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目的:机械修理、石油化工、印刷、油漆等行业的劳动者,常因与油品或粉尘直接接触可引起各种皮肤病及油污难以清洗,为此研制一种既隔离油污又容易清洗的液体防护手套。方法:采用乙醇、丙三醇、聚乙烯醇为主要原料,以正交试验法制成一种亲水、耐油、易洗的液体保护剂。结果:该产品涂手上数分钟即可干燥成膜,能有效地阻挡油污与皮肤的直接接触。结论:本产品可达到防止油污污染皮肤的目的。  相似文献   

为探究三阴三阳经脉的命名规律,丰富中医学基础理论,从"开阖枢"理论出发,分析其与十二经脉的相关性。三阴经主转输受纳,手、足太阴经为"开",司运化,纳运清气与水谷精微,故肺与脾为太阴经;手、足厥阴经为"阖",司潜藏阴血,使阴血注脉藏肝,故心包与肝为厥阴经;手、足少阴经为"枢",司枢"血",水火二脏交通互济,共为化血之枢纽,故心与肾为少阴经。三阳经主布散排泄,手、足太阳经为"开",主布散,上布津液,下散废液与糟粕,故小肠与膀胱为太阳经;手、足阳明经为"阖",主受纳通降,受水谷而腐熟,降食糜而化糟粕,故大肠与胃为阳明经;手、足少阳经为"枢",主枢"气",通行诸气,通达阴阳而共为气化之枢纽,故三焦与胆为少阳经。因此,认为"开阖枢"理论与十二经脉联系紧密,深刻影响着十二经脉在人体的分布规律与功能协调等方面,该理论应是《黄帝内经》三阴三阳经脉命名规律的直接依据。  相似文献   

The osteopetroses are a group of conditions which are characterized by varying combinations of bony sclerosis and modelling defects. Classical osteopetrosis may be inherited as an autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive: the former variety is benign, heterogeneous and comparatively common, while the latter is precocious, potentially lethal and rare. Many other craniotubular dysplasias and hyperostoses are loosely grouped with the osteopetroses. The commonest of these is the autosomal dominant form of craniometaphyseal dysplasia, while the others which are well known include Pyle disease, and van Buchem disease. Sclerosteosis is a progressive condition in which massive cranial thickening is associated with syndactyly and gigantism. Each of these disorders has specific clinical and radiographic features, which permit recognition. Diagnostic accuracy is crucial for treatment, prognostication and effective genetic management.  相似文献   

HDL—C和LDL—C同时测定法:Dextran—Mg^2+法的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用硫酸葡聚糖和氯化镁作沉淀剂分离脂蛋白,以酶法同步测定HDL-c和LDL-c,VLDL-c及TC,经脂蛋白电泳鉴定证明本沉淀剂沉淀效果符合要求。检测HDL-c及LDL-c重复性好。检测健康成人180例,结果与国内外报道一致。  相似文献   

曹佳 《医学综述》2011,17(3):359-361
幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染后,根据感染程度不同可发展为多种疾病。在导致这些疾病的原因中,宿主的易感性和反应性起着重要作用。人类白细胞抗原(HLA)是目前发现的与疾病关联最为密切的基因复合体,决定疾病易感性个体差异。Hp对宿主的易感性及致病性与HLA-Ⅱ类基因的多个基因位点相关。而HLA-Ⅱ类基因的表达作为生物体整体反应的结果,也与Hp所致疾病有一定关联。现就Hp感染与HLA-Ⅱ类基因及其表达的相关性研究现状予以综述。  相似文献   

During the course of investigation of two infants with seizure disorders it was discovered that both had been given large amounts of a preparation of borax and honey which resulted in chronic borate intoxication. In one child a profound anemia developed as well. The symptoms of chronic borate intoxication are different from those of the acute poisoning with which we are more familiar. The borax and honey preparations are highly dangerous and should no longer be manufactured or distributed for sale.  相似文献   

目的研究及观察SD大鼠和巴马小型猪皮肤的正常比较组织学。方法取SD大鼠和巴马小型猪不同部位的皮肤进行石蜡切片、HE染色,光学显微镜观察。结果两种动物的皮肤组织学结构在以下方面存在着显著差异:1.SD大鼠的毛囊成簇分布,平均3~9成群,而巴马小型猪的毛囊较稀少;2.SD大鼠表皮较薄,没有透明层,基底细胞缺乏异质性,真皮与表皮连接面平坦,没有皮钉;而在巴马小型猪皮肤表皮和真皮连接区,有上下交错的表皮皮钉和真皮乳头;3.SD大鼠的真皮结构相对松散,真皮血管系统不发达,而巴马小型猪皮肤的真皮网织层和乳头层交界的地方,水平分布着很多的浅表小静脉和小动脉丛,这种血管分布的方式与人类皮肤中的血管分布极为类似;4.SD大鼠的汗腺只局限于足垫的皮肤,汗腺上皮只有一种细胞类型,腺细胞呈立方形或矮柱状,胞核圆形,导管短而弯曲,由两层上皮细胞组成。而巴马小型猪皮肤的汗腺是顶泌汗腺,分布于真皮和脂肪相接的真皮深层,分泌部为粗管,管腔大,盘曲成团。腺细胞呈立方形或扁平,胞核圆形或长梭形。腺细胞与基膜之间也有肌上皮细胞。导管较细而直,开口于毛囊上段。  相似文献   

丝光绿蝇饲养初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的通过对丝光绿蝇的室内饲养,观察其驯化以及饲养的生物学。方法采用煮熟的鲢鱼引诱丝光绿蝇产卵,收集其卵块,置于室内采用人工配制饲料进行驯化饲养。结果丝光绿蝇第1代从卵发育至成蝇需14天,其中三龄期约5天,蛹期约6天。成蝇产卵前期约7天,卵散产。第2代从卵发育至成蝇约需13天,其中三龄期约4天,蛹期约6天。结论丝光绿蝇室内驯养在温度26℃~31℃,相对湿度75%条件下,从卵到蝇历期为13~14天,驯养初期,其生物学与自然条件下相比有所改变。  相似文献   

Neonatal jaundice is a common condition that occurs in newborn infants in the first week of life. Today, techniques used for detection are required blood samples and other clinical testing with special equipment. The aim of this study is creating a non-invasive system to control and to detect the jaundice periodically and helping doctors for early diagnosis. In this work, first, a patient group which is consisted from jaundiced babies and a control group which is consisted from healthy babies are prepared, then between 24 and 48 h after birth, 40 jaundiced and 40 healthy newborns are chosen. Second, advanced image processing techniques are used on the images which are taken with a standard smartphone and the color calibration card. Segmentation, pixel similarity and white balancing methods are used as image processing techniques and RGB values and pixels’ important information are obtained exactly. Third, during feature extraction stage, with using colormap transformations and feature calculation, comparisons are done in RGB plane between color change values and the 8-color calibration card which is specially designed. Finally, in the bilirubin level estimation stage, kNN and SVR machine learning regressions are used on the dataset which are obtained from feature extraction. At the end of the process, when the control group is based on for comparisons, jaundice is succesfully detected for 40 jaundiced infants and the success rate is 85 %. Obtained bilirubin estimation results are consisted with bilirubin results which are obtained from the standard blood test and the compliance rate is 85 %.  相似文献   

目的:探讨男性不育症与催乳素的关系.方法:采用化学发光法测定男性不育症患者血清中生殖激素催乳素水平,并比较不同病因患者的催乳素水平与FSH、LH、T的关系差异.结果:非梗阻性无精子患者FSH、LH、催乳素分别为26.22 ±9.35 mIU/mL、21.33±9.3 mIU/mL、25.34±13.31 ng/mL;死...  相似文献   

王学义  蒲涛  杨汶华 《四川医学》2011,32(9):1429-1430
目的探讨低钾型周期性瘫痪的临床特征、诊治和预防。方法回顾性分析2008年9月~2011年3月我院收治的62例低钾型周期性瘫痪患者的临床资料。结果 62例低钾型周期性瘫痪者均为散发者,以20~40岁青壮年男性为主,突发四肢迟缓性;瘫痪,近端为主,无脑神经支配肌肉损害,无意识障碍和感觉障碍,数小时至一日达高峰。结合检查发现血钾降低,心电图低钾性改变仅1例死亡,预后一般良好。结论低钾型周期性瘫痪按临床诊断标准容易诊断,病情较急重,经补钾及对症治疗,多数预后良好,不遗留后遗症,但需要注意严重的并发症,易反复发作,注意预防高危因素发生。  相似文献   

In the developing technology Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT) disease is one of the teeth diseases which are occurred due to the genetic reason. The CMT disease affects the muscle tissue which reduces the progressive growth of the muscle. So, the CMT disease needs to be recognized carefully for eliminating the risk factors in the early stage. At the time of this process, the system handles the difficulties while performing feature extraction and classification part. So, the teeth images are processed by applying the normalization method which eliminates the salt and pepper noise from data. From that, modified group delay function along with Cepstral coefficient features are extracted with effective manner. After that Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm based features are selected. Then the selected features are examined by applying the Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm based spiking neural network which successfully recognizes the CMT disease. At that point the productivity of the framework is assessed with the assistance of exploratory outcomes.  相似文献   

1. Some results of a clinical investigation of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee are described. 2. The different varieties of pain which occur in osteoarthritis are detailed. 3. A sub-group of patients with primary osteoarthritis of the knee is described. In this group "venous" pain predominated; the venographic appearances are typical, and in a large proportion of cases the veins outside the bone are manifestly abnormal. 4. It is suggested that venous congestion within the bone results from extra-osseus vein disturbances, and leads to congestive bone pain and to progressive joint degeneration. 5. The mechanism by which osteotomy produces relief of pain is analysed and discussed. 6. A simple procedure which reproduces some of the benefits of osteotomy is described.  相似文献   

骨科的临床诊疗活动中,不同关节部位的不同检查手法,构成了骨科临床检查的一大特色。骨关节疾病种类繁多,特殊检查手法运用也较多,在检查过程中,有许多是要求患者被动活动病变关节,患者会承受一定的痛苦,这就要求检查的医生手法要轻柔准确,而这与中医理筋手法的原则相一致,同时理筋推拿手法也是骨伤科治病的重要手段之一。孙树椿教授的宫廷理筋手法贯彻了柔和、均匀、持久、有力的原则,这与骨科临床检查法的操作规则是相一致的。在临床检查中配合中医理筋手法,收到了一举双得的功效。  相似文献   

Radiation Enteropathy of the Small Bowel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The features of radiation injury of the small bowel are reviewed to focus attention on this uncommon but persistent problem which usually arises in women undergoing treatment for gynecological malignancy and which may be confused with recurrence of the malignant growth. Intestinal perforation, bleeding, obstruction and fistulas have all been observed in patients with radiation enteropathy. Three cases in which these complications occurred are reported. Early excisional surgery is considered to be the preferred treatment, although conservative surgical procedures have been used for patients who are very ill or for those with diffuse bowel changes. Medical measures alone have not been successful but have been utilized in preoperative preparation.  相似文献   

The respiratory changes associated with chronic hypoxia are described. The possible biochemical mechanisms which are responsible for the changes in control of ventilation are discussed and relevant experimental evidence assessed.  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病的流行、发病原因及防治进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
布鲁氏菌病是一种人畜共患病,生物分型较多,寄生宿主广泛,传播途径多种。进入2000年后,我国患病人数逐年增多,波及28个省市区,给社会和家庭带来沉重负担。发病原因较多,主要是人群布病知识缺乏,防范意识不足,防护措施不当,检疫、免疫力度不够。本文综述是有关布鲁氏菌病流行现状、发病原因及防治对策的最新进展。  相似文献   

本文调查了74名有汞接触史的职工,其中58例有中毒症状,占78.4%。直接接触汞38例,间接接触汞20例,接触时间为1~25年。工作环境汞浓度为0.155mg~0.323mg/m~3。表现为神经精神症状和躯体症状,精神障碍以类神经症为多,共41例,占70.7%。类分裂样7例,类抑郁样4例。提示慢性汞中毒伴发精神障碍轻重程度不一,与接触史长短有关。提出必须加强职业病的防护工作,对汞环境进行改善。  相似文献   

Dr. Jansen's paper raises three main issues. The one with which he himself is most concerned is the question of which methods of abortion are ethically right, and whether methods which risk the birth of a damaged baby are wrong. But there are two others: first, how the (originally unintended) birth of a live but damaged child alters the moral situation, and secondly, whether the overcoming of sterility by inducing a multiple pregnancy in which some of the fetuses have to be killed in order for any of them to survive is at all morally acceptable.  相似文献   

冯光 《广州医药》2012,43(2):57-60
目的了解细菌性阴道病的发生率及其与阴道清洁度的关系。方法分别采用湿涂片法对1175例患者的阴道分泌物进行阴道清洁度和细菌性阴道病(bacterial vaginosis,BV)检查。结果 BV阳性例数150例,其中清洁度Ⅰ~Ⅱ者17例,Ⅲ~Ⅳ133例;BV总阳性率为10.8%,其中阴道清洁度Ⅰ~Ⅱ者BV阳性率为3.2%,Ⅲ~Ⅳ度者为20.5%。Ⅲ、Ⅳ度BV阳性率明显高于清洁度为Ⅰ、Ⅱ者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.005)。结论 BV跟清洁度有密切关系,应把BV纳入妇科普查项目,尤其是清洁度Ⅲ~Ⅳ度的患者。  相似文献   

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