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Background: Bromethalin is an increasingly used alternative to long-acting anticoagulant and cholecalciferol rodenticides. There are few reports of human exposures, and no existing professional society guidelines on medical management of bromethalin ingestions. The aim of this retrospective data review is to characterize bromethalin exposures reported to the California Poison Control System (CPCS) between 1997 and 2014. Methods: This is an observational retrospective case review of our statewide poison control system’s electronic medical records. Following Institutional Board Review and Research Committee approvals, poison center exposures related to bromethalin were extracted using substance code and free text search strategies. Case notes of bromethalin exposures were reviewed for demographic, clinical, laboratory, and outcome information; inclusion criteria for the study was single-substance, human exposure to bromethalin. Results: There were 129 calls related to human bromethalin exposures (three cases met exclusion criteria). The age range of cases was 7 months–90 years old, with the majority of exposures (89 cases; 70.6%), occurring in children younger than 5 years of age (median age of 2 years). Most exposures occurred in the pediatric population as a result of exploratory oral exposure. One hundred and thirteen patients (89.7%) had no effects post exposure, while 10 patients (7.9%) had a minor outcome. Adverse effects were minor, self-limited, and mostly gastrointestinal upset. There were no moderate, major, or fatal effects in our study population. The approximate ingested dose, available in six cases, ranged from 0.067?mg/kg to 0.3?mg/kg (milligrams of bromethalin ingested per kilogram of body weight), and no dose-symptom threshold could be established from this series. Exposures were not confirmed through urine or serum laboratory testing. Discussion: The prognosis for most accidental ingestions appears to be excellent. However, bromethalin exposures may result in a higher number of symptomatic patients than long-acting anticoagulant agents. Parents, physicians and poison control specialists are encouraged to maintain a high index of suspicion for bromethalin-related complications in all cases of rodenticide exposures. Conclusions: Accidental bromethalin exposures in children appear to be self-limited in toxicity. Additional studies are warranted to determine whether more severe effects are precipitated when larger amounts are involved, particularly in suicidal ingestion.  相似文献   

Background.?Nutmeg is widely used as a household spice. Numerous citations in the medical literature report its abuse as a psychoactive agent, primarily for its purported hallucinogenic effects that are thought to be due to the compound myristicin; these are primarily limited to case reports. Methods.?We performed a retrospective review of the California Poison Control System database for the years 1997–2008 for all cases of single-substance human exposure to nutmeg. Results.?There were a total of 119 single-substance exposures to nutmeg. Eighty-six (72.3%) exposures were intentional. Patients intentionally abusing nutmeg were more likely to be between the ages of 13 and 20 than those with unintentional exposure to the spice (80.2% vs. 9.1%, p?<?0.05). Abusers were significantly more likely to require medical evaluation than nonabusers (61.6% vs. 33.3%, p?<?0.05). Patients who abused nutmeg were significantly more likely (p?<?0.05) to experience tachycardia and agitation than those whose exposure was unintentional. No major effects and no deaths were reported to occur in either group. Conclusions.?Although nutmeg exposure is uncommonly encountered, clinical effects from ingestion can be significant and can require medical intervention. While clinically significant effects were common, life-threatening toxicity and death did not occur in this series.  相似文献   


Background. Hallucinogenic designer drugs, especially NBOMe and the 2C substitute phenylethylamine series, have been increasing ubiquitous in past years. The purpose of this study is to characterize and compare clinical features of NBOMe and 2C exposures in humans. Method. This is a retrospective cohort study of all single agent exposures to NBOMe and 2C substitute phenylethlamine reported to the National Poison Data System (NPDS) from 1st September 2012 to 30th September 2014. Results. Over the study period, there were a total 341 cases including 148 NBOMe exposures and 193 2C exposures. The majority cases involved men (73.9%); median age was 18 years (Interquartile-range, 16–21). Similar clinical effects were reported in both groups including tachycardia (45.2%), agitation/irritable (44.3%), hallucination/delusion (32.0%), confusion (19.1%) and hypertension (18.5%). There were higher incidences of hallucination/delusion, single episode seizure and benzodiazepine administration in NBOMe exposures (40.5%, 8.8% and 50.0%respectively) than those of 2C exposures (25.4%, 3.1%, and 32.6% respectively). There were 2.3% death; no difference between two groups. Discussion. The higher rate of symptoms in NBOMe is consistent with the higher 5HT2A agonistic effects of NBOMe described in both molecular and animal studies. Conclusion. Common clinical effects of NBOMe and 2C exposures were tachycardia, agitation/irritable, hallucination/delusion, confusion, and hypertension. There were higher incidences of hallucination/delusion, single episode seizure and benzodiazepine administration in NBOMe.  相似文献   

Background.?Lithium overdose primarily results in neurologic toxicity; however, cardiac effects have also been reported. Our aim was to describe a large cohort of hospitalized lithium overdose patients. Specifically we were interested in reported cardiac complications, frequency of hemodialysis (HD), and mortality.?Methods.?This is a retrospective, observational case series of admitted isolated lithium exposure cases reported to the California Poison Control System (CPCS) from 2003 through 2007. Reported lithium exposure cases were identified by a search of our CPCS database. Only those cases resulting in hospital admission were included in this study. Cases with concomitant toxic exposures were excluded. Primary outcome variables were reported cardiac complications (defined as bradycardia with a heart rate ≤50 bpm, atrioventricular (AV) block, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation), administration of cardiovascular intervention (resuscitation, vasopressor medications, or cardiac pacing), and death.?Results.?In the 5-year-study period 629 lithium cases were reported to the CPCS and 502 hospitalized cases were included in this study. There were 44 [8.8%; 95% confidence intervals (CI) 6.3, 11.2] cases of acute lithium exposure, 124 (24.7%; 95% CI 20.9, 28.5) cases of acute on chronic (AC) overdose, and 282 (56.2%; 95% CI 51.8, 60.5) cases of chronic overdose. Sixty-nine patients received hemodialysis. This includes 6 (13.6%) acute, 12 (9.7%) AC, and 45 (16.0%) chronic cases. There were four deaths (0.8%, 95% CI 0.2, 1.6). Cardiac complications were reported in 29 cases (5.7%, 95% CI 3.7, 7.7%) with 18 of these cases (18/29; 62%) being isolated bradycardias (without hypotension). Only seven patients with reported cardiac complication (7/29; 24.1%; 95% CI = 8.6, 39.7) required cardiovascular intervention and all of these were cases of chronic lithium toxicity. Two bradycardic arrests occurred in chronic lithium exposure cases, including one who died.?Conclusion.?In this cohort of hospitalized lithium exposure patients, death was rare. Reported cardiac complications were unusual with instances requiring cardiovascular intervention occurring only in cases of chronic lithium overdose. The majority of lithium toxicity cases were managed without HD.  相似文献   

Introduction. To the average consumer, “cosmetics” are not considered to cause damage to human health under normal conditions of use. Thus, cosmetic “safety” does not require any particular attention to the possibility that cosmetics may result in a toxic exposure, especially for children. Poison Control Centres (PCCs) provide specialized and rapid information for consumers and health professionals to ensure management of events related to the exposures to different agents, including Cosmetics. Poison Control Centres also represent a unique source of information to investigate the frequency and type of exposures to cosmetic and the related risks. Objective. An analysis of cases concerning human exposures to cosmetics collected from 2005 to 2010 by the PCC at the Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda (Milan, Italy) was performed. Results. During this period, 11 322 human exposure cases related to cosmetics were collected accounting for 4.5% of the total human clinical cases. Almost, all the requests for assistance came from consumers (53%) and hospitals (40%). The most frequently reported site of exposure was the consumer's own residence (94%). The exposures mainly involved children younger than 4 years (77%). No difference in gender distribution was observed (female 49%, male 51%). Almost, all of the exposures were unintentional (94%). Intentional exposures, mainly related to suicide attempts and accounted for 6% of cases involving persons aged more than 12 years. Personal hygiene products (30%), perfumes and hair care products (excluding hair dyes) (both 13%) were the most frequently involved categories. Symptoms were present only in 26% of the exposures and were mostly gastrointestinal (46%). Most of the cases were managed at home (43%) whereas hospital intervention was required in 38%. Conclusion. Since the exposure frequency seems more likely to reflect product availability and accessibility to ingestors, our results call for closer attention to this type of hazard, especially for children younger than 4 years of age.  相似文献   

Context. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported an increase in electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use in both adults and adolescents. Poison Center calls provide data on exposures pertaining to e-cigarette devices and components (including nicotine-refill cartridges), potentially identifying epidemiological trends in reported exposures over time. Objective. To characterize the trends in e-cigarette exposures reported to United States (U.S.) Poison Centers between 01 June 2010 and 30 September 2013. Methods. We obtained data from the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) for all exposures involving e-cigarettes reported to the National Poison Data System (NPDS) by U.S. Poison Centers and described trends in exposures over time, demographics, geographical characteristics, clinical effects and outcomes, management site, and exposure route. Results. A total of 1,700 exposures were reported to Poison Centers during this time. The most frequent age groups were children 5 years or below with 717 (42.2%) exposures and adults ages 20–39 years with 466 (27.4%) exposures. Temporal trends showed an increase of 1.36 exposures per month [95% CI: 1.16–1.56] from June 2010 through December 2012, after which exposures increased by 9.60 per month [95% CI: 8.64–10.55] from January through September 2013. The majority of patients who were followed reported that they had only minor effects. Conclusions. The majority of exposures to e-cigarette devices and components occurred in children of 5 years or below due to accidental exposure. Based on the available data, the reported exposures have resulted in minimal toxicity. Calls to Poison Centers regarding these products have rapidly increased since 2010, and continued surveillance may show changes in the epidemiological trends surrounding e-cigarette exposures.  相似文献   

Context. Paliperidone is an atypical antipsychotic that was approved in the U.S. in 2006, and is also available in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Asia. Information regarding paliperidone overdoses is limited to case reports. Serious toxicity has yet to be reported. Objective. To evaluate the toxicity of paliperidone exposures using a national poison center database. Methods. A retrospective, observational case series of single-substance paliperidone cases reported to the National Poison Data System from 2007 to 2012 was conducted. Cases were evaluated for demographics, reason for exposure, clinical effects, treatments, disposition, and coded medical outcomes. For cases with major effects the text fields in poison center charts were evaluated to verify accuracy of coded outcome. The relationship between dose and severity of medical outcome was analyzed for acute exposure cases. Results. There were 801 paliperidone cases that met inclusion criteria that included 592 persons of 13 years or greater, 67 children of 6–12 years, 140 children of less than 6 years, and 2 unknown ages. Most common reasons for exposure included: suicide attempt (39.6%), unintentional general (21.1%), therapeutic error (15.7%), and adverse drug reaction (11.9%). The most commonly observed clinical effects were drowsiness/lethargy (28.7%), tachycardia (23.3%), and dystonia (14.2%). Most patients were managed in the emergency department (40.3%) or were admitted to a health care facility (HCF) (42.7%). In 564 cases treated in a HCF, treatments included activated charcoal (25.7%), antihistamines (21.1%), and benzodiazepines (9.4%). Medical outcomes were no effect (35.0%), minor (30.8%), moderate (33.7%), and major effect (0.5%). There were no deaths. Of 491 acute exposures, dose was coded for 74.3% of exposures. There was a significant difference in the reported median dose between those with no effect (6 mg) and either minor effect (12 mg; p = 0.047) or moderate effect cases (12 mg; p = 0.020) in 91 children less than 6 years. Conclusions. The majority of patients experienced no or minor toxicity and were not admitted for medical care. Although a higher dose was associated with a more serious outcome in children less than 6 years, the data do not provide clear-cut triage guidelines.  相似文献   

Background: SGLT2 inhibitors are a new class of oral antidiabetics prescribed in the United States since 2013. They act by inhibiting reabsorption of glucose in the proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney, allowing excess glucose to be excreted. Little has been reported regarding effects of non-therapeutic exposure to this class of medication.

Methods: Retrospective records from 13 poison centers were examined for human exposures to SGLT2 inhibitors between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2016. Exclusion criteria included multi-substance exposures and exposures without any follow-up call. Data examined included patient age, chronicity of exposure, clinical effects, management site, treatments administered, duration of follow-up, and outcome.

Results: Eighty-eight cases met inclusion criteria. Patient age ranged from 1 to 75 years; 49 were evaluated in a health care facility with 18 admissions. No symptoms developed in 80 (91%) patients, 6 (7%) developed minor symptoms, and 2 (2%) developed moderate symptoms. Hypoglycemia was not observed. Mean time to final follow-up was 9.3?h, ranging from 1 to 42?h; median was 6?h. Of the two patients who developed moderate symptoms, one was a 65 year old male who developed metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia while taking canagliflozin therapeutically; the other a 43-year-old female who developed tachycardia and mild hypertension following the intentional ingestion of 6000?mg of canagliflozin.

Discussions: The number of patients evaluated in a health care facility is most likely reflective of a cautious approach to dealing with a new class of drug. Exposures were generally well-tolerated and managed with minimal intervention.

Conclusions: In this retrospective series, acute ingestions of SGLT2 inhibitors were well-tolerated with no hypoglycemia and only minor effects. For young children with unintentional ingestions, a reasonable approach to home management would include at least one follow-up for signs and symptoms of possible toxicity including mental status changes, polyuria, or tachypnea.  相似文献   

Context: While low toxicity is reported, there are sparse data on the safety of acute picaridin (icaridin) exposures in humans.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to review National Poison Data System (NPDS) data regarding ingestion of insect repellents containing picaridin and compare those to insect repellents containing DEET and other insect repellents not containing DEET.

Methods: NPDS was queried for single agent human insect repellent ingestions reported between 1 January 2000 and 31 May 2015 using the American Association of Poison Control Center generic categories 201048 (Insect Repellents with DEET) and 201049 (Insect Repellents without DEET). Picaridin-containing product exposures were assessed using Poisindex® product ID 6744589. Insect repellents of unknown type were not included.

Results: 68,429 exposures occurred; 24% were non-DEET-containing products, of which 2% were picaridin-containing products. Among picaridin exposures, 92.9% were managed outside of a health-care facility; there were no reported cases of major effect or death, and only one case of moderate effect. Primary symptoms across all insect repellent exposures included ocular irritation/pain, vomiting, red eye/conjunctivitis, and oral irritation. Treatment primarily included dilution/irrigation/wash.

Conclusion: Unintentional ingestion of picaridin-containing and other insect repellents was associated only with minor toxicity and was generally managed outside of a health-care facility.  相似文献   

Background. Levetiracetam is a new anticonvulsant, which works to block high-voltage-activated Ca++ channels in children, for partial-onset seizures. Reports of clinical experience with pediatric ingestions are minimal. The purpose of this study was to characterize the toxicity of accidental levetiracetam exposures in children less than 6 years of age. Methods. This was an 11-year retrospective observational case series of pediatric (< 6 years old) levetiracetam ingestions reported to a Poison Control System from 2002 to 2013. Case narratives were individually reviewed to collect desired information on exposure and clinical course. Inclusion criteria were levetiracetam as a single ingested medication, age less than 6 years, treatment in a health care facility, and followed to a known outcome. Results. Eighty-two cases met inclusion criteria with 55% female patients and overall median age of 2.0 years (range: 1–60 months). The levetiracetam dose ingested was reported in 69 (84.1%) cases, with exact dose (median dose, 45.0 mg/kg; range, 10.5–1429 mg/kg) reported in 33 cases (40.2%). Of these, twenty-nine cases (88%) involved the oral solution formulation and 28 cases (85%) had unintentional therapeutic error as the cause of the exposure. No dose–response relationship was demonstrated; however, the odds of a levetiracetam-naive patient, (median dose, 26.9 mg/kg; N = 15) with an unintentional exposure, developing drowsiness or ataxia was 6 times that of a patient who was not naïve to levetiracetam (median dose, 70.1 mg/kg; N = 20) (Odds ratio [OR], 6.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03–35.91).Of the 82 cases, 17 (20.7%) developed untoward clinical effects of drowsiness and/or ataxia. Eighty patients (97.6%) were treated and discharged from the emergency department, and two patients (2.4%) were admitted. The two patients admitted included a two-month old who was accidentally given a dose 10 times that of her usual dose and a 3-year old who was lethargic on arrival to the hospital after ingestion of an unknown dose. Of all patients, 66 patients (80.5%) had no effect from the drug exposure. The medical outcome was considered to be minor in 15 cases (18.3%), and moderate in 1 case (1.2%). There were no cases with major outcomes and no deaths. Conclusions. Pediatric levetiracetam exposures were associated with few transient clinical effects. Poison Control Centers may wish to consider acuity of ingestion when developing send-in protocols.  相似文献   

Context. Small studies have associated energy drinks—beverages that typically contain high concentrations of caffeine and other stimulants—with serious adverse health events. Objective. To assess the incidence and outcomes of toxic exposures to caffeine-containing energy drinks, including caffeinated alcoholic energy drinks, and to evaluate the effect of regulatory actions and educational initiatives on the rates of energy drink exposures. Methods. We analyzed all unique cases of energy drink exposures reported to the US National Poison Data System (NPDS) between October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011. We analyzed only exposures to caffeine-containing energy drinks consumed as a single product ingestion and categorized them as caffeine-containing non-alcoholic, alcoholic, or “unknown” for those with unknown formulations. Non-alcoholic energy drinks were further classified as those containing caffeine from a single source and those containing multiple stimulant additives, such as guarana or yerba mate. The data were analyzed for the demographics and outcomes of exposures (unknown data were not included in the denominator for percentages). The rates of change of energy drink-related calls to poison centers were analyzed before and after major regulatory events. Results. Of 2.3 million calls to the NPDS, 4854 (0.2%) were energy drink-related. The 3192 (65.8%) cases involving energy drinks with unknown additives were excluded. Of 1480 non-alcoholic energy drink cases, 50.7% were children < 6 years old; 76.7% were unintentional; and 60.8% were males. The incidence of moderate to major adverse effects of energy drink-related toxicity was 15.2% and 39.3% for non-alcoholic and alcoholic energy drinks, respectively. Major adverse effects consisted of three cases of seizure, two of non-ventricular dysrhythmia, one ventricular dysrhythmia, and one tachypnea. Of the 182 caffeinated alcoholic energy drink cases, 68.2% were < 20 years old; 76.7% were referred to a health care facility. Educational and legislative initiatives to enhance understanding of the health consequences of energy drink consumption were significantly associated with a decreased rate of energy drink-related cases (p = 0.036). Conclusions. About half the cases of energy drink-related toxicity involved unintentional exposures by children < 6 years old. Educational campaigns and legal restrictions on the sale of energy drinks were associated with decreasing calls to poison centers for energy drink toxicity and are encouraged.  相似文献   


Context. Over two million poisoning exposures are reported to U.S. poison control centers annually. A broad population-based survey of toxic exposures and the correlated patterns of reported kidney injury (acute or chronic) have not been systematically characterized. Objective. Our objective was to study the demographic and exposure patterns associated with indicators for serious kidney complications (ISKC), as defined by the variables in the NPDS. Materials and methods. This was a retrospective, case-control study using the data elements available in the NPDS. We assessed data related to patient characteristics, substance exposure, and management. Cases and controls were derived from adult and pediatric exposures documented in NPDS (2001–2007) as having “renal effects.” For substance-specific analyses, cases were restricted to those involving single substances or single entity pharmaceutical preparations. ISKC cases presented with one or more of the following NPDS codes: increased creatinine, and/or oliguria/anuria, and/or renal failure. Controls were subjects with “renal effects” but did not have increased creatinine, nor anuria/oliguria, nor renal failure. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses identified factors associated with ISKC and determined the relationship between these factors. Results. From the approximate 16.8 million exposures reported to the NPDS within the study timeframe, there were 16,444 single substance exposures with renal effects of which 9,074 cases experienced ISKC (55.2%) compared to 7,370 controls without ISKC. Cases with ISKC tended to be males, adults, and reported to involve intentional exposures. Cases with ISKC had higher rates of reported hemodialysis/hemofiltration (27.7%; N = 2,517) and death (10.9%; N = 990) compared to controls, respectively, (2.1%; N = 155) and (0.8%; N = 60), p < 0.001. Substances considered a priori to be nephrotoxic were associated with a higher risk of ISKC. Discussion and conclusion. The NPDS provided insight into the subjects and types of exposures that associate with ISKC. Subjects with ISKC experienced higher rates of morbidity and mortality compared to subjects without ISKC. We identified subject characteristics and classes of compounds associated with ISKC. We hope that the hypotheses generated from this study of the NPDS will raise awareness of the possible risk factors and complications associated with ISKC.  相似文献   

What is known and Objectives: Ceftriaxone, a third‐generation cephalosporin antibiotic, is used for a vast variety of infectious diseases. Different types of adverse reactions are reported to be induced by ceftriaxone; however, there is limited published information on spontaneous adverse reactions collected by a national pharmacovigilance centre. This study was conducted to evaluate ceftriaxone‐induced adverse drug events, registered in the Iranian pharmacovigilance database during a 10‐year period, and to identify preventive measures for reducing ceftriaxone‐induced adverse events. Method: All adverse events registered in the Iranian pharmacovigilance database from 1998 through 2009 were screened for ceftriaxone‐related adverse events. The extracted data were categorized based on patients’ demographics and previous history of allergic reactions to antibiotics. Assessment of system–organ classes, seriousness and causality of reactions was performed according to World Health Organization scale. The preventability was analysed based on Schumock questionnaire. Results and Discussion: Ceftriaxone was responsible for the highest number of deaths in our database (49 cases). Of 20 877 reports, 1205 (5·8%) were related to ceftriaxone; 357 reports (30%) are categorized as serious including cardiac arrest, anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions. The high number of serious cases makes it necessary to develop preventive measures for reducing those adverse events. Unlabelled use of the drug (2·9%) is identified as one of the risk factors for adverse events. Evaluation of the 1030 intravenous injections of the drug shows that rapid intravenous injection of ceftriaxone is another risk factor. One hundred and sixteen patients (9·6%) had a previous history of allergic reaction to ceftriaxone, penicillin or both. We recommend an alternative antibiotic, if possible, in the case of a positive history of allergic reaction to cephalosporins, penicillins and/or other beta‐lactam antibiotics. What is new and Conclusion: Severe and life‐threatening adverse reactions induced by ceftriaxone are of great concern. Rapid intravenous injection, unlabelled use and previous patient history of allergic reactions to cephalosporins or penicillins are risk factors that should be guarded against.  相似文献   

BackgroundPeople from ethnic minorities are reported to have higher rates of physical illness (diabetes and ischemic heart disease) and mental disorders. Disparities relate not just to diagnosis, but also to care pathways and treatment outcomes. Despite this, they are underrepresented in clinical research. This reduces the generalisability of research findings across multi ethnic populations and hinders the development of accessible services. Researchers often face difficulties in recruiting ethnic minority participants to clinical research due to low levels of cultural competence and limited resources. There are few published trials focusing on ethnic minorities in the UK and we need to understand what recruitment strategies have already been implemented and recommended when recruiting ethnic participants. This will help researchers in applying these lessons to future clinical trials.MethodTo identify strategies for recruiting ethnic minorities to clinical trials in the UK a systematic review of published randomised controlled trials (RCT) exclusively targeting ethnic minorities was conducted. Multiple databases were searched by combining the terms “ethnic minorities”, “randomised controlled trials” and “United Kingdom”. Data was extracted on recruitment strategies described by each RCT and then themes were created.ResultsTwenty-one included RCT's identified various strategies to recruit ethnic communities to clinical trials. These have been described under three overarching themes; adaptation of screening and outcome measures, culturally specific recruitment training and recruitment processes.ConclusionThe review highlighted that researchers employed limited strategies to enhance the recruitment level. The full extent of the use of strategies was not described well in the publications. There is a need for wider training and support for the trialist to enhance and build up recruitment skills to facilitate the recruitment of ethnic minorities to clinical trials.  相似文献   

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