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B cells from patients suffering from B-type chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) are susceptible to the effects of several interleukins. Using the cells from 12 different patients we show that IL-4 does not synergize with anti-mu antibody for the enhancement of DNA synthesis. Moreover IL-4 profoundly (90%) suppresses the response to IL-2 in the 10 patient responders to this interleukin. This suppression occurs whether IL-2 is used alone, in costimulation with anti-mu antibody, or in synergy with IFN-gamma. In no instance did IL-4 induce terminal differentiation. This negative effect of IL-4 can take place in monoclonal B-CLL cells where IL-4 enhances the expression of CD23. IL-4 does not interfere with the upregulation of CD25 by IL-2. Thus, IL-4 may display inhibitory effects on the proliferative response of selected B cell populations. The antagonism between IL-4 and IL-2 has important implications for the potential use of cytokines in the management of B-CLL patients.  相似文献   

In the present report, we have investigated the in vitro differentiation of surface(s) sIgD+ and sIgD- human B cells into Ig-secreting cells in response to various stimuli. sIgD+ B cells homogeneously expressed some of the antigens identifying mantle zone B cells, but lacked expression of germinal center markers, thus confirming that the B cell populations positively selected on the basis of sIgD expression were highly enriched for naive B lymphocytes. Conversely, sIgD- B cells expressed some of the antigens specifically associated with germinal center B cells. T cell-independent differentiation of sIgD+ and sIgD- B cells could be achieved by simultaneous crosslinking of sIgs and CD40 in the presence of a mouse Ltk- cell line stably expressing human CDw32/Fc gamma RII (CDw32 L cells). In this experimental system, sIgD+ B cells were exclusively proned for IgM synthesis, whereas sIgD- B cells produced IgG, IgM, and IgA. Both the human and viral forms of interleukin 10 (IL-10) strongly increased the Ig secretion by sIgD+ and sIgD- B cells simultaneously activated through sIgs and CD40. IgM and IgG constituted the predominant Ig isotype produced by sIgD+ and sIgD- B cells, respectively, in response to IL-10. sIgD+ B cells could be induced for IgA synthesis upon co-culturing with transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and IL-10, in the presence of an anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody presented by the CDw32 L cells. In contrast, TGF-beta suppressed the IL-10-mediated IgG, IgM, and IgA secretions by sIgD- B cells. sIgD+ B cells could not be induced for IgA synthesis by TGF-beta and IL-10 after crosslinking of their sIgs, suggesting that ligation of CD40 was one of the obligatory signals required for commitment of naive B cells to IgA secretion. Limiting dilution experiments indicated that the IgA-potentiating effect of TGF-beta was due to its capacity to increase the frequency of IgA-producing cells, most likely as a consequence of class switching. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that TGF-beta is involved in the regulation of IgA isotype selection in humans.  相似文献   

The combined effect of IL-4 and IL-2 on proliferation of anti-IgM antibody or Staphylococcus aureus strain Cowan I (SAC)-preactivated B cells was investigated. It was observed that in most cases, rIL-2 used at optimal concentration induced higher levels of tritiated thymidine ([3H]TdR) uptake than rIL-4 used at optimal concentration. When rIL-4 and rIL-2 were added together, it was repeatedly found that B cell proliferation induced by rIL-2 was significantly reduced and was, in most cases, comparable with the proliferation induced by rIL-4 alone. Cell cycle studies demonstrated that rIL-4 significantly reduced the number of cells entering S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle upon rIL-2 stimulation. B cell blasts preincubated for 24 or 48 h with rIL-4 displayed a reduced proliferation in response to rIL-2. In contrast, preculture of resting B cells with rIL-4 did not impair their subsequent proliferation in response to rIL-2 plus insolubilized anti-IgM antibody. This suggests that rIL-4 can only exert its inhibitory effect once B cells have received an activation signal. The differentiative activity of rIL-2 measured on B cell blasts preactivated for 2 d with SAC was not altered by rIL-4, which suggests that rIL-4 did not exert its inhibitory activity on rIL-2-induced B cell proliferation by enhancing rIL-2-mediated differentiation. Delayed addition of a neutralizing anti-IL-4 antiserum demonstrated that a period of contact of at least 24 h between IL-4 and B cell blasts was necessary for the development of the antagonistic effect of IL-4 on IL-2-mediated growth of activated B cells. These data demonstrate that IL-4 antagonizes the B cell growth-promoting effect of IL-2 without affecting the differentiation of preactivated B cells in response to IL-2.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that purified C5a is a potent stimulus to human PBMC secretion of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-1 alpha, which proceeds in a dose-dependent fashion. At a given concentration of C5a, TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta secretion did not differ significantly; both were secreted in significantly greater quantity than IL-1 alpha. Clinical conditions such as Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial infections, trauma, and immune complex diseases activate complement. Through the mediation of TNF and IL-1 secreted in response to C5a, these diverse disorders can share common features of fever, coagulopathy, acute phase protein production, and disordered metabolism.  相似文献   

In this paper we have shown that extensively purified human B lymphocytes respond to IL-4 treatment with a marked production of IL-6. Addition of anti-mu potentiated the effect of IL-4 on IL-6 production. Other cytokines tested like TNF-alpha and-beta, IFN-gamma, IL-1, IL-2, and IL-5 did not induce IL-6 secretion when given to resting B cells. Although B cells generally also produced TNF-alpha and TNF-beta upon stimulation, IL-4 did not induce TNF secretion and seemingly had a specific effect on IL-6 production.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy nonallergic donors were cultured with recombinant interleukin-4 (rIL-4), and the Ig of different isotypes was quantitated in the culture supernatants by radioimmunoassays. Recombinant IL-4 induced IgG4 and IgE secretion in a dose-dependent manner, whereas it had no consistent effect on the secretion of the other isotypes. In the absence of rIL-4, B cells in the PBMC preparations secreted less than 1 ng IgE/ml and a mean of 5 ng IgG4/ml. In the presence of the optimal dose of 100 U rIL-4/ml, PBMCs from five donors secreted a mean +/- SEM of 37 +/- 8 ng IgE/ml and 66 +/- 25 ng IgG4/ml. In kinetic studies, no IgG4 or IgE secretion was detected during the first 5 days of culture, and approximately 50% of the IgG4 and IgE secreted by day 15 was detected in supernatants on day 7. Cycloheximide, actinomycin-D, and mytomycin-C completely inhibited the rIL-4-induced IgG4 and IgE secretion, indicating that de novo protein, RNA, and DNA synthesis was required. As shown by Percoll buoyant density centrifugation, rIL-4 induced B cells in the high-density fraction to secrete IgG4 and IgE, whereas it inhibited spontaneous IgG4 secretion by low-density B cells. Interferon-gamma inhibited IL-4-induced IgG4 and IgE secretion. The data demonstrate that IL-4 induces small, dense, peripheral blood B cells to secrete not only IgE but also IgG4, which parallells the IL-4-induced IgE and IgG1 secretion by murine B cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

IL-5 expresses various biologic effects on several types of lymphocytes, including B cells, eosinophils, and T cells. We demonstrated that the incubation of resting splenocytes from C57BL/6 mice in murine rIL-5 enhances IL-2-mediated lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity against various tumor cells. IL-5 alone, however, does not induce killer activity. IL-2-mediated LAK activity increases in proportion to the dose of IL-5. During the late phase of the culture period, IL-5 seems to have some effect on the induction of IL-2-mediated LAK activity. We expect that IL-5 will prove useful for adoptive immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a clinically and pathologically heterogeneous inflammatory/demyelinating disease of the CNS. In the MS variant Devic disease, lesions are predominantly found in the optic nerves and spinal cord but not the brain. The immunological bases of the different forms of MS are unknown. We previously generated myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific (MOG-specific) TCR transgenic mice (TCRMOG mice; also referred to as 2D2 mice) and reported that a large proportion of these mice develop spontaneous isolated optic neuritis. We have now crossed the TCRMOG mice with MOG-specific Ig heavy-chain knock-in mice (IgHMOG mice; also referred to as Th mice), in which one-third of the B cells are specific for MOG. In these mice, MOG-specific B cells are very efficient in presenting MOG to the transgenic T cells and undergo class switching to IgG1 in the presence of the transgenic T cells. Sixty percent of TCRMOG x IgHMOG mice spontaneously developed a severe form of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Histological examination of the CNS revealed a selective distribution of meningeal and parenchymal inflammatory lesions in the spinal cord and optic nerves. Thus, CNS antigen-specific T and B cells cooperate to induce a distinct clinicopathologic EAE pattern that closely replicates human Devic disease.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are essential accessory cells for T-dependent antibody responses in culture (1). We have outlined a three-stage mechanism to explain the capacity of DC to stimulate primary antibody responses to heterologous erythrocytes. First, DC induced T cells to produce and to become responsive to interleukin 2 (IL-2). This stage corresponded to the syngeneic mixed leukocyte reaction (2) and involved the clustering of DC and T cells into discrete aggregates. Isolated clusters, representing 5-10% of the culture, were critical for IL-2 release and the production of IL-2-responsive T blasts. In the second stage, IL-2 directly triggered the responsive T cells to release B cell helper factors. This role for IL-2 was documented with a rabbit anti-IL- 2 reagent, purified IL-2, and T cells that had been rendered IL-2 responsive by an initial co-culture with DC. T cell growth was not required for IL-2-mediated helper factor release, since irradiated and untreated responders produced similar levels of factor and did so within 3 h of the addition of IL-2. In the final stage, helper factors stimulated the development of antibody-secreting cells from purified B lymphocytes. The helper factors were not H-2 restricted, but for both sheep and horse erythrocytes, the response to factors was antigen dependent and specific. The IL-2 that was present in the DC/T cell- conditioned medium did not act on B cells, since helper activity was neither neutralized nor absorbed by our anti-IL-2 reagent. We conclude that the ability of the DC to induce IL-2 release and responsiveness underlies its capacity to trigger both T and B lymphocyte reactions.  相似文献   

Meningioma-1 (MN1) overexpression is frequently observed in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and is predictive of poor prognosis. In murine models, forced expression of MN1 in hematopoietic progenitors induces an aggressive myeloid leukemia that is strictly dependent on a defined gene expression program in the cell of origin, which includes the homeobox genes Hoxa9 and Meis1 as key components. Here, we have shown that this program is controlled by two histone methyltransferases, MLL1 and DOT1L, as deletion of either Mll1 or Dot1l in MN1-expressing cells abrogated the cell of origin–derived gene expression program, including the expression of Hoxa cluster genes. In murine models, genetic inactivation of either Mll1 or Dot1l impaired MN1-mediated leukemogenesis. We determined that HOXA9 and MEIS1 are coexpressed with MN1 in a subset of clinical MN1hi leukemia, and human MN1hi/HOXA9hi leukemias were sensitive to pharmacologic inhibition of DOT1L. Together, these data point to DOT1L as a potential therapeutic target in MN1hi AML. In addition, our findings suggest that epigenetic modulation of the interplay between an oncogenic lesion and its cooperating developmental program has therapeutic potential in AML.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated murine PP B cells were cultured with 10 different cytokines, including IL-1 alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and TGF-beta, to investigate a possible role for these cytokines in induction of Ig synthesis. Of interest was the finding that only IL-5 and both mouse recombinant (mr) and human recombinant (hr) IL-6 enhanced IgA synthesis. The effect was greater with either mrIL-6 or hrIL-6 than with mrIL-5. IL-6 induced cycling mIgA+ PP B cells to secrete high levels of IgA (approximately 7-fold increase over control). Of importance was the finding that mrIL-6 had little effect on secretion of IgM or IgG by PP B cell cultures. hrIL-6 also increased IgA secretion by PP B cells and this enhancement was abolished by a goat anti-hrIL-6 antiserum. mrIL-6 did not cause B cell proliferation but induced a sharp increase in numbers of B cells secreting IgA. Isotype-switching was not a mechanism for this marked increase in IgA synthesis since mIgA- PP B cells were not induced to secrete IgA by mrIL-6. From these studies we conclude that IL-6 plays an important role in promoting the terminal differentiation of PP B cells to IgA-secreting plasma cells.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the expression of interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptors on normal human B cells as well as established B cell lines. Anti-Tac monoclonal antibody did not bind to freshly separated normal human B cells. Unexpectedly, with the appropriate activation of the normal B cells by anti-mu antibody, phorbol myristate acetate, or Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC), Tac antigen was induced on the activated B cells. Anti-Tac antibody showed consistent reactivity with two B cell lines that were infected by human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV) and some reactivity with two out of eight Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cell lines established from normal adult donors. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that antigens of similar size with a molecular weight of 50,000-60,000 can be precipitated with anti-Tac antibody from phytohemagglutinin-stimulated normal T cell blasts and normal activated B cells, as well as a cloned B cell line. Binding assays of IL-2 on normal activated B cells and on the cloned B cell (HS1) revealed that B cells have significantly fewer sites and lower-affinity IL-2 receptors compared with phytohemagglutinin-stimulated normal T cell blasts. Finally, biological properties of the IL-2 receptor on B cells were examined by incubating B cells with recombinant IL-2. It was found that moderate concentrations of IL-2 induce significant enhancement of proliferation and differentiation in SAC-activated normal B cells. These results suggest that normal B cells may express functional IL-2 receptors or closely related proteins and thus IL-2 may play a significant role in the modulation of B cell function.  相似文献   

Virus infections of the lung are thought to predispose individuals to asthma, a disease characterized by eosinophil infiltration of the airways. CD8+ T cells are an important part of the host response to virus infection, however, they have no reported role in eosinophil recruitment. We developed a mouse model of virus peptide-stimulated CD8+ T cell immune responses in the lung. We found that bystander CD4+ T helper cell type 2 immune responses to ovalbumin switched the virus peptide-specific CD8+ T cells in the lung to interleukin (IL) 5 production. Furthermore, when such IL-5-producing CD8 T cells were challenged via the airways with virus peptide, a significant eosinophil infiltration was induced. In vitro studies indicated that IL-4 could switch the virus-specific CD8+ T cells to IL-5 production. These results could explain the link between virus infection and acute exacerbation of asthma and, perhaps more importantly, they indicate an IL-4-dependent mechanism that would impair CD8+ T cell responses and delay viral clearance from the host.  相似文献   

Differential regulation of IgG1 and IgE synthesis by interleukin 4   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
IL-4/B cell stimulatory factor-1 is a T cell-derived lymphokine that has been shown to enhance IgG1 and IgE and to suppress IgG3 and IgG2b secretion by B cells stimulated with bacterial LPS. We show here that the stimulation of IgG1 and IgE secretion in response to rIL-4 is differentially regulated. The dose-response curve for IgG1 production is bimodal with peaks at 100 and 10,000 U/ml. IgE production is modest at 100 U/ml and exhibits a progressive enhancement as the IL-4 concentration is increased to 10,000 U/ml, reaching approximately 1 microgram of IgE from an initial cell number of 2 X 10(4). Both of these effects are reversed by monoclonal anti-IL-4 antibody. Neither the enhancing nor suppressing effects of IL-4 can be explained by changes in viable cell yields or [3H]thymidine incorporation. The production of both IgG1 and IgE is controlled by IL-4 in a two-phase manner. During the initial 2 d of culture with LPS, IL-4 action for both IgG1 and IgE production is relatively concentration independent at doses greater than 600 U/ml. This 2-d treatment leads to maximal IgG1 production at day 6 with no further addition of IL-4. Addition of IL-4 during the final 4 d of culture has no effect at concentrations under 100 U/ml. At higher concentrations, IL-4 is strikingly suppressive for IgG1 production. By contrast, little IgE is produced unless IL-4 is present after 2 d of culture and the response is directly dependent on the concentration of IL-4 during this second phase of culture with maximal responses observed at 10,000 U/ml. These differences in IL-4 requirements for IgG1 and IgE production, respectively, may have an important role in the regulation of the synthesis of these isotypes in responses to microbial antigens.  相似文献   

B chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is characterized by the accumulation of slow-dividing and long-lived monoclonal B cells arrested at the intermediate stage of their differentiation. We previously showed that interleukin 4 (IL-4) not only inhibits but also prevents the proliferation of B-CLL cells. We report here that IL-4 protects the B-CLL cells from death by apoptosis (programmed cell death [PCD]). IL-4 inhibits spontaneous and hydrocortisone (HC)-induced PCD of highly purified B cells from 12 unselected CLL patients, as shown by sustained cell viability and lack of DNA fragmentation. IL-1, -2, -3, -5, -6, -7, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and transforming growth factor beta have no protective effect. The in vitro rescue from apoptosis by IL-4 is reflected by an increased expression of Bcl-2 protein, a proto-oncogene directly involved in the prolongation of cell survival in vivo and in vitro. Hence, IL-4-treated B-CLL cells express significantly more Bcl-2 than unstimulated, HC-treated, or fresh B-CLL cells. Furthermore, subcutaneous injection of IL-4 into one CLL patient enhances Bcl-2 protein expression in the leukemic B cells. These data may suggest that IL-4 prevents apoptosis of B-CLL cells using a Bcl-2-dependent pathway. Given our recent observations that fresh T cells from B-CLL patients express IL-4 mRNA, we propose that IL-4 has an essential role in the pathogenesis of CLL disease, by preventing both the death and the proliferation of the malignant B cells.  相似文献   

IL-2 and IL-4 induce a synergistic proliferative response in HT-2 cells, suggesting that IL-2Rs and IL-4Rs may interact. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of IL-4 on the expression and function of IL-2Rs. Preincubation of HT-2 and BCL1-3B3 cells with IL-4 for 60 min at 4 degrees C or 37 degrees C resulted in a partial decrease in the number, but not the affinity of high affinity IL-2Rs as evidenced by Scatchard analysis of binding data. The decrease in the number of high affinity receptors correlated with decreased internalization of IL-2. After preincubation with IL-4, crosslinking of 125I-IL-2 to high affinity IL-2Rs also demonstrated a approximately 50% reduction in the number of high affinity IL-2Rs. Another lymphokine, IL-1, which acts on HT-2 cells, had no measurable effect on the affinity or number of IL-2Rs. Taken together, these results indicate that IL-4 downregulates the expression of high affinity IL-2Rs on some cells. It is not known whether this occurs by a direct ligand-mediated receptor interaction, by the sharing of a common receptor subunit, or by interaction of the two receptors with another membrane molecule or cytoskeletal component.  相似文献   

Defects in interleukin 2 (IL2) responsiveness may contribute to immunologic abnormalities in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We studied the acquisition of IL2 receptors and responsiveness to recombinant human IL2 (rIL2) in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) of patients with SLE and matched control subjects. Peak rIL2-induced proliferation was significantly decreased (mean reduction of 58%) in 5 of the 10 patients with SLE. Five of six patients with SLE studied for phytohemagglutinin-induced IL2 receptors had acquisition of IL2 receptors comparable to that of the control subjects. Some patients with SLE have a defect in rIL2-induced proliferation of their "resting" PBM that seems unrelated to a concomitant defect in phytohemagglutinin-induced IL2 receptor acquisition. This finding suggests that the defect in rIL2-induced proliferation may be due to either an abnormality in postreceptor signaling or an impairment in induction of high-affinity IL2 receptors.  相似文献   

Human thymocytes cultured in the presence of IL-2 and an irradiated B cell line became cytotoxic to K562 target cells. Thymocytes cultured alone or with only IL-2 exhibited almost no killing, but thymocytes cultured in the presence of stimulator cells alone exhibited low levels of cytotoxic activity. Removal of Fc gamma receptor-bearing cells from the activated thymocyte population almost completely abolished the binding and lytic activity. Separation of thymocytes into Fc microns+ and Fc microns-cells before culturing with IL-2 and stimulator cells revealed that only the Fc microns+ subpopulation developed into K562 killer cells. These findings indicate that modulation of Fc microns to Fc gamma receptors on the thymocyte cell surface is part of the maturation process of this particular subset of cytotoxic cells. Morphologically, most of the activated Fc gamma+ K562-binding cells were large, granulated lymphocytes. Only very few of the round, nongranulated small thymocytes were bound to K562 target cells.  相似文献   

We have determined whether B cells previously activated by anti-Ig (anti-Ig blasts) are responsive to lymphokines that induce isotype switching. Culture of anti-Ig blasts with a mixture of lymphokines, including BSF-1, resulted in marked secretion of IgM and IgG1, but not other IgG isotypes. The IgG1 response of anti-Ig blasts to lymphokines was 13-fold greater than was observed with splenic B cells. B cell blasts induced by 8-mercaptoguanosine or dextran sulfate did not secrete high levels of any IgG isotype in response to lymphokines alone. An mAb against BSF-1 suppressed the IgG1 response of anti-Ig blasts, but not the IgM response to lymphokines. These data suggest that anti-Ig-treated B cells respond to at least one of the effects of BSF-1.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2-induced proliferation of leukemic human B cells   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
The proliferative responses of purified leukemic human B cells from nine B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias to recombinant interleukin 2 (IL-2), spontaneously, and after preactivation by Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC) or anti-mu antibodies were studied. Three patterns of response were observed: (a) no response (three cases); (b) a moderate spontaneous response enhanced by anti-mu (one case); (c) a high proliferative response after preactivation by anti-mu and/or SAC (five cases). IL-2 could also trigger normal B cells, purified from spleen, to proliferative after preactivation by anti-mu or SAC. These results provide evidence that IL-2 is a lymphokine that acts physiologically on both B and T cells.  相似文献   

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