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儿童眼外伤随访分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:分析儿童眼外伤的特点,以利于及时正确的诊治。方法:回顾分析10年来住院儿童眼外伤183例。结果:儿童眼外伤183例占同期眼外伤的19.04%。受伤性质有锐器伤(54.09%),挫伤(27.87%),爆炸伤(12.57)及其它(5.47%)。眼部损害依次为角膜浑浊(46.45%),白内障(33.33%),眼球萎缩(11.48%)及葡萄膜炎(6.56%)。致盲率高达33.88%。结论:儿童的眼部组织较脆弱,伤后更晚引起严重后果,不仅葡萄膜反应比成人严重,致盲率也较高,因此儿童眼外伤重在预防,伤后应积极抢救治疗,挽救视功能。  相似文献   

卢秀珍  毕宏生  王兴荣  崔彦  张建华 《眼科》2001,10(3):167-169
目的:探讨玻璃体视网膜联合术治疗复杂眼球穿通伤伴眼内异物的疗效。方法:应用玻璃体切割术、眼内异物取出术、外伤性白内障摘除术、眼内光凝、眼内充填术,部分病例结合巩膜外加压术等玻璃体视网膜手术治疗复杂眼球穿通伤伴眼内异物41只眼。结果:41只眼异物均一次手术取出,术后视力高于术前者36只眼(87.80%),等于术前者4只眼(9.76%),下降者1只眼(2.44%)。3个月至3年随访期间,无一便发生复发性视网膜脱离。结论:复杂眼于穿通伤伴眼内异物常导致眼内多种组织的严重损伤。玻璃体切割、异物取出等联合手术是准确、安全、有效的治疗方法,可挽救患者一定视功能。  相似文献   

眼外伤住院患者270例统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨眼外伤的危害及临床治疗。方法:对我院1993至1995年度收治的270例眼外伤进行临床统计分析。结果:眼外伤病例占同期住院病例(860例)的31.39%,男220例占81.48%,女50例占18.5%。其中钝挫伤108眼,穿孔伤54眼,眼球破裂外伤性白内障26眼,爆炸伤21眼,球内异物11眼,化学烧伤20服。治疗前视力在0.05以下者134眼,治疗后致盲率为24.07%。结论:眼外伤是主要致盲疾病之一,占眼科住院病人总数16~32%,因此应重视其预防,一旦发生应及时治疗,减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

惠延年  黄蔚  王琳  曹小燕 《眼科学报》2000,16(2):109-111
目的:观察累及眼球前后节的复杂外伤患者施行玻璃体手术联合人工晶体植入的视力效果。方法:对103例(104只眼)复杂眼外伤经一次玻璃体手术联合人工晶体植入的病例进行回顾性研究。结果:本组眼内异物35例,眼球穿通伤37例,无眼内异物的爆炸伤9例(10只眼),眼球钝挫伤22例。除3例儿童视力不能检查外,在100例101只眼中,手术前视力为无光感~指数的88只眼(87.1%);手术后94只眼(93.1%)  相似文献   

目的探讨工伤中视力损害的病冈和临床特点。方法对2008年6月至2009年3月在本医院参加工伤鉴定的102例眼部下伤的病因和特点进行回顾性分析。结果参加工伤鉴定伤者102例(109跟)。男95例(102眼),占93.14%;女7例(7跟),占6.86%。年龄18—87岁,平均(40.16±12.25)岁。机械性眼外伤在丁伤中占较大比例(88.07%),其中重要病因为眼内异物(37.61%),其次为眼挫伤(29.36%)。致伤物中金属器物为第一位(41.28%),其次是石块、木块(13.76%),第3位为车祸、爆炸。视力:无光感16眼(14.68%),光感一数指38眼(35.19%),0.02~0.0518眼(16.51%)。结论伤者多为青壮年男性,工伤对视力的影响极为严重。机械性眼外伤中的异物伤在工伤中占较大比例。,  相似文献   

眼球穿孔伤是致盲主要原因之一,现就我院近15年来住院的305例统计分析於下:一、发病情况:共收住各种眼病2447例,其中眼外伤536例,内有眼球穿孔伤305例,占住院病人总数的12.46%,占眼外伤数的56.90%。二、临床资料:男:女=4.2:1,年龄10岁以下儿童最多,占30.49%,职业:工人首位,学生次之,除2例爆炸伤是双眼外,均为单眼,又以左眼较多。三及伤原因:(一)单纯穿孔伤主要是锐器所致,以石(坭)块占首位,次为刀剪、铁丝。鸬鹚啄伤1例。(二)异物穿孔伤以锤撞敲击引发异物溅伤多见,磁性异物最多。四、并发症:共16种,…  相似文献   

眼内异物的B型超声扫描诊断分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:分析眼异物在B型超声扫描探查中的声像学特点及定位的优势,为临床诊断提供依据。方法:采用眼科专用A、B型两用超声波扫描仪,对38例眼异物进行探查。结果:本组38例中32例经B超探查发现异物回声,异物检出率为84.2%(32/38)其中眼内异物22例(57.9%);眼球壁异物9例(23.7%);眶内异物1例(2.6%)。有30例行X光或CT检查,结果23例发现异物,异物检出率为76.6%(23/30),其中眼内异物16例(53.3%);球壁异物4例(13.3%);眶内异物3例(10.0%)。结论:B型超声探查对于眼内异物,特别是眼球壁异物具有特异性的诊断价值。  相似文献   

德州市眼外伤流行病学调查研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的调查分析德州市眼外伤的流行病学特征和眼外伤的发生特点。方法收集1998年1月至2008年12月共2092例眼外伤住院病例,进行回顾性研究。结果2092例眼外伤住院病例中,男女之比为5.03:1,男性显著高于女性(P〈0.001),左右眼之间无明显差异。发病年龄以青壮年(21~50岁)居多。职业主要以工人和农民为主,其次是学生和学龄前儿童。眼外伤的种类依次为挫伤(41.25%)、穿孔伤(23.47%)、化学伤(12.29%)、破裂伤(10.28%)、爆炸伤(8.17%)和其他(4.54%)。眼外伤常见的致伤原因依次为车祸、拳击、化学药品和爆炸等。治疗后致盲率为8.41%,眼球摘除率为1.78%。结论加强安全教育、重视劳动安全防护对预防和减少眼外伤的发生是非常重要的。早期、及时、有效的药物和显微镜手术治疗是决定最终治疗效果的关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨石油工人机械装修时致眼内异物的治疗。方法:对78例(78眼)眼内异物伤,采用三角函数异物定位器进行定位,确定后立即手术。结果:78例眼内异物手术成功摘出异物76例(98.98%),2例手术未成功,要求转院,4例(4眼)术后因感染摘除眼球。结论:在石油工人中,眼内异物伤较为常见,早期诊治对提高手术成功率,保护视力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

眼外伤是致盲的重要原因之一,而眼内异物对眼的危害更大,因异物的机械作用和化学反应会加重眼组织的损伤。此外,玻璃体积血,化脓性眼内炎和视网膜脱离等并发症的发生率皆比单纯穿孔伤多一倍以上。我院资料中单纯穿孔伤的致盲率为36%,而眼内异物致盲率为50.3%。比中山医学院  相似文献   

目的探讨常熟市眼外伤发生特点、致伤原因、治疗、结果。方法对150例(157眼)眼外伤者性别、年龄、致伤原因、并发症及治疗前后视力等资料进行回顾性统计学分析。结果150例眼外伤中,男女比例为3.55:1。各年龄段均有眼外伤。开放性眼外伤80例(80眼),眼球挫伤70例(77眼)。致伤原因以木块弹伤、金属丝刺伤、金属碎屑溅伤、混凝土块击伤常见。并发症中以前房积血、外伤性白内障、晶状体半脱位、玻璃体积血多见。治疗前盲目率为64.3%,治疗后为22.3%,明显下降。结论眼外伤多发生在户外建筑施工或工厂机械制造工作中,绝大多数是可以预防的,及时有效的诊治、加强生产生活安全教育和工作防护是预防眼外伤的重要环节。  相似文献   

目的 分析急诊眼外伤患者的致伤原因及致盲因素,提出防治措施。方法 对我科2013年2月至2014年1月期间收治的急诊眼外伤患者资料进行描述及分析。结果所有819例(829眼)患者中,687例为男性,占83.88%,男 女=5.20 1;年龄为(34.82±18.20)岁;不同眼外伤类别中,688眼为开放性眼外伤,开放性眼外伤闭合性眼外伤=4.881。所有致伤因素中,金属类占42.49%(348例),其次为植物类(94例)、爆炸物(82例)。将患者按入院视力是否≥0.05进行分组,在两组间差异具有统计学意义的相关因素有受伤环境、眼外伤类型及分类、是否合并眼部并发症,以及是否及时就诊;进行Logistic回归分析后发现这5个因素均为独立影响因素,其中眼外伤类型的回归系数为1.697。将受伤眼按照治疗后视力有无提升进行分组,在两组间差异具有统计学意义的相关因素为年龄、是否合并眼部并发症、致伤物类别、眼外伤类型及分类、治疗是否及时,进行Logistic回归分析后,具有意义的独立因素包括年龄、是否合并眼部并发症、眼外伤类型、治疗是否及时,其中治疗是否及时的回归系数为-0.957。结论 眼外伤以中老年男性常见,类型以开放性眼外伤最多。金属是主要致伤因素。工作中受伤、开放性眼外伤、发生眼部并发症、延迟就诊与视力丧失相关,且开放性眼外伤为最重要因素。而年龄大、发生眼部并发症、开放性眼外伤、延迟治疗与视力无法提升有关。  相似文献   

目的分析对煤矿工人眼外伤各种相关因素,探讨矿区眼外伤的发生规律。方法2008年1月至2013年1月煤矿工人眼外伤住院216例(287只眼)的多种相关因素进行临床分析。结果男女比例为71:1。右眼:左眼为1:1.158。年龄19~55岁平均为(34.57±3.83)岁。致伤原因:爆炸伤、高压喷枪冲击致伤、硬物砸伤、铁丝崩伤、飞屑崩伤等。致伤物:雷管、瓦斯爆炸,高压水、风或煤浆冲击,煤块、矸石及铁器砸伤等。致伤性质:眼球挫伤、眼球穿孔伤、眼部爆炸伤及化学性烧伤等。就诊时间:最多为眼外伤后6h内就诊者149例,占68.98%。结论从矿区眼外伤的各种相关因素的分析中可知大部分眼外伤是可以预防的,以及预防的意义。伤后及时救治,可减少眼外伤致盲率、眼球摘除率。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the nature and types of domestic eye injuries. METHODS: The authors prospectively analyzed data of 100 consecutive patients with domestic eye injury (104 eyes) referred to the emergency room of Farabi Hospital during October 2003. Standardized international classification of ocular trauma (Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology) was used for eye injury classification. RESULTS: Domestic ocular trauma represented 4.85% of all ocular emergencies (2061 patients) referred to the emergency room during that period. Male to female ratio was 1.13 and mean age of patients was 26+/-18 years (range, 1-73). Cornea was involved in 50.0% and sclera, lens, and retina each was involved in 4.8%. There was severe visual loss (best-corrected distance visual acuity <20/200 due to trauma) in 4% of the patients. The most frequent domestic ocular injury was globe injury (93.7%) including mechanical (72.1% closed and 4.8% open), chemical (14.4%), and thermal (1.9%) injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Closed mechanical injuries were the most common type of domestic ocular injury in our series. Considering the high rate of domestic eye trauma among ocular emergency cases, more preventive measures should be taken at home.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ocular trauma has significant impact on the patient's future quality of life. Progress in the treatment of ocular trauma may ameliorate the outcome, but preventive measures are more effective. However, prevention of ocular trauma can only be effective when the current epidemiology of ocular trauma is known. Therefore, we have now collected data on ocular trauma over nearly 20 years. This paper provides an overview on the development of open globe injuries in the past 20 years. PATIENTS: The records of 1026 patients with open globe injuries who were primarily treated at the Universities of Freiburg and Würzburg between January 1, 1981 and December 31, 1999, were sufficiently analyzed. The following parameters were evaluated: age, extent of injury, sex, cause. and activity at the time of injury. RESULTS: After correction for demographic distribution, the risk for open globe injury was highest for young adults and lowest for seniors. In recent years, the risk for severe eye injury is more equally distributed and is increasing for old people. We noted decreasing injuries at work and during traffic accidents, especially for young female front-seat passengers. On the other hand, we observed an increasing proportion of domestic eye injuries related to hobby activities. With increasing age we noted more posterior segment injuries. 9 % of all open globe injuries occurred among seniors (> 65 years old), but 41 % of all ruptures occurred in this age group. Preceding cataract surgery was identified as a risk factor. 38 % of injured persons in this age group had already had intraocular surgery. After the introduction of small incision techniques at the beginning of the 1990 s, the frequency of globe ruptures began to decrease again. 3.6 % of the injured eyes developed an endophthalmitis, in agricultural injuries the rate of endophthalmitis was 12 %. CONCLUSION: There is a relative constant incidence of 3.0 open globe injuries per 100,000 population. The circumstances of the injuries underwent major changes within the period of these observations.  相似文献   

目的调查分析浙江省舟山海岛地区眼外伤的流行病学特征。方法收集2008年01月至2012年12月浙江舟山海岛地区眼外伤7579例(7964眼)的临床资料,进行回顾性分析。结果海岛地区眼外伤以工人为主(95.82%)。致伤环境主要是工农业生产场所(94.87%)。男女之比为6.3:1,左右眼无差别,以青壮年(21~50岁)居多。眼表异物伤发生率高达87.55%,眼表油漆化学性损伤和高压流体击伤发生率也较高。结论眼外伤的发生与多种因素有关,应采取综合措施加强防治。  相似文献   

Purpose To review the epidemiology of serious ocular trauma presenting to Kasr El Aini Hospital, Cairo University. Methods This is a prospective epidemiological and clinical study of ocular trauma patients admitted to Kasr El Aini hospital during a 6-month period; January–June 2000. Cases were analyzed with respect to: (1) demographics, (2) time, place and nature of trauma, (3) type of injury, (4) time to receive care, and (5) management and visual outcomes following primary repair. Results One hundred and fifty three eyes of 147 patients (six bilateral injuries) sustaining serious ocular injury requiring hospitalization were included during the study period. Eighty percent of ocular trauma occurred in men (P < 0.001 chi-square test) with an average age of 22 years (ranging from 2 months to 76 years). There were 123 (80.4%) open globe injuries and 30 (19.6%) closed globe injuries. Of the open globe injuries, 48 eyes (31.4% of all eyes) were ruptured globes and 75 eyes (49% of all eyes) were lacerated globes (37 intraocular foreign bodies, 35 penetrating injuries and three perforating injuries, that is 24%, 23%, and 2% respectively of all injured eyes). Of the closed globe injuries, 5.9% had hyphema (33% of all patients), 4% lamellar lacerations, and 2.5% vitreous hemorrhage with retinal detachment. Most of the injuries occurred (39.5%) and presented (36.7%) between 12:00–5:59 pm. Eighteen patients (12%) presented after 24 hours, and nine patients (6%) 1 week after the time of trauma. Presenting visual acuity in 123 patients (123 eyes) was as follows: 98 (80%), ten (8%) and 15 (12%) patients had poor, moderate and good visual acuity respectively. Ten eyes developed posttraumatic endophthalmitis (8% of open globe injuries). On leaving the hospital, 77.1% eyes had a visual acuity of less then 1/60 (poor), 3.9% were between 1/60 and 6/60 (moderate), and 19% were 6/36 and/or better (good). Fifty-two (35%) patients were lost in follow-up: at 1 month, 60%, 7% and 33% of the rest had poor, moderate and good visual acuity respectively. Conclusion The majority of ocular trauma in our population was due to assaultive injuries occurring mainly in males. Open globe injuries were more common than closed globe injuries, and globe lacerations were more common than ruptured globes. Open globe injuries, especially ruptured globes, had the worst visual outcomes. The initial visual acuity correlated well with the final visual acuity. Immediate and comprehensive medical care is mandatory for ocular trauma patients. Educating the public is essential if we wish to prevent eye injuries.  相似文献   

目的 分析5年间住院眼外伤患者的相关因素。方法 回顾性统计5年间住院眼外伤患者资料。分别逐年比较分析眼外伤所占比例、性别、年龄、眼别、外伤后就诊时间、外伤类型、致伤物、并发症、治疗前后视力等情况。结果 5年来住院眼外伤738例(764只眼)占眼科住院总人数的6.45%,眼外伤所占比例逐年降低。男女之比为4.31:1,左右眼比例相近,受伤年龄段主要为41~60岁,其次为19~40岁。外伤后就诊时间在1d以内者占62.74%。主要致伤物为钝器,其次为锐器及爆炸物。主要外伤类型:眼挫伤占38.64%,角巩膜穿孔伤占17.17%,角膜穿孔伤占11.87%。以前房积血、晶状体脱位、继发性青光眼、外伤性白内障和玻璃体积血为主要并发症。治疗前盲目占68.97%,治疗后盲目占45.15%。眼球摘除61眼,占7.98%。结论 建议加强眼外伤预防知识宣传,做好预防工作,及时有效救治,提高眼外伤一期和二期诊治水平,以降低致盲率。  相似文献   

目的::分析开放性眼外伤的临床特点及术后效果。方法:选取2012-01/2014-12我院眼科病房收治的病历资料完整的开放性眼外伤患者152例152眼,对其年龄、性别、眼别、职业、受伤原因、受伤部位、并发损伤、治疗效果等进行回顾性统计分析。结果:伤者平均年龄40.45±38.32岁,男女比例5.9:1,左右眼比例1.27:1。职业多为工人、农民及离退休中老年人。受伤原因以异物扎伤、拳击伤、摔伤最为常见。受伤部位以Ⅲ区多见。并发症多为虹膜脱出或嵌顿、视网膜脱离、玻璃体脱出、前房积血或积脓、玻璃体积血等。术后86例患者不同程度视力提高,但仍有25眼术后无光感患者依情况摘除眼球。结论:手术治疗可以明显改善开放性眼外伤视力情况并降低致盲率,但伤者多受伤严重、视力提升幅度低,从而给患者和社会带来巨大损失。  相似文献   

Although the incidence of ocular trauma has been clearly described in developed countries, few published data are available on the epidemiology and the effects of parameters that can influence the incidence and severity of ocular injuries in Iran. The present study tried to determine epidemiological aspects of ocular traumatic injuries and evaluate their effects on different types of ocular injury. The case series included 1950 consecutive patients with acute ophthalmic trauma presented to the emergency ward of Farabi Hospital in Tehran. Information was collected by interviewing patients and having them fill in a questionnaire. The final diagnosis was made by a medical resident. If there was a difficulty or doubt in diagnosis or classification, confirmation of diagnosis was made by senior faculty. Ocular injuries were classified into globe and non-globe injuries according to the site of injury. Mechanical globe injuries were classified according to Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT) into closed and open injuries. The mean age of patients was 28.8 ± 12.8 years; 87.6% were male. The most common causes of injury were work-related (49.0%) and chance events (42.0%). The most frequent ocular injury was globe injury (95.6%), including mechanical (77.6% closed and 5.9% open), chemical (7.6%), photic (2.3%) and thermal (2.2%) injuries. Non-globe injury also occurred in 10.8% of patients; both globe and non-globe injuries occurred in 6.5% of patients. The hospitalization rate in all patients was 8.8%. Previous history of eye trauma was significantly more common in the group with isolated globe injuries (P < 0.001). History of eye trauma is a risk factor for globe injuries and female gender is a risk factor only for non-globe injuries. These two factors may predict future eye injury and increase its risk by 5.2 and 1.6 times, respectively.  相似文献   

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