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In this study, there were 62 patients with depressive neurosis. AInong them, 31 caseswere treated by laseracupuncture, another 31 cases were treated by pharmacotherapy, such as Antide-pressants and Antianxietics. The course of treatment for each case was 21 days. The therapeutic ef-fects, which were comprehensively evaluated with Hamilton's Depression Scale (HAMD) and Hamil-ton's Anxiety Scale (HAMI) as well as Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) in combination withtraditional evaluation of clinical therapeutic effect, indicated that treating the depressive neurosis withlaser-acupuncture can obtain sound effects with a clinical effective rate of 90. 32 percent, markedly ef-fective rate of 67. 74 percent. The global scores of Hamilton's Depression Scale and Hamilton's Anxi-ety scale after treatment were obviously less than those before treatment (P<0.001 ), similar to theeffects of pharmacotherapy or even much better than those in pharmacotherapy group in some aspects.Treating with laser-acupuncture wa  相似文献   

Slow transit constipation(STC)is a pri marytype of idiopathic constipation.It is commonly en-countered in clinical practice and occurs pri marily inthe aged people.STCis engendered byslowtransit ofcontents in the intestines owing to hypoperistalsis ofthe segmental or whole colon,leading to abdominaldistension and pain,decrease in defecation desire andhard stool.It may be accompanied by general symp-toms of tiredness and headache.The authors of thepresent paper treated34cases of STC with el…  相似文献   

Objective To probe methods and therapeutic effects of Head Acupuncture on ischemic stroke. Methods One hundred and twelve cases were randomly divided into observation group (head acupuncture group) and control group (body acupuncture group). After treatment of 28 days, changes of linguistic function and paralysis level of limbs before and after treatment were investigated. Results The total effective rate was 96.6% in the observation group and 90.7%, in the control group, with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion The electroacupuncture head point-through-point by penetrating two point therapy is one of effective methods for ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

Thetherapeuticeffectofacupuncturefordia betesmellitus(DM)hasbeenconfirmedbyalarge numberofclinicalinvestigations.Itisasubjectfor acupuncturiststoconsiderandsearchforatherapy providingbettertherapeuticeffectsbywayofproper differentiationofsyndromesandcombinationofacu points.Basedonclinicalexperiencegainedformore than30years,theauthorsofthepresentpaperhave graduallyformedaneffectivecombinedtherapyfor treatingtypeⅡDM(noninsulindependentDM)and itsvariouscomplications.Thereportisasfollows.1CLI…  相似文献   

Cervicalspondylopathyofnerveroottype(CSNRT)isacommondiseaseintheelderlypeople.Degenerativechangesofthecervicalspinecanleadtocompressionofthecord .Symp tomsoftendevelopinsidiouslyandarecharacter izedbyneckstiffness,arm pain ,numbnessinthehand(s) ,andweaknessofhandsandlegs.Severecasesofteninvolveprogressivesensationandmotordeficit,whichrequiressurgicalde compressiontreatment.Mostcommonnon sur gicaltreatmentsforCSNRTintheU .S .includecervicalimmobilization (collarorneckbrace) ,skulltractiona…  相似文献   

Auditoryhallucinationisoneofcommonsymptomsofpsychosis,anditisalsoamaincauseforwhichpsychoticsharmthesociety,familyandthemselves.Fordozensofyears,theauthorshaveadoptedacupunctureatTinggongpoint(SI19)fortreatmentofauditoryhaIlucina-tion,withconsiderablesati…  相似文献   

In the present experiments,68 cases of chronic superficial gastritis with insufficieney of Spleen Yang were randomly divided into electrical heat acupuncture group(EHAG,n=32),filiform needling group(FNG,n=19)and medication group(MG,n=17).Bilateral Zusanli(ST 36),Neiguan(PC 6),Sanyinjiao(SP 6)and Hegu(LI 4)were selected for both EHAG andFNG.The needles applied at Zusanli and Neiguan in EHAG were connected to a DR 2-1 electricalheat acupuncture apparatus.The main drug administered in MG was Weimeisu.Thirty treatmentsmade a course,and the treatment was given once daily.The therapeutic effects were evaluated after 3courses of treatment.The results were as follows:The total effective rate was 90.63% in EHAG,63.16% in FNG and 29.41% in MG.There was a remarkable difference in therapeutic effects amongthe three groups(X~2=19.20,P<0.01).  相似文献   

Theauthorshavedevelopedanewmedicalandhealthinstrument,FJY-1FengjiuYi(N&fX)byusingtraditionalmoxibustionmethodcombinedwithmodernelectrothermlceffect(seeIntheinstrument,propertiesandflavorofpowderofChinesedrugsintheFil1ingDrugTubesetintheFengjiuTubearevolatilizedbyelectricheatandtheheatwindblowsthedrugontotheaffectedpartofhumanbody,whichpermeatesintothebodythroughtheskinormu-cosasoastoachievepurposeoftreatmentofdis-easeorhealthprotection.Thisisauniqueexter-naltreatmentforinternaldiseases,i.…  相似文献   

Postoperativeseverepain,uroschesis,con-stipation,bleedingaremajorpostoperativecom-plicationofanalandintestinaldiseases.Theau-thorshavetreated2o6casesbyacupunctureonmainpointChengshanwithsatisfactoryresults,asreportedinthefollowing.CLINlCALDATAOfthe2o6casesl1O2weremaleand1o4werefemale.Theyoungestwasl7yearsandtheoldestwas74years.74casessufferedpain,23casesuroschesis,76casesconstipationand33casesbleeding.Theyallwereattacked1-3daysafteroperation.THERAPEUTICMETHODS1.PointsSelectedMain…  相似文献   

电针对大鼠急性实验性关节炎的治疗作用   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
赵飞跃  朱丽霞 《针刺研究》1990,15(3):197-201
<正> 我们以前的工作表明,电针能明显提高因踝部注射弗氏完全佐剂引起的关节炎大鼠的痛阈,抑制其背角神经元的伤害性诱发放电,并且发现在急性佐剂性关节炎大鼠注射纳洛酮后伤害性反应明显增强,提示有中枢神经系统内源性抗痛物质的激活。那么在大鼠的行为表现上,这种内源性镇痛系  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of electroecupuncture (EA) of acupoints of Ren, Spleen and Stomach Meridians on artificial abortion-induced side effects was observed in 100 artificial abortion women. In comparison with 45 artificial abortion women in the control group (who had not accepted EA treatment), EA possessed significant effects in relieving abdominal pain, reducing vaginal bleeding duration, lowering infection rate and infertility rate after artificial abortion operation.  相似文献   

48 cases of optic atrophy were treated with acupuncture. Qiuhou (EX-HN 7), Jing-ming (BL 1), Ganshu (BL 18), Pishu (BL 20), Fengchi (GB 20), Cuanzhu (BL 2), Yiming (EX-HN 14), Guangming (GB 37), Taiyang (EX-HN 5), Yanglao (SI 6), Sibai (ST 2), Tongziliao(GB 1) were selected as main points, of which three to five points were punctured each time, but thefirst two were used necessarily. According to an overall differentiation of symptoms and signs auxiliarypoints were supplemented. The treatment was given once everyday with the manipulations of twirlingneedles plus slow or rapid insertion for reinforcing or reducing to make the needling sensation reach theeye regions. Twelve treatments made a course with an interval of 3 days between the two courses. Itwas shown that 15 cases were markedly effective (3l. 25 % ), 26 improved (54. 17% ), and 7 ineffec-tive (14. 58 % ). The total effective rate was 85.42%.  相似文献   

In the present paper,the therapeutic effect of hand acupuncture,moxibustion and electroacupuncture (EA) is observed in the treatment of 46 cases of peripheral facial paralysis(treatment group)and compared with that of Western medicines(prednisone,Vitamin B1 and B12,dibazol)in other 42 facial palsy patients.Acupoints used are Fenchi(GB20),Yifeng(TE17),Taiyang(LR3),Yangbai(GB14),Cuanzhu(BL2),Yingxiang(LI20),Dicang(ST4),Shuigou(GV26),Chengjiang(CV24),Xiaguan(ST7)and jiache(ST6),Following 20-30 sessions of treatment,results show that the therapeutic effect of treatment group is significantly superior to that of Western medicine group and the therapeutic duration of the former group is shorter.  相似文献   

Of 282 cases with pain treated by acupuncture at Xi points,207 cases were curedaccounting for 73.4%,among which 107 cases were cured after one treatment,36 cases after twosessions and 64 cases after over 3 sessions.75 cases improved.The total effective rate was100%.  相似文献   

<正> 一般认为机体对疾病的抵抗力与机体的免疫功能状态有一定的关系,患病机体常常表现出免疫功能的异常。补体是正常人血清中非特异性体液免疫因素,一方面参与机体的防御机能,可促使特异性机体发挥作用,另一方面在免疫损伤中也发挥重要作用,血清补体水平的变化也可反映机体防御机能的状态或者某些免疫病理过程的存在。我们曾观察到电针穴位有增强正常人细胞免疫功能的作用。本工作试图通过电针对正常人血清某些补体成份影响的观察,进一步分析  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the clinical therapeutic effects on the syndrome of L3 transverse process between thick silver warming needling and electric acupuncture. Methods: One hundred and twenty cases of the syndrome of L3 transverse process were randomized into observation group and the control, 60 cases for each one. Thick silver warming needling was applied in observation group and electric acupuncture in the control. Results: The curative rate was 81.7% In observation group and 58.3% in the control, indicating significant difference (P<0.01). The significant difference in the therapeutic effects between two groups had not been discovered yet for the cases within 3 months of sickness ( P>0.05), but, the therapeutic effect in observation group was superior to that in the control for the cases over 3 months of sickness ( P<0.01).Conclusion: The therapeutic effects of thick silver warming needling and electric acupuncture were quite advantageous on the syndrome of L3 transverse process, but that of thick silver warming needling was superior to electric acupuncture.  相似文献   

UlcerativecolitisisanonsPecificinflarnrn-torydiseaseofthecolon.FromFebruaryofl988toFebruaryof1992,Iadoptedacupunctureplussparrow-PeckingmokibustiontotrcatbOcasesofulcerativecolitis.Itisreportedasfoll0w:cratnAuAtotalof9Ocasesofulcerativecolitisweresubjectedtothisobservationandrand0rTilydivid-edint0treatmentgr0upandcontrolgroup.Thetreatmentgr0upwasrnadeupof6Ocasesinclud-ing38Inalesand22hanales.Theyoungestwas23yearsandtheoldest68yeax.Theshortestdurationofdiseasewas6monthsandthelongestl3year…  相似文献   

In the present paper,the therapeutic effect of needling Baihui(GV20)and Sishen-chong(EX-HN1)combined with otopoint Xin(MA-IC),Shenmen,Naodian and pizhixia(MA-AT1)for treatment of insomnia was observed in 150patients.Results showed that the cure rate,effective rate and ineffective rate were84%,13.33%and2.67%respectively.Comparison between Western medicine group and acupuncture group showed a significant difference in the therapeutic effect(P&;lt;0.01).It displays that acupuncture can correct the imbalance between excitement and suppression of the cerebral cortex and had effects of tranquilizing and allaying excitement.  相似文献   

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