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Smoking rates among American Indians are higher than any other racial or ethnic group. Focus groups were conducted with 140 American Indian middle school students who were not living on reservations to explore the social context of smoking initiation. Most teens smoked their first cigarettes with friends, siblings or cousins, usually out of curiosity, or in response to peer encouragement. There was no indication of any link between smoking initiation and use of tobacco in traditional ceremonies. Overall, the social context for these teens was very similar to the social context of other teens in the United States.  相似文献   

目的通过对银川地区中学生急救知识技能掌握程度的摸底调查分析,制定适合中学生特点的急救培训课程及培训模式。方法设计调查问卷,对2 112名中学生培训前急救知识掌握情况进行测试,培训后采用同一问卷再进行培训效果测试。培训采用"参与式教学法",使中学生在急救场景设计、技能操作、同学互动中学会急救知识和技能,同时对急救技能操作进行培训前后的效果考核。在2 112名学生中随机抽取12、13、14岁的学生各300名,收集相关数据进行统计、分析,对培训效果进行评价、对比。结果不同性别、年龄、地区的合格率培训前后比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);在创伤、狗咬伤、心肺复苏、烧烫伤、溺水、气道异物阻塞这6个知识点知晓率培训前后在性别、年龄、地区之间比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。76.84%的学生很喜欢"游戏"培训形式,70.52%的学生很喜欢"分小组练习操作"培训形式,63.19%的学生很喜欢"角色扮演"培训形式。结论运用参与式教学法对中学生进行急救知识和技能的培训,效果明显,方法有效,值得在全国推广应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Unintentional injuries are the major cause of death among children, adolescents, and young adults. This article presents an evaluation of an injury-prevention program for 11- to 16-year-old, Hispanic migrant youth. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial with two conditions: first aid and home safety training and tobacco and alcohol prevention. Participants were assessed at baseline, at immediate post-intervention, and at 1-year follow-up. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 660 Hispanic adolescent and parent pairs participated in a program entitled Sembrando Salud (sowing the seeds of health). INTERVENTION: The intervention consisted of two conditions: first aid and home safety training and tobacco and alcohol prevention. Both groups were exposed to an eight-session, multimedia program presented by bilingual, bicultural college students. The sessions consisted of lectures, discussions, and skills development and practice. OUTCOME MEASURES: To examine the efficacy of the first aid and home safety intervention, adolescents were assessed for changes in first aid confidence, knowledge of items in a first aid kit, knowledge of how to respond in an emergency situation, acquisition of a first aid kit, and behavioral skills testing in response to two emergency scenarios. RESULTS: Similar changes in confidence were observed in both groups after the intervention. Participants in the first aid and home safety program were better able to identify items to include in a first aid kit, how to respond in an emergency situation, and reported fewer erroneous victim-caring procedures than the tobacco and alcohol prevention group. CONCLUSIONS: Sembrando Salud was successful at achieving and maintaining change in confidence and knowledge of first aid and emergency response skills over a yearlong period.  相似文献   

目的了解上海市闸北区中小学生校内伤害相关情况,为针对性地制定校内伤害干预方案提供依据。方法运用小组访谈的方法,对随机抽取的闸北区教师、学生分别进行访谈,对访谈资料进行整理和分析。结果大多数教师、学生对伤害的认识不够全面,认知程度有待提高。学校中存在的安全隐患是校内伤害发生的一方面原因,学校环境有待改善。学校虽有开展不同形式的安全教育,但普遍缺乏针对性的伤害预防教育。绝大部分教师、学生认为有必要加强伤害预防方面的培训和教育,对伤害的干预均有需求,特别是急救知识和技能方面的培训。结论应广泛开展学校伤害健康教育及急救知识和技能培训,提高教师、学生的伤害认知水平,同时及时消除校内不安全隐患,控制学生校内伤害的发生。  相似文献   

[目的]了解中小学生的急救知识水平,以便给相关部门日后的工作提供有力的参考依据。[方法]2011年6月,在湛江市城区抽取部分中小学生进行调查。[结果]调查818名中小学生,认为急救知识非常重要的占82.03%,参加过急救培训相关活动的占18.82%,非常需要系统急救知识培训的占46.09%;知道对脊椎外伤如何正确摆放体位的占11.49%,知道什么是心肺复苏术的占8.07%。[结论]中小学生的急救知识知晓率普遍不高,急救能力欠缺。  相似文献   

  目的  调查德阳市社区居民急救知识水平现状并分析其影响因素,为制定培训方案提供参考依据。
  方法  抽取德阳市823名社区居民,采用一般资料调查表、院前急救知识问卷进行调查。
  结果  共回收有效问卷811份。社区居民的急救知识得分为(9.75 ±2.83)分。社区居民急救知识5个维度的回答正确率由高到低排列依次为:急救电话维度正确率为98.8%,意外伤害急救维度正确率为62.8%,气道异物急救维度正确率为47.1%,创伤急救维度正确率为20.3%,心搏骤停急救维度正确率为11.6%。15个条目中急救电话正确率最高为98.8%,心肺复苏术正确率最低为27.9%。多元线性回归分析结果表明:教师、学生、医务人员、警务人员,大专及以上学历和参加过急救培训是德阳市社区居民急救知识得分的影响因素(调整后模型R2=0.481,F=142.176,P < 0.01),以上人群急救知识得分都相对较高。
  结论  社区居民的急救知识掌握情况处于中等偏低水平,政府与有关机构应探索并建立社区居民急救培训模式,加大对现场急救知识的普及和宣传,扩大培训覆盖面,根据不同职业和学历采取不同的培训方式,提升公众急救知识水平,建立居民自救互救体系。

目的:评价儿童意外伤害现状和安全急救教育需求,为学生安全急救教育干预提供依据。方法:采用便利抽样法,抽取延吉市内两所小学的四年级学生及其家长共1 284人进行问卷调查。结果:儿童意外伤害发生率为67.6%,伤害类型以多发伤害为主,跌倒致伤是学生受伤的主要原因。不同性别、学习成绩及学校生活间学生伤害发生率差异有统计学意义。96.2%的家长认为孩子有必要接受应急训练,95%的学生认为所有学生都应该接受应急处理及生活安全培训。结论:将安全急救教育纳入正常教学计划中,开发相应教材及师资资源,建立社会-学校-家庭安全急救教育体系是安全急救教育得以顺利开展的关键。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解三门峡市中小学生的吸烟状况及控烟知识、态度和行为现状,评价以开展无烟学校创建为载体的控烟模式的干预效果。方法 以开展无烟学校创建为载体,利用讲座、同伴教育法、大型签字宣传活动和板面展览等方法,对学生进行控烟干预采用自填式问卷调查方法,分别在干预前后,对学生的控烟知识、态度和行为进行调查。结果 干预前调查1 332人,尝试吸烟率为15.13%,男生尝试吸烟率(26.70%)高于女生(3.96%)(χ2=129.69,P<0.01);干预后,学生控烟知识平均得分由5.06分提高到9.81分(t=4.629,P<0.001),对控烟知识的知晓率均比干预前有所提高(P<0.01或P<0.05),对控烟的正向态度和行为,除了“吸烟对异性有吸引力”一项外,其余项比干预前都有所提高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论 无烟学校创建活动是对中小学生进行控烟干预的有效措施,可以帮助中小学生树立拒吸第一支烟和劝朋友家人戒烟的正向信念和态度。  相似文献   

同伴教育在中学生常见伤害因素干预中的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨同伴教育在中学生常见伤害因素中的干预作用和效果。方法于2006年3月在九江市属4所中学随机抽取48个班,按单纯随机的方法将其中24个班共计1236名学生作为实验组(同伴教育组),另24个班1320名学生作为对照组组。实验组采用同伴教育的方法进行干预,而对照组不采取任何干预措施。干预前后均运用自行设计的调查表进行现场调查,调查表内容包括一般人口学特征、伤害一般知识、态度、伤害发生情况及预防措施等。结果在伤害知识方面,同伴教育组各项答对率均有大幅度提高,答对率均在70.0%以上,与项目开展前比较差异均有统计学意义,而对照组答对率有六项在60.0%以下,同伴教育后与对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义。同伴教育前后总受伤率由51.92%下降到28.61%,差异有统计学意义;同伴教育后受伤率与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义。同伴教育前伤害发生伤害主要表现在运动伤(39.8%)和车撞伤(29.2%),同伴教育后运动伤和斗殴伤明显下降。同伴教育前后伤害发生的地点亦发生了明显的变化,表现在干预前伤害主要发生在校内(52.2%),干预后家中发生地伤害排在第一位。结论同伴教育在预防和控制中学生伤害方面可以起到一定作用。  相似文献   

目的:研制一种叩诊训练辅助装置,以客观评估、规范叩诊手法,提高学生叩诊的准确度。方法:叩诊训练辅助装置主要由数据采集模块、数据处理模块、模型生成模块、控制模块等构成,通过收集高年资医师/教师叩诊参数,建立叩诊动作模型。选取60名医学生作为观察组,应用叩诊训练辅助装置进行叩诊训练,另选取60名条件相当的医学生作为对照组,进行传统教学方式的叩诊训练,并对2组训练效果进行比较。采用SPSS 22.0软件对数据进行统计学分析。结果:使用该装置辅助训练的医学生在平均准确率和合格率上优于传统教学方式,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:叩诊训练辅助装置具有测量、评估和教学的功能,体积小、操作简便、经济实用,在检体诊断教学中具有一定的应用价值,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

目的对佛山市南海区某高中学生运动损伤急救知识知晓情况进行调查,为运动损伤急救知识的普及提供依据。方法 2013年2—4月抽取佛山市南海区某高中学生800名进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷768份。自编《运动损伤急救知识调查表》,包括一般资料、运动损伤急救知识、运动损伤情况。计量资料采用t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果运动损伤急救知识平均知晓率(44.35±12.24)%。曾参加运动损伤急救知识培训的平均知晓率为(45.98±11.01)%,未参加运动损伤急救知识培训的平均知晓率为(43.87±12.55)%,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查者运动损伤发生率99.61%,居前5位的依次是擦伤(93.75%)、肌肉拉伤(55.08%),挫伤(45.31%)、韧带拉伤(35.16%)、撕裂伤(16.80%)。结论高中生对急救知识知晓率低,开展运动损伤的急救培训、探索适合高中生的急救培训模式很有必要,能有效促进高中生运动损伤急救技能的掌握和提高。  相似文献   

孙锋  羌霞 《中国学校卫生》2020,41(2):250-253
探索中学校园欺凌现况及社会生态学影响因素,为中学校园欺凌的防控与治理提供参考依据.方法 采用分层整群抽样方法在南通市主城区抽取1 169名中学生为调查对象,采用中学生校园欺凌问卷及自编相关问题进行调查.结果 初中生被欺凌和欺凌得分高于高中生(t值分别为3.61,2.53,P值均<0.05),普通中学学生得分高于重点中学学生(f值分别为12.52,8.34,P值均<0.01),同伴关系较差学生得分高于较好学生(F值分别为8.98,25.89,P值均<0.01),校园纪律较差学生得分高于关系较好学生(F值分别为8.50,10.00,P值均<0.01),校园欺凌防治政策欠缺学生得分高于政策完善学校学生(F值分别为8.30,2.67,P值均<0.05),父母教育方式为干涉型和忽视型学生得分高于商讨型学生(F=3.66,P<0.05).多因Logistic回归分析显示,高中学段、重点中学、同伴关系较好、商讨型教育方式、校园学风纪律较好、校园欺凌防治政策完善是中学生校园欺凌的保护因素(OR=1.68~4.28,P值均<0.05),性别、独生子女与否是中学生校园欺凌的危险因素(OR值分别为1.54,1.68,P值均<0.05);结构方程模型分析显示,中学校园欺凌的路径是以中学生个体因素为中心,通过与人际、组织、政策等层面因素相互作用产生影响.结论 学校、家庭和社会应从中学生个体、人际、组织、政策等社会生态学层面对校园欺凌进行预防和干预,构建安全健康校园.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe a 4-year intervention targeting fruit/vegetable consumption by high school students. DESIGN: This is a cohort study involving six pairs of schools (n = 12) matched on gender, race, enrollment, and location with schools randomly assigned within pairs to intervention or control conditions. SETTING: Twelve Archdiocese of New Orleans high schools. SUBJECTS: Cohort was defined as students (n = 2339) who were ninth-graders in the 1993-94 school year who provided baseline data. INTERVENTION: Four components of the intervention are: (1) school-wide media-marketing campaign, (2) school-wide meal and snack modification, (3) classroom workshops and supplementary subject matter activities, and (4) parental involvement. MEASURES: Focus groups were conducted for target population input and program development. Process evaluation included student feedback on media-marketing intervention materials and activities reported here. Process measures also included school meal participation, student characteristics, and verification of intervention activities. RESULTS: Focus groups identified barriers to increased consumption of fruit and vegetables as lack of availability, variety, and inconsistency in taste. Student attitudes were favorable regarding a school program to improve diet and parental involvement. Low consumption of fruits/vegetables was reported. After a 2-month school-wide program introduction utilizing various media-marketing materials and activities, 93% of students were aware of the program and 96% could identify the healthy eating message. CONCLUSIONS: Program development can be guided and enriched by student input via focus groups. Media-marketing activities effectively delivered health messages and attracted students' attention. Materials and activities used were acceptable channels for increasing awareness, positive attitudes, and knowledge about fruits/vegetables.  相似文献   

BackgroundPeer education seeks to enroll students in persuasive communication programs aiming at AIDS prevention. Providing information about AIDS prevention methods can lead to behavioral change and also a potential reduction in unsafe sexual behavior, particularly among young people.ObjectiveThis study aims to assess the role of peer education interventions in improving awareness, attitudes, and practices of secondary school students and peer educators towards AIDS.MethodsThis is a pre-and post-study. The study was conducted among 400 students who were randomly selected from 10 gender-balanced schools. They received the information from trained peer educators. 200 peers carried out the intervention (20 peers from each school), which was conducted in phases. The intervention required coordinating with official concerned stakeholders, preparing teaching aids, and four days of training workshops for the peer educators. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science program (SPSS). A paired sample t-test was obtained and utilized to interpret the changes observed in pre- and post-intervention knowledge, attitude, and practice.ResultsThe study showed that the intervention program improved participants'' knowledge from 75.5% to 83.2%. This improvement was with specific regard to the following: the causative agent of AIDs (p = 0.017), which improved from 77.7% to 81.5%; the spread of HIV through mosquitos (p = 0.001), which showed an increase from 12.7% to 23.8%; the program focused on the concept of the HIV carrier (p = 0.001), and also on the AIDS risk when having multiple sex partners, (p = 0.001), showing an increase of 47.5% to 83.5%. Following the knowledge test, the attitudes of students significantly increased from 70% to 83% with regards to youth vulnerability to HIV (p = 0.001), while scored dropped from 15.7% to 8.5% concerning the topic of HIV voluntary testing (p = 0.001). The practices of students changed from 70% to 83% when prompted about shaking the hands of an HIV infected person and also from 84.8% to 87.7% about sharing food with an HIV infected person (p > 0.05).ConclusionThe study concluded that school peer education is an effective approach to inform students of unsafe sexual behavior with regards to HIV/AIDS. It is clear that peer education enables significant improvements to be made with regards to the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the students.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: No information exists on the differences between teenagers with work permits and teenagers without work permits in regards to workplace injury, near-miss incidents, and safety training. METHODS: In May 2003, an anonymous questionnaire was administered to 7,506 teens attending high school throughout the five public health regions of Wisconsin. All students in the participating school districts were invited to respond. The questionnaire included questions about employment, injury, safety and health training, and school performance. RESULTS: Overall, 6,382 teens participated in the survey and 49% reported working during the school year. Seventy percent of all working teens reported having a permit. Females were more likely to have work permits compared with males (71% vs. 68%, P = 0.018). The percentages of teens with permits varied by job and ranged from 55% for teens working in tree-trimming/cutting to 85% for teens working in restaurants or fast food establishments. Teens with work permits were no less likely to be injured than those without permits (AOR = 1.07, 95% CI: 0.85-1.33) and no less likely to have a near-miss incident (AOR = 1.28, 95% CI: 0.99-1.63). However, teens with permits were significantly more likely to be given safety training than teens without permits (AOR = 2.61, 95% CI: 2.21-3.10). CONCLUSIONS: Although teens with work permits were more likely to report receiving safety training than teens without permits, the occurrence of injury was no different among the groups.  相似文献   

目的 探讨问题导向式学习(PBL)教学法在中学生艾滋病健康教育的应用效果,为拓展青少年艾滋病健康教育提供科学性参考。方法 随机选取本地区某中学初一年级2个班102名中学生,分别设置对照组与干预组,对照组采用传统课堂讲授法,干预组采用PBL教学法。干预前后采用同一问卷进行调查。结果 干预后,对照组仅在“艾滋病全称”等6项知识(χ2=6.029~9.434,P=0.004~0.028)的知晓率与“应将艾滋病病人进行隔离(χ2=17.275,P<0.001)”、“应对艾滋病病人关心同情(χ2=5.696,P=0.017)”2个条目的态度正向率较干预前有所提高;干预组在各项知识知晓率与态度正向率较干预前均有所提高(χ2=3.840~23.520,P均<0.001~0.05)。干预前,两组在知识知晓率及态度正向率方面的差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05);干预后,干预组在“艾滋病的全称”等9项知识的知晓率均高于对照组(χ2=4.943~10.183,P=0.026~0.001),仅在“对艾滋病病人具有恐惧感”的态度正向率高于对照组(χ2=11.330,P=0.001)。结论 中学生艾滋病健康教育中,PBL教学法具有更好的教学效果,可以在传统课堂教授法的基础上结合运用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨教学方法,提升教学质量。方法:以南京卫生学校2009级高职康复治疗技术专业37人为观察组,2008级高职康复治疗技术专业30人为对照组,两组学生选用教材、授课教师及学时均相同,分别采用同伴互助式案例教学法与传统教学法,分别评价两组学习效果。结果:观察组理论成绩及综合表现明显优于对照组。结论:同伴互助式案例教学法效果良好,能够提高学习成绩,增强学生临床思维能力。  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study examined medical and dental students' knowledge of preventive medicine. The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge of preventive medicine--both epidemiological and clinical--that students demonstrate as they enter medical and dental school and acquire during training. The results of a two-group (medical versus dental school) by three-time (first-, second-, and third-year level) analysis of variance of students' mean examination scores showed significant main effects for school (F = 28.3, P less than .001) and training level (F = 24.5, P less than .001), and a significant school-by-training level interaction (F = 13.9, P less than .001). Medical students at higher training levels demonstrated greater knowledge of preventive medicine. In contrast, there were no significant differences by year of training among the dental students on the total test or on the epidemiological or clinical subscales. Both the dental and medical students demonstrated greater knowledge of clinical applications than of epidemiological foundations (t = 4.21, P less than .01). Dental students performed better than medical students on items that focused on diseases and risk factors that manifest symptoms more likely to be observed in dentistry than in general medical practice. The findings underscore the need to demonstrate practice relevance when teaching preventive medicine.  相似文献   

Background:  In recent years, a number of tragedies have been linked to the Goth culture. Most alarming have been the acts of violence, suicide, and self-harm found among teens. Teachers, parents, administrators, and fellow students are at a loss on how to relate to such students. They are unsure what role they might play in addressing some of the psychosocial issues they encounter. The purposes of this article are to describe characteristics of Goth teens, identify psychosocial risks for these teens, and describe roles school personnel can play.
Methods:  This article provides a review of the Goth culture, risk factors for Goth teens, and methods school personnel can use in identifying and addressing the psychosocial needs of this group.
Results:  The Goth culture attracts teens who are depressed, feel persecuted, have a distrust of society, or have suffered past abuse. They then surround themselves with people, music, Web sites, and activities that foster angry or depressed feelings. They have a higher prevalence of depression, self-harm, suicide, and violence than non-Goth teens.
Conclusions:  School personnel are in a position to make a difference. By preparing themselves with knowledge, skills, materials, and referral sources, they can serve as liaisons. They have a specific role in advocating for the health and safety of students, identifying students who are at risk, disseminating new knowledge, and providing guidance in the management of the troubled teens.  相似文献   

目的 探讨同伴教育干预方式对小学生口腔健康知识、行为及龋齿的影响,评估同伴教育干预对学生掌握口腔保健知识、形成正确口腔行为的效果。 方法 采用整群法抽取3所小学二年级学生395人,随机分成观察组和对照组,对照组学校常规宣教(老师或者医护人员授课),观察组学校常规宣教和同伴教育(口腔兴趣小组)结合,干预时间约1年。干预前后开展问卷调查、牙模刷牙和口腔检查。 结果 干预后,两组学生口腔知识和健康行为正确率均高于干预前(均P<0.001);除“最易发生龋齿牙齿”,干预后观察组其他问卷项正确率均明显高于对照组干预后的,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。干预后,观察组牙模刷牙合格率(82.51%)高于对照组(59.30%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=26.179, P<0.001),且均高于各组干预前水平(χ2=242.984,P<0.001; χ2=95.404,P<0.001)。干预前后两组乳牙患龋率和恒牙患龋率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。干预后观察组乳龋充填率(42.99%)高于对照组(30.63%),恒龋充填率(59.57%)高于对照组(42.67%),差异均有统计学意义(χ2=15.493,P<0.001, χ2=4.778,P<0.05),且均高于各组干预前水平(P<0.001)。 结论 学校常规宣教和同伴教育结合方式能更大程度促进小学生掌握口腔保健知识、形成正确行为和提高龋齿充填率,同伴教育用于小学生口腔卫生宣教是有效可行的。  相似文献   

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