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Erythrocyte ALA-dehydratase (ALAD) activity and blood lead levels were studied in different groups of subjects not occupationally exposed to lead, ie, male and female clerical workers, traffic policemen, motorway tollgate attendants, and chronic alcoholics in comparison with values obtained in workers in a lead- using industry.

Among the subjects without occupational exposure to lead, the highest mean values of erythrocyte ALAD activity and the lowest mean values of lead in the blood were found in female clerical workers. Progressively lower mean values of ALAD activity and conversely higher mean values of lead in the blood were observed in the male clerical workers, traffic policemen, motorway tollgate attendants, and chronic alcoholics.

In workers occupationally, exposed to lead, erythrocyte ALAD activity undergoes much greater reductions not only in the manifest phases of lead poisoning but even at the very beginning of exposure, and ALAD remains reduced even some time after exposure has ceased.  相似文献   

Although crystalline silica has been recognized as a health hazard for many years, it is still encountered in many work environments. Numerous studies have revealed an association between exposure to respirable crystalline silica and the development of silicosis and other lung diseases including lung cancer. Alberta Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour conducted a project to evaluate exposure to crystalline silica at a total of 40 work sites across 13 industries. Total airborne respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica concentrations were quite variable, but there was a potential to exceed the Alberta Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) of 0.025 mg/m3 for respirable crystalline silica at many of the work sites evaluated. The industries with the highest potentials for overexposure occurred in sand and mineral processing (GM 0.090 mg/m3), followed by new commercial building construction (GM 0.055 mg/m3), aggregate mining and crushing (GM 0.048 mg/m3), abrasive blasting (GM 0.027 mg/m3), and demolition (GM 0.027 mg/m3). For worker occupations, geometric mean exposure ranged from 0.105 mg/m3 (brick layer/mason/concrete cutting) to 0.008 mg/m3 (dispatcher/shipping, administration). Potential for GM exposure exceeding the OEL was identified in a number of occupations where it was not expected, such as electricians, carpenters and painters. These exposures were generally related to the specific task the worker was doing, or arose from incidental exposure from other activities at the work site. The results indicate that where there is a potential for activities producing airborne respirable crystalline silica, it is critical that the employer include all worker occupations at the work site in their hazard assessment. There appears to be a relationship between airborne total respirable dust concentration and total respirable dust concentrations, but further study is require to fully characterize this relationship. If this relationship holds true, it may provide a useful hazard assessment tool for employers by which the potential for exposure to airborne respirable silica at the work site can be more easily estimated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Starting shortly after the reunification of Germany and lasting up to the end of the 1990s, an extensive series of retrospective exposure investigations for the East German uranium mining industry was performed in order to provide information about the exposure situation of the miners towards respirable dust, inhalable dust, crystalline silica and heavy metals. It should provide the necessary information for legal compensation of miners with potential industrial diseases as well as for epidemiological research. METHODS: Extensive side-by-side measurements using original historic equipments as well as comprehensive evaluation of the time increments of specific jobs with respect to exposure relevant tasks were performed. After attributing average exposures to the tasks, shift exposures for the jobs could be calculated. RESULTS: By the end a comprehensive job exposure matrix for all underground jobs of the German uranium mining industry was developed for the components mentioned, including arsenic where relevant. In the early days of SAG/SDAG Wismut dust and silica exposures were extremely high with respirable dust up to 20 mg/m(3) and respirable crystalline silica well above 2 mg/m(3) as shift averages. Beginning from about the early 1960s dust control measures started to improve conditions dramatically. CONCLUSIONS: It is absolutely necessary to invest sufficient effort for the estimation of exposure situations of past technological environments. Especially, the situation of early mechanised mining, characterised by low ventilation, dry drilling techniques and generally lacking dust control measures was characterized by extreme shift exposures. It is important to keep these in mind when metal mining exposure in different environments is considered.  相似文献   

The cleanup effort following the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) was unprecedented and involved removal of 1.8 million tons of rubble over a nine-month period. Work at the site occurred 24 hr a day, 7 days a week and involved thousands of workers during the process. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducted personal and area exposure sampling during the cleanup of the site. Secondary data analysis was performed on OSHA air sampling data for respirable dust and silica from September 2001 to June 2002 at the WTC recovery site to characterize workers' exposure. Results for silica and respirable particulate were stratified by area and personal samples as well as job task for analysis. Of 1108 samples included in the analysis, 693 were personal and 415 were area. The mean result for personal silica samples was 42 μg/m3 (Range: 4.2–1800 μg/m3). Workers identified as drillers had the highest mean silica exposure (72 μg/m3; range: 5.8–800 μg/m3) followed by workers identified as dock builders (67 μg/m3; range: 5.8–670 μg/m3). The mean result for personal samples for respirable particulate was 0.44 mg/m3 (range: 0.00010–13 mg/m3). There were no discernable trends in personal respirable dust and silica concentrations with date.  相似文献   

蔺草染土粉尘的特性及职业危害   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 研究蔺草染土粉尘的特性及其对作业场所环境污染的特点。方法 按GB5 74 8— 85和GB16 2 2 5— 1996规定的方法在同一作业点同时测定总粉尘和呼吸性粉尘浓度 ;分别用焦磷酸重量法和X射线衍射法测定粉尘中游离SiO2 含量 ,X射线衍射法测定粉尘矿物学结构。结果 总粉尘浓度几何均数为(2 7 90± 2 82 )mg/m3 ,呼吸性粉尘浓度几何均数为 (6 78± 2 5 2 )mg/m3 ,两者呈正相关 ,r =0 873,P <0 0 1,两种粉尘浓度均数的比值为 4 11;X射线衍射法测定总粉尘和呼吸性粉尘中游离SiO2 含量分别为 4 5 87%和 2 1 37% ;构成染土粉尘的矿物主要有石英、高岭土、叶腊石、云母。结论 蔺草染土是一种混合性矿物粉尘 ,其中呼吸性粉尘约占 2 5 % ;由于环境中粉尘浓度很高 ,长期接触可引起尘肺 ,多种矿物的联合作用不可忽视  相似文献   

This study assessed the present-day levels (year 2010–2011) of exposure to respirable dust (RD) and respirable silica (RS) in taconite mines and evaluated how the mining process influences exposure concentrations. Personal samples (n = 679) were collected to assess exposure levels of workers to RD and RS at six mines in the Mesabi Iron Range of Minnesota. The RD and RS concentrations were measured using the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 0600 and NIOSH 7500, respectively. Between-mine, between-SEG (similar exposure groups), within-SEG, and within-worker components of variability for RD and RS exposures were estimated using a two- or three-way nested random-effects ANOVA model. The majority of RD concentrations across all mines were below the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL). The highest concentrations of RD were often observed in either the Pelletizing or Crushing departments, which are inherently dusty operations. With a few exceptions, the concentrations of RS in the crushing and concentrating processes were higher than those in the other mining processes, as well as higher than the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for RS. The magnetic separation and flotation processes in the concentrating department reduced the levels of RS significantly, and lowered the percentage of quartz in RD in the pelletizing department. There was little variability among the six mines or between the two mineralogically distinct zones for either RD or RS exposures. The between-SEG variability for RS did not differ substantially across most of the mines and was a major component of exposure variance. The within-SEG (or between-worker) variance component was typically the smallest because in many instances one worker from a SEG within a mine was monitored multiple times. Some of these findings were affected by the degree of censoring in each SEG and mine, characteristics of the taconite rock, seasonal effects during sampling, or the tasks assigned to each job in that mine.  相似文献   

本文在某钨矿进行了呼吸性矽尘与矽肺的暴露~反应关系的研究。首先对该矿井下呼吸性粉尘与息扮尘浓度的关系进行了研究,把历史接尘资料中总粉尘浓度转换为呼吸性粉尘浓度。最后用Logistic多元回归模型对1151名工人的接尘资辩进行了处理,推算出在一定接尘条件下,呼吸性矽尘的容许浓度为0.24mg/m~3。  相似文献   

An epidemiological investigation was undertaken to determine the relationship between silicosis in hardrock miners in Ontario and cumulative exposure to silica (free crystalline silica--alpha quartz) dust. This report describes the analytic method and presents the risk estimates.  相似文献   

Rotary-type percussion dowel drilling machines, which drill horizontal holes in concrete pavement, have been documented to produce respirable crystalline silica concentrations above recommended exposure criteria. This places operators at potential risk for developing health effects from exposure. United States manufacturers of these machines offer optional dust control systems. The effectiveness of the dust control systems to reduce respirable dust concentrations on two types of drilling machines was evaluated under controlled conditions with the machines operating inside large tent structures in an effort to eliminate secondary exposure sources not related to the dowel-drilling operation. Area air samples were collected at breathing zone height at three locations around each machine. Through equal numbers of sampling rounds with the control systems randomly selected to be on or off, the control systems were found to significantly reduce respirable dust concentrations from a geometric mean of 54 mg per cubic meter to 3.0 mg per cubic meter on one machine and 57 mg per cubic meter to 5.3 mg per cubic meter on the other machine. This research shows that the dust control systems can dramatically reduce respirable dust concentrations by over 90% under controlled conditions. However, these systems need to be evaluated under actual work conditions to determine their effectiveness in reducing worker exposures to crystalline silica below hazardous levels.  相似文献   

刘雨 《职业与健康》2010,26(16):1836-1838
目的比较红外光谱法与焦磷酸消化法测定粉尘中游离二氧化硅的可行性。方法对粉尘中游离二氧化硅含量用上述2种方法分别进行测定,比较2种方法测定结果。结果红外光谱法与焦磷酸消化法测定游离二氧化硅含量值差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),游离二氧化硅含量在0~100.03 mg范围内与吸光度值有良好的线性关系,相关系数r=0.9996。样品加标回收率为93.08%~95.01%,测定结果的相对标准偏差不大于5.21%(n=5)。结论红外光谱法可以实现高精度快速批量检测,可以逐步取代焦磷酸消化法。  相似文献   

An epidemiological investigation was carried out to determine the relationship between silicosis in hardrock miners in Ontario and cumulative exposure to silica (free crystalline silica--alpha quartz) dust. This second report describes a side-by-side air-sampling program used to derive a konimeter/gravimetric silica conversion curve. A total of 2,360 filter samples and 90,000 konimeter samples were taken over 2 years in two mines representing the ore types gold and uranium, both in existing conditions as well as in an experimental stope in which dry drilling was used to simulate the high dust conditions of the past. The method of calculating cumulative respirable silica exposure indices for each miner is reported.  相似文献   

对粉尘中游离二氧化硅含量进行了X线衍射法和焦磷酸消化法的对比测定。结果表明,X线衍射法与焦磷酸地的结果之间有很好的相关性,其测定值在统计学上无显著性差异(P〉0.05),两方法测定值的相关回归方程是Y=1.0009X+2.2626,r=0.9719。X线衍射法的相对偏差小于10%,达到常规微量(0.1~5mg)样本的分析要求;可以较好地排除某些干扰因子对结果的影响。  相似文献   

Underground U.S. coal miners were studied cross-sectionally for the association of respirable coal mine dust exposure with pulmonary function and symptoms of airways obstruction. The study group included 1,185 miners participating in Round 4 of the National Study of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis who had started mining in or after 1970 when comprehensive exposure regulations first came into effect. Quantitative estimates of cumulative exposure, derived using respirable dust measurements taken by the Mine Safety and Health Administration over the entire study period, were used in linear and logistic regression models on indicators of pulmonary function and chest symptoms while controlling for smoking status, pack-years, and other potential confounders. Statistically significant associations between log cumulative exposure and decrements in FVC, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC were observed. In logistic models, statistically significant associations of cumulative exposure with increasing prevalence of FEV1 and FEV1/FVC less than 80% predicted and symptoms including chronic phlegm, chronic bronchitis, breathlessness, wheeze, and wheeze with shortness of breath were found. It is concluded that exposures to respirable coal mine dust present in U.S. mines since 1970 continue to affect respiratory health in underground miners.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objectives of this study were to determine whether cross-shift changes in peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) were related to respirable dust exposure in South African coalminers. METHODS: Fifty workers were randomly selected from a cohort of 684 miners from 3 bituminous coalmines in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Peak expiratory efforts were measured prior to the commencement of the shift, and at the end of the shift on at least two occasions separated by at least 2 weeks, with full shift personal dust sampling being conducted on each occasion for each participant. Interviews were conducted, work histories were obtained and cumulative exposure estimates were constructed. Regression models examined the associations of cross-shift changes in PEFR with current and cumulative exposure, controlling for shift, smoking and past history of tuberculosis. RESULTS: There were marginal differences in cross-shift PEFR (ranging from 0.1 to 2 L/min). Linear regression analyses showed no association between cross-shift change in PEFR and current or cumulative exposure. The specific shift worked by participants in the study showed no effect. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed no association between current respirable dust exposure and cross-shift changes in PEFR. There was a non-significant protective effect of cumulative dust exposure on the outcome, suggesting the presence of a \"healthy worker survivor effect\" in this data.  相似文献   



In 2000, a prospective Dust Monitoring Program (DMP) was started in which measurements of worker’s exposure to respirable dust and quartz are collected in member companies from the European Industrial Minerals Association (IMA-Europe). After 15 years, the resulting IMA-DMP database allows a detailed overview of exposure levels of respirable dust and quartz over time within this industrial sector. Our aim is to describe the IMA-DMP and the current state of the corresponding database which due to continuation of the IMA-DMP is still growing. The future use of the database will also be highlighted including its utility for the industrial minerals producing sector.


Exposure data are being obtained following a common protocol including a standardized sampling strategy, standardized sampling and analytical methods and a data management system. Following strict quality control procedures, exposure data are consequently added to a central database. The data comprises personal exposure measurements including auxiliary information on work and other conditions during sampling.


Currently, the IMA-DMP database consists of almost 28,000 personal measurements which have been performed from 2000 until 2015 representing 29 half-yearly sampling campaigns. The exposure data have been collected from 160 different worksites owned by 35 industrial mineral companies and comes from 23 European countries and approximately 5000 workers.


The IMA-DMP database provides the European minerals sector with reliable data regarding worker personal exposures to respirable dust and quartz. The database can be used as a powerful tool to address outstanding scientific issues on long-term exposure trends and exposure variability, and importantly, as a surveillance tool to evaluate exposure control measures. The database will be valuable for future epidemiological studies on respiratory health effects and will allow for estimation of quantitative exposure response relationships.  相似文献   

A comprehensive survey of respirable dust and respirable silica in Ontario gold mines was conducted by the Ontario Ministry of Labor during 1978–1979. The aim was to assess the feasibility of introducing gravimetric sampling to replace the assessment method which used konimeters, a device which gave results in terms of number of particles per cubic centimeter (ppcc) of air. The study involved both laboratory and field assessments. The field assessment involved measurement of airborne respirable dust and respirable silica at all eight operating gold mines of the time. This article describes the details of the field assessment. A total of 288 long-term (7–8 hr) personal respirable dust air samples were collected from seven occupational categories in eight gold mines. The respirable silica (α-quartz) was determined by x-ray diffraction method. The results show that during 1978–1979, the industry wide mean respirable dust was about 1 mg/m3, and the mean respirable silica was 0.08 mg/m3.The mean% silica in respirable dust was 7.5%. The data set would be useful in future epidemiological and health studies, as well as in assessment of workers’ compensation claims for occupational diseases such as silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and autoimmune diseases such as renal disease and rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Silica and noise are highly prevalent occupational exposures in the stone processing industry. Monitoring for silica and noise are expensive tasks that may be especially difficult to perform in low-resource settings, but exposure awareness is vital for protecting worker health. This study evaluated personal noise and silica measurements at a stone processing facility in northern Thailand to investigate the differing exposure potentials and risk for overexposure among the varying job categories. Our research team performed repeated personal noise and respirable silica measurements on 46 workers, over three separate workshifts for each of 46 workers. While 36.2% of noise measurements exceeded the recommended exposure limit of 85 dBA, only three silica measurements (2.4%) were above the threshold limit value (TLV) of 25 µg/m3. Self-reported personal protective equipment use was low, with only 27.5% of participants wearing hearing protection in noisy environments during their monitored shift and 29.7% of workers wearing respiratory protection during dusty portions of their shift. We identified a significant positive correlation between measured noise and silica levels (r = 0.54, p < 0.01), with stone loaders having the highest average noise (mean = 89 dBA, standard deviation = 4.9 dBA) and silica (geometric mean = 6.4 µg/m3, geometric standard deviation = 1.8) exposure levels. In a multivariate model, the stone loader job category was a significant predictor of exposure to detectable levels of respirable silica (p < 0.01). These results provide useful guidance regarding the need for noise and silica exposure interventions in order to reduce incidences of workplace disease in the stone processing industry.  相似文献   

Silica exposure and silicosis among Ontario hardrock miners: I. Methodology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An epidemiological investigation was undertaken to determine the relationship between silicosis in hardrock miners in Ontario and cumulative exposure to silica (crystalline silica--alpha quartz) dust. This first report describes the cohort, the method of classifying the radiographs, and the identification of a case of silicosis.  相似文献   

The accuracy of self-reported regulatory data: the case of coal mine dust   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coal-mine owners are required to measure miner exposures to respirable dust so that compliance with Federal health regulations can be monitored. This study analyzes the problem of possible underreporting of dust exposures. Using two statistical approaches, data for three mining occupations in 54 large underground coal mines during 1976-1978 are examined for evidence of underreporting. First, regression estimates compare dust concentrations reported by coal-mine owners with those reported by government health inspectors. Then, the statistical distribution of concentrations reported by coal-mine owners are examined for the size and nature of their deviation from log-normality. Both approaches suggest widespread underreporting.  相似文献   

Chest radiographs, taken at a 9-year interval for 1,261 U.S. coal miners, were read for pneumoconiosis side-by-side by six readers in a controlled trial. Incidence and progression of small, rounded opacities were consistent with levels predicted from dose-response curves developed by the British Pneumoconiosis Field Research interpolated at a concentration derived from U.S. compliance levels mandated over the last 9 years. The results imply that the level of pneumoconiosis in U.S. miners is being reduced through application of the current 2 mg/m3 standard. The long developmental period for pneumoconiosis necessitates that further study be undertaken to verify this finding and to determine whether 2 mg/m3 is an appropriate regulatory dust level for the prevention of category 2 or greater simple pneumoconiosis over a 35-year period.  相似文献   

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