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Ceratocephalus falcatus (L.) Pers. (Ranunculaceae) is a wild plant. It grows abundantly in the Van province. The species of Ceratocephalus genus possess irritant properties from the presence of an innocuous glycoside, ranunculin. Here, we document 3 patients who were admitted to our clinic in different times from different districts with a common complaint of a large irritant contact dermatitis, resembling second-degree burn injury after application of a plant poultice. The plant specimens in all patients were identified as C. falcatus and it was assessed worthwhile to report.  相似文献   

Ceratocephalus falcatus is a member of Ranunculacea family that forms part of the flora of the Sinanpasa and Dinar regions of Afyon city in Turkey. Ceratocephalus falcatus has laxative properties and has been used for treating hemorrhoids, rheumatismal diseases and wounds. Here, a case of phytodermatitis caused by this remedy used for relieving knee pain is presented. This plant should be kept in mind when a case of phytodermatitis with vesicles or bullae presents at clinics.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old patient presented with linear erythema and bullae on the face. The lesions developed after playing with plants the day before. The plant was identified as Euphorbia helioscopia L. (sun spurge). The sun spurge belongs to the Euphorbiaceae plant family. These plants produce a typical milky juice that causes toxic reactions following contact with skin and mucous membranes. In the literature several cases of toxic dermatitis caused by plants of the Euphorbiaeae family have been described. The most important differential diagnosis of these skin lesions is the bullous phototoxic dermatitis caused by psoralens. Plant-induced toxic dermatitis is of increasing importance in dermatology. The exact determination of the causative plants is a prerequisite for the diagnosis of phytodermatitis.  相似文献   

Pflanzenextrakte werden zunehmend bei der Herstellung von Kosmetika, Pflegeprodukten und anderen dermatologischen Externa verwendet. In Kosmetika enthaltene Pflanzenextrakte von Teebaum, Arnika, Kamille, Schafgarbe, Zitrusfrüchten, Efeu, Aloe, Lavendel, Rosmarin und Pfefferminze k?nnen eine Kontaktallergie ausl?sen. Die einzelnen Pflanzen weisen allerdings ein unterschiedliches Sensibilisierungspotenzial auf. Die h?ufigsten Kontaktallergene sind Sesquiterpenlaktone und Terpene. In der vorliegenden übersicht wird ein aktueller überblick über Formen der Phytodermatitis gegeben. Neben hautreizenden (irritativen) und phototoxischen Reaktionen werden photoallergische Reaktionen, die Allergie vom Soforttyp (Kontakturtikaria) und die Allergie vom verz?gerten Typ beobachtet. Die aeroallergene Kontaktdermatitis ist eine Sonderform der Kontaktdermatitis, sie tritt gelegentlich als Mischform zwischen einer phototoxischen und einer allergischen Dermatitis auf.  相似文献   

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Giorn. ital. d. malat. ven. e d. pelle

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