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fagerström l. & glasberg a.-l. (2011) Journal of Nursing Management 19, 925–932 The first evaluation of the advanced practice nurse role in Finland – the perspective of nurse leaders Aims The aim of this study is to explore and describe nurse leaders’ (NLs) experiences of the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs). Background The first group of advanced practice nurses (17) in Finland graduated in 2006 and were thereafter employed by seven different organizations in more or less clearly defined advanced practice nurses roles. Methods Seven nurse leaders at the relevant organizations were interviewed a year after the introduction of the advanced practice nurses role. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results All of the nurse leaders emphasized the importance of the advanced practice nurses role in their organization. The advanced practice nurses’ scope of practice comprised a more autonomous and independent role than registered nurses. Advanced practice nurses are an important resource in the care of patients with chronic diseases and acute health problems. An important aspect regarding support for the advanced practice nurses role is the provision of information to all health-care personnel and patients about the role and clearly defined areas of responsibility. Conclusions Advanced practice nurses are an important resource in the development of evidence-based nursing and improve the availability of health-care services for patients. Implications for nursing management Nurse leaders are responsible for creating sustainable structures and the prerequisites needed for advanced practice nursing through the formation of supportive organizational systems.  相似文献   

设立护理组长实施外科护理人员分层级管理的实践与效果   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目的探索在分层级管理中设立护理组长对外科护理质量及患者满意度的影响。方法通过民主测评、理论技术考核设立护理组长岗位,制订护理组长工作职责并严格考评。结果设立护理组长后调动了护士的工作积极性,提高了护理质量和患者满意度,科室护理质量指标全部达到优秀。结论设立护理组长是护理分层级管理中提高护理质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the assertiveness process in Iranian nursing leaders. A qualitative design based on the grounded theory approach was used to collect and analyze the assertiveness experiences of 12 nurse managers working in four hospitals in Iran. Purposeful and theoretical sampling methods were employed for the data collection and selection of the participants, and semistructured interviews were held. During the data analysis, 17 categories emerged and these were categorized into three themes: "task generation", "assertiveness behavior", and "executive agents". From the participants' experiences, assertiveness theory emerged as being fundamental to the development of a schematic model describing nursing leadership behaviors. From another aspect, religious beliefs also played a fundamental role in Iranian nursing leadership assertiveness. It was concluded that bringing a change in the current support from top managers and improving self-learning are required in order to enhance the assertiveness of the nursing leaders in Iran.  相似文献   

wong c.a., laschinger h., cummings g.g., vincent l. & o ’connor p . (2010) Journal of Nursing Management  18, 122–133
Decisional involvement of senior nurse leaders in Canadian acute care hospitals Aim The aim of the present study was to describe the scope and degree of involvement of senior nurse leaders (SNLs) in executive level decisions in acute care organizations across Canada. Background Significant changes in SNL roles including expansion of decision-making responsibilities have occurred but little is known about the patterns of SNL decision-making. Methods Data were collected by mailed survey from 63 SNLs and 49 chief executive officers (CEOs) in 66 healthcare organizations in 10 Canadian provinces. Regression analyses were used to examine whether timing, breadth of content expertise and the number of decision activities predicted SNL decision-making influence and quality of decisions. Results Breadth of content expertise and number of decision activities with which the SNL was involved were significant predictors of decision influence explaining 22% of the variance in influence. Overall, CEOs rated SNL involvement in decision-making higher than the SNL. Conclusions Senior nurse leaders contribute to organizational processes in healthcare organizations that are important for nurses and patients, through their participation in decision-making at the senior team level. Implications for nursing management Findings may be useful to current and future SNLs learning to shape the nature and content of information shared with CEOs particularly in the area of professional practice issues.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina left New Orleans, Louisiana, USA destroyed by its impact on 29 August 2005. Working during a hurricane was nothing new to these authors. Having lived in New Orleans all our lives, we were used to preparing our homes and our families to weather the storm. Nurses are in leadership positions before, during, and after any disaster. Nurses are called upon to report to duty, leaving their loved ones to care for themselves while the nurses care for the sick and frail in unbelievably difficult situations. The purpose of this article is to share our experiences as nurse survivors during Hurricane Katrina, reflecting on 10 major aspects of disaster planning from the perspective of the "Then" (during the storm) and the "Now" (current recommendations).  相似文献   

设立护理组长在护士层级管理中的实践与体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨设立护理组长在临床护士层级管理工作中的实践。方法对外科病房8个病区试行设立护理组长工作岗位,实行护士长一护理组长一责任护士一助理护士层级管理模式,由护理组长或替班组长实现二级护理质控网,将护理质控前移,确保护理工作质量。结果实行护理组长后护理服务满意度97.3%,比实施前明显提高。结论护士层级管理体现以患者为中心的管理理念,充分发挥各层级护理人员的作用,有利于合理安排使用人力资源,更好实施层级管理,有利于护理人才的培养,推动护理专业发展。  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年科专科护士兼护理组长在护士分层级管理中的作用。方法:分析老年科专科护士兼护理组长在开展专科护理查房,制定专科护理指引及开展多元化健康教育,各层级护士的培训和临床护理核查,建设科室团队文化及实施专科护理文书书写等方面所开展的工作。结果:老年科专科护士兼护理组长在层级管理中提高了专科护理质量,提高了各层级护士的专业理论知识。结论:老年科专科护士兼护理组长在层级管理中能提供更专业的护理服务、规范化的培训,并推动科室团队文化的良性发展。  相似文献   

目的 探究我国在专科护士领域的研究现状,为培养和管理专科护理人才提供参考.方法 采用文献计量学方法,对收录在中国生物医学文献服务系统(SinoMed)、中文科技期刊数据库和中文科技期刊数据库中与专科护士有关的文献进行检索,对其文献数量、年度变化、文献类别、研究对象等进行分析.结果 共纳入符合标准的文献718篇,最早一篇为1992年综述类文献,而后文献数量逐年递增,文献以经验总结和综述类为主,ICU、手术室、急诊、糖尿病、肿瘤领域专科护士为研究热点.结论 我国关于专科护士的探索已在全国开展,但在定位、培训、认证、岗位管理等方面均缺少统一标准,亟待探索适合我国国情的专科护理人员发展之路.  相似文献   

berglund m., sjögren r. & ekebergh m. (2012) Journal of Nursing Management 20, 152–158
Reflect and learn together – when two supervisors interact in the learning support process of nurse education Aim To describe the importance of supervisors working together in supporting the learning process of nurse students through reflective caring science supervision. Background A supervision model has been developed in order to meet the need for interweaving theory and practice. The model is characterized by learning reflection in caring science. A unique aspect of the present project was that the student groups were led by a teacher and a nurse. Method Data were collected through interviews with the supervisors. The analysis was performed with a phenomenological approach. Results The results showed that theory and practice can be made more tangible and interwoven by using two supervisors in a dual supervision. The essential structure is built on the constituents ‘Reflection as Learning Support’, ‘Interweaving Caring Science with the Patient’s Narrative’, ‘The Student as a Learning Subject’ and ‘The Learning Environment of Supervision’. Conclusion The study concludes that supervision in pairs provides unique possibilities for interweaving and developing theory and practice. Implications for nursing management The supervision model offers unique opportunities for cooperation, for the development of theory and practice and for the development of the professional roll of nurses and teachers.  相似文献   

Aim  The aim of the present study was to analyse reactions to ineffective leader participation in an intensive care unit (ICU).
Background  Critical examination of leadership failures helps identify nurse manager behaviours to avoid.
Method  An online survey collected data from 51 interacting healthcare providers who work in an intensive care unit.
Results  Participants reported dissatisfaction with nurse leaders who were perceived as absent or ill prepared. Participants categorized intensive care unit productivity and morale as moderate to low. Multiple regression suggested the best predictor of perceived unit productivity was supervisor communication; the best predictor of employee morale was perceived leader mentoring.
Conclusions  Intensive care unit nurses reported wanting active participation from their leaders and expressed dissatisfaction when supervisors were perceived as absent or incompetent. Ineffective leader participation significantly correlated with lower employee perceptions of productivity and morale.
Implications for nursing management  Senior managers should recruit and develop supervisors with effective participation skills. Organizations primarily concerned about productivity should focus on developing the communication skills of nurse leaders. Units mainly concerned with employee morale should emphasize mentorship and role modelling. Formal assessment of nurse leaders by all intensive care unit team members should also be used to proactively identify opportunities for improvement.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨北京市属医院护士进行规范化培训的效果,以期为规范化培养方案的修订及深入开展提供依据。方法:选取4家北京市属三级甲等综合医院,采用整群抽样法抽取这4家医院2013年新入职护士进行一年的规范化培训,通过问卷调查法对培训效果进行评价。结果 :规范化培训一年后,调查对象的核心能力总分为(80.89±11.42)分,高于培训前的总分(77.97±11.27),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。中专、大专学历的调查对象在培训前后核心能力总得分无统计学差异。本科及以上学历的调查对象,培训后核心能力总得分有所提高(P0.05)。结论 :规范化培训对提升护士的核心能力有积极作用,但是培训效果可能需要一段较长的时间才能完全显现。  相似文献   

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