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The DNA content of 369 rectal cancers was measured by flow cytometry. One hundred and four (28%) were diploid, 252 (68%) were aneuploid, and 13 (3.5%) were tetraploid. Diploid cancers were associated with an improved 5 year survival (p less than 0.001) and were more likely to present at an early stage. DNA content, however, did not confer independent prognostic information in a Cox model based on four discrete pathological variables. Patients were classified by a new system of prognostic grouping and those with a very good or a very poor outlook were removed leaving 137 prognostic group III patients. No further substratification of this group by DNA content or by four additional pathological variables could be achieved. As the new prognostic system is not improved by the addition of ploidy, routine adoption of flow cytometry in the assessment of rectal cancer cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

AIMS--To analyse the cell cycle and DNA histogram components in data from DNA static cytometry and, in particular, to investigate the influence of the length of time the slides are exposed to the light of the cytophotometer in evaluating the G0/G1 peak. METHODS--DNA static cytometry was performed on 18 Feulgen stained imprints and six histological sections taken from six breast carcinomas. The total optical density values obtained were analysed using software commercially available as Multicycle. DNA flow cytometry was performed on the same cases. RESULTS--The proportions of nuclei related to the cell cycle components from DNA static cytometric data, obtained from Feulgen stained cytological smears, were almost identical with those obtained from DNA flow cytometric data. Moreover, additional information was obtained from the DNA static cytometry frequency histogram and the proportions of nuclei below the diploid G0/G1 peak and above the G2 phase. Discrepancies between DNA static cytometry and DNA flow cytometry were seen in the large coefficients of variation of the G0/G1 peaks obtained with the former method of analysis, even though a better correspondence was found when the exposure time of the slides to the light of the cytophometer was conspicuously shortened. The information obtained from histological sections seemed to be similar to that obtained from DNA flow cytometry when a single cell population was present; a single cell population was detected in two out of the three cases in which two distinct populations had been present in DNA flow cytometry. CONCLUSIONS--The computer analysis of DNA static cytometric data obtained from Feulgen stained cytological specimens provides the type of information on the cell cycle which is usually obtainable only from DNA flow cytometry. Correspondence with the DNA data from histological sections, however, was poor.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determination of tumor ploidy and S-phase fraction following collagenase dissociation and thymidine labeling was performed on 75 consecutive breast cancers. Estrogen and progesterone receptor levels and routine histologic examination also were obtained on each tumor. Cell viability following collagenase dissociation varied from 13 to 95% with a mean of 71%. Thirty-six tumors were diploid, four tetraploid, and four hypertetraploid, and the remainder had DNA indices between 1.1 and 1.9. There was no significant correlation between tumor ploidy and tumor size or estrogen receptor positivity or negativity. The percentage of cells in S-phase varied from 1.2 to 20.0% with a mean of 6.0% utilizing a rectilinear model for histogram analysis that integrated a 10-contiguous channel sample containing the lowest number of cells in S-phase (S-pFL). The mean S-pFL of diploid carcinomas (3.43%) was significantly lower than that of hyperdiploid carcinomas (8.38%). There was good correlation between S-phase fraction determined by thymidine-labeling index (TLI) and S-pFL (r = 0.772, p = 0.0001). S-pFL predicted whether a tumor would be above or below median TLI with an accuracy of 90.5%. Estrogen receptor-negative cancers tended to have higher TLIs and S-pFLs than estrogen receptor-positive cancers; however, there was no correlation between progesterone receptor positivity or negativity and TLI and S-pFL.  相似文献   

Using intact ethanol-fixed cytokeratin monoclonal (CAM 5.2) and propidium iodide dual-stained cells, we have performed two-color multiparametric flow cytometric (FCM) DNA analysis and S-phase fraction (SPF) determination on 165 mechanically dissociated breast carcinomas. Sixty-seven patients were axillary node positive, 33 patients node negative; 59 had biopsy only and in 8, FCM was performed on tissue from metastatic lesions. Overall, 62% of the tumors contained aneuploid cell populations. Abnormal cellular DNA content (aneuploidy) was significantly correlated with high nuclear grade (p less than 0.001), lack of estrogen receptors (p less than 0.001), presence of vascular invasion (p less than 0.04), high histologic grade (p less than 0.04), and tumor size (p less than 0.03) but not with patient age (p greater than 0.07) or axillary node status (p greater than 0.50). SPF values derived from ungated histograms had a positively skewed frequency distribution (range 2 to 30%, N = 152) with an overall median of 11% (diploid, 8.9%; aneuploid, 15.7%). Higher SPF values were significantly correlated with aneuploidy (p less than 0.001), presence of necrosis (p less than 0.001), lack of estrogen receptor (p less than 0.0001), high nuclear grade (p less than 0.001), vascular invasion (p less than 0.003), tumor size (p less than 0.006), and high histologic grade (p less than .004) but not the presence of lymph node metastases (p greater than 0.56). Mean SPF values were significantly higher when calculated from cytokeratin gated DNA histograms (14.1% versus 11.5%, p less than 0.001), probably due to exclusion of contaminating stromal/inflammatory cells; and significantly lower when calculated from debris subtracted histograms (7.8% versus 11.4%). Cytokeratin gated and debris subtracted SPF values both had a greater degree of correlation than ungated values with clinicopathologic factors of known prognostic significance.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We describe a protocol for flow cytometry analysis of cell cycle in plants using indirect immunolabelling staining and Vicia faba, Pisum sativum and Zea mays root tip cells as model systems. The protocol is based on simultaneous analysis of two fluorescent signals. The first, obtained after staining with propidium iodide, is used to quantify total nuclear DNA content. The second, obtained after indirect immunofluorescent staining of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd), is used to quantify the amount of BrdUrd incorporated into nuclear DNA. In an attempt to standardize the procedure, the effects of various conditions for partial DNA denaturation using HCl, as well as of BrdUrd concentration and incorporation time on flow cytometry DNA / BrdUrd content analysis have been studied. Maximum BrdUrd-linked fluorescence was observed after a 30 min pulse with 10 M BrdUrd and after DNA denaturation with 1.5 N HCl (final concentration) for 30 min at 25 °C. Under these conditions, DNA content histograms with relatively small coefficient of variation (< 4%, full peak) could be obtained. To avoid non-specific staining of cytoplasm and cell walls, the protocol involves the use of nuclei isolated from formaldehyde-fixed tissues. Fixed isolated nuclei are stable and may be stored in hexylene glycol 0.75 M at 4 °C for prolonged periods prior to actual staining and analysis.  相似文献   

More accurate prediction of the prognosis in women with node-negative breast cancer may improve physicians' ability to identify the patients most likely to benefit from systematic adjuvant therapy. With this in mind, we performed DNA flow-cytometric measurements of ploidy and the fraction of cells in the synthesis phase of the cell cycle (S-phase fraction) on 395 specimens of node-negative breast cancer from our bank of frozen tumors, using the aliquots of pulverized frozen tissue from steroid-receptor assays. The median duration of follow-up in patients still alive at the time of analysis was 59 months. Thirty-two percent of the 345 specimens that could be evaluated were diploid, and 68 percent were aneuploid. The probability of disease-free survival at five years was 88 +/- 3 percent in patients with diploid tumors and 74 +/- 3 percent in those with aneuploid tumors (P = 0.02). The S-phase fraction was not a significant additional predictor of disease-free survival in patients with aneuploid tumors. However, the probability of disease-free survival in patients with diploid tumors and low S-phase fractions was 90 +/- 3 percent at five years, as compared with 70 +/- 13 percent in those with diploid tumors and high S-phase fractions (P = 0.007). Similar differences in overall survival were noted. We conclude that DNA flow-cytometric measurements of ploidy and S-phase fraction can be performed on frozen specimens of tumors and are potentially important predictors of disease-free and overall survival in patients with node-negative breast cancer.  相似文献   

Clinico-pathological study of superficial bladder cancer (pTa/pT1) informs about prognostic factors such as the size of the tumor, its uni or multifocal character, its grade and stage. Presently, these factors constitute the basis of therapeutic decision but do not allow to foresee the prognosis with certainty. Many technics have contributed to a better knowledge of such tumors; however, they have not allowed to fully master prognostic uncertainties. During the last decades, cell cycle and DNA content study by flow cytometry has been developping, bringing an additional prognostic element to various types of tumors. We have decided to study the impact of this technique to the assessment of the prognosis of superficial bladder tumors. The study concerned 65 patients presenting superficial bladder tumors (pTa/ pT1), with a follow-up of at least two years in case of not recurrence and in case of recurrence, having had a second resection with analysis of sections. Flow cytometry was applied to formol-fixed and paraffin-embedded endoscopic resection material of initial tumors by simple-labelling of DNA with propidium iodide. Following cytometric study, 35 (54%) of tumors were aneuploid and 30 (46 %) were diploid. For the diploid ones, S-phase mean value was 14.94% (from 2.72% to 33.43%); and G2M mean value was 8.3 (from 1% to 18%). The presence of an DNA- aneuploid peak had a predictive value of recurrence and progression in stage, with relative risks of 12 and 6.85 respectively. It was also correlated with the histological grade and stage. On the other hand, S-phase and G2M values had no prognostic significance.  相似文献   

Specific cytogenetic changes such as t(14;18) and t(8;14) are associated with specific histologic subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and may predict disease outcome. Nonspecific cytogenetic changes include other structural rearrangements or numerical changes such as monosomies and trisomies, which may cause changes in total cellular DNA content. In many solid tumors, the presence of abnormal DNA content may be predictive of clinical behavior. NHL biopsies, however, contain normal (diploid) as well as abnormal cells, and DNA changes in the peridiploid range are detectable by cytogenetic analysis, but not consistently by flow cytometry. In the present study, we performed flow cytometric and cytogenetic analysis of DNA on biopsies from 129 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Cytogenetic studies were successful on 88 (68%) of the samples. There was 55% concordance between flow cytometric and cytogenetic techniques in detecting aneuploid DNA content, with the majority of discrepancies occurring in the peridiploid range. We also detected six samples which were aneuploid by flow cytometry, but diploid by cytogenetics. We suggest that a reasonable approach to determine DNA content, as it relates to prediction of outcome in NHL, would be to combine data from both of these techniques and analyze the results in terms of ranges of DNA rather than by categorizing as diploid versus aneuploid.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of chromosome rearrangements within solid tumors require karyotype analysis after cell culturing. However, different cell subpopulations with various growth capacities within one tumor may introduce biases in karyotype analysis, known as the in vitro selection. In our laboratory, 22% of karyotypes from breast cancers established after short-term culture were normal. Using interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for the determination of chromosome 1 arm imbalances and flow cytometry measurements of ploidy, we demonstrated that at least 2/3 of these tumors were mainly composed of aneuploid cell populations. Thus, the incidence of normal or balanced karyotypes among breast cancers is probably below 7%. This is the first direct proof for the existence of an in vitro selection within breast cancer cultures, suggesting cautious interpretation of cytogenetic data.  相似文献   

A total of ten of 60 nonneoplastic lesions and eight of 76 benign neoplasms of skin and breast showed an aneuploid peak in DNA flow cytometry profiles obtained from archival paraffin blocks. This confirms previous similar scattered reports and emphasizes that caution needs to be exercised in interpreting aneuploidy in DNA flow cytometry to mean preneoplasia, neoplasia, or malignancy.  相似文献   

Elderly persons have increased morbidity and mortality due to bacterial infections. Since the polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) is a major defense against bacterial infection, we utilized fluorescent microspheres and flow cytometry to examine phagocytosis by PMNs from 55 young and middle-aged adults (mean age 41.5 yrs) and two groups of elderly subjects: one group of 35 healthy individuals (mean age 74.1 years) living at home, and a second group of 11 residents (mean age 83.1 years) with severe mental and physical disabilities, living in a domiciliary care facility. We determined the percent phagocytic PMNs, the number of microspheres per PMN, and the number of microspheres per 100 PMNs. The mean number of microspheres per phagocytic PMN was similar for all groups. Statistically significant differences were found between the young and middle-aged group and the healthy or ill elderly groups for the percent phagocytic PMNs (75.3% vs 51.5% and 43.8%), and the number of microspheres per 100 phagocytic PMNs (197.3 vs 131.4 and 103.2). There were no significant differences in these parameters between healthy and debilitated elderly subjects. These data document that there is an age-related increase in representation of a population of PMNs which have a defect in phagocytic ability.  相似文献   

Although tumor DNA content and proliferation are usually determined by flow cytometry (FCM), quantitative microscopic image analysis is a viable alternative technique that also provides important histologic correlations. To compare these methods, we measured DNA content and proliferation in 54 consecutive breast cancers and 15 benign breast lesions by FCM and IA. DNA content determination was concordant in 49 of 54 cancers measured by FCM and IA. Four of the discordant cases were aneuploid by IA and diploid by FCM. There was good correlation between the DNA index (DI) measured by FCM and IA (r = 0.89, P less than 0.0001). Proliferation was assessed by IA quantitation of Ki-67 and PCNA/Cyclin antibody staining, as well as by flow cytometric S-phase fraction (SPF). Ki-67 positivity was greater in breast cancer than in benign controls (21.6% +/- 13.1% vs. 7.9% +/- 5.6% [P less than 0.0001]), as was PCNA/Cyclin positivity (10.2 +/- 6.7% vs. 2.7 +/- 2.5% [P less than 0.0001]). S-phase fraction measured by FCM was 7.9% +/- 5.7% for carcinomas and 3.17% +/- 2.1% for benign controls (P less than 0.003). Ki-67 and Cyclin staining, as well as SPF, were significantly increased in aneuploid compared to diploid tumors, and increased staining was associated with worsening nuclear grade. There were significant correlations between SPF and Ki-67 staining (r = 0.48, P less than 0.0001) and SPF and Cyclin staining (r = 0.48, P less than 0.0001). We conclude that FCM and IA provide comparable measurements of DNA content, although occasional discrepancies occur. Image analysis provides a valuable alternative method for assessing tumor cell proliferation and may offer certain advantages over FCM.  相似文献   

DNA flow cytometry of human semen.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aim of this study was the evaluation of DNA flow cytometry for the analysis of male infertility. 171 ejaculates from 155 patients with fertility problems were analysed by flow cytometry and by conventional microscopical procedures. Using flow cytometry, it was possible to determine the relative proportions of the various cell populations: mature haploid and abnormal diploid mature spermatozoa, cellular fragments, immature germ cells (haploid round spermatids, diploid cells, S phase and 4C cells), and of leukocytes as indicators of infection. A linear association was observed between sperm concentration in semen as quantified by light microscopy and by flow cytometry, even with fewer than 20x10(6) spermatozoa/ml. Eight classes of histograms, each with differing fractions of spermatozoa and other particles, were obtained and correlated with the results of the spermiograms. During the 10 year follow-up, the two patient groups with a low sperm concentration or a high concentration of cellular debris exhibited significantly impaired fertility. The two patient groups with >/=5% diploid spermatozoa and with malcondensed sperm chromatin were also subfertile. No ovulatory disorders were revealed in the 155 female partners. DNA flow cytometry thus provides an additional dimension to semen analysis not easily gained by other methods and has the advantage of being rapidly performed and interpreted. We therefore recommend application of this technique in the diagnosis of male infertility.  相似文献   

DNA flow cytometry in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flow cytometric DNA analysis was performed on 19 adrenal pheochromocytomas and 6 extra-adrenal paragangliomas in parallel with clinical and histopathological review to determine the usefulness of this technique to predict biologic behavior of these tumors. In pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas, tetraploidy or near-tetraploidy occurred in 32% and 33% and aneuploidy in 10% and none respectively. A case of malignant pheochromocytoma had diploid DNA content. Occurrence of aneuploidy or tetraploidy is frequent in clinically benign tumors in conjunction with a marked degree of nuclear atypia and cannot be a predictor of malignancy.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the use of red cell markers to assess the age of red cells in clinical samples. The reticulocyte count and its variants are already in clinical use to measure the number of young circulating red cells, but tools have not been put into place for studying the overall distribution of red cell age. These data could be of significant value, not merely for hematologic investigations, but as a part of infectious disease, renal, and toxicologic studies.  相似文献   

Determination of natural killer cell function by flow cytometry.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Natural killer cells (NK cells) are a subset of peripheral blood lymphocytes that mediate non-major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxicity of foreign target cells. The "gold standard" assay for NK cell activity has been the chromium release assay. This method is not easily performed in the clinical laboratory because of difficulties with disposal of radioactive and hazardous materials, short reagent half-lives, expense, and difficulties with assay standardization. We describe a flow cytometric assay for the clinical measurement of NK cell activity. This study compared the chromium release assay and the flow cytometric assay by using clinically relevant specimens. There were no significant differences between the two assays in the measurement of lytic activity for 17 peripheral blood specimens or in reproducibility in repeated samplings of healthy individuals. We also established a normal range of values for NK activity in healthy adults and identified a small cluster of individuals who have exceptionally high or low levels of NK activity. The flow cytometric assay was validated by testing specimens from subjects expected to have abnormally low levels of NK activity (pregnant women) and specimens from healthy individuals in whom the activity of NK cells was enhanced by exposure to interleukin-2 or alpha interferon. Treatment with these agents was associated with a significant increase in NK activity. These results confirm and extend those of others, showing that the flow cytometric assay is a viable alternative to the chromium release assay for measuring NK cell activity.  相似文献   

DNA flow cytometry of histological material from human gastric cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA flow cytometry was performed on fixed embedded histological material from 56 radical gastrectomies for human gastric cancer. The ploidy and proportion of cells in the DNA synthetic phase of the cell cycle (S phase fraction) were estimated and the results correlated with histological features. DNA aneuploidy was encountered in 73 per cent of cases. Aneuploid and diploid tumours both had significantly higher fractions of cells in S phase than normal mucosa. S phase fractions for aneuploid tumours were higher than diploid tumours. There was a trend for tumours exhibiting an infiltrating mode of growth and poor tubule formation to have a diploid DNA content and low S phase fraction. No difference was observed between the results obtained from tumours with or without lymph node metastases. Early uniform fixation greatly improved the quality of the flow cytometry results measurable by a reduction in the mean coefficient of variation.  相似文献   

DNA flow cytometry of follicular non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
S-phase fraction, an index of cellular proliferation, and DNA ploidy were measured by DNA flow cytometry in a retrospective study of lymph node biopsy specimens from 83 cases (before treatment) of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Working Formulation categories B and C. The correlations between these measures and survival, clinical stage, symptoms and histopathological factors were investigated. Aneuploidy was rare (n = 16) and had no effect on length of survival or transformation to high grade lymphoma. The overall mean S-phase fraction was 3.6%; for the whole series increasing S-phase fraction was associated with decreased survival. A high S-phase fraction (more than 5%) in initial biopsy specimens was also associated with an increased risk of subsequent high grade transformation at relapse. There was no difference between the survival or proliferative activity of tumours composed of mainly small cleaved cells compared with those composed of mixed small and large cells. There was no difference in survival or proliferative activity between tumours showing a pure follicular growth pattern and those with a mixed follicular and diffuse growth pattern. Multifactorial analysis showed that an S-phase fraction of more than 5% and B symptoms were the most important factors determining survival in these follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.  相似文献   

Forty-seven thymomas have been examined by DNA flow cytometry and results correlated with histology, stage, associated clinical features and survival. Twenty-five cases were DNA diploid, 14 were aneuploid and no results could be obtained for eight cases. The presence of aneuploidy correlated with more advanced (stage II and III) disease and the presence of myasthenia gravis and was more frequent in epithelial predominant thymomas. Tumour recurrence was more frequent in DNA aneuploid tumours, stage II/III disease and epithelial predominant neoplasms. Multifactorial analysis showed that DNA aneuploidy was predictive of tumour recurrence independent of the effects of stage and histology.  相似文献   

Results generated by the immunohistochemical staining with PC10, a new monoclonal antibody recognizing PCNA (a nuclear protein associated with cell proliferation) in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue were compared with those of Ki-67 labeling and DNA flow cytometry in 47 consecutive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). PCNA reactivity was observed in all samples and confined to the nuclei of cancer cells. Its frequency ranged from 0 to 80% (37.7 +/- 23.6) and larger sized, early-staged and DNA aneuploid tumors expressed a significant higher number of PCNA-reactive cells. The PCNA and Ki-67 labeling rates were closely correlated (r = 0.383, P = 0.009). By flow cytometry, we observed a good correlation among PCNA labeling and S-phase fraction (r = 0.422, P = .0093) and G1 phase (r = 0.303, P = .051) of the cell cycle. Results indicate that PCNA labeling with PC10 is a simple method for assessing the proliferative activity in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue of NSCLC and correlates well with Ki-67 labeling and S-phase fraction of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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