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Díaz S 《Contraception》2002,65(1):39-46
The safety and efficacy of four contraceptive implants, plant, Implanon, Nestorone and Elcometrine, have been evaluated during use in the postpartum period by lactating women. These implants provide highly effective contraceptive protection with no negative effect on breastfeeding or infant growth and development. Breastfeeding women initiating Norplant use in the second postpartum month experience significantly longer periods of amenorrhea than do untreated women or intrauterine device users. After weaning, the bleeding pattern is similar to that observed in non-nursing women. Norplant use does not affect bone turnover and density during lactation. Norplant and Implanon release orally active progestins while Nestorone and Elcometrine implants release an orally inactive progestin, which represents an advantage since the infant should be free of steroidal effects. The infant's daily intake of steroids (estimated from concentrations in maternal milk during the first month of use) range from 90 to 100 ng of levonorgestrel (Norplant), 75-120 ng of etonogestrel (Implanon), and 50 ng and 110 ng of Nestorone (Nestorone and Elcometrine implants, respectively). Nursing women needing contraception may use progestin-only implants when nonhormonal methods are not available or acceptable. Implants that deliver orally active steroids should only be used after 6 weeks postpartum to avoid transferring of steroids to the newborn.  相似文献   

Antibiotic use in developing countries.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Antimicrobials have been used successfully for over 6 decades, but genes expressing resistance to them have emerged in strains of bacteria and have disseminated through the global ecosystem to reach infecting microorganisms, produce disease, and seriously interfere with therapy, allowing infections to progress and kill despite antibiotic administration. The upsurge in prevalence of such resistance genes in the bacterial population that colonize and infect humans involves two processes, emergence and dissemination, in both of which there have been contributions from the developing world, where resistance is common and increasing. The emergence of pneumococcal isolates noted in Papua New Guinea and later in South Africa that 1 decade later spread to most of the world and the intercontinental spread between the United States and Venezuela of a new gentamicin resistance gene carried on an epidemic plasmid are examples of the ability of bacteria to travel freely, without regard to borders. Complex societal issues such as the misuse of antibiotics by physicians, pharmacists, and the public; the suboptimal quality of the drugs (emergence); and conditions such as crowding, lack of hygiene, poor or nonexistent hospital infection control practices, or insufficient surveillance (dissemination) play a largely unmeasured role that requires study and solutions. In the meantime, we may intervene to delay the emergence of resistance and to limit its spread by promoting the judicious use of antibiotics both at the local level as well as from multinational organized cooperative efforts. Education and improvement of surveillance and socioeconomic conditions are integral parts of any solution strategy.  相似文献   

National Surveys of Family Growth data showed that as of 1982, most lactating women who were sexually active used a contraceptive method; barrier methods were most frequently used. Black women and women of higher parity and lower educational level were more likely to be sexually active and not using a method.  相似文献   

Psychotropic drug therapy combined with other forms of treatment provides an effective means for the control and treatment of a number of mental disorders. In developing countries a wide range of health workers must be prepared to use psychotropic drugs if there is to be a significant improvement in mental health care. A number of problems are involved: not all mental disorders respond to drug treatment; the range of available drugs is very wide; side effects are relatively common; patients may not take prescribed drugs regularly; and there are dangers of overuse, abuse, and overdose. Some of the problems could be overcome by: (a) focusing on a limited number of conditions of public health importance; (b) establishing a clear policy as to which drugs should be available at various points in the health service and limiting the range of such drugs; (c) adopting a more flexible system of task sharing in psychotropic drug therapy; (d) coordinating training programmes; and (e) setting up a central policy body concerned with mental health in health ministries.  相似文献   

Veterinary vaccines and their use in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The burden of infectious diseases in livestock and other animals continues to be a major constraint to sustained agricultural development, food security, and participation of developing and in-transition countries in the economic benefits of international trade in livestock commodities. Targeted measures must be instituted in those countries to reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases. Quality veterinary vaccines used strategically can and should be part of government sanctioned-programmes. Vaccination campaigns must be part of comprehensive disease control programmes, which, in the case of transboundary animal diseases, require a regional approach if they are to be successful. This paper focuses on the salient transboundary animal diseases and examines current vaccine use, promising vaccine research, innovative technologies that can be applied in countries in some important developing regions of the world, and the role of public/private partnerships.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine, from the existing literature, cataract surgical coverage rates by sex and the proportion of cataract blindness that could be eliminated if women and men had equal access to cataract surgical services. METHOD: Methodologically sound population-based cataract surveys from developing countries were identified through a literature search. Cataract surgical coverage rates were extracted from the surveys and rates for women were compared to those for men. Peto odds ratios were calculated for each survey and a meta-analysis of the surveys was performed. FINDINGS: From a literature review and meta-analysis of cataract surveys in developing countries, we found that the cataract surgical coverage rate was 1.2-1.7 times higher for males than for females. For females, the odds ratio of having surgery, compared to males, was 0.67 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.60- 0.74). Despite their lower coverage rate, females accounted for approximately 63% of all cataract cases in the study populations, and if they received surgery at the same rates as males, the prevalence of cataract blindness would be reduced by a median of 12.5% (range 4-21%). CONCLUSION: Closing the gender gap could thus significantly decrease the prevalence of cataract blindness, and gender-sensitive intervention programmes are needed to improve cataract surgical coverage among females.  相似文献   

Ten recommendations to improve use of medicines in developing countries   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Inappropriate prescribing reduces the quality of medical care and leads to a waste of resources. To address these problems, a variety of educational and administrative approaches to improve prescribing have been tried. This article reviews the experiences of the last decade in order to identify which interventions have proven effective in developing countries, and suggests a range of policy options for health planners and managers. Considering the magnitude of resources that are wasted on inappropriately used drugs, many promising interventions are relatively inexpensive. Simple methods are available to monitor drug use in a standardized way and to identify inefficiencies. Intervention approaches that have proved effective in some settings are: standard treatment guidelines; essential drugs lists; pharmacy and therapeutics committees; problem-based basic professional training; and targeted in-service training of health workers. Some other interventions, such as training of drug sellers, education based on group processes and public education, need further testing, but should be supported. Several simplistic approaches have proven ineffective, such as disseminating prescribing information or clinical guidelines in written form only. Two issues that will require a long-term strategic approach are improving prescribing in the private sector and monitoring the impacts of health sector reform. Sufficient evidence is now available to persuade policy-makers that it is possible to promote rational drug use. If such effective strategies are followed, the quality of health care can be improved and drug expenditures reduced.  相似文献   

Fertility and contraceptive use in poor urban areas of developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The population in urban areas of developing countries continuesto grow rapidly. Poor urban areas may have high growth ratesthrough a number of mechanisms including continued migration,a youthful age structure, high age-specific fertility rates,and population movement. Fertility among the urban poor variesbetween and within cities, and is affected by many factors.Those with fertility-enhancing effects include decreases inbreastfeeding and sexual abstinence taboos. Reasons behind thesechanges may include ideas of modernity, increases in women'semployment, the need for further child labour, and the breakdownof the extended family. Factors with fertility-reducing effectsinclude the proportions marrying, age at first marriage, increasedspousal separation and increased use of contraception. Thesein turn are driven by increased access to contraception, smallernorms for family size, increases in female education and employment,improved child survival and, possibly, changes in family structureand earning power. This paper characterizes both these factors and those whichinfluence fertility and family planning in urban settings, particularlyin poor urban areas. It examines policy options for improvingaccess to contraception, taking into account issues importantin the unban context, including HIV infection and adolescentpregnancy. Despite the potential social marketing and family planning haveof reaching large numbers of people in a small area, contraceptiveuse remains low in many cities, and inaccessible or poor qualityservices are often given as the reason. Services need to promotechoice through improved contraceptive accessibility and qualityand by strategic planning, recognizing the marginalized natureof many of the urban poor and the economic constraints underwhich many of them operate.  相似文献   

The clinical performance of the Copper T380A (TCu380A) and the Multiload 250 (MLCu250) intrauterine devices (IUDs) were evaluated for 12 months in a group of women who had one of the two IUDs inserted. Results are from a randomized clinical trial conducted at four collaborating research sites located in three developing countries.The gross cumulative life-table pregnancy rate of the TCu380A IUD was significantly lower than the rate with the MLCu250 IUD at 12 months (0.5 and 1.2, respectively,p<0.01). No statistically significant differences between the two study IUDs were found with regard to IUD expulsion or IUD removal due to bleeding/pain, personal reasons, medical reasons, or planned pregnancy. TCu380A IUD users were more likely to report experiencing increased dysmenorrhea (p<0.01) or intermenstrual pelvic pain (p<0.01) than were MLCu250 IUD users. However, few of these users discontinued use of their assigned IUD because of having experienced menstrual bleeding disturbances or intermenstrual pelvic pain.These data indicate that the TCu380A IUD may be a better option than the MLCu250 IUD for women wishing to practice highly effective long-term birth control without having to resort to hormonal methods.
Resumen El resultado clínico de los dispositivos intrauterinos (DIU) Copper T380A y Multiload 250 (MLCu250) se evaluó durante 12 meses en un grupo de mujeres a quienes se había colocado uno de los dos DIU. Los resultados corresponden a un ensayo clínico aleatorizado efectuado en cuatro emplazamientos de investigaciones en colaboración situados en tres países en desarrollo.La tasa bruta acumulativa de embarazo de las tablas de vida del DIU TCu380A fue significativamente inferior a la tasa correspondiente al DIU MLCu250 a los 12 meses (0,5 y 1,2, respectivamente,p<0,01)). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos DIU del estudio con respecto a su expulsión o retiro debido a microrragia/dolor, razones personales, razones médicas o embarazo planificado. Era más probable que las usuarias del DIU TCu380A notificaran mayor dismenorrea (p<0,01) o dolor pélvico intermenstrual (p<0,01) que las usuarias del DIU MLCu250. Sin embargo, un número menor de este grupo de usuarias dejó de utilizar el DIU que le había sido asignado por haber experimentado trastornos menstruales de microrragia o dolor pélvico intermenstrual.Estos datos indican que el DIU TCu380A podría ser una mejor opción que el DIU MLCu250 para las mujeres que desean praticar un control de la natalidad a largo plaza altamente eficaz sin tener que recurrir a métodos hormonales.

Resumé Les résultats cliniques des dispositifs intra-utériens (DIU) Copper T38OA (TCu380A) et Multiload 250 (MLCu250) ont été évalués pendant 12 mois chez un groupe de femmes qui portaient l'un ou l'autre de ces dispositifs. Les résultats proviennent d'un essai clinique randomisé, effectué en collaboration par quatre établissements de recherche dans trois pays en développement.Au terme de 12 mois, le taux brut cumulé de grossesses des tables de survie pour le dispositif TCu380A était significativement inférieur au taux correspondant pour le dispositif MLCu250 (0,5 et 1,2 respectivement,p<0,01). Aucune différence statistiquement significative entre les deux dispositifs étudiés n'a été constatée du point de vue de l'expulsion du DIU ou de son retrait pour cause de microrragie/douleurs, pour des raisons personnelles ou médicales ou pour une grossesse planifiée. Les utilisatrices du TCu380A ont plus fréquemment signalé une dysménorrhée (p<0,01) ou des douleurs pelviennes intermenstruelles (p<0,01) que les utilisatrices du MLCu250. Peu nombreuses était cependant cells qui avaient, en raison de perturbations du flux menstruel ou de douleurs pelviennes intermenstruelles, abandonné l'usage du dispositif qui leur avait été assigné.Ces résultats indiquent que le dispositif TCu380A représente peut-être une meilleure solution que le dispositif MLCu250 pour les femmes recherchant à long terme une méthode hautement efficace de régulation des naissances, sans avoir recours aux méthodes hormonales.

The progesterone vaginal ring (PVR) has been shown to be effective as a contraceptive in breastfeeding women who need a better method of spacing pregnancies, and previous clinical trials of 1-year duration demonstrated its efficacy to be similar to that of the IUD during lactation. The duration of lactational amenorrhea is significantly prolonged in PVR users in comparison to IUD users with fewer median numbers of bleeding/spotting (B/S) episodes and B/S days. This long-acting delivery system designed for 3-month use needs to be renewed every 3 months as long as breastfeeding continues. The system designed as a matrix ring delivers 10 mg/day of the physiological hormone progesterone. Various factors such as comfort, ease of use, user control, rather than provider-dependent, and the fact that it contains a natural hormone have contributed to a high acceptability of the PVR method by breastfeeding women. The frequency of breastfeeding, breast milk volume and infant growth were not different in PVR users or IUD users, and the safety of this new method has been well documented. This article describes the available information and the results of the studies that led to approval of this method in several countries in Latin America so far. Further evaluation of the PVR acceptability in different populations where breastfeeding is popular and highly recommended for the infant's benefit is warranted.  相似文献   

Hypertension in developing countries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Population surveys carried out since the 1970s in 15 developing countries including 23 population groups show that the prevalence of hypertension ranges from as low as 1% in some African countries to over 30% in Brazil. A trend analysis of the mortality statistics for 35-74 year-olds from 16 countries in which data are available shows a downward trend in mortality from hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases in most of these countries. In spite of the current low prevalence in some countries, the total number of hypertensives in the developing world is high, and a cost assessment of possible antihypertensive drug treatment indicates that developing countries cannot afford the same drug treatment levels as developed countries.  相似文献   

目的了解上海市自报高血压者的膳食摄入与血压控制情况的关系,为开展膳食指导提供依据。方法利用2013年上海市慢性病及其危险因素监测数据,采用多因素logistic回归分析膳食摄入情况与血压控制情况的关系。结果6 327名研究对象纳入分析,上海市自报高血压者血压控制率为37.62%。多因素分析发现,与推荐摄入量相比,水产类摄入不足(OR=0.884,95%CI:0.782~1.000)或超量(OR=0.820,95%CI:0.689~0.977)以及畜禽类摄入不足(OR=0.881, 95%CI:0.789~0.983)与高血压控制率低相关。结论上海市自报高血压者膳食结构不尽合理,应加强居民膳食指南的宣贯,倡导合理膳食,适量摄入水产品、瘦肉、禽肉等优质蛋白,以有效控制血压。  相似文献   

Microsporidiosis in AIDS patients has emerged as an important cause of morbidity, but diagnosis requires special stains, equipment and expertise. Here we describe a modification to an existing staining technique to allow more rapid preparation, without additional equipment, facilitating research in the tropics into these important pathogens.  相似文献   

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