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Introduction: Langerhans cells (LCs), specializing in antigen presentation, are a very important part of the skin immune system (SIS). Materials and Methods: Skin biopsies from 22 women with vulvar lichen sclerosus (LS): 15 patients with early and 7 with the late stage of the disease, were evaluated. Five women with vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) were also examined. The control group consisted of 9 women who underwent plastic surgery of the vulvar region. Immunohistochemical staining was performed on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues samples using antihuman CD1a antibody (NCL-CD1a-235, Novocastra). Results: Increased numbers of LC stainings were present in early LS, whereas decreased numbers of these cells were present in late LS and in SCC compared with the control group. Conclusions: This study showed that dysregulation of the SIS may lead to suppression of LCs in the vulvar epithelium and may be one of the reasons for a higher tendency for carcinogenesis in the vulvar region.  相似文献   

Summary Langerhans cells in oral mucosa and epidermis have been identified using antibodies to intermediate filament proteins in conjunction with antibodies to T6 and HLA-DR antigens. Langerhans cells, lymphocytes and melanocytes are positive when tested with antibodies to vimentin, and negative with antibodies to prekeratin. Langerhans cells are also positive with antibodies directed against HLA-DR and T6 antigens. In contrast keratinocytes are positive for prekeratin and negative for vimentin, HLA-DR and T6. These methods provide a useful tool for the identification of Langerhans cells at the level of the light microscope, and have been used to show changes in the number and arrangement of these cells in squamous cell carcinomas of skin and oral mucosa, and in inflammatory conditions.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Lo 285/2-1, Ca 93 1-1) and by the Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsbekämpfung  相似文献   

Summary The antigenic properties of epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) were determined and compared with those of non-lymphoid dendritic dermal cells (DDC), interdigitating reticulum cells (IRC), dendritic reticulum cells (DRC), and histiocytic reticulum cells (HRC) by examination of serial and double immunoenzymatic and -fluorescence stained frozen sections of skin and lymph node biopsies.All of these cell types expressed leucocyte common antigen. LC, DDC, and IRC demonstrated similar antigenic phenotypes (HLA-DR+, Leu3+, OKT6+/–, anti-C3 receptor, R4/23, Ig-complex, M02), whereas the antigenic properties on DRC (HLA-DR, Leu3, OKT6, anti-C3 receptor+, R4/23+, Ig-complex+, M02) and HRC (HLA-DR+/–, Leu3, OKT6, anti-C3 receptor+ R4/23, Ig-complex+, MO2+) were markedly different.These data suggest that LC, DDC, and IRC are closely interrelated cell types, and support the concept that DRC and HRC are unique cell types which do not appear to be related to LC, DDC, or IRC. The lack of labelling of LC with monoclonal anti-C3b receptor antibody, and polyclonal antiserum recognizing C3b, C3bi, and C3d receptors strongly indicate that the EAC-rosetting of LC previously described is not due to the presence of C3 receptors on these cells. Alternatively, LC may express C3 receptor molecules different from those previously identified (C3b, C3bi, and C3d).  相似文献   

An antiglobulin-coupled red cell assay is described for screening monoclonal antibodies against cell surface antigens. A monoclonal antibody specific for rat immunoglobulin kappa chains was coupled to red blood cells and used to detect binding of rat monoclonal antibodies to cells attached to the wells of microtitre plates. The method was found to be simpler and more rapid than the alternative enzyme-linked binding assay and useful for rapid screening and selection of antibodies for use as differentiation markers of human and mouse haemopoietic cells.  相似文献   

Summary: Langerhans cells (LCs) are antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) that reside in epithelia. The best studied example is the LC of the epidermis. By electron microscopy, their identifying feature is the unique rod- or tennis racket-shaped Birbeck granule. The phenotypic hallmark is their expression of the C-type lectin receptor langerin/CD207. Langerin, however, is also expressed on a recently discovered population of DC in the dermis and other tissues of the body. These ‘dermal langerin+ dendritic cells’ are unrelated to LCs. The complex field of langerin-negative dermal DCs is not dealt with here. In this article, we briefly review the history, ontogeny, and homeostasis of LCs. More emphasis is laid on the discussion of functional properties in vivo. Novel models using genetically engineered mice are contributing tremendously to our understanding of the role of LCs in eliciting adaptive immune responses against pathogens or tumors and in inducing and maintaining tolerance against self antigens and innocuous substances in vivo. Also, innate effector functions are increasingly being recognized. Current activities in this area are reviewed, and possibilities for future exploitation of LC in medicine, e.g. for the improvement of vaccines, are contemplated.  相似文献   

目的:探讨喉癌的发生机理。方法:应用免疫组化LSAB法对30例喉鳞状细胞癌人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染、Langerhans细胞(LC)及p53蛋白表达进行了研究。结果:26.7%的病例可以检测到HPV抗原成分。HPV感染的癌旁粘膜内LC数量明显少于无感染者,且形态也发生改变。p53蛋白表达阳性率在HPV感染组(37.5%)明显低于HPV检测阴性组(83.33%)。结论:提示HPV、LC、p53在喉癌发生发展过程中起一定作用,且相互影响,HPV感染引起LC数量减少,局部免疫功能降低,HPV感染还可能通过表达的肿瘤蛋白或其他机制使抑癌基因p53失活,进而导致肿瘤的发生。  相似文献   

Nucleated cells from normal human peripheral blood and bone marrow have been analysed with 2 rat monoclonal antibodies of known specificity, one (YAML 555.6.6) directed against the P28,33 complex (anti-HLA-DR), and the other (YAML 501.4.4) directed against leucocyte common antigen (anti-LCA). The patterns of reactivity with an indirect immunoperoxidase method on fixed smeared cells were in close agreement with those obtained with a fluorescence activated cell sorter. A further new monoclonal antibody of unknown antigen specificity (YAML 537.2) reacts with an intracellular antigen present in neutrophils and their precursors from the promyelocyte stage onwards, megakaryocytes, and a proportion of monocytes, but not with eosinophils, nucleated red cells or lymphocytes. This reactivity could not be demonstrated using the fluorescence activated cell sorter. The immunoperoxidase method allows the identification of individual positive and negative cells and therefore provides a method of identifying minor reactive and non-reactive cell populations in a heterogeneous cell sample such as normal bone marrow. Cytoplasmic binding sites can be differentiated from membrane binding.  相似文献   

Cancer-related cytokines may interfere with the differentiation and migration of dendritic cells (DCs) and with the associated up-regulation of co-stimulatory molecules in vitro. We determined whether cytokines affected the distribution and activation of DCs in patients with colorectal cancer by measuring the levels of serum cytokines [transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)], DC numbers and phenotype from peripheral blood and mesenteric lymph nodes draining the cancer, and the infiltration of DCs into colorectal cancer. A significant increase in the serum level of TGF-beta1 correlated with a significant reduction in the level of circulating DCs in cancer patients that was associated with an increased infiltration of Langerhans cells into colorectal mucosa. The prevalence but not intensity of co-stimulatory molecule expression in circulating and mesenteric lymph node DCs was reduced in patients with colorectal cancer compared to patients with inflammatory bowel conditions. There was no correlation between co-stimulatory molecule expression and serum TGF-beta1. Thus the circulating DC depletion in colorectal cancer could be explained by a TGF-beta1-related DC redistribution from the circulation into the colorectal cancer and adjacent mucosa where DC levels were increased. There was an impairment of DC activation within colorectal cancer that was not related to serum level of cytokines.  相似文献   

Pancreatic acinar cell carcinomas are glandular and have amphophilic/eosinophilic cytoplasm, presenting acinar, solid, and trabecular structures. Unusual histological features of acinar cell carcinoma are known, such as oncocytic, pleomorphic, spindle, and clear cell variants, but their clinical significance has not been well described. A man in his 70s was referred to our hospital because of elevated serum pancreatic enzymes. Contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography revealed slight swelling of the pancreatic head and suspension of the main pancreatic duct in the pancreatic body. He died only 14 days after admission. Gross findings at autopsy showed an ill-defined tumor located in the pancreatic head, involving the gastric and duodenal walls. Peritoneal dissemination, liver metastases, and lymph node metastases were also observed. Microscopically, tumor cells had moderate-to-severe nuclear atypia and amphophilic cytoplasm showing pleomorphism, and diffusely proliferated in solid pattern without lumina, were admixed with spindle cells. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells including pleomorphic and spindle cells were positive for B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 10 and trypsin. Consequently, the diagnosis was pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma with pleomorphic and spindle cells. We encountered a rare variant of pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma with pleomorphic and spindle cells. Clinically, our case showed rapid progression.  相似文献   

目的:比较两株肺癌细胞系(经实验证明为高、低侵袭系)体外培养细胞和裸鼠体内移植瘤细胞的增殖状态;方法:采用激光流式细胞仪,测量单个完整细胞群体的DNA含量,分析其各细胞周期的比率;结果:体外培养的高增殖系细胞,移植入裸鼠体内后其G2/M期细胞比率反而降低,体外培养的低增殖系细胞,移植入裸鼠体内后其G2/M细胞比率反而升高,两株肺癌细胞系的增殖指数间无显著差异;结论:两株肺癌细胞系在体内、外增殖状况的差异性,说明肿瘤细胞在体外增殖速度的快慢不能准确反映其在体内的增殖状态,必须结合肿瘤细胞的其它生物学特性,才能比较准确地分析和判断肿瘤细胞的恶性程度。  相似文献   

目的:探讨l例以卵巢囊肿为首发症状的肺小细胞癌患者的临床病理特征.方法:对该患者的临床表现、病理特征及免疫组织化学表型进行观察、分析,并做相关文献复习.结果:该患者首发症状为卵巢囊肿,囊壁附一灰白结节,镜下为小细胞癌形态,术后结合临床表现及免疫组化表型结果,诊断为肺小细胞癌转移至卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿.结论:肺小细胞癌转移至卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿是一种极罕见的现象,其确诊依赖于临床资料及组织病理学检查.  相似文献   

Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disorder characterized by the proliferation of abnormal Langerhans cells. Previous studies mainly focused on children with LCH. However, there is limited information on the clinical and pathological aspects of LCH in adults. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the clinical and pathological aspects of LCH in Chinese adults. The results showed that the average age of 18 LCH patients was 35.22 ± 16.57 years old. The ratio of male to female was 3.5:1.14 patients (77.8%) had single-system involvement and 4 patients (22.2%) had multi-system diseases. The skin (38.9%) and lungs (44.4%) were the mainly affected organs. No BRAF mutations were detected in the lesions of 18 cases. The number of FOXP3+ Tregs was significantly increased in LCH. In conclusion, clinical features of LCH in adults are distinct from those in children. Adult LCH has a relatively good prognosis and presents as a benign disease. Immune regulation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of adult LCH.  相似文献   

In view of the evidence that cell expression of gangliosides in several tumors is positively involved in the metastatic phenotype, Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) cell line, expressing GM3 as the major ganglioside, was analysed for the cell surface expression of GM3. An indirect immunofluorescence assay, using a M2590 monoclonal antibody recognizing GM3, was used for this purpose. Since the parental 3LL cells consist of heterogenous subpopulations differing in the degrees of GM3 expression, we have developed clones of this cell line with different degrees of metastatic potentials by using anin vitro non-selective procedure in order to investigate whether the expression of GM3 is associated with metastatic potential. The degree of cell surface expression of GM3 among the clones correlated well with their total cellular content of this ganglioside. However, we were unable to confirm the report of increased level of GM3 in high metastatic 3LL clones, nor did a decreased level correlate with weak metastatic ability. In our recent work, an inhibitor of glucosylceramide synthase,d-threo-l-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-l-propanol (DPDMP), was found to decrease the levels of all cellular glucosphingolipids and cause the accumulation of the precursors of glucosylceramide. The present study does not, however, rule out the possible involvement of this lipid family in metastatic dissemination, since treatment of 3LL cells with D-PDMP resulted in significant inhibition of their experimental metastatic potential. Clones expressing very low GM3 grew slowly in culture dishes, suggesting that GM3 may have a regulatory role in cell proliferation. The low metastatic clones expressed high levels of H-2Kb antigen, while the expression of the same antigen on the high metastatic clones was relatively low, confirming the previous observation of this tumor system. Moreover, a clone showing the lowest tumorigenic potency revealed both a high cell surface expression of H-2Kb and a high H-2Kb/H-2Db ratio.  相似文献   

van de Nieuwenhof H P, Hebeda K M, Bulten J, Otte‐Holler I, Massuger L F A G, de Hullu J A & van Kempen L C L T
(2010) Histopathology 57, 351–362
Specific intraepithelial localization of mast cells in differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and its possible contribution to vulvar squamous cell carcinoma development Aims: The aetiology of vulvar squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) that are not causally associated with high‐risk human papillomavirus remains largely elusive. The aim of this study was to analyse the inflammatory response in its presumed precursor lesions, lichen sclerosus (LS) and differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (dVIN), and provide evidence that dVIN is a likely precursor of vulvar SCC. Methods and results: Immunohistochemical analyses for CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, CD68+, S100+ and tryptase‐positive immune cells were performed and quantified in LS (n = 7), dVIN (n = 19), SCC (n = 11), and normal vulvar tissue (n = 8). The subepithelial inflammatory response in dVIN and SCC was comparable, but absent in LS. Abundant intraepithelial mast cells were observed in dVIN only, and confirmed by electron microscopy, toluidine blue staining and cKIT expression. Adjacent keratinocytes displayed increased proliferation as determined by MIB‐1 positivity. Electron microscopy revealed intraepithelial mast cell degranulation. Intraepithelial mast cells were not or infrequently observed in vulvar hyperplasia (n = 13), condylomata acuminata (n = 5), keratinocytic intraepidermal neoplasia of sun‐exposed skin (n = 15), epidermal hyperplasia of head and neck (n = 12), and psoriasis (n = 3). Conclusions: These data indicate that dVIN can be recognized by intraepithelial mast cells and that they might promote the progression of dVIN to SCC.  相似文献   

An immunoperoxidase method has been developed which allows accurate and sensitive quantitation of the binding of monoclonal antibodies to cell surface antigens. Monolayers of fixed cells were prepared in wells of Terasaki micro-test plates and monoclonal antibodies bound to cell surface antigens were identified by the unlabeled antibody-enzyme method of Sternberger (1974). The cell-bound peroxidase could either be quantified per well or visualized on individual cells by the use of appropriate substrates for peroxidase. Experimental procedures are described in detail and results obtained with several monoclonal antibodies with specificity for different target cells are shown. Limitations and applications of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC), a morphologically and genetically distinct subtype of RCC, is morphologically separated into 2 subtypes, type 1 and 2, for prognostic purposes. Type 1 PRCC (single layer of small cells, scant pale cytoplasm) is more common and has a favorable prognosis compared with type 2 (pseudostratified high-grade nuclei, abundant eosinophilic/oncocytic cytoplasm). We report the clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular data of 7 adult papillary tumors with morphological features distinct from type 1 or 2 PRCC. All tumors demonstrated predominant papillary architecture, lined by cells with oncocytic cytoplasm, and nonoverlapping low Fuhrman grade nuclei (1 or 2). Foamy macrophages were noted in 2 of 7 tumors. No case demonstrated necrosis or psammoma bodies. Most tumors (6/7) were small (mean size, 2.0 cm; range, 0.8-5.7 cm) and limited to the kidney. No tumor recurrence or metastasis was identified (median follow-up, 22 months). All tumors demonstrated trisomy for 7 and 17 by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis and uniform CK 7, CD10, and alpha-methylacyl-coenzyme A racemase expression, characteristic of PRCC. These results suggest that these tumors are distinct from type 1 (owing to oncocytic cells) and type 2 (owing to low-grade nonstratified nuclei, low stage, and good outcome). Awareness of this favorable spectrum of PRCC is important to avoid its potential misinterpretation as an aggressive type 2 PRCC (owing to oncocytic cells) or rarely as an oncocytoma (owing to oncocytic cells and low-grade nuclei). Morphologic spectrum of these PRCCs emphasizes that the future prognostic model of PRCC may need to be based primarily on the nuclear characteristics, irrespective of the cytoplasmic features.  相似文献   

Breast cancer with signet-ring cells is very rare. In this article, we present a case of invasive ductal carcinoma with signet-ring cells and mucinous carcinoma components, which could be diagnosed as a primary cancer by immunocytochemical study of fine-needle aspiration cytology material. A 73-yr-old Japanese woman noticed a palpable mass in the left breast. The aspiration cytology disclosed the monotonous proliferation of signet-ring cell with cytological atypia. The immunocytochemical examination of neoplastic cells showed a positive reaction for estrogen receptor. The extensive examination of body before the operation did not disclose any tumors in other anatomic sites. The histological examination of surgically resected breast tumor showed invasive ductal carcinoma with foci of signet-ring cell and mucinous carcinomas. Finally, our preliminary report suggests that immunocytochemical examination of aspiration cytology materials may provide useful information in searching the primary site of breast carcinoma with signet-ring cells.  相似文献   

Patients on hemodialysis are at higher risk of renal cell carcinoma probably because of inflammatory and immune system disorders. The aim of this study was to clarify the pathologic roles of 2 phenotypes of mast cells, mast cell tryptase and mast cell chymase, and their correlation with stem cell factor and protease-activated receptor 2 in patients with renal cell carcinoma on hemodialysis. The densities of mast cell tryptase and mast cell chymase and expressions of stem cell factor and protease-activated receptor 2 were examined in 35 patients with hemodialysis-renal cell carcinoma and 39 with non-hemodialysis-renal cell carcinoma who were diagnosed and treated in our hospital. Protein expression was examined by immunohistochemistry. The proliferation index represented the number of Ki-67-positive cells. There were no significant differences in clinicopathologic features between the 2 groups. Mast cell tryptase densities in intratumoral (8.3 per high-power field) and peritumoral areas (8.7 per high-power field) were higher in hemodialysis-renal cell carcinoma than non-hemodialysis-renal cell carcinoma (2.7 and 5.3 per high-power field). No such significant correlations were detected in mast cell chymase. In hemodialysis-renal cell carcinoma, intratumoral mast cell tryptase density correlated with the proliferation index (P = .039 and P = .008, respectively) and also with stem cell factor and protease-activated receptor 2 expression. Our results emphasize the important roles of mast cell tryptase in cancer cell proliferation and recurrence in hemodialysis-renal cell carcinoma. Stem cell factor and protease-activated receptor 2 seem to up-regulate mast cell tryptase functions in these patients. The results suggest collaborative effects of stem cell factor, mast cell tryptase, and protease-activated receptor 2 on the malignant potential of hemodialysis-renal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

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