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The article generalizes the experience in the use of endoprostheses of carbon materials in fractures of the femoral neck in elderly individuals. Twenty-seven cases are discussed, the average age of the patients was 76 years. Owing to the possibility of forming from carbon materials a device which meets the functional demands of the organs and tissues, such widely encountered complications in endoprosthesis as stretching of the implant's pedicle and destruction of the device were avoided.  相似文献   

儿童股骨颈骨折的治疗   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
魏美钢  王献海  王坤正 《中国骨伤》2001,14(11):662-663
目的:探讨儿童股骨颈骨折的治疗方法与预后的关系,减少儿童股骨颈骨折的远期并发症。方法:26例患儿先行短暂牵引复位后行三枚交叉光滑细克氏针闭合穿针内固定,其中经骨骺型2例,经颈型12例,经基底型11例,粗隆型1例,术后早期不负重功能锻炼。结果:术后24例经1到7年随访分析。全部骨性愈合,据毛宾尧儿童股骨颈骨折疗效判定标准,22例功能良好,无股骨头无菌性坏死发生,结论:三枚交叉细克氏针闭合穿针内固定,早期积极功能锻炼,晚期负重是治疗儿童股骨颈骨折的有效方法,可有效预防远期并发症的发生。  相似文献   

《浙江创伤外科》杂志2007年征订启事   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
2002年1月~2005年6月,我院收治80岁以上的高龄老年股骨颈骨折患者57例,均行人工股骨头置换术,疗效满意:  相似文献   

儿童股骨颈骨折的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨儿童股骨颈骨折的治疗方法及其疗效.方法 回顾性分析1986年1月至2007年12月收治的23例儿童股骨颈骨折患儿,男13例,女10例;年龄3~16岁,平均12.8岁.前10年的13例均为高能量损伤;近10年中5例为滑倒跌伤,对其中3例测量身体质量指数和骨矿物质密度.无移位骨折4例,采用非手术治疗;手术治疗19例,其中闭合复位15例、切开复位4例.手术距受伤时间小于24 h者15例(平均11.2 h),超过24 h者4例(1 d后1例、5 d后1例、7 d后1例、3周后1例).闭合复位中关节穿刺减压11例,关节囊切开减压4例.复位采用1~3枚空心螺钉内固定18例,角钢板固定1例.术后以髋关节支具保护.定期随访X线及MRI,评估骨折愈合及股骨头坏死情况.结果 全部患儿均获随访,随访时间13个月~11年,平均4年.保守治疗的4例患儿,术后出现髋外翻1例、肢体短缩畸形1例.手术治疗的19例患儿,18例骨折复位好,一期愈合,其中轻度髋内翻1例、髋外翻1例;1例复位欠佳患儿出现骨折延迟愈合,经再次手术翻修和植骨后愈合.无一例患儿发生股骨头坏死.受伤超过24 h接受手术治疗的4例患儿,1例发生延迟愈合.轻微外伤患儿的身体质量指数和骨矿物质密度均属于偏低或极低范围.结论 儿童股骨颈骨折应早期诊断、早期治疗,争取受伤24 h内采用闭合或切开复位及钛制空心螺钉内固定,配合关节囊穿刺或切开减压,术后以髋关节支具保护.儿童股骨颈骨折受伤机制的改变可能与儿童身体质量指数和骨矿物质密度改变有关.  相似文献   

2002年1月~2005年6月,我院收治80岁以上的高龄老年股骨颈骨折患者57例,均行人工股骨头置换术,疗效满意。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组57例,男8例,女49例。年龄80~97岁。按Garden分型:Ⅱ型13例,Ⅲ型34例,Ⅳ型10例。陈旧性骨折8例,新鲜骨折49例。伤后至就诊时间1h~2个月。其中48例患者合并高血压、冠心病、心律失常、脑梗塞、2型糖尿病、慢性支气管炎和肺气肿、尿路感染等不同程度的内科疾病,同时合并2~3种疾病45例。术中合并股骨干上段劈裂骨折1例,合并大转子劈裂骨折2例,术后合并深静脉血栓5例,脑梗死2例。材料选用北京蒙太因医疗器械有…  相似文献   

目的探讨老年人股骨颈骨折的治疗及围手术期的处理。方法回顾性分析2003年1月~2006年12月手术治疗的201例老年股骨颈骨折患者资料,其中男51例,女150例,年龄60~98岁,平均78.2岁。按Garden分型,Ⅱ型20例,Ⅲ型86例,Ⅳ型95例。采用多枚中空螺钉固定、Morre型人工股骨头置换术或双极人工股骨头置换手术进行治疗。结果本组患者平均住院10~14d,5~7d即能早期下床活动,住院期间及术后1年内无一例死亡。85%患者获得8个月~4年(平均2年)的随访,功能恢复按Harris评分,优良率为85%。结论老年人各脏器机能衰退,多同时合并各种内科疾病,手术治疗存在风险,但老年人股骨颈骨折的手术治疗仍能取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨治疗青壮年股骨颈骨折的手术方法及临床疗效. 方法对2005年1月至2008年6月行手术治疗并获得随访的41例青壮年股骨颈骨折患者按照"难治性骨折的治疗研究随访表"进行随访,从骨折类型、手术时机、骨折复位质量、置入物类型、卧床时间以及髋关节功能等方面进行评估. 结果 41例患者获得10~52个月随访,平均30.5个月.37例(90.2%)患者在伤后2~5d内行手术治疗,平均3.6 d,Garden Ⅱ、Ⅲ型骨折采用闭合复位钛合金空心钉内固定术,Garden Ⅳ型及陈旧性骨折、病理性骨折采用切开复位钛合金空心钉内固定加髂骨瓣植骨术.术中复位评价平均4.83分,术后平均卧床时间3.5个月.髋关节功能按照Harris评分标准:优21例,良15例,可3例,差2例,优良率为87.8%.Garden Ⅳ型骨折优良率较Ⅱ、Ⅲ型骨折优良率低,但差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.35,P=0.25). 结论早期手术、解剖复位、多枚钛合金空心钉坚强内固定是青壮年股骨颈骨折手术治疗的关键,Garden Ⅳ型骨折髂骨瓣植骨、合理的早活动和晚负重是预防股骨头缺血坏死的有力保证.根据骨折的严重程度制定科学规范的治疗方案和合理的术后康复策略,对提高临床疗效具有极其重要的意义.  相似文献   

Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics, treatment options and causes of misdiagnosis of ipsilateral femoral neck and shaft fractures.
Methods: Among 20 patients with ipsilateral femoral neck and shaft fractures, 19 were treated operatively and 1 was treated conservatively. Sixteen cases of femoral shaft fractures were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with compressive plate, and 2 cases were treated with interlocking intramedullary nailing. Eighteen femoral neck fractures were treated with cannulated screws. Another patient was treated with proximal femoral nail to fix both the neck and shaft. Delayed diagnosis for femoral neck frac-tures occurred in 2 cases preoperatively. Results: A total of 19 patients were followed up. The follow up period ranged from 5 to 48 months with an average of 15 months. All the fractures were healed.
Conclusion: For case of femoral shaft fracture caused by high energy injury, an AP pelvic film should be routinely taken. Once the femoral neck fracture is recognized, operative reduction and fixation should be performed in time. Femoral neck and shaft fractures should be fixed separately.  相似文献   

Technique and results after primary valgisation osteotomy in 41 patients with femoral neck fractures are described. 2 non unions and 9 avascular femoral head necroses were observed. The primary valgisation most probably does not influence the rate of necrosis. When performed by accurate technique it lowers the incidence of non union of the femoral neck. Postoperative leg lengthening is always evident. The most current avoidable mistake is an external rotational deformity. The procedure requires proper preoperative planning.  相似文献   

目的 探讨股骨干骨折合并同侧股骨颈骨折的手术方法及疗效.方法 2004年11月至2009年11月共收治42例股骨干骨折合并同侧股骨颈骨折患者,男37例,女5例;年龄21~84岁,平均59.2岁.股骨干骨折部位:近段18例,中段17例,远段7例.股骨颈骨折按Garden分型:Ⅰ型5例,Ⅱ型10例,Ⅲ型21例,Ⅳ型6例.本组患者均于入院后3 d内确诊,无误诊及漏诊.其中20例患者行人工关节置换治疗,为关节置换组;22例患者行空心钉、髓内钉或钢板内固定,为内固定组.回顾性分析并比较两组患者的疗效.结果 42例患者术后获1~3年(平均2年)随访.股骨干骨折愈合时间为14~24周,平均18周;股骨颈骨折愈合时间为12~20周,平均16周.两组患者平均住院时间、手术时间、术中出血量、术后下床活动时间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).关节置换组术后髋关节功能优良率为95.0%,内固定组术后髋关节功能优良率为72.7%,差异有统计学意义(x2=9.251,P=0.000).两组未发生并发症的患者术后1、2、3年Merchan评分比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论股骨干骨折合并同侧股骨颈骨折的治疗应根据患者的体质、年龄、股骨干骨折的部位及股骨颈骨折的移位程度来确定.对于年龄较大、体质较差的患者,行人工股骨头置换术是一种较好的选择.
Objective To investigate clinical features,operative treatments and outcomes of ipsilateral fractures of femoral shaft and neck. Methods Forty-two cases of ipsilateral fractures of femoral neck and shaft were treated from November,2004 to November,2009 in our institution.They were 37 males and 5 females.Their ages ranged from 21 to 84 years,with an average of 59.2 years.The fracture involved 18upper shafts,17 middle shafts and 7 lower shafts.By Garden classification,there were 5 cases of type Ⅰ,10cases of type Ⅱ,21 cases of type Ⅲ,and 6 cases of type Ⅳ neck fractures.All cases were diagnosed in 3days after admission;there were no misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis.Twenty patients were treated by artificialjoint replacement(replacement group),while 22 patients by fixation with cannulated nails,intramedullary nails,or plate(fixation group).Outcomes were compared between the 2 groups. Results All cases were followed up for 1 to 3 years,with an average of 2 years.Femoral neck fractures united between 12 to 20weeks,with an average of 16 weeks;femoral shaft fractures united between 14 to 24 weeks,with an average of 18 weeks.There were significant differences between the 2 groups in average length of hospital stay,ambulation time,blood loss,postoperative activities and good to excellent rate of postoperative joint function(P<0.05).There were no significant differences between the 2 groups in the Merchan scores 1,2,and 3 years after operation for complication-free patients(P>0.05). Conclusion Surgical treatment of ipsilateral fractures of femoral neck and shaft depends on position of the shaft fracture,displacement of the neck fracture,physical constitution and age of the patient to be treated.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate clinical features,operative treatments and outcomes of ipsilateral fractures of femoral shaft and neck. Methods Forty-two cases of ipsilateral fractures of femoral neck and shaft were treated from November,2004 to November,2009 in our institution.They were 37 males and 5 females.Their ages ranged from 21 to 84 years,with an average of 59.2 years.The fracture involved 18upper shafts,17 middle shafts and 7 lower shafts.By Garden classification,there were 5 cases of type Ⅰ,10cases of type Ⅱ,21 cases of type Ⅲ,and 6 cases of type Ⅳ neck fractures.All cases were diagnosed in 3days after admission;there were no misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis.Twenty patients were treated by artificialjoint replacement(replacement group),while 22 patients by fixation with cannulated nails,intramedullary nails,or plate(fixation group).Outcomes were compared between the 2 groups. Results All cases were followed up for 1 to 3 years,with an average of 2 years.Femoral neck fractures united between 12 to 20weeks,with an average of 16 weeks;femoral shaft fractures united between 14 to 24 weeks,with an average of 18 weeks.There were significant differences between the 2 groups in average length of hospital stay,ambulation time,blood loss,postoperative activities and good to excellent rate of postoperative joint function(P<0.05).There were no significant differences between the 2 groups in the Merchan scores 1,2,and 3 years after operation for complication-free patients(P>0.05). Conclusion Surgical treatment of ipsilateral fractures of femoral neck and shaft depends on position of the shaft fracture,displacement of the neck fracture,physical constitution and age of the patient to be treated.  相似文献   

中空加压螺钉治疗股骨颈骨折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996年6月-2000年1月,我科应用3枚空心加压螺钉内固定治疗股骨颈骨折,取得了较满意疗效,报道如下:  相似文献   

Treatment of undisplaced femoral neck fractures in the elderly   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chen WC  Yu SW  Tseng IC  Su JY  Tu YK  Chen WJ 《The Journal of trauma》2005,58(5):1035-9; discussion 1039
BACKGROUND: While the treatment for displaced femoral neck fractures in the elderly (Garden types III and IV) is quite clear, the procedure for impacted or undisplaced femoral neck fractures (Garden types I and II) is still a subject of controversy. Methods: Thirty-seven (all >80 years old) patients with undisplaced femoral neck fractures were treated with osteosynthesis by cannulated screws fixation. The clinical outcomes were followed up retrospectively for at least two years. RESULTS: The overall union rate was 94.59% (35 patients) at 6 months after primary internal fixation. The overall success rate was 83.78% (31 patients), and the overall failure rate was 16.22% (6 patients). CONCLUSIONS: Osteosynthesis with cannulated screws fixation is a simple, safe, economical, and reasonably effective procedure for the treatment of undisplaced femoral neck fractures in patients older than 80 years.  相似文献   

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