whereas cumulative biliary excretion rates of cefditoren were significantly reduced to 43.78% and 79.52% over 25 min in the perfused probenecid and novobiocin rats,respectively.After oral administration of cefditoren,the expression levels of Mrp2,Bcrp,Oat2 mRNA were markedly up-regulated,while Mdr1a and Oct1 mRNA were down-regulated by RT-PCR.In concordance with RT-PCR results,Mrp2 expression level was up-regulated by Western blot.Conclusions Mrp2 and Bcrp mediated the biliary excretion of cefditoren,whereas P-gp had no contribution to the transportation of cefditoren into bile.The expression levels of Mrp2,Bcrp and Oat2 mRNA were up-regulated and the expression levels of Mdr1a and Oct1 mRNA were down-regulated by cefditoren.These results provide important data for drug-drug interaction.  相似文献   

We demonstrated recently that phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), a potent anticarcinogen present in cruciferous vegetables, inhibited P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) and that MRP1 can transport PEITC and/or its metabolites. In this study, we have examined whether PEITC is transported by P-gp and MRP2, two transporters with high expression in human intestine, liver and kidney. Using (14)C-PEITC, no significant difference was observed for the intracellular accumulation of PEITC in human breast cancer MCF-7/sensitive (control) and MCF-7/ADR (P-gp overexpressing) cells at PEITC concentrations of 1, 10 and 50 microM. Moreover, the presence of verapamil or PSC833, two P-gp inhibitors, had no significant effect on the intracellular accumulation of PEITC in P-gp overexpressing MCF-7/ADR and MDA435/LCC6MDR1 cells, indicating that PEITC may not be a substrate for P-gp. In contrast, (14)C-PEITC intracellular accumulation in the kidney epithelial MDCK II/MRP2 cells (transfected with human MRP2) was significantly lower than in the wild-type MDCK II/wt cells at PEITC concentrations of 1, 5, 10 and 50 microM. The presence of MK571, an MRP inhibitor, significantly enhanced (14)C-PEITC accumulation in MDCK II/MRP2 but not MDCK II/wt cells. Furthermore, depletion of intracellular glutathione (GSH) following treatment with buthionine sulphoximine, an inhibitor of GSH biosynthesis, significantly increased (14)C-PEITC intracellular accumulation in a concentration-dependent manner. Transcellular transport studies also demonstrated that depletion of intracellular GSH reduced the mean ratio of basal-to-apical transport to apical-to-basal transport of PEITC in MDCK II/MRP2, but not MDCK II/wt cell monolayers. These results indicate that GSH plays an important role in the MRP2-mediated transport of PEITC. The findings provide new information concerning the interactions between PEITC and membrane transporters and suggest the possibility of PEITC interactions with xenobiotics that are MRP2 substrates.  相似文献   

The ability of the liver and small intestine for secretion of dinitrophenyl-S-glutathione (DNP-SG), a substrate for multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (Mrp2), into bile and lumen, respectively, as well as expression of Mrp2 in both tissues, were assessed in 70-75% hepatectomized rats. An in vivo perfused intestinal model was used. A single i.v. dose of 30 micromol/kg b.w. of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) was administered and its glutathione conjugate, DNP-SG, was determined by HPLC in bile and intestinal perfusate. One and seven days after hepatectomy, biliary excretion of DNP-SG was decreased by 90 and 50% with respect to shams, respectively, when expressed per mass unit. In contrast, intestinal excretion was increased by 63% or unchanged one and seven days post-hepatectomy, respectively. Tissue content of DNP-SG 5 min after CDNB administration was substantially decreased in liver and significantly increased in intestine, one day post-hepatectomy. Western and immunofluorescence studies revealed preserved levels and localization of Mrp2 in both tissues from hepatectomized animals, irrespective of the time analyzed. In spite of preserved expression of Mrp2, the higher availability of DNP-SG in intestinal cells, likely as a consequence of increased glutathione-S-transferase-mediated conjugation of CDNB, may explain the in vivo findings. Further experiments in isolated hepatocytes suggested that decreased synthesis of DNP-SG rather than altered canalicular transport is responsible for the substantial impairment in excretion of this compound into bile. Taken together, these results indicate that the intestine may partially compensate for liver DNP-SG disposition, particularly shortly after surgery, while liver capability is recovering.  相似文献   


1.?Raloxifene-6-glucuronide (R6G) is a substrate of rat multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (Mrp2), a transporter responsible for biliary excretion of organic anions.

2.?Pharmacokinetic modeling of R6G in Eisai hyperbilirubinemic rats (EHBRs), hereditary Mrp2-deficient rats, and wild-type Sprague–Dawley rats (SDRs) indicated that reduction in not only biliary excretion but also hepatic uptake of R6G influenced low clearance in EHBRs.

3.?An integration plot study demonstrated that the hepatic uptake of R6G was 66% lower in EHBRs than that in SDRs. A reduction was observed for the other Mrp2 substrate Valsartan (95% lower) but not for estradiol-17β-glucuronide (E217βG). This variation may be associated with the difference in substrate specificity of transporters and/or inhibition of hepatic uptake of organic anions by endogenous substances such as bilirubin glucuronides.

4.?In conclusion, incidental alteration of the hepatic uptake of organic anions should be considered as an explanation of their enhanced systemic exposure in EHBRs.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that inducers of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) decrease circulating thyroid hormone concentrations by increasing their biliary excretion. The inducers pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile (PCN), 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC), and Aroclor 1254 (PCB) are each effective at reducing serum thyroxine concentrations. However, only PCN treatment produces a marked increase in serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), whereas 3MC and PCB cause little to no increase in TSH. Excessive TSH elevation is considered the primary stimulus for thyroid tumor development in rats, yet the mechanism by which enzyme induction leads to TSH elevation is not fully understood. Whereas PCN, 3MC, and PCB all increase microsomal UGT activity toward T(4), only PCN causes an increase in T(3)-UGT activity in vitro. The purpose of this study was to determine whether PCN, which increases serum TSH, causes an increase in the glucuronidation and biliary excretion of T(3) in vivo. Male rats were fed control diet or diet containing PCN (1000 ppm), 3MC (250 ppm), or PCB (100 ppm) for 7 days. Animals were then given [(125)I]-T(3), i.v., and bile was collected for 2 h. Radiolabeled metabolites in bile were analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC with gamma-detection. The biliary excretion of total radioactivity was increased up to 75% by PCN, but not by 3MC or PCB. Of the T(3) excreted into bile, approximately 75% was recovered as T(3)-glucuronide, with remaining amounts represented as T(3)-sulfate, T(2)-sulfate, T(3), and T(2). Biliary excretion of T(3)-glucuronide was increased up to 66% by PCN, while neither 3MC nor PCB altered T(3)-glucuronide excretion. These findings indicate that PCN increases the glucuronidation and biliary excretion of T(3) in vivo, and suggest that enhanced elimination of T(3) may be the mechanism responsible for the increases in serum TSH caused by PCN.  相似文献   

Cyanide is a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and produces mitochondria-mediated death of dopaminergic neurons and sublethal intoxications that are associated with a Parkinson-like syndrome. Cyanide toxicity is enhanced when mitochondrial uncoupling is stimulated following up-regulation of uncoupling protein-2 (UCP-2). In this study, the role of a pro-survival protein, Bcl-2, in cyanide-mediated cell death was determined in a rat dopaminergic immortalized mesencephalic cell line (N27 cells). Following pharmacological up-regulation of UCP-2 by treatment with Wy14,643, cyanide reduced cellular Bcl-2 expression by increasing proteasomal degradation of the protein. The increased turnover of Bcl-2 was mediated by an increase of oxidative stress following UCP-2 up-regulation. The oxidative stress involved depletion of mitochondrial glutathione (mtGSH) and increased H2O2 generation. Repletion of mtGSH by loading cells with glutathione ethyl ester reduced H2O2 generation and in turn blocked the cyanide-induced decrease of Bcl-2. To determine if UCP-2 mediated the response, RNAi knock down was conducted. The RNAi decreased cyanide-induced depletion of mtGSH, reduced H2O2 accumulation, and inhibited down-regulation of Bcl-2, thus blocking cell death. To confirm the role of Bcl-2 down-regulation in the cell death, it was shown that over-expression of Bcl-2 by cDNA transfection attenuated the enhancement of cyanide toxicity after UCP-2 up-regulation. It was concluded that UCP-2 up-regulation sensitizes cells to cyanide by increasing cellular oxidative stress, leading to an increase of Bcl-2 degradation. Then the reduced Bcl-2 levels sensitize the cells to cyanide-mediated cell death.  相似文献   

Berberine, a well‐known plant alkaloid derived from Rhizoma coptidis, has potential applications as a therapeutic drug for diabetic nephropathy. However, the transporter‐mediated renal transport of berberine remains largely unclear. This study aimed to investigate the renal transport mechanism of berberine using transfected cells, kidney slices and animal experiments. In Madin‐Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells stably expressing rat OCT2 (MDCK‐rOCT2) and kidney slices, saturable and non‐saturable uptake of berberine was observed, and corticosterone could inhibit the uptake of berberine, with IC50 values of 0.1 μm and 147.9 μm , respectively. In double‐transfected cells, the cellular accumulation of berberine into MDCK‐rOCT2 and MDCK‐rOCT2‐rMATE1 (MDCK cells stably expressing rOCT2 and rMATE1) cells was significantly higher than the uptake into MDCK cells. Meanwhile, berberine transcellular transport was considerably higher in double‐transfected MDCK‐rOCT2‐rMATE1 cells than in MDCK and MDCK‐rOCT2 cells. Corticosterone for MDCK‐rMATE1 and MDCK‐MDR1 and pyrimethamine for MDCK‐rMATE1 at high concentrations could inhibit the efflux of berberine. In animal experiments, compared with the berberine alone group, the cumulative urinary excretion of berberine significantly decreased in the corticosterone or pyrimethamine pretreatment groups. In the rat kidney, pyrimethamine increased, and a low dose of corticosterone (5 mg/kg) decreased, the berberine concentration. However, there was no apparent change in the renal concentration of berberine in rats pretreated with corticosterone (10 or 20 mg/kg). Thus, berberine is not only a substrate of OCT2 and P‐glycoprotein, but is also a substrate of MATE1. Both OCT2 and MATE1 mediate the renal vectorial transport of berberine.  相似文献   

The mechanisms involved in spironolactone (SL, 200 micromol/kg body weight, 3 days i.p.)-induced choleresis were explored in vivo by evaluating bile salt export pump (Bsep)-, multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (Mrp2)-, and anion exchanger 2 (AE2)-mediated secretory processes in rat liver. Hepatic bile salt metabolism was also analyzed. Total bile flow was significantly increased by SL, primarily due to an increase in bile salt-independent bile flow, whereas bile salt secretion was decreased. SL did not produce any choleresis in TR(-) rats. SL decreased the de novo bile salt synthesis rate in concordance with impaired microsomal cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity, thus leading to a decrease in endogenous bile salt pool size. In contrast, the maximum secretory rate of tauroursodeoxycholate as well as expression of Bsep protein detected by Western blotting were not affected. Thus, decreased bile salt availability for canalicular transport rather than transport capability itself likely explains reduced biliary secretion of bile salts. Biliary secretion of glutathione, an endogenous substrate of Mrp2, and HCO(3)(-), the AE2 substrate, were increased by SL, as a main factor explaining enhanced bile salt-independent bile flow. Western blot studies revealed increased expression of Mrp2 in response to SL whereas AE2 content remained unchanged. Enhanced activity and expression of Mrp2 was confirmed by analyzing the excretion rate of dinitrophenyl S-glutathione, an exogenous substrate of Mrp2, in isolated hepatocytes and by immunofluorescence microscopy, respectively. We conclude that SL increased bile flow mainly by increasing the biliary secretion of glutathione species and HCO(3)(-); increased expression of Mrp2 is also involved.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP2) is an ATP-dependent transporter of anionic drugs and conjugates. It functions as an efflux pump in the apical membranes of liver and kidney cells, but its membrane localization in small intestine has not yet been defined. The present study demonstrates exclusive localization of Mrp2 to the brush-border (apical) membrane of villi, decreasing in intensity from the villus tip to the crypts. In immunoblot analysis of crude membranes of various rabbit tissues, Mrp2 was only found in small intestine, kidney and liver. These results are in-line with the supposed function of Mrp2 in drug excretion.  相似文献   

目的观察血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)在两肾一夹高血压大鼠(2K1C)血管中的表达以及氯沙坦对其干预后ACE2mRNA和蛋白质表达水平的影响。方法建立两肾一夹高血压大鼠模型,用夹尾法测定血压。在实验结束时,使用磷酸盐缓冲溶液对大鼠进行灌注,再用4%多聚甲醛在体灌注,剪取胸主动脉,10%福尔马林中保存进行形态学分析。RT—PCR和Wester-blot分别测定血管组织中ACE2mRNA及蛋白质表达水平。结果肾动脉狭窄大鼠血压较假手术大鼠明显升高(P〈0.01),肾性高血压大鼠较正常大鼠ACE2显著降低(P〈0.01)。氯沙坦能剂量依赖性的显著降低血压(P〈0.05),减少大鼠主动脉管壁厚度(P〈0.01),剂量依赖性地增加ACE2mR—NA和蛋白质的表达(P〈0.05)。结论氯沙坦降低血压和逆转高血压血管重构的机制可能与增加ACE2表达有关。  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of myricetin on either MRP1 or MRP2 mediated vincristine resistance in transfected MDCKII cells were examined. The results obtained show that myricetin can inhibit both MRP1 and MRP2 mediated vincristine efflux in a concentration dependent manner. The IC50 values for cellular vincristine transport inhibition by myricetin were 30.5+/-1.7 microM for MRP1 and 24.6+/-1.3 microM for MRP2 containing MDCKII cells. Cell proliferation analysis showed that the MDCKII control cells are very sensitive towards vincristine toxicity with an IC50 value of 1.1+/-0.1 microM. The MDCKII MRP1 and MRP2 cells are less sensitive towards vincristine toxicity with IC50 values of 33.1+/-1.9 and 22.2+/-1.4 microM, respectively. In both the MRP1 and MRP2 cells, exposure to 25 microM myricetin enhances the sensitivity of the cells towards vincristine toxicity to IC50 values of 7.6+/-0.5 and 5.8+/-0.5 microM, respectively. The increase of sensitivity represents a reversal of the resistance towards vincristine as a result of MRP1 and MRP2 inhibition. Thus, the present study demonstrates the ability of the flavonoid myricetin to modulate MRP1 and MRP2 mediated resistance to the anticancer drug vincristine in transfected cells, indicating that flavonoids might be a valuable adjunct to chemotherapy to block MRP mediated resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) inhibitors on the hepatic microsomal mixed-function oxidase (MFO) system of rodents was investigated. After establishing the relative in vitro and in vivo potencies of the 3 test compounds, male Crl:CD (SD) BR rats received CJ-11,802 (0, 10, 50, or 200 mg/kg/day), zileuton (0, 10, 60, or 300 mg/kg/day) or ZD2138 (0 or 200 mg/kg/day) once daily by oral gavage for 14 (zileuton and ZD2138) or 30 (CJ-11,802) consecutive days. Controls were given an equivalent volume of 0.5% methylcellulose vehicle. At necropsy, all livers were weighed, and sections from representative animals (control and highest dose for each compound) were utilized to prepare hepatic microsomal fractions, which were assayed for cytochrome P-450 (CYP) content and the activities of cytochrome c reductase (CRed), para-nitroanisole O-demethylase (p-NOD), ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), and pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase (PROD). A dose-related increase in liver weight occurred in rats given CJ-11,802 and zileuton, while animals administered ZD2138 were unaffected. Rats given CJ-11,802 (200 mg/kg/day) and zileuton (300 mg/kg/day) had increases in CYP, EROD, PROD, CRed and p-NOD compared to corresponding controls, while only the latter two activities were elevated in animals administered ZD2138. To determine if induction of the hepatic microsomal MFO system was related to 5-LO inhibition, male DBA wild-type and 5-LO knockout mice were administered either CJ-11,802 (200 mg/kg/day) or vehicle by oral gavage for 14 consecutive days. At necropsy, liver weight, CYP content, and CRed activity were measured and all were increased similarly in the treated wild-type and knockout mice compared to corresponding controls, indicating that induction was not related to inhibiting 5-LO.  相似文献   

Microsomal enzyme inducers (MEI) that increase UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are thought to increase glucuronidation of thyroxine (T4), thus reducing serum T4, and subsequently increasing thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Ugt1a1 and Ugt1a6 mediate T4 glucuronidation. Therefore, this experiment determined the involvement of Ugt1a enzymes in increased T4 glucuronidation, decreased serum T4, and increased TSH after MEI treatment. Male Wistar and Ugt1a-deficient Wistar (Gunn) rats were fed a control diet or diet containing pregnenolone-16α-carbonitrile (PCN; 800 ppm), 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC; 200 ppm), or Aroclor 1254 (PCB; 100 ppm) for 7 days. Serum T4, triiodothyronine (T3), and TSH concentrations, hepatic T4/T3 glucuronidation, and thyroid histology and follicular cell proliferation were investigated. PCN, 3-MC, and PCB treatments decreased serum T4, whereas serum T3 was maintained in both Gunn and Wistar rats (except for PCB treatment). TSH was increased in Wistar and Gunn rats after PCN (130 and 277%) or PCB treatment (72 and 60%). T4 glucuronidation in Wistar rats was increased after PCN (298%), 3-MC (85%), and PCB (450%), but was extremely low in Gunn rats, and unchanged after MEI. T3 glucuronidation was increased after PCN (121%) or PCB (58%) in Wistar rats, but only PCN increased T3 glucuronidation in Gunn rats (43%). PCN treatment induced thyroid morphological changes and increased follicular cell proliferation in both strains. These data demonstrate that T4 glucuronidation cannot be increased in Ugt1a-deficient Gunn rats. Thus, the decrease in serum T4, increase in TSH, and increase in thyroid cell proliferation after MEI are not dependent on increased T4 glucuronidation, and cannot be attributed to Ugt1a enzymes.  相似文献   

Amphetamines and their methylenedioxy derivatives generically display similar behavioral, physiologic and toxic effects. Inconsistent pharmacokinetic and toxicity data for methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) may suggest that active drug transporters are interacting with these compounds, and thus altering drug absorption and tissue distribution. In vitro models of CNS accumulation and intestinal drug transport were used to assess efflux transport of MDMA. Madin-Darby kidney cell epithelial (MDCK) monolayers displayed a 4-fold increase in accumulation in the basolateral to apical orientation relative to the apical to basolateral orientation, although no differential accumulation was noted between MDCK-WT and MDCK-MDR1 monolayers. Caco-2 monolayers demonstrated an approximate 2-fold increase in accumulation of MDMA. Exposure of various inhibitors of active drug transporters demonstrated mixed results; ritonavir, progesterone and indomethacin produced an approximately 50% reduction of MDMA transport, while verapamil, MK-571 and probenecid had no effect. Based on these data, it is concluded that MDMA efflux is mediated via the activity of a transporter distinct from P-glycoprotein. The possible inhibitory effects of amphetamines on rhodamine-123 transport were also assessed. MDMA, methylenedioxyamphetamine, amphetamine and methamphetamine, at physiologically relevant concentrations, did not significantly alter the transport of rhodamine-123 in Caco-2 monolayers or the LS180 cell line, suggesting that these compounds do not alter the function of P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

1. Atorvastatin is frequently prescribed for lowering blood cholesterol and for prevention of events associated with cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of atorvastatin in diabetic rats.

2. Diabetes was induced in rats by combination of high-fat diet and low-dose streptozotocin (35?mg/kg). Plasma concentrations of atorvastatin following oral (10?mg/kg) and intravenous (2?mg/kg) administrations to rats were measured by LC-MS. Metabolism and uptake of atorvastatin in primary hepatocytes of experimental rats were assessed. Protein expressions and activities of hepatic Cyp3a and Oatp2 were further investigated.

3. Clearances of atorvastatin in diabetic rats following oral and intravenous administrations were remarkably increased, leading to marked decreases in area-under-the-plasma concentration–time curve (AUC). The estimated oral and systematic clearances of atorvastatin in diabetic rats were 4.5-fold and 2.0-fold of control rats, respectively. Metabolism and uptake of atorvastatin in primary hepatocytes isolated from diabetic rats were significantly increased, which were consistent with the up-regulated protein expressions and activities of hepatic Cyp3a and Oatp2.

4. All these results demonstrated that the plasma exposure of atorvastatin was significantly decreased in diabetic rats, which was partly due to the up-regulated activities and expressions of both hepatic Cyp3a and Oatp2.  相似文献   

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