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An effective method to increase the number of potential cadaveric organ donors is to make people donors by default with the option to opt out. This non-coercive public policy tool to influence people’s choices is often justified on the basis of the as-judged-by-themselves principle: people are nudged into choosing what they themselves truly want. We review three often hypothesized reasons for why defaults work and argue that the as-judged-by-themselves principle may hold only in two of these cases. We specify further conditions for when the principle can hold in these cases and show that whether those conditions are met is often unclear. We recommend ways to expand nationwide surveys to identify the actual reasons for why defaults work and discuss mandated choice policy as a viable solution to many arising conundrums.


Protein and the critically ill; do we know what to give?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recommended that nutrition support in seriously-ill or injured patients should start at 50% of the estimated target energy and protein needs. This recommendation has caused some concern, since taking the NICE approach leads to these sick individuals receiving an initial N provision of only 0.12 g N/kg per d, as opposed to levels of approximately 0.25 g N/kg per d that have been widely recommended by other expert groups. The basis of the recommendation for higher levels of N provision is that feeding at levels of >/=0.25 g N/kg per d reduces the inevitable net N loss of catabolism and hence minimises overall lean tissue wasting. However, although it has always been assumed that better N balance must equate with better outcome, there are teleological arguments that question the wisdom of providing more N to sicker patients and studies that imply that best N balance might not equate with best clinical progress. Furthermore, current evidence suggests that in most critical illness low initial intakes of both energy and N lead to improved survival. It therefore seems logical to aim, in the first instance, to feed the seriously ill at only modest levels. Further research is required to determine whether lower-energy higher-N feeding would prove better or worse than this approach in terms of clinical benefit rather than just better N retention. Investigations to explore the use of feeds that are specifically designed to match the amino acid needs of illness are also required.  相似文献   

NSAIDs are used throughout the World Health Organization three-step analgesic ladder, and are indicated for pain in all stages of malignancy. Side-effects are common with NSAIDs. Much has been written about NSAIDs and COX, since the discovery of COX-1 and COX-2 isoforms. How do you choose the appropriate NSAID? The choice of NSAID continues to be dependent upon associated gastroduodenal toxicity and the related risk factors of individual patients. Choosing the appropriate NSAID should minimize the likelihood of needing additional medications to manage adverse effects and symptoms caused by the NSAID therapy itself.  相似文献   

This article refers to Margo Kingston's analysis of Pauline Hanson's doomed election campaign in 1998 (Kingston M. Off the Rails: The Pauline Hanson Trip. Sydney: Allen and Unwin; 1999) for insights that may resolve the Chapman/Mooney debate. Should we listen to Pauline Hanson or tell her and her One Nation colleagues what to think and do? Yes, and no, more or less. If more Australian citizens were given access to the material, social, educational and other privileges that Margo Kingston has enjoyed we wouldn't have a debate.  相似文献   

An empirical puzzle has emerged over the last several decades of research on variation in clinical decision making involving mixed effects of physician experience. There is some evidence that physicians with greater experience may provide poorer quality care than their less experienced counterparts, as captured by various quality assurance measures. Physician experience is traditionally narrowly defined as years in practice or age, and there is a need for investigation into precisely what happens to physicians as they gain experience, including the reasoning and clinical skills acquired over time and the ways in which physicians consciously implement those skills into their work. In this study, we are concerned with 1) how physicians conceptualize and describe the meaning of their clinical experience, and 2) how they use their experience in clinical practice. To address these questions, we analyzed qualitative data drawn from in-depth interviews with physicians from the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany as a part of a larger factorial experiment of medical decision making for diabetes. Our results show that common measures of physician experience do not fully capture the skills physicians acquire over time or how they implement those skills in their clinical work. We found that what physicians actually gain over time is complex social, behavioral and intuitive wisdom as well as the ability to compare the present day patient against similar past patients. These active cognitive reasoning processes are essential components of a forward-looking research agenda in the area of physician experience and decision making. Guideline-based outcome measures, accompanied by underdeveloped age- and years-based definitions of experience, may prematurely conclude that more experienced physicians are providing deficient care while overlooking the ways in which they are providing more and better care than their less experienced counterparts.  相似文献   

Iran passed a Law in 2010 to merge all existing health insurance funds physically together. This stakeholder analysis aimed at revealing that what benefits the stakeholders might lose or gain as a result of merging health insurance schemes in Iran, which make them to oppose or support it. This was a qualitative study conducted in 2014. Sixty semi‐structured face‐to‐face interviews were conducted. Purposive and snowball samplings with maximum heterogeneity samples were used for selecting interviewees. Government is not willing to undertake more financial commitment. Existing health insurance schemes like Social Security Organization and minor well‐resourced health insurance funds and also worker unions are unwilling to lose their financial and organizational autonomy, to share their benefits with other less privileged groups, or face likely financial challenges in running their health facilities like hospitals. Top managers and workforces are worried to lose their job, salary, or organizational positions. Ministry of Cooperation, Labour, and Social Welfare does not want to lose its control on health insurance schemes. Ministry of Health and Medical Education and Iran Health Insurance Organization are among actors that support the insurance funds merging policy. Successful implementing of consolidation requires taking into account the interests of different stakeholders.  相似文献   

Coeliac disease (CD) is the most common cause of villous atrophy and is increasingly recognized. The majority of CD patients responds to a gluten-free diet (GFD). However, some patients experience persistence or recurrence of symptoms despite a GFD. These patients require further diagnostic workup. We describe a 62-year-old female with recurring symptoms attributed to refractory coeliac disease (RCD) type I. A 66-year-old patient with a similar history had aberrant intraepithelial lymphocytes characteristic for RCD type II in her duodenum. Furthermore, in a third CD patient described here, microscopic colitis was responsible for diarrhoea that persisted despite strict dietary adherence. Microscopic colitis is strongly associated with CD and should be considered in patients with this disease. On the basis of these three illustrative case studies, we discuss the causes of non-responsive CD and their respective diagnostic workup.  相似文献   

This study examined the phenomenon of avoidance of family communication about cancer. Thirty-seven Stage III or IV lung cancer patients and 40 caregivers, including 24 primary and 16 secondary caregivers, were interviewed; a total of 26 families were studied. The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. Analysis of the interviews indicated that two thirds of the families (65%) experienced communication problems. The avoidance of family communication was associated with several underlying thought processes: avoidance of psychological distress; desire for "mutual protection;" and belief in positive thinking. Family communication was further hindered by the increasing difficulty of issues inherent to late-stage cancer. The adverse impact of communication avoidance and the implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a consumer-oriented framework, the authors contrast private dental patrons and retail dental patrons in terms of demographic characteristics, choice criteria, and patronage behavior in selecting a dental care provider. Assessments are made of these consumers' attitudes and perceptions toward various dental practice attributes or characteristics. Differences are found across several attributes, but dimensions of quality service, reputation, and competence are not distinguishing characteristics between the two dental patron groups. These results provide some insights and interesting debate about the image and general marketing practice of private dentists and retail dental facilities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The current study determined what preschool children understand about dieting and the extent to which they report engaging in dieting behaviors. METHOD: Forty-two children (mean age = 5.2 years) were interviewed about their understanding of the word "diet" and about food restraint behaviors. Children's height and weight were recorded. RESULTS: Only 17% of the children provided an accurate definition of the word diet (i.e., an answer having to do with the foods a person eats). None of the children mentioned weight loss in their definition. Children reported occasional use of restraint behaviors. Girls and heavier children reported more use of restraint. DISCUSSION: Children did not have a clear understanding of the word diet. Thus, the use of the word diet should be avoided when assessing eating behaviors in preschool children. Individual differences in reported dieting behaviors were in the expected directions, suggesting validity in these reports and early emerging social pressures to diet.  相似文献   

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