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Increasing evidence supports the existence of distinct neural systems that subserve two dimensions of affect--arousal and valence. Ten adult participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging during which they were presented a range of standardized faces and then asked, during the scan, to rate the emotional expressions of the faces along the dimensions of arousal and valence. Lower ratings of arousal accompanied greater activity in the amygdala complex, cerebellum, dorsal pons, and right medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). More negative ratings of valence accompanied greater activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate (dACC) and parietal cortices. Extreme ratings of valence (highly positive and highly negative ratings) accompanied greater activity in the temporal cortex and fusiform gyrus. Building on an empirical literature which suggests that the amygdala serves as a salience and ambiguity detector, we interpret our findings as showing that a face rated as having low arousal is more ambiguous and a face rated as having extreme valence is more personally salient. This explains how both low arousal and extreme valence lead to greater activation of an ambiguity/salience system subserved by the amygdala, cerebellum, and dorsal pons. In addition, the right medial prefrontal cortex appears to down-regulate individual ratings of arousal, whereas the fusiform and related temporal cortices seem to up-regulate individual assessments of extreme valence when individual ratings are studied relative to group reference ratings for each stimulus. The simultaneous assessment of the effects of arousal and valence proved essential for the identification of neural systems contributing to the processing of emotional faces.  相似文献   


Background and objectives

Risky decision making and disadvantageous choices constitute core characteristics of patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Consequences include negative psychosocial and health-related outcomes. However, risky decision making and its interrelations with emotional states in ADHD are poorly understood. Therefore, the authors investigated risky decision making without and after boredom induction in adults with and without ADHD.


In study 1, ADHD patients (n = 15) and age/education matched controls (CG; n = 16) were compared on the Game of Dice Task (GDT), an established task measuring decision making in unambiguous situations. In study 2, ADHD patients (n = 14) and CG (n = 13) underwent boredom induction prior to the GDT.


In study 1, ADHD patients selected the disadvantageous alternatives significantly more often than CG. In study 2, no significant group differences were found due to an increase in risky decision making in CG following the boredom induction.


Even if severity of depression did not affect our results, it may be necessary to compare GDT responses in ADHD patients with and without current depression.


Risk as a motor of disadvantageous decision making needs to be taken into account in therapeutic contexts as a maintenance factor of dysfunctional behaviour.The findings of study 2 are in line with postulated alterations of emotional state adjustment in ADHD. The link between decisions making and emotional regulation in ADHD needs further attention in research.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by conflicting findings of both increased and decreased amygdala and prefrontal reactivity to threat or trauma stimuli. Childhood maltreatment (CM), a potent risk factor for PTSD, exerts long-lasting influences on threat processing and prefrontal-amygdala function. This suggests that CM history may influence PTSD neural phenotypes related to threat processing. Here, we adapt a well-characterized emotional conflict paradigm to investigate CM effects on both emotional conflict and emotional valence processing within PTSD stratified by task relevance. Forty-two individuals with PTSD (22 reporting extensive CM history (PTSD-CM)) and 20 trauma-exposed healthy controls (TEHCs) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while identifying affect of emotional faces (fear and happy) overlaid with a goal-irrelevant emotional distractor word (“FEAR” or “HAPPY”). We examined effects of CM on conflict, conflict adaptation, valence-related activation (fear vs. happy) for goal-relevant (face) and goal-irrelevant stimuli (word), and valence effects in interaction with goal-relevancy (face vs. word). Though no activation differences between groups were observed for conflict contrasts nor for valence effects in the amygdala, CM status interacted with valence processing differences as a function of goal relevance in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). Here, PTSD-CM displayed greater activation relative to PTSD to negative valence when stimuli were goal-irrelevant. CM history also moderated relationships between activation abnormalities and PTSD re-experiencing symptoms. These findings provide initial evidence that CM history augments dorsolateral prefrontal bias to implicitly processed stimulus valence in PTSD.  相似文献   

In our everyday life we process information from different modalities simultaneously with great ease. With the current study we had the following goals: to detect the neural correlates of (1) automatic semantic processing of associates and (2) to investigate the influence of different visual modalities on semantic processing. Stimuli were presented with a short SOA (350 ms) as subjects performed a lexical decision task. To minimize the variance and increase homogeneity within our sample, only male subjects were measured. Three experimental conditions were compared while brain activation was measured with a 3 T fMRI scanner: related word‐pairs (e.g., frame–picture), unrelated word‐pairs (e.g., frame–car) as well as word‐nonword pairs (e.g., frame–fubber). They were presented uni‐ (word ‐word) and cross‐modally (picture–word). Behavioral data revealed a priming effect for cross‐modal and unimodal word‐pairs. On a neural level, the unimodal condition revealed response suppression in bilateral fronto‐parietal regions. Cross‐modal priming led to response suppression within the right inferior frontal gyrus. Common areas of deactivation for both modalities were found in bilateral fronto‐tempo‐parietal regions. These results suggest that the processing of semantic associations presented in different modalities lead to modality‐specific activation caused by early access routes. However, common activation for both modalities refers to a common neural network for semantic processing suggesting amodal processing. Hum Brain Mapp, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The prognostic value in 49 children and 56 adults of the following parameters recorded on admission was analyzed: oculocephalic and light reflexes, posturing, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), the need for ventilatory support, and the presence of associated injuries. All patients had been in coma for at least 6 h. The presence of intracranial hematoma and the duration of coma were recorded and the relative risk of poor outcome calculated. There was poor outcome in 51% of the children and 61% of the adults. Oculocephalic and light reflexes, posturing, GCS, need for ventilatory support, and duration of coma were significantly related to the outcome in children. Only oculocephalic and light reflexes, and posturing were significantly related to the outcome in adults. Some parameters appeared to have different prognostic value in children and in adults: the simultaneous evaluation of oculocephalic reflex and need for ventilation was the best prognostic guide in children, the light reflex was the best prognostic indicator in adults.  相似文献   

The ability to map number words to their corresponding quantity representations is a gatekeeper for children’s future math success (Spaepen et al., 2018). Without number word knowledge at school entry, children are at greater risk for developing math learning difficulties (Chu et al., 2019). In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the neural basis for processing the meaning of spoken number words and its developmental trajectory in 4- to 10-year-old children, and in adults. In a number word-quantity mapping paradigm, participants listened to number words while simultaneously viewing quantities that were congruent or incongruent to the number word they heard. Whole brain analyses revealed that adults showed a neural congruity effect with greater neural activation for incongruent relative to congruent trials in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and left intraparietal sulcus (LIPS). In contrast, children did not show a significant neural congruity effect. However, a region of interest analysis in the child sample demonstrated age-related increases in the neural congruity effect, specifically in the LIPS. The positive correlation between neural congruity in LIPS and age was stronger in children who were already attending school, suggesting that developmental changes in LIPS function are experience-dependent.  相似文献   



This study investigated the effect of four different bandpass filter settings on measures of the P50 component and the signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) of averaged ERPs obtained from a sensory gating paradigm employing paired-click stimuli.


Participants were adults (n = 18) 20–55 years old and children (n = 25) 5–10 years old who were free of neurological disorders.


Results show that the filter settings (0.23–75 Hz, 10–50 Hz, 10–75 Hz, and 10–200 Hz) differentially affected the P50 amplitude, noise power and SNR measures of the conditioning and test clicks, and P50 T/C ratios.


The 10–50 Hz filter setting may be optimal in studies that include only adults as these settings resulted in the smallest mean P50 T/C ratio, a reasonable standard deviation (SD) for the ratio, and the highest SNRs. The 10–200 Hz filter may be the best for studying young children as this setting had the smallest mean and SD of P50 T/C ratios for these participants.


In studies that include both adults and children investigators are advised to use the 10–200 Hz filter setting because the smaller variability of sensory gating in the child group helps ensure better homogeneity of variance measures between the groups.  相似文献   

目的通过对611例脂肪瘤型脊髓拴系综合征临床数据分析,比较儿童与成人脂肪瘤型脊髓拴系综合征的显微外科治疗疗效。方法清华大学玉泉医院自2004年1月-2010年1月收治并有效随访的脂肪瘤型脊髓拴系611例,分为儿童组和成人组,患者术前均行神经系统、MRI、残余尿及神经电生理检查,术中在电生理监测下行显微外科手术治疗。疗效评估分为近期疗效和远期疗效,近期疗效根据Hoffman功能性分级、Kirollos术中松解分级和并发症评估;远期疗效根据临床表现、MRI、膀胱残余尿和神经电生理结果进行评估。根据这些指标比较儿童组与成人组间的疗效差异。统计学通过SPSS16.0分析处理数据。结果近期随访:根据Hoffman功能性分级:术后改善的患者在儿童组和成人组间有明显差异(P〈0.05),术后稳定的患者在在儿童组和成人组间无明显差异(P〉0.05),术后加重的患者在儿童组和成人组间有明显差异(P〈0.05);按Kirollos术中松解分级评定方法:Ⅰ级的患者在儿童组和成人组间有明显差异(P〈0.05),Ⅱ级的患者在儿童组和成人组间有明显差异(P〈0.05),Ⅲ级的患者在儿童组和成人组间有明显差异(P〈0.05);儿童组发生并发症比成人组少。远期随访:膀胱残余尿减少的患者在儿童组和成人组间有显著性差异(P〈0.05);MRI检查在儿童组和成人组间均未发现脂肪瘤明显复发病例;神经电生理改善的患者在儿童组和成人组间有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论儿童脂肪瘤型脊髓拴系综合征的显微治疗比成人可获得更好的疗效。  相似文献   

The triple code model of numerical cognition (TCM) details the neurocognitive mechanisms associated with perceiving and manipulating numerical information in exact symbolic (Arabic digits and number words) and approximate nonsymbolic numerical magnitude (e.g., dot arrays) representation codes. The current study provides a first empirical fMRI-based investigation into neurodevelopmental differences in 30 healthy children’s and 44 healthy adults’ recruitment of neural correlates associated with the Arabic digit, number word, and nonsymbolic magnitude codes. Differences between the two groups were found in cingulate regions commonly associated with domain-general aspects of cognitive control, as opposed to neural correlates of number processing per se. A primary developmental difference was identified in verbal number discrimination, where only adults recruited left-lateralized perisylvian language areas in accordance with the TCM. We therefore call for a revision of the verbal code and a formulation of separate child and adult-specific neurocognitive mechanisms associated with the discrimination of number words. Although further research is necessary, results indicate that numerical discrimination abilities in middle-school-aged children operate close to adult-level maturity. Neurodevelopmental differences may be more apparent in younger children, or on the level of functional network dynamics as opposed to a shift in recruited neural substrates.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence from fMRI studies suggests that humor processing is a specific social cognitive–affective human function that comprises two stages. The first stage (cognitive humor component) involves the detection and resolution of incongruity, and is associated with activity in temporo-occipito-parietal brain areas. The second stage (emotional humor component) comprises positive feelings related to mirth/reward, and is linked with reward-related activity in mesocorticolimbic circuits.In healthy adults, humor processing was shown to be moderated by temperament traits like intro-/extraversion, neuroticism, or social anxiety, representing risk factors for psychopathology. However, comparable data from early developmental stages is crucially lacking. Here, we report for the first time data from 22 children (ages 6 to 13) revealing an influence of temperament on humor processing. Specifically, we assessed the effects of Emotionality, Shyness, and Sociability, which are analogous to neuroticism, behavioral inhibition/fear and extraversion in adults. We found Emotionality to be positively, but Shyness negatively associated with brain activity linked with both cognitive and emotional humor components. In addition, Shyness and Sociability were positively related to activity in the periaqueductal gray region during humor processing. These findings are of potential clinical relevance regarding the early detection of childhood psychopathology.Previous data on humor processing in both adults and children furthermore suggest that intelligence (IQ) supports incongruity detection and resolution, whereas mirth and associated brain activity diminishes with increasing age. Here, we found that increasing age and IQ were linked with stronger activity to humor in brain areas implicated in the cognitive component of humor. Such data suggest that humor processing undergoes developmental changes and is moderated by higher IQ scores, both factors likely improving incongruity detection and resolution.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on seizure frequency in adults and children with epilepsy in a prospective study. Several case series documented an improvement in seizure control with treatment of coexisting OSA, but published series did not sample a clinic population, were not prospective in design, and did not account for concurrent changes in antiepileptic drug (AED) doses or levels. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Adult patients and the parents of pediatric patients seen in the University of Michigan Epilepsy and Pediatric Neurology Clinics were given validated questionnaires. Thirteen adults (aged 20-56) and 5 children (aged 14-17) were selected for polysomnography (PSG) based on frequency of seizures and risk for OSA. Seizure frequency was compared during 8-week baseline and treatment phases and AED levels were done to document stability in medication levels. RESULTS: Six of 13 adults and 3 of 5 children met PSG criteria for OSA. Three adults and 1 child were treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), were tolerant of the device, and had no change in AED doses; all four had at least a 45% reduction in seizure frequency during CPAP treatment. One adult was treated with an oral appliance with a reduction in nocturnal seizures only, and 2 adults and 2 children were intolerant of CPAP. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of OSA in patients with epilepsy may improve seizure control and a large randomized placebo-controlled trial appear warranted.  相似文献   

Emotions influence our everyday life in several ways. With the present study, we wanted to examine the impact of emotional information on neural correlates of semantic priming, a well-established technique to investigate semantic processing. Stimuli were presented with a short SOA of 200 ms as subjects performed a lexical decision task during fMRI measurement. Seven experimental conditions were compared: positive/negative/neutral related, positive/negative/neutral unrelated, nonwords (all words were nouns). Behavioral data revealed a valence specific semantic priming effect (i.e., unrelated > related) only for neutral and positive related word pairs. On a neural level, the comparison of emotional over neutral relations showed activation in left anterior medial frontal cortex, superior frontal gyrus, and posterior cingulate. Interactions for the different relations were located in left anterior part of the medial frontal cortex, cingulate regions, and right hippocampus (positive > neutral + negative) and left posterior part of medial frontal cortex (negative > neutral + positive). The results showed that emotional information have an influence on semantic association processes. While positive and neutral information seem to share a semantic network, negative relations might induce compensatory mechanisms that inhibit the spread of activation between related concepts. The neural correlates highlighted a distributed neural network, primarily involving attention, memory and emotion related processing areas in medial fronto-parietal cortices. The differentiation between anterior (positive) and posterior part (negative) of the medial frontal cortex was linked to the type of affective manipulation with more cognitive demands being involved in the automatic processing of negative information.  相似文献   

The ability to monitor performance and behavior is crucial for goal-directed, adaptive behavior in a changing environment. Performance monitoring has been extensively investigated using behavioral, electrophysiological and hemodynamic measures, and is still in the focus of many research projects. This paper gives an overview on neuroimaging of performance monitoring and the models which arose from several research approaches, taking into account the knowledge stemming from electrophysiological and lesion studies. Particular emphasis is put on error detection and response conflict monitoring, but also at motivational factors. Furthermore, the paper presents and discusses data from an fMRI study investigating the influence of error relevance on the hemodynamic correlates of error processing. By instruction and financial reward manipulation, the relevance of errors were block-wise modulated in a flanker paradigm. The results suggest that the engagement of the posterior frontomedian wall (pFMC) previously shown to be involved in performance monitoring is dependent on error relevance.  相似文献   

The grammatical gender of a word is a lexical-syntactic property determining agreement among different sentence parts. Recent fMRI investigations identified the areas involved in the retrieval of grammatical gender near the left Broca's area providing further evidence to confirm the preeminent syntactic role of this area. However, these studies employed categorical designs based on the controversial methodology of the cognitive subtraction of neural activations related to different tasks. In the present study we identified the neural substrates of grammatical gender assignment using an fMRI parametric study. Participants decided the grammatical gender of visually presented Italian words whose gender-to-ending regularity varied. The results showed activation in left and right fronto-temporal areas suggesting an interplay of both hemispheres in the processing of grammatical gender.  相似文献   

How do children’s experiences relate to their naturalistic emotional and social processing? Because children can struggle with tasks in the scanner, we collected fMRI data while 4-to-11-year-olds watched a short film with positive and negative emotional events, and rich parent-child interactions (n = 70). We captured broad, normative stressful experiences by examining socioeconomic status (SES) and stressful life events, as well as children’s more proximal experiences with their parents. For a sub-sample (n = 30), parenting behaviors were measured during a parent-child interaction, consisting of a picture book, a challenging puzzle, and free play with novel toys. We characterized positive parenting behaviors (e.g., warmth, praise) and negative parenting behaviors (e.g., harsh tone, physical control). We found that higher SES was related to greater activity in medial orbitofrontal cortex during parent-child interaction movie events. Negative parenting behaviors were associated with less activation of the ventral tegmental area and cerebellum during positive emotional events. In a region-of-interest analysis, we found that stressful life events and negative parenting behaviors were associated with less activation of the amygdala during positive emotional events. These exploratory results demonstrate the promise of using movie fMRI to study how early experiences may shape emotional, social, and motivational processes.  相似文献   

Sex differences in reading performance have been considered a relatively stable phenomenon. However, there is no general agreement about their neural basis, which might be due to that sex differences are largely influenced by age. This paper focuses on the sex differences in the reading-related neural network of Chinese children and its interaction with age. We also attempt to predict reading abilities based on neural network. Fifty-three boys and 56 girls (8.2–14.6 years of age) were recruited. We collected their resting-state fMRI and behavioural data. Restricted sex differences were found in the resting-state reading neural network compared to extensive age by sex interaction effect. Specifically, the interactions between sex and age indicated that with increasing age, girls showed greater connectivity strength between visual orthographic areas and other brain areas within the reading network, while boys showed an opposite trend. After controlling age, the prediction models of reading performance for the girls mainly included interhemispheric connections, while the intrahemispheric connections (particularly the phonological route) mainly contributed to predicting the reading ability for boys. Taken together, these findings suggest that sex differences in reading neural networks are modulated by age. Partialling out age, boys and girls also show the stable sex differences in relationship between reading neural circuit and reading behaviour.  相似文献   

fMRI study of language lateralization in children and adults   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Language lateralization in the brain is dependent on family history of handedness, personal handedness, pathology, and other factors. The influence of age on language lateralization is not completely understood. Increasing left lateralization of language with age has been observed in children, while the reverse has been noted in healthy young adults. It is not known whether the trend of decreasing language lateralization with age continues in the late decades of life and at what age the inflection in language lateralization trend as a function of age occurs. In this study, we examined the effect of age on language lateralization in 170 healthy right-handed children and adults ages 5-67 using functional MRI (fMRI) and a verb generation task. Our findings indicate that language lateralization to the dominant hemisphere increases between the ages 5 and 20 years, plateaus between 20 and 25 years, and slowly decreases between 25 and 70 years.  相似文献   

The effects of aging on behavioral and electrophysiological indices of adjustments of cognitive control were examined in two experiments. Specifically, we considered the effects of aging of patterns of response time and modulations of the event-related brain potentials (ERPs) on sequential trial effects, error-related slowing, and local switch costs in two modified Stroop tasks. The behavioral data reveal that sequential trial effects were observed when color, but not word, identification was required and that these effects were similar in younger and older adults; that the degree of error-related slowing was similar for younger and older adults in Experiment 1 and greater in older than younger adults in Experiment 2; that local switch costs in response time were similar in younger and older adults and that the requirement to switch between color and word identification resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of color intrusion errors in older adults in Experiment 2. The ERP data revealed that endogenously generated adjustments of cognitive control were associated with a parietal slow wave that mirrored the behavioral data and was similar in amplitude in younger and older adults and an anterior frontal slow wave that was absent in older adults. The ERP data also revealed that an enhancement of the P3 component and a frontal slow wave that differentiated color switch trials from color non-switch and word trials in younger adults were attenuated in older adults.  相似文献   


The Stroop task has a long-standing history in psychological research and diagnostics, and many variants have emerged. Computerized versions have recently gained popularity because of their applicability in brain-imaging studies. It remains unclear, however, whether computerized versions are content valid with reference to the original task. We compare the performance in the original task with two computerized versions. All three versions show high test–retest reliability and are able to elicit interference effects, but to varying degrees. However, performances in the computerized versions and in the original task do not correlate. The transition from oral to manual response and from listed to single stimulus presentation seems not only to diminish the interference effect, but also to alter its nature in such a way that it no longer looks genuinely “Stroop-like”. These findings have important clinical implications on the use and interpretation of computerized Stroop tasks in children and adults.  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle is known about how adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) process dynamic social scenes.MethodWe studied gaze behavior in 16 adults with ASD without intellectual impairment and 16 sex- and age-matched controls during passive scene processing.ResultsAdding more characters to a scene resulted in a drop in time spent looking at faces, and an increase in time spent looking at bodies (static trials) or off-person (dynamic trials) [Scene Type × AOI × Mode: F(2, 60) = 3.54, p = .04, η2p = .11]. Unlike controls, adults with ASD showed only a small drop in the number of fixations made [Mode × Group: F(1, 30) = 11.30, p = .002, η2p = .27] and no increase in the duration of face fixations [Mode × AOI × Group: F(2, 60) = 3.50, p = .04, η2p = .11] when dynamic cues were added. Thus, particularly during dynamic trials, adults with ASD spent less time looking at faces and slightly more time looking off-person than did controls [Mode × AOI × Group: F(2, 60) = 3.10 p = .05, η2p = .09]. Exhibiting more autistic traits and being less empathic were both associated with spending less time fixating on faces [.34 < |r| < .55, p < .05].ConclusionsThese results suggest that adults with ASD may be less sensitive to, or have more difficulty processing, dynamic cues—particularly those conveyed in faces. The findings demonstrate the importance of using dynamic displays in studies involving this clinical population.  相似文献   

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